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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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9 hours ago, delightful said:

So... Lets play some what ifs. As it is right now, episode 8 + ep.9's preview, what do you guys think P'Arthit would do if Kongpope did the following things? What would be his response?

1. Say they are arguing and in the heat of the moment Kongpope just throws caution to the wind and hugs P'Arthit. Like hug him tight and asks P'Arthit to stop hurting his feelings.

2. Kongpope comes to the conclusion that his feelings for P'Arthit will hurt P'Arthit and decides to play nice with May in front of P'Arthit. Remember, Arthit already has Kongpope's gear.

3. Kongpope doesn't tell P'Arthit his feelings, but tells P'Arthit that he has feelings for a guy. Do you think Arthit could figure out who that 'guy' is?



1. I think Arthit would probably at first freeze. Be all WTF is going on!?!??!?! Then tear himself away from the hug with a bellow of "0062 Kongphob! I am you senior, show some respect, go and run around the nearest house 54 times!!", and then try to get as far away from Kong and the situation as he could get. While innerly he would be freaking out. Part of him would be wondering why his heart is fluttering and why does Kong always get under his skin? Another part of him would be a bit paranoid and think whether Kong was genuine or whether this is the revenge of the freshman for the hazing. A.la Kong's promise to make Arthit his wife, and humiliate him again.

We the viewers know that Kong is completely smitten and gaga for Arthit. But from Arthit's point of view Kong has actually always undermined his orders, humiliated him with the very overt snarky sarcastic flirting that no one takes seriously as a genuine confession. So as the head of the hazing team Arthit could very well be confused on whether this is finally  revenge time and Kong is a great actor or whether Kong is being genuine. Either way Arthit would be confused as hell.

2. I wouldn't see Kong using May, for this, he would probably ask the girl who won the Freshy girl award for help. I can definitely see how Kong could give Arthit the impression he is into girls without using any of his classmates.

Arthit would probably just be confused. A part of him would be a bit disappointed by the lack of Kong's attention without understanding why he is disappointed about it. Even bigger part would be probably relieved to be free of the aggressive-public humiliating flirting Kong did.

So I would see Arthit concentrating on his studies, trying to ignore Kong, while all the time wondering why he is a bit disgruntled disappointed in the fact that Kong is not flirting with him anymore. So far Arthit seems to be in quite a denial about his slow attraction to Kong.

3. At first Arthit would try to be supportive of his freshman Kong. He would see it as his duty as a senior to be supportive of his junior classmates in their time of need. Coming out of the closet is never easy. Part of him would wonder who the guy is, all the while hoping and not hoping it is him.

I think wondering who the guy is would start to haunt him, until it hits Arthit that it is probably himself.

Then he would panic, not know what to do, avoid Kong until he comes to the realization he actually likes Kong like that too!

Then Arthit would have another dilemma. I can see Arthit be a bit indecisive in how to let Kong know he likes him back. So far Arthit seems to be very shy/timid when it comes to his personal feelings. While he can be very assertive and aggro in his professional pursuits, in his personal life he seems to be the type who is shy, puts his head in the sand, inexperienced how to handle these types of feelings. So his reaction would be to do nothing, pine after Kong and look from afar even though he knows Kong likes him back. So I think Kong would suddenly one day pick up on Arthit also being attracted to him. It would probably be months after their talk where Kong told Arthit that he likes some mysterious guy. So when Kong one day picks up on Arthits attraction he would just go and take action and make his moves, seduce his senior and bag Arthit as his boyfriend.

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28 minutes ago, fragglerock said:

I am happy people are doing the fanfiction and others are enjoying, so i will ask the question instead of scrolling through the posts and being confused.  Has tonights episode aired yet or do we know if it will air?


There won't be any episode out before mid november (probably 12th november), so until the mourning period ends.

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7 hours ago, delightful said:

So... Lets play some what ifs. As it is right now, episode 8 + ep.9's preview, what do you guys think P'Arthit would do if Kongpope did the following things? What would be his response?

1. Say they are arguing and in the heat of the moment Kongpope just throws caution to the wind and hugs P'Arthit. Like hug him tight and asks P'Arthit to stop hurting his feelings.

2 hours ago, oldgregg said:

1. I think he'd be shocked for a moment, stay still and then almost lift his arms to hold him back. But halfway through the movement he'll realise what he's doing and push him away instead. He'll yell some insults and then walk away. But later he'll think about the moment where he wanted to and almost did hug him back. 


