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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 hour ago, premwadftw said:

Hi there! Longtime lurker here, finally decided to take the plunge after the lovely but awkward Prem/Wad pharmacy scene. I don't know what it is about those two but I'm so invested! I think Prem's been attracted or semi-curious since the first time he laid eyes on Wad. His ego just couldn't handle the fact that Wad didn't acknowledge him. I think he realizes now that he went about it the wrong way! There's so much there! You don't see him get that worked up by anyone else. I hope they explore it! 

Thank you all for making this such an awesome place for fans of this show.  Reading each and every new page is such a joyful experience.  :heart:

Hi and welcome!  It's nice to see another PremWad shipper:blush:.

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50 minutes ago, aaza6 said:

So Kongpope gets jealous seeing Arthit chummy with others? Oh... Arthit never wanted to become head of d hazing team?! what qualities d seniors had seen in him to force him to become d leader? 

How was he punished for grabbing Kong's collar?

Yeah....it's like every time Arthit is being nice to others and smiling with others Kong feels he gets all the scowls and frowns and others get to have P'Arthit's smiles and soft voice...so he gets a little frustrated and upset....this happens on the beach and even during the dinner with the same code seniors....Kong saw Arthit smiling with others and he felt a bit upset when Arthit started frowning as soon as he saw Kong come up to to him....

I'm not sure about this but I think it was P'Tam who's wedding they will all attend later, who took Arthit under his wing when Arthit was a freshy...that's why he has a good relationship with him and it was him who kinda pushed Arthit to head the hazing team. Arthit even told Kong he doesn't think he's cut out for it....coz he was too impatient with him and got physical with him on the first day for which he got punished...I think they made him runs laps around the field...

Arthit and Kong have a big nice, quite talk, all alone on the beach....I think it was the first time Arthit talks nicely to Kong that's why kong couldn't help himself and gave his gear to Arthit....which clued in Arthit about Kong's true feelings for him.

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Hi guys!

I just registered on the forum and this is my first post. Whew. (Although, I have been reading along in this thread for a good while now.)

The reason I finally signed up is because I just had to come and say thank you to delightful for all the wonderful subbing she does on SOTUS and interviews and also for translating the special chapters so beautifully. I would have felt so bad, if I didn't say thank you... All your work is SO AMAZING!!! (How do I make a username stand out like in the other posts I saw?)

Also, everybody else in this thread is awesome. I love reading everybody's thoughts and comments. And this forum thread really keeps me sane while waiting for a new SOTUS episode. Quite often people ask questions here, that I myself was wondering as well. So, this feels a little bit like coming home. ^_^

So... yeah, I just wanted to say hi and thank you all for being so amazing. And I hope I can join in here from time to time.

I'm from Europe (Germany, actually) and SOTUS is the first Thai show that I've watched. Like, EVER. And I instantly fell in love with it. The characters are all so beautifully portrayed and the story is soooo interesting (not just the romance - although I LOVE that - but also the whole SOTUS system and how the freshmen's lives revolve around it). I just can't get enough of it. I wish I could speak Thai, or at least understand the Thai writing, as in transfer sounds to symbols and vice versa, even if I don't know the meaning - at least then I could use some software to find out more...

My favorite character - aside from Kong and Arthit, I mean, because who wouldn't love them??? - is probably the one junior who stood before Arthit in the capture the flag stair order. I don't even know his name on the show. The actor is called "Off" I believe? At least I've seen people here calling him that. I don't know why. I've never seen him before SOTUS and his role is relatively small, but he reminds me of a friend I had a couple years ago. Also, in the beginning when I couldn't understand anything in the raw episode versions, I could always understand him, because his facial expressions are always SO telling. I like how ironic and sassy he is. Especially to Arthit. So, yeah, he's my favorite. I would love to find out more about him.

And between Kong and Arthit, I noticed that most people here love Arthit. And I do too (oh, I do!!!), but I actually prefer Kong just a tiny bit more. I like how rebelious he is. What can I say. :)

As for the novel, like I said, I don't understand Thai, so I couldn't read the novel. I hope it'll be translated into English at some point. I will immediately get it and read it!!! I also stayed away from any spoilers about the novel itself, because I want to keep being surprised. The only things I know about it are from some comments from this forum, but... really, not much. I know there's a beach scene coming up and a shopping day and there will be a kiss or something - but that's all I know. And I love not knowing more. So, don't tell me any spoilers, please?

I have read the special chapters though, because I couldn't resist. (And they were so so so so soooooo good!!!) So, I know that Kong and Arthit end up a couple and stay together. And that's perfect! But I don't know what happens between episode 7 and the special chapters and I'm so excited to find out when watching each new episode!!!

Interrestingly enough, even though I don't know many spoilers, I feel like I do understand the raw episodes better and better each week. I think I pretty much understood almost 90% of episode 7... without speaking Thai. I totally think it's because of you guys here! So, thank you for tuning my mind!!!

Yeah, so... as you can see, I tend to talk A LOT. Sorry about that. Hi. :)

Edited by tsoon0708
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2 hours ago, delightful said:

This is the convo between Arthit and Nott... I knew he would blame the pork!!!!!!! Good save there, Arthit. :phew:

A: You, call everyone in for a meeting tomorrow. I'm changing the method to capturing the flag. I'm going to make it very hard for them.
N: What did that Freshman do to you, again?
A: Did you know that 0062 wanted to study economics? He came here because his mom forced him.
N: So what?
A: He said he was transferring!
N: If he doesn't like it, it's only right for him to transfer. Do you remember Ai'Winn? He also transferred to study arts. So what's wrong with you? Why are you so pissed off? Don't tell me it's just because of that reason?
A: Nothing, the pork wasn't good. I'll get going. See ya, thank you.


