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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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37 minutes ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P


I noticed that in the chapter, Kong does the Wai towards Arthit and the hazers but in the series Kong never does this to Arthit.. only the other hazers... Any significance to this or are we finally overthinking everything due the lack of new episodes? :lol:

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

But Kongpope was only 'fighting' back to how Arthit was treating them. If it was you as the freshman and your seniors come and shout and scare you like you're a prisoner than wouldn't you be pissed off too? I would, I think I would of had just gotten up and walked out and never look back. I can't take that crap from people. I would then plan revenge! I know.. I'm evil. :angry:


Arthit got pissed off at him and wanted to punish him, and then revenge but both time Kongpobe "won", thats why i also understand Arthit. True, in a way Kong is also right. Actually neither of them is really wrong and neither of them really started it, as they both wanted to pay back to the other 5555 and Thanks God, cause that how everything started. Lol, yeah i will probably revenge too (evil smile) * lol.

41 minutes ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P


Thank you so much for this, dont overdo u r already helping us a lot, u r already kind enough to translate for us "non thai speakers" ^^. take care of yourself :-)

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50 minutes ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P

thank you so much!! it's so great to be able to read the chapters - the novel really puts context/background to the drama. Arthit getting mad that Kongpope was getting people's numbers/offers for dates instead of just having a lot of signatures :D that scene is so much better now!!

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Aww Krist


It looks like Krist is at a rehearsal or something for graduation??

Meanwhile Singto recently retweeted a video of a cat lying in a box LOL ...I don't know why that made me laugh so much. The video he retweeted:

He seems to really like cats ^^ There's lots of pic of him with them on IG


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1 hour ago, erngust said:

I did have the similar notion that it was a missed opportunity that they could have established right there and then that Kongpop was not a pushover - when I chanced on some comment (outside of soompi) that the "wife" challenge thing just seemed to come out of nowhere. 

Some repartee I would have preferred is to include the following:  Arthit being indignant in Kongpop's seemed defiance in completing the ordered 10 proposals, of which Kongpop will retort that he was just saving the best for last and then sequeing to asking Arthit to go out with him. Flustered Arthit would have tried to assert his authority by insisting that Kongpop's is to ask 10 guys etc etc (that should exclude him something), of which Kongpop would have answered back by asking Arthit whether he's not qualified enough to be a guy to be asked for a date, which then riled up Arthit fully to resort to the "skirt" taunt thingy... culminating in a mischievous smirk on Kongpop's face having successfully found the button to push to counter Arthit's next intimidations. 


well this would be definitely a great scene :wub: I like it when you said "saving the best for last" thingy... :wub: still imagining it atm hahahaha...

@delightful Thanks again for the translation... again I'm not reading any of it atm... well the MAIN novel itself... I cant resist the cravings so I've read Missing You Part 1 and 2 hahaha... then the fanboy inside, what the heck did I just read? And why I am jealous over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER!!!! :crazy:

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1 hour ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P


Thank you so much!!  Please take care of yourself and get better!

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2 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P


Thank you SO much! :wub: and OMG, ofc I understand. Please, first, take care of yourself, get better... and then continue. Don't force yourself!  :heart:

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@delightful Thank you for chapter3 !!! I'll read it from now. Take care :blush:


6 hours ago, taurean10 said:


I'm putting it in spoilers coz too many gifs......and spoilers....so if you don't want to get spoiled don't  look..

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These two are definitely special chapters...First one is maybe Arthit's room after he starts working....and the second one is definitely Kong's dorm room so maybe missing you 1 or 2 or special chapter from the novel.


This is the same scene I think different angles.....this is after Arthit hangs up on Kong when Kong was about to confess again. Kong had been trying to return Arthits books and talk to him about why he was avoiding kong....but Arthit refuses to talk and leaves.When he comes home he sees kong standing on his balcony...he didn't turn on the lights so kong doesn't know Arthit's home. Arthit watches kong from behind the drapes for a while and then calls him to tell him to leave his books at the library he'll get them later. Kong again tries to find out why Arthit's mad...he tried to tell him about his feelings but Arthit hangs up on him....thats why kong looks like he's crying... he thinks he lost his chance of ever getting close to Arthit now.


This is again from special chapter.....I think when Arthit gets them Couple bracelets and tells everyone they are together.


Thank you for the spoilers!!!!!!  Love it :heart::heart::heart:   Poor Kongpope....He's sobbing:bawling::bawling:


@originalnickname Will they send DVD of Uncontrolled love next week?? I'm glad to hear that!!! I 'm waiting someone will post it ,too:P

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24 minutes ago, butterflymania said:


@originalnickname Will they send DVD of Uncontrolled love next week?? I'm glad to hear that!!! I 'm waiting someone will post it ,too:P

They say on the website that they start sending the boxes on the 25th, so for the people living in China they may receive it around that date ;) and hopefully post it..... I need it rn, I haven't watched the movie since mid September because I'm waiting for the uncut+happy ending version #TheThirstIsReal :P

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3 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

I believe that picture of Off was from U-prince :) (I haven't watched any of U-Prince yet, but will do so at some point! I'm definitely watching all the parts with Captain, White, August, Singto, and Off when they come out! Oh and the actress who plays Emma is in it too isn't she?? So many amazing actors in it ^^)

There have been multiple posts in the past about the original SOTUS cast, but I could only find these ones for now. I know that in the past people shared pictures of Arm (his character name is Yacht or something like that I think; the second year who got May and Em to dance for him in episode 1) when he was initially playing the role of Prem.