I'd like to answer the 1st question (or somehow a fanfic style :lol:)

When Kongpope hugs P'Arthit. There was a complete SILENCE... :vicx:

Arthit's point of view:

P'Arthit could only hear the heartbeat of the one hugging. As if it telling him something but he can't figured out what. Various thoughts raced through P'Arthit's mind but they never materialized. They just raced through and within, but had never been brought into existence. P'Arthit mouth started to move but no voice could be heard.

Who's Kongpope to me?

What did he do to make me feel this way?

When did this feelings to him started to flourish?

Where would this start?


Time stood still between them. P'Arthit was on total focus with Kongpope and have a wishful thinking that these moment lasted forever... And this time P'Arthit hands started to move. He wanted to reciprocate the gesture of the one hugging. Suddenly half way there, Kongpope break loose, and then ran away. The one left behind, still standing thinking;

"What if I didn't waste time and return the hug he's longing for? When would Kongpope hug me again? So I can hugged him back!"


Kongpope's point of view:

I don't know what comes into my mind and then I realized I'm hugging P'Arthit tight. On his complete silence, I could only hear his heartbeat. It is telling me something but I'm uncertain what is it. All that I am aware of was that I had faded like a rainbow and died like a sunset, and I am faced with this predicament of having to figured out how to put logical and sensible reasons to my existence to P'Arthit.

Who am I to him?

What do I like about him?

When did I started to fall?

Where would this end?


Visions of us engulfed me. Then with regret I released myself to the one I'm hugging. I don't want that my actions, again and again, would upsets P'Arthit. Without a single word, which is not me, I ran away.

"What if I stay and hug him a little bit longer, would I expect and accept the hug I longed for? Could I hug him again? So I can stay!"


Sorry for a quite long post... Enjoy!!! :heart:


I really love Frame X Book here... I really want to see Kongpope X P'Arthit doing such scene :wub:






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19 hours ago, delightful said:

So... Lets play some what ifs. As it is right now, episode 8 + ep.9's preview, what do you guys think P'Arthit would do if Kongpope did the following things? What would be his response?

1. Say they are arguing and in the heat of the moment Kongpope just throws caution to the wind and hugs P'Arthit. Like hug him tight and asks P'Arthit to stop hurting his feelings.

2. Kongpope comes to the conclusion that his feelings for P'Arthit will hurt P'Arthit and decides to play nice with May in front of P'Arthit. Remember, Arthit already has Kongpope's gear.

3. Kongpope doesn't tell P'Arthit his feelings, but tells P'Arthit that he has feelings for a guy. Do you think Arthit could figure out who that 'guy' is?


1: arthit would shove him away....and yell at him with a red as a tomato face.....then dream about the hug at night kekekekeke xD

2: arthit would feel jelly but hides behide a facade of "being supportive of this relationship with may"... But in the end he couldn't take it anymore and will try to do childish things to come between kong and may.

3: artihit would be clueless about it at first but because kong is generous enough to throw him some hints...hell get to know  who that " guy" is...

*Flies away to delulu land*


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Guest delightful

@naboos  @_-Mio-_ @oldgregg @annakas @two5four3 @OTAKU-KUN

Thank you all for your replies. I'm one of those people that think a lot, so I tend to like to hear different takes on the same situation. And I have to say that all your answers were in a way similar yet different from my answers.

Here is my take:

1. Say they are arguing and in the heat of the moment Kongpope just throws caution to the wind and hugs P'Arthit. Like hug him tight and asks P'Arthit to stop hurting his feelings.

I think like most of you all, Arthit would be utterly and completely shocked. Then he would just stand there in Kongpope's hug and realize the answer to his own question of whether Kongpope had feelings for him or not. Kongpope asking him to stop hurting his feelings would also soften Arthit's tough outer exterior. As we all know that he is really a big softie on the inside, I think he would at first feel bad for Kongpope and not try to hurt him anymore. And when Kongpope finally realizes what he has done and pulls away and apologizes profusely, Arthit would try to tell him not to do that again. He would walk away without returning or rejecting those feelings for Kongpope as he doesn't know what he feels at this stage. But he is sure now that Kongpope knows the meaning of giving him the gear. So to me this hugging would replace their 'bed' scene in the actual story.