Someone is in love, but doesn't know it. :phew: Thanks for this tease @delightful! It will keep me alive until you post full subbed episode. LOL :wub:

2 hours ago, Kareezsa Zanoria said:

Yeah, Prem definitely realised what an absolute a*ss he was being to his junior and felt super sad/guilty about it.. which is not entirely his fault either because Wad was equally being an a*ss too lol. I mean i understand it was a misunderstanding from the start (idt they ever cleared that up tbh? lol) but Wad retaliated badly which worsened the situation. I hope for more romance bromance between these two ;)  :P So yeah, after reading everyone's thoughts i have a feeling it might be like a earn/pete situation.. all ambiguous and stuff at most :tears:

hahaha omg. Our poor little Arthit doesn't even realise his own feelings and why he's so affected by the idea of Kong leaving >.<; gahh

Also with how fast this series is going, i reaaally hope they dont try to fill up the episodes by dragging out the angst between Kongpope and Arthit- that's like the worst case scenario, because honestly i dont think my heart will be able to take so much angst :tears:


This is SO ME. I don't want this to happen. NOOOO :tears::( *same feels* #ourpoorhearts 

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7 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:

Hi guys!

I just registered on the forum and this is my first post. Whew. (Although, I have been reading along in this thread for a good while now.)

The reason I finally signed up is because I just had to come and say thank you to delightful for all the wonderful subbing she does on SOTUS and interviews and also for translating the special chapters so beautifully. I would have felt so bad, if I didn't say thank you... All your work is SO AMAZING!!! (How do I make a username stand out like in the other posts I saw?)

Also, everybody else in this thread is awesome. I love reading everybody's thoughts and comments. And this forum thread really keeps me sane while waiting for a new SOTUS episode. Quite often people ask questions here, that I myself was wondering as well. So, this feels a little bit like coming home. ^_^

So... yeah, I just wanted to say hi and thank you all for being so amazing. And I hope I can join in here from time to time.

I'm from Europe (Germany, actually) and SOTUS is the first Thai show that I've watched. Like, EVER. And I instantly fell in love with it. The characters are all so beautifully portrayed and the story is soooo interesting (not just the romance - although I LOVE that - but also the whole SOTUS system and how the freshmen's lives revolve around it). I just can't get enough of it. I wish I could speak Thai, or at least understand the Thai writing, as in transfer sounds to symbols and vice versa, even if I don't know the meaning - at least then I could use some software to find out more...

My favorite character - aside from Kong and Arthit, I mean, because who wouldn't love them??? - is probably the one junior who stood before Arthit in the capture the flag stair order. I don't even know his name on the show. The actor is called "Off" I believe? At least I've seen people here calling him that. I don't know why. I've never seen him before SOTUS and his role is relatively small, but he reminds me of a friend I had a couple years ago. Also, in the beginning when I couldn't understand anything in the raw episode versions, I could always understand him, because his facial expressions are always SO telling. I like how ironic and sassy he is. Especially to Arthit. So, yeah, he's my favorite. I would love to find out more about him.

And between Kong and Arthit, I noticed that most people here love Arthit. And I do too (oh, I do!!!), but I actually prefer Kong just a tiny bit more. I like how rebelious he is. What can I say. :)

As for the novel, like I said, I don't understand Thai, so I couldn't read the novel. I hope it'll be translated into English at some point. I will immediately get it and read it!!! I also stayed away from any spoilers about the novel itself, because I want to keep being surprised. The only things I know about it are from some comments from this forum, but... really, not much. I know there's a beach scene coming up and a shopping day and there will be a kiss or something - but that's all I know. And I love not knowing more. So, don't tell me any spoilers, please?

I have read the special chapters though, because I couldn't resist. (And they were so so so so soooooo good!!!) So, I know that Kong and Arthit end up a couple and stay together. And that's perfect! But I don't know what happens between episode 7 and the special chapters and I'm so excited to find out when watching each new episode!!!

Interrestingly enough, even though I don't know many spoilers, I feel like I do understand the raw episodes better and better each week. I think I pretty much understood almost 90% of episode 7... without speaking Thai. I totally think it's because of you guys here! So, thank you for tuning my mind!!!

Yeah, so... as you can see, I tend to talk A LOT. Sorry about that. Hi. :)

welcome to the thread. hope from now on we can talk all about SOTUS here :blush: i hope they will translate the novel officially too so that i will buy it immediately. lets hope for the best :D

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9 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:

Hi guys!

I just registered on the forum and this is my first post. Whew. (Although, I have been reading along in this thread for a good while now.)

The reason I finally signed up is because I just had to come and say thank you to delightful for all the wonderful subbing she does on SOTUS and interviews and also for translating the special chapters so beautifully. I would have felt so bad, if I didn't say thank you... All your work is SO AMAZING!!! (How do I make a username stand out like in the other posts I saw?)

Also, everybody else in this thread is awesome. I love reading everybody's thoughts and comments. And this forum thread really keeps me sane while waiting for a new SOTUS episode. Quite often people ask questions here, that I myself was wondering as well