Anyways here's the posts from page 230 about the original cast:


Yeah and, I guess I already said this, but the guy to the left of Krist was Prem. Hopefully that's helpful :) I have some more "old" Prem pictures saved on my phone if you want.

I didn't know SIngto is in U-prince so thanks for telling me yayyy! Even more reasons to watch it now.

Hmm, but isn't it a little weird? Since krist in under GMM and GMM only took over after awhile into production which resulted in the changing of casts. But i'm still glad that Krist and Singto were the original casts for Arthit and Kongpop hehe! THEY WERE MEANT TO BE.

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3 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P



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9 hours ago, jonginxtaeoh said:

I can't image SOTUS without Singto & Krist but I'm also curious to know who was originally meant to play those roles..


OMG WHICH SERIES!!? I'm so excited to watch it now, P'OFF IS JUST SO LOVEABLE :blush:

@jonginxtaeoh this is from the coming U-prince series..currently they shooting for Ambitious Boss...so i guess Off going to be in it! Yes! He is lovable! Waiting for this badly! 

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4 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P

@delightful truly our angel! I surely dunno how to thank you...can just hug u alrdy! :wub: dont push yourself ok although i believe you enjoy doing this...u must also have a good rest! P'arthit order you so! Heh..heh... 

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1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

They say on the website that they start sending the boxes on the 25th, so for the people living in China they may receive it around that date ;) and hopefully post it..... I need it rn, I haven't watched the movie since mid September because I'm waiting for the uncut+happy ending version #TheThirstIsReal :P

You haven't watch it ? Same here!! I watched  it only once because of such a sad ending.... :tears:

Instead of the movie I watches their interview over and over. They are so cute:wub::wub::wub:


Sorry for off topic :P

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Guest delightful
3 hours ago, erngust said:

this seemed to be another angsty quote re-tweeted by mr drama king (per mr google - talked about being used to be with someone else? :blink:)  


so what does it really translate to, please? :huh:

"suk wun... jah mee kone kone nerng dern kao mah nai cheewit khun lae tum hai khun kid dai wah tum mai khun terng mai kerh pen bab nee kub kone ern lerh"

There's the karaoke version of it. It's a quote from an English phrase? Something along the lines of "One day... there will be someone that walks into your life and make you realize why you've never felt this way about anyone else", is this really a famous English quote? It's not hitting anything in my memories.... :sweatingbullets: I guess Singto likes this quote because it reflects his relationship with Krist? I mean without meeting each other like this, neither of them would know their own feelings. :D If you can't tell... I've got a little bit of a bias.


AND... THANK YOU!!! AND YOU'RE ALL VERY WELCOME!!!! I love that you guys/gals are so appreciative and not rushing me, it makes me want to translate that much more. :D

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8 minutes ago, butterflymania said:

You haven't watch it ? Same here!! I watched  it only once because of such a sad ending.... :tears:

Instead of the movie I watches their interview over and over. They are so cute:wub::wub::wub:


Sorry for off topic :P

Ah well we were off topic so many times in this thread, don't worry :P (but always BL related tho haha)

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I am glad everyone is excited about the show and the characters, but you do know that it gets confusing when there is discussions about the show and about fanfiction as well on the same blog......lol

Sorry but just thought i would point that out as im never sure what being talked about for the show or whats being talked about in fanfiction.......

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6 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:
6 hours ago, delightful said:

Okay, so you guys know the rules. Do NOT upload/share/translate my translations of the novel. Trust me, you really don't want to break this rule. <-- to new downloaders. ^_^

SOTUS the novel : Chapter 3 :  https://mega.nz/#!7M8mmJLQ!AnoBH2cdN3XuicDPTHJlN0e4L2wCY2iMLIm871nbtzk

And sorry for the long wait.. most of you guys/gals knew I was sick. :tears: I feel a lot better now... my cough has gotten very few thanks to the meds, but when the meds wear out I still can't focus until my next dosage. So hopefully I can recover and get the next chapter out soon. I am aiming to get at least 2 chapters out by next Friday, but please don't quote me on it. I kind of want to catch up to the series before it comes back on air. But I feel like I would need to release a chapter a day. My fingers will get really tired if I did that... plus my already mistreated friends will come hunt me down. I'll try my best, hope you guys/gals all understand. :P


Thank you so muuuuch  

Gotta keep that for my travel this week end =D

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