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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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19 minutes ago, delightful said:


It's too confusing to explain it. 'Mun' and 'Kae' are informal ways of referring to others. Arthit used 'mun' to refer to that junior when he was talking to P'Nott during their conversation. 

Just use 'P' towards older people you are closer to, and use 'khun' to strangers or people you're not close to. It's more formal to use 'khun' then 'P', so if you're meeting someone new or haven't gotten closed to them then use 'khun'. 

Ah thank you so much for explaining :blush::heart:  I now understand it better :blush:

10 minutes ago, jembut said:

I still confused, why in chapter 12 maprang call may using Khun May?(the horoscope scene in library). I think they were close friend right? Why she using Khun instead of Ai to call May

I know right, I heard it too..and also in episode 9 where Arthit called Bright with khun..but i guess he was being sarcastic :flushed:

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4 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:


I mean that he was a bit too direct for me. His expression gave her the reply, so he could have wrapped it up in nicer words. In a previous life I have often been the bearer of bad news. Just to have me at your doorstep meant nothing good had happened. The rest is how you go about imparting the news. Each to his own; there is no manual for every situation and human being.


I think that he has already come to that conclusion. Everything he does 'in real life' shows that. When Plae states that she doesn't like men she immediately adds that her female friends need not have any worries. Would Arthit really, in all seriousness, go to bed with a guy he has doubts about ? A lot of straight guys won't even admit to having gay friends because they are worried about being considered gay by association. But Arthit spends the night, hears the confession and still stays in the bed, gets up and gets naked in the shower. Thus, if Kongpob had fessed up and revealed all it would have made little difference to the outcome. Just added a bit of kilometrage to Arthit's shoes. The prosecution rests m'Lud.

As you realise I could talk for Ireland and am a firm believer in never letting a direct answer get in the way of a rambling explanation.

I think the reactions are different with different cultures. I don't think that even if Arthit was strictly straight he would have reacted that different to the confession. If he was secure enought with his heterossexuality he could have rejected Kong flat and continued in the bed! Sleeping with friends or even just colleagues is common in asian countries. A lot more than in the the west. Sleeping with friends in the same bed here is not ordinary, even when you are a child.

Homophobia is more common on the insecure! If you believe in the Kinsey scale (I do btw) most people have a degree of atraction to your own sex. But homo atraction is kind of taboo so most hide, and deny, and lashes at the smallest hints (or imagined hints) of being THAT way. But if the interaction you are having is not taboo (like holding hands with a friend of the same sex in Korea), you don't have a negative reaction!

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20 minutes ago, delightful said:

The Thai word of boyfriend/girlfriend is 'fan', it's gender neutral. So when Phun talked to his dad he never mentioned what gender his 'fan' was. We all see that Phun was ready to reveal who his 'fan' was to his dad, he kept on holding Noh's hand but of course Noh kept on peeling Phun's hand off. LOL! I love this couple. From reading Love Sick, it's kind of implied that the dad will be okay with whatever gender Phun's lover is. He only wants his son to not regret his decisions and be happy with his decision. 

Awww, I'm so glad to hear that Phun's Dad was okay with it. I was never sure on the show, tbh. That makes me so happy for Phun! I'm really going to have to read all the parts of the translated Love Sick novel that are available... Every time you guys talk about it, it feels like the novel is so much better and deeper than the series.:lol:

20 minutes ago, delightful said:

I honestly started watching My Lil Boy because of the director. I kid you not. I watched Puppy Honey first and then found out he was also the director for My Lil Boy and watched it with VERY little hope, since I don't like GMM TV's high school series. I'm usually a CH.3 fan. But then I sensed an innocence in Bell and S's characters. Yes, Bell randomly picked a guy to prey on because her ex-bf was an a-hole(Sorry White, I love you with Captain but you really messed up in here), I guess I already knew why Bell was doing what she was doing after episode one. I knew she had a hidden motive and I wanted to find out why she was trying so hard. I get that S was 'hot' and attracted other girls, but she didn't seem like the type to just go for a guy because he was popular. It's a light romance comedy, no real lessons taught so it was a good watch on a lonely night. LOL! 

The only problem I had with Bell was when S got injured. I felt she had over stepped her line that time. 