2. Kongpope comes to the conclusion that his feelings for P'Arthit will hurt P'Arthit and decides to play nice with May in front of P'Arthit. Remember, Arthit already has Kongpope's gear.

Okay, when I wrote 'play nice' I didn't mean Kongpope would full on flirt with May. I just meant that when he sees and or realizes that Arthit is nearby he would be a little more friendly to May as in offer to get her drinks and stuff. I don't think he would ever cross the line and fake liking her. Of course our Aim would look on with a sad expression, but he wouldn't blame Kongpope since it's himself that doesn't have the freaking backbone to tell her his own feelings... Actually, I think Kongpope doing this would make Aim decide to be a little more brave towards May.

Arthit's feelings would be simple... annoyance. Just like that grilled pork incident, he would find something very non-related to the situation and hate on that thing and blame it on Kongpope. LOL! Of course our P'Nott would notice this and tell Arthit it's normal for 0062, who is a healthy young man to court a girl. Arthit would definitely deny the real reason of his annoyance, and blame something completely random like if 0062 wants to pick up girls he shouldn't do it during school or on campus. LOL! And when he runs into Kongpope by accident he would try and pick on/tease Kongpope, but if Kongpope doesn't respond the way he wants him to he'll start to feel that there is something else wrong. And that is when he asks him what is wrong and we get the third question.

3. Kongpope doesn't tell P'Arthit his feelings, but tells P'Arthit that he has feelings for a guy. Do you think Arthit could figure out who that 'guy' is?

Once Kongpope says this Arthit realizes two things. He is happy that Kongpope doesn't like May that way. And two it takes him back to the gear, he would figure it out that the 'guy' is him. Of course he still needs to go thru the process of self denial and all that other stuff, but in the end he will realize what Kongpope actually means to him.

Okay, if you guys haven't figured it out yet... I am crazy for this love story. I confess my sin! I woke up and the first thing I thought of was... should I re-watch SOTUS? Which episode do I want to watch first? LOL! I think I'll try to translate chapter 4 today after taking my meds, hopefully I can post it up by the end of the day. ;) <--- Blame my inner 'Noh' for all these questions, I might actually be over thinking SOTUS on many levels, but it makes me happy when we discuss anything related to SOTUS.


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16 minutes ago, delightful said:

Okay, if you guys haven't figured it out yet... I am crazy for this love story. I confess my sin! I woke up and the first thing I thought of was... should I re-watch SOTUS? Which episode do I want to watch first? LOL! I think I'll try to translate chapter 4 today after taking my meds, hopefully I can post it up by the end of the day. ;) <--- Blame my inner 'Noh' for all these questions, I might actually be over thinking SOTUS on many levels, but it makes me happy when we discuss anything related to SOTUS.

Theres no such thing as "over thinking" sotus. Its called appreciating and experiencing the gift to humanity that is sotus its a  normal reaction B) 

For some reason when I recap all of Sotus episodes in my head during this past week  I think of the various scenes in a different light to how I originally saw it and realise different things. Then I get totally mindblown but then I come back to earth and realise that if I tried to voice what I had just realised it would sound like I realised nothing new? This whole seeing the scenes in a "different light" thing is confusing me haha

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20 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

The next episode will probably be November 12th or November 19th... I'm not sure if the exact date has been announced, but it'll be sometime in mid November :) 

Why so far?:((

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OMG you guyyys another weeks without sotus :tears: These past 2 weeks have been hell for me. I can't deal with this thesis and exam thing, feels like I'm going to die :tears:

This page is like heaven for me with some friends wrote  a little and cute fanfiction :w00t: I enjoyed it very muchh :D

I recently watched a round trip to love, not very happy with it because of the "kinds of rape" scene urrghh

 anyway water boyy is such a cute movie :wub: Ngern and his well built body tho :wub:


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I feel you @shintutmiut.. I hope this cutie makes you feel bettter..



He's been active in facebook for the past couple of hours since before his live video. 

Also, I agree with you about ngern... I've lost track on how many times I've watched Waterboyy the movie.. him and beam are so hot in that movie...

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Guest delightful
4 hours ago, MaguStrates said:

Krist is live in fb being adorable as usual.

I guess it's his free time...He looks  tired..Good thing he can rest today..


I wonder how Krist would react if he ever reads our thread? haha

So.. I just sat here and watched his live chat video, I hate that I missed this because of sleep!!! I shouldn't have slept!! Anyways, here are the things that he said, hopefully this will help you to better understand him. So.. in no particular order.. here it is...