Haha, yeah, that was my reason to watch it too. So, what are Ch.3 series like?

You are right, there really is an innocence to both S and Belle. It really comes out towrds the end. I mean, it's there with S from the start. I could literally envision his mind bubbles go, "Why is everybody around me being so stupid?" because things were always quite obvious and simple for him until he felt love for the first time. With Belle I could sense it in episode 5 and 6, when she takes a step back and, kind of for the first time seems to realize that it's not always all about her, but it's about S and her best friend and so many others too. That was quite heart warming. And before that she pretty much went for whatever she wanted, much like a child would. So, yeah, innocence.

I also completely agree that she wasn't after S because he was popular. Maybe, deep down she subconsciously felt something right from the start, when White's character was being so mean towards S. I just wish it would have been a bit more prominent in her actions/words, and the story itself would have focused less on all the tricks and schemes. But, then again, as you said, it was a light romance, so maybe I had way too high of an expactation.

Oooh, what I did like was that Belle's other best friend (I can't remember her name, dangit), even though she kept acting all annoyed by Taewin's obvious attraction to her, still stayed in touch with him once the reason to do so was gone. That was really sweet. I hope we'll see a bit more of that in the second season... (of course I'll keep watching, because I still want to know what happens next, even though the series annoyed me, lol)

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3 hours ago, butterflymania said:

I had to go to bed earie on Sotusday but watced the series streaming after all ...:sweatingbullets: ( silly me.. I was going to take part in recital as a player the next day...)


I  finally watched ep12 and here's my thoughts...

(Much thanks to @delightful @baw74 for your hard work!!!  You're amazing !! :heart:)

I felt sorry for May when I saw their totally different expressions on their faces in bike scene....:tears:

Kongpope is so kind to everyone that girls tend to think that he likes them....Oh..Mr.heartbraker!! But, I 'd like to say, 'Kong, you need yo know that you're so attractive !!! Don't be too kind!!'  Poor May...but Aim is  there for you :) 


Btw, I got nervous that her sox might smell sweaty ...:crazy::wub: Is it only me????




Shingto gave a wonderful performance as well in ep12. He acts Kong not only in adam's apple and hand but in eye(iris) !!! ( @seoha buddy, where are you?:))

Hope gif works well....


Arthit looked sadin the end of eo12 but he didn't cry... I hope there'll be crying scene of Arthit in next ep.. I wanna see the scene...:wub:


On a side note, I love his writing... does he have beautiful handwriting in Thai?

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And.. I love his looking seen from this angle :heart:

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Along Ep.12 Singto is soooooooo da*n adorable like in every scenes he always impressed me. He totally took my heart

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30 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:


I mean that he was a bit too direct for me. His expression gave her the reply, so he could have wrapped it up in nicer words. In a previous life I have often been the bearer of bad news. Just to have me at your doorstep meant nothing good had happened. The rest is how you go about imparting the news. Each to his own; there is no manual for every situation and human being.

Mmmh, yeah, I can see what you mean. Every person is different and we all need a different level of... softness... put around harsh truths when we face them, don't we?

30 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:


I think that he has already come to that conclusion. Everything he does 'in real life' shows that. When Plae states that she doesn't like men she immediately adds that her female friends need not have any worries. Would Arthit really, in all seriousness, go to bed with a guy he has doubts about ? A lot of straight guys won't even admit to having gay friends because they are worried about being considered gay by association. But Arthit spends the night, hears the confession and still stays in the bed, gets up and gets naked in the shower. Thus, if Kongpob had fessed up and revealed all it would have made little difference to the outcome. Just added a bit of kilometrage to Arthit's shoes. The prosecution rests m'Lud.

As you realise I could talk for Ireland and am a firm believer in never letting a direct answer get in the way of a rambling explanation.

Oh, that's an interesting suggestion. I know that sharing a bed with another guy certainly would bring out that horrible "no homo" in many European and American guys. I don't know enough about Thai culture to say whether that's true there as well or not. I have seen various Thai shows and series (not BL) where straight male characters shared a bed for practicality and there was no hesitation or inhibition. So, I just assumed it was acceptable in Thai culture. But I'd definitely be curious to learn more about how these scenes came across to the Thais on this thread, especially in regards to homophobia.

As for the shower... I think that can totally be seen both as a "feeling comfortable enough around Kong to get naked in his shower" as well as "at least some tiny way of escaping the same room, i.e. rather being alone and naked in the bathroom than dressed in the living room where Arthit has to look at Kong."

But, if what you interpreted is true, if Arthit really already has come to the conclusion that he is okay with it... Then why does he run away in the morning and why does it take him another three weeks of hiding before he talks to Kongpop again?


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37 minutes ago, jembut said:

I still confused, why in chapter 12 maprang call may using Khun May?(the horoscope scene in library). I think they were close friend right? Why she using Khun instead of Ai to call May


26 minutes ago, pixiie07 said:

I know right, I heard it too..and also in episode 9 where Arthit called Bright with khun..but i guess he was being sarcastic :flushed:

I don't know Thai, but I took those moments to be said in a joking way, kind of like how people use "Mr" and "Miss" in English to imply humor and sarcasm when talking to people they really don't need to adress formally.

Like: "Miss May, you better listen to your friend, because she knows best!"

and "My dear Mr. Bright, you should watch your mouth!"

Like, as if your parents talk to oyu and say, "Listen up Mr/Miss Jembut, as long as you put your feet under my table..."

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1 hour ago, tsoon0708 said:

Hmm, the situation between Kong and May is different though. Kong knows for sure he doesn't have any feelings for her. I also don't think he was ice-cold. His facial expression made it very clear how sorry he was, and he said so himself to, he was being honest and trying not to lead her on by giving her false hope. I think he was very gentle in how he handled that. If I were in May's situation and the other person wasn't interested in me, I'd prefer Kongpop's reply over any other option. I'd rather hear the truth and see in their face that they're sure and they're sorry for hurting me, but know where I stand, than any nice ambiguous words that give me more hope and will only make me suffer longer.

This one really hits me hard!!! well base on personal experience... people try to run around the bush... and try to pretend as if nothing happened, or didn't heard anything... I just wanted to say the lines of Aim... "You don't need to like me back... Just don't change..." Unfortunately on his part... he did. :tears:

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16 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:


I don't know Thai, but I took those moments to be said in a joking way, kind of like how people use "Mr" and "Miss" in English to imply humor and sarcasm when talking to people they really don't need to adress formally.

Like: "Miss May, you better listen to your friend, because she knows best!"

and "My dear Mr. Bright, you should watch your mouth!"

Like, as if your parents talk to oyu and say, "Listen up Mr/Miss Jembut, as long as you put your feet under my table..."

Ohh i see, now i understand

Thank you for your explanation

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Good day, im new here so everything is well written in the front page but im just trying my hope that i can find some answer here. 

The ending ost of sotus, i think i just heard in episode 12 that it is acapella and its so good, anyone have the link in youtube or other site? I want to listen to it. Thanks in davance if someone have it.

I would like to thank to delightful and bangrak for all the efforts in subbing the series. 

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43 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:


I mean that he was a bit too direct for me. His expression gave her the reply, so he could have wrapped it up in nicer words. In a previous life I have often been the bearer of bad news. Just to have me at your doorstep meant nothing good had happened. The rest is how you go about imparting the news. Each to his own; there is no manual for every situation and human being.

Wow, wow wow..... It's not like he's announcing someone's passing away.... He just tells her he likes someone else (notice how he didn't say "I don't like you/I don't have feelings for you" btw...) He's not an a$$hole, he's not heartless, he didn't say it too harshly.... and it's not like there's many solutions about saying that in a more smooth way, if I had feelings for someone, I'd like that person to say it to me like Kong did, I don't think he was being cold.... I don't think he should be less direct, I think he did the good thing.... 

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Guest delightful
1 hour ago, jembut said:

I still confused, why in chapter 12 maprang call may using Khun May?(the horoscope scene in library). I think they were close friend right? Why she using Khun instead of Ai to call May

Maprang was teasing May, just like how Arthit called Bright 'Khun Bright'. LOL! And also Maprang wouldn't use 'Ai' for May, girls usually don't use anything in front of their friend's names.

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58 minutes ago, deedeebr said:

I think the reactions are different with different cultures. I don't think that even if Arthit was strictly straight he would have reacted that different to the confession. If he was secure enought with his heterossexuality he could have rejected Kong flat and continued in the bed! Sleeping with friends or even just colleagues is common in asian countries. A lot more than in the the west. Sleeping with friends in the same bed here is not ordinary, even when you are a child.