-He's walking his dog in his neighborhood. I didn't quite catch the dogs full name but he calls her 'Stamp/Tam' or something along that line. It's a female beagle.

-He got his wisdom tooth removed and he's only eating rice porridge. He can't talk much or else it starts to hurt. He is also losing weight because of this. He also claims his cheeks are chubby because of the dental procedure. (Krist, you talked a lot in this video dear, I don't even want to know how much you would talk if your teeth was fine.)

-He feels he is not the one that teases Singto, it's the other way around in his head. He says Singto is mean to him... (He's cute when he talks about Singto.)

-Sotus will return in November, not sure which date though.

-The round thing on his necklace is real stone.

-The cast of SOTUS has a dinner date tonight, so he is ready to go after the live chat.

-Dad came out to watch the dog, not him. Dad cares more for the dog than him. (He's such a baby.. so cute!)

-He realizes everyone is on Singto's team, no one is on his side. (LOL! Jealous?)

-Singto might be at the game shop playing games at that moment, but later he says he doesn't know where Singto is.

-He complains when the dad ditches him and goes to talk to the neighborhood rep. (LOL! He's such a whiner... still cute)

-It's hot so he says he might have to shower again before going out.

-Someone asks who Singto is so he tells them to go to twitter and ask, there will be plenty of people to answer that question. (He just doesn't want to say it's his husband. LOL! I'm sorry...)

-He has no make up on!

-His room is messy so he won't show it.

-He says he meets Singto often, if not online then at the game shop. (They hardcore online gaming?)

-He went to New Zealand for summer school back in high school.

-He says he can't live chat with Gunsmile, he already has a hard time when he talks to him normally.

-He wants to go to all these provinces in Thailand that the fans are writing/requesting.. He said he wants to go to Chiangmai the most! (YAY! Hometown spirit for me!!! Chiangmai!!!)

-He said something about a fanmeet with the cast that's coming up, but Singto and P'Off Chumpol won't make it since they're busy. He also says P'Off is very hot right now, he is filming 7 days a week. (Yay! Off deserves all the recognition! I'm sure he's busy filming Puppy Honey with Gun! More kisses!!!)

-When he sees P'Singto he will upload lots of couple photos for us.

-He is born in Bangkok.

-The second batch of gifts from fans are being brought over to him tonight so he will take photos and post it up.

-He also promises to do more live chats. (you guys/gals please stalk him and post here when he goes live again. I hope I'm not sleeping! I want to see him live!)

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12 minutes ago, delightful said:

So.. I just sat here and watched his live chat video, I hate that I missed this because of sleep!!! I shouldn't have slept!! Anyways, here are the things that he said, hopefully this will help you to better understand him. So.. in no particular order.. here it is...

-He's walking his dog in his neighborhood. I didn't quite catch the dogs full name but he calls her 'Stamp/Tam' or something along that line. It's a female beagle.

-He got his wisdom tooth removed and he's only eating rice porridge. He can't talk much or else it starts to hurt. He is also losing weight because of this. He also claims his cheeks are chubby because of the dental procedure. (Krist, you talked a lot in this video dear, I don't even want to know how much you would talk if your teeth was fine.)

-He feels he is not the one that teases Singto, it's the other way around in his head. He says Singto is mean to him... (He's cute when he talks about Singto.)

-Sotus will return in November, not sure which date though.

-The round thing on his necklace is real stone.

-The cast of SOTUS has a dinner date tonight, so he is ready to go after the live chat.

-Dad came out to watch the dog, not him. Dad cares more for the dog than him. (He's such a baby.. so cute!)

-He realizes everyone is on Singto's team, no one is on his side. (LOL! Jealous?)

-Singto might be at the game shop playing games at that moment, but later he says he doesn't know where Singto is.

-He complains when the dad ditches him and goes to talk to the neighborhood rep. (LOL! He's such a whiner... still cute)

-It's hot so he says he might have to shower again before going out.

-Someone asks who Singto is so he tells them to go to twitter and ask, there will be plenty of people to answer that question. (He just doesn't want to say it's his husband. LOL! I'm sorry...)

-He has no make up on!

-His room is messy so he won't show it.

-He says he meets Singto often, if not online then at the game shop. (They hardcore online gaming?)

-He went to New Zealand for summer school back in high school.

-He says he can't live chat with Gunsmile, he already has a hard time when he talks to him normally.

-He wants to go to all these provinces in Thailand that the fans are writing/requesting.. He said he wants to go to Chiangmai the most! (YAY! Hometown spirit for me!!! Chiangmai!!!)

-He said something about a fanmeet with the cast that's coming up, but Singto and P'Off Chumpol won't make it since they're busy. He also says P'Off is very hot right now, he is filming 7 days a week. (Yay! Off deserves all the recognition! I'm sure he's busy filming Puppy Honey with Gun! More kisses!!!)

-When he sees P'Singto he will upload lots of couple photos for us.

-He is born in Bangkok.

-The second batch of gifts from fans are being brought over to him tonight so he will take photos and post it up.

Thanxxxx for d translation dear~~ I can't watch it till d end bcoz of d internet here..*sigh* 

U r d savior~~ *hugs & kisses to u* *hiding in d corner, while giggling & imagining d way Kristt said those, especially when he talked bout Singto~ *I love my life* :D

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36 minutes ago, delightful said:

So.. I just sat here and watched his live chat video, I hate that I missed this because of sleep!!! I shouldn't have slept!! Anyways, here are the things that he said, hopefully this will help you to better understand him. So.. in no particular order.. here it is...

-He's walking his dog in his neighborhood. I didn't quite catch the dogs full name but he calls her 'Stamp/Tam' or something along that line. It's a female beagle.

-He got his wisdom tooth removed and he's only eating rice porridge. He can't talk much or else it starts to hurt. He is also losing weight because of this. He also claims his cheeks are chubby because of the dental procedure. (Krist, you talked a lot in this video dear, I don't even want to know how much you would talk if your teeth was fine.)

-He feels he is not the one that teases Singto, it's the other way around in his head. He says Singto is mean to him... (He's cute when he talks about Singto.)

-Sotus will return in November, not sure which date though.

-The round thing on his necklace is real stone.

-The cast of SOTUS has a dinner date tonight, so he is ready to go after the live chat.

-Dad came out to watch the dog, not him. Dad cares more for the dog than him. (He's such a baby.. so cute!)

-He realizes everyone is on Singto's team, no one is on his side. (LOL! Jealous?)

-Singto might be at the game shop playing games at that moment, but later he says he doesn't know where Singto is.

-He complains when the dad ditches him and goes to talk to the neighborhood rep. (LOL! He's such a whiner... still cute)

-It's hot so he says he might have to shower again before going out.

-Someone asks who Singto is so he tells them to go to twitter and ask, there will be plenty of people to answer that question. (He just doesn't want to say it's his husband. LOL! I'm sorry...)

-He has no make up on!

-His room is messy so he won't show it.

-He says he meets Singto often, if not online then at the game shop. (They hardcore online gaming?)

-He went to New Zealand for summer school back in high school.

-He says he can't live chat with Gunsmile, he already has a hard time when he talks to him normally.

-He wants to go to all these provinces in Thailand that the fans are writing/requesting.. He said he wants to go to Chiangmai the most! (YAY! Hometown spirit for me!!! Chiangmai!!!)

-He said something about a fanmeet with the cast that's coming up, but Singto and P'Off Chumpol won't make it since they're busy. He also says P'Off is very hot right now, he is filming 7 days a week. (Yay! Off deserves all the recognition! I'm sure he's busy filming Puppy Honey with Gun! More kisses!!!)

-When he sees P'Singto he will upload lots of couple photos for us.

-He is born in Bangkok.

-The second batch of gifts from fans are being brought over to him tonight so he will take photos and post it up.

-He also promises to do more live chats. (you guys/gals please stalk him and post here when he goes live again. I hope I'm not sleeping! I want to see him live!)


First of all, thank you so very much. I was distracted by er...work...and was like 54 min late...sigh..sometimes life is just so ...unfair Yiu know? Anyways, thank you for subbing his chat...I mean only you will do this to us...really thanks so very you.

So...Singto will not be going to China with him? Hmmm....TBC I mean what's the point of going to China if krist and singto can't make it no??? That's just my humble opinion. 

He is really like a puppy...playful, whiny, loving and very straightforward. He keeps wiping his sweat with his sleeve and the gesture is so natural. He is very giving with this fans, like honest you know? This is me...take it or leave it. Hahaha...at the moment this is krist, please don't change this honest side of you...it's very adorable.

And singto, do show more love to this boy. Hahahah...

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On 10/21/2016 at 1:33 PM, yana2407 said:

@Nana1313 ikr! He is a good actor! Wish he gets his lead soon! Love his voice thou..sexy i can say! N yes! Go for a guy who can make u laugh! :wub: 

@greenfan oh my! Can i tag along to shop with u n newwie! I dont want to be the third wheel but...cant help it! He is too cute! 

Haha! I can't blame you. And I'm willing to share. How about I take his MWF sked, you take his TThS, then we leave him alone to rest on Sundays? Lol! :) 

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1 hour ago, jujumon said:

-He said something about a fanmeet with the cast that's coming up, but Singto and P'Off Chumpol won't make it since they're busy

thank you for your trans and sorry for cutting your post..

just curious is this about the fanmeet to China since i thought Singto and Off attendance already confirm since the poster show them being part of it?would be such pity if the main couple not together and only Krist is there :(

unless they have another fanmeet idk about..well can't be help if they really busy


Krist such a cute and talkative boy :wub:

glad to see he mentioned Singto a lot lol hope they hang out more often no matter we know about it or not lol im just happy if they staying close friend

Edited by salz
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6 hours ago, shivyn01 said:

Omg it's so cute :wub: His dog is adorable. I just woke up not too long ago and reached your post on the thread, then stopped and watched the whole thing 555

Oh just thought I'd scroll through the remaining two pages to see what I missed while I was away and saw that you translated it @delightful ^^ Thanks! I could pick up the odd word like 'eat' and 'house' and whatnot, but had no idea really about what he was saying :lol: Thank you so much! Unfortunately I was also sleeping when the live chat happened :tears:

I've been reading and loving everyone's posts about those "what if" questions that @delightful posted. Thanks for sharing everyone! ^^ It's like a bunch of mini fanfics :wub: I have to go now for a bit, but I'll come back and read the rest later :) Everyone here is so awesome :D:phew:

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Guest delightful
35 minutes ago, salz said:

thank you for your trans and sorry for cutting your post..

just curious is this about the fanmeet to China since i thought Singto and Off attendance already confirm since the poster show them being part of it?would be such pity if the main couple not together and only Krist is there :(

unless they have another fanmeet idk about..well can't be help if they really busy


Krist such a cute and talkative boy :wub:

glad to see he mentioned Singto a lot lol hope they hang out more often no matter we know about it or not lol im just happy if they staying close friend


1 hour ago, jujumon said:


First of all, thank you so very much. I was distracted by er...work...and was like 54 min late...sigh..sometimes life is just so ...unfair Yiu know? Anyways, thank you for subbing his chat...I mean only you will do this to us...really thanks so very you.

So...Singto will not be going to China with him? Hmmm....TBC I mean what's the point of going to China if krist and singto can't make it no??? That's just my humble opinion. 

He is really like a puppy...playful, whiny, loving and very straightforward. He keeps wiping his sweat with his sleeve and the gesture is so natural. He is very giving with this fans, like honest you know? This is me...take it or leave it. Hahaha...at the moment this is krist, please don't change this honest side of you...it's very adorable.

And singto, do show more love to this boy. Hahahah...

No, he wasn't talking about the fanmeet in China. He read the question in his head and just answered, so I'm guessing he is talking about another fanmeet that's planned for the local Thai people. Either that or there's something else that's less formal and just the cast and crew is invited. He doesn't give much detail and unfortunately I didn't see the question that was asked. I am pretty sure it's NOT the China fanmeet that he was talking about. I'm sure that BOTH Krist and Singto will attend the China fanmeet.

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4 minutes ago, delightful said:


No, he wasn't talking about the fanmeet in China. He read the question in his head and just answered, so I'm guessing he is talking about another fanmeet that's planned for the local Thai people. Either that or there's something else that's less formal and just the cast and crew is invited. He doesn't give much detail and unfortunately I didn't see the question that was asked. I am pretty sure it's NOT the China fanmeet that he was talking about. I'm sure that BOTH Krist and Singto will attend the China fanmeet.

Ok thanks for answering:)

I guess they could have other fan event planned aside from China fanmeet since the drama still ongoing

Off have Puppy and Uprince etc the boy sure is hot item hope he get more popular i really like his acting

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