You could well be right. Personally I would not consider sharing a bed with someone who had unwanted intentions towards me.

We all appear to agree that Arthit would have left after a certain amount of shouting. After that, it is a case of how much time does it take him to do a bit of self reflection and come to a decision. I like to stick with upbeat, which is why I think he would creep back in again.

Even as the scene played out they were together in Kongpob's room for about four hours and we only got to see ten or so minutes of it.

We could all speculate 'til the cows come home. The monster question in my mind at this moment is : regardless of whether or not he stormed out, stayed or whatever, did Arthit ever actually wipe the table down ? :)

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1 hour ago, tsoon0708 said:


I don't know Thai, but I took those moments to be said in a joking way, kind of like how people use "Mr" and "Miss" in English to imply humor and sarcasm when talking to people they really don't need to adress formally.

Like: "Miss May, you better listen to your friend, because she knows best!"

and "My dear Mr. Bright, you should watch your mouth!"

Like, as if your parents talk to oyu and say, "Listen up Mr/Miss Jembut, as long as you put your feet under my table..."

ahh I know what you mean :w00t: I also took those moment as a sarcasm like I have in my country :phew:

Now that you say it, it actually make sense :flushed: Thank you for confirming it with me :wub:

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20 minutes ago, delightful said:

Maprang was teasing May, just like how Arthit called Bright 'Khun Bright'. LOL! And also Maprang wouldn't use 'Ai' for May, girls usually don't use anything in front of their friend's names.

I really didn't know that girls don't usually add anything in front of their friends' names, good to know :blush: Thank you for explaining :heart::blush:

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Heyy guys... This is my first post here.

First I wanna thanks to @delightful for subbing and @baw74 for encoding the vid. You guys are awesome, thanks. 


https://www.instagram.com/p/BEnU8XSSEbj/i just scroll singto IG and found this, is his mom already pased away ? And this is the reason why whenever singto go out he only with his dad ? 


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34 minutes ago, alittlejetty said:

Good day, im new here so everything is well written in the front page but im just trying my hope that i can find some answer here. 

The ending ost of sotus, i think i just heard in episode 12 that it is acapella and its so good, anyone have the link in youtube or other site? I want to listen to it. Thanks in davance if someone have it.

I would like to thank to delightful and bangrak for all the efforts in subbing the series. 

seriously? I don't really see any difference except for the fact that the sound in ep 12 was better.. :crazy:

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I'm so motivated to go through this week safely just to watch ep 13, only 4 days!:wub:

Krist teasing us again...can i just think that he put a kiss emoticon at the end of the caption on purpose just to give us a hint that the kiss will be included in ep 13....?:phew::phew::heart:



+ I guess babe really likes taking such photos........good good I need more pics with your visible tongue don't stop.:sweatingbullets::vicx::heart:



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After watching that episode I do feel sorry for Arthit even more now, I know he is struggling for sure and as he said to his friend its not that he doesnt like him, he is just confused about the whole thing.  Well that confusion compounded big time when they met at the end of the episode its one thing to be uncomfortable around each other.  

Kong was partially embarrassed but partially uncomfortable with seeing him, but he was nervous about seeing Kong, he was very jumpy and not sure where to look or what to do or say.  It was one thing that Kong gave the drink to him, but to do it as a total stranger and walk away indifferent about someone you care about.  That would hurt.

He has seen Kong's personality and that cold and indifference he would struggle with and fear now more than ever he could be loosing Kong.  His face also changed, previously when he thought of Kong it was a longing, missing him but not sure what to do kind of gaze.   This time it was a hurt wounded, what have I done or what do i do.  Thats why i think the next episode is going to be telling.

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5 minutes ago, shinnu said:

can i just think that he put a kiss emoticon at the end of the caption on purpose just to give us a hint that the kiss will be included in ep 13....?:phew::phew::heart:

That was my first thought too amagad *O* I google-translated the caption.... 


เสาร์นี้กับหนุ่มไทค์แดง จิ้บิ  → Saturday is the young red-Aging Products Business Times. 

lmao wtf 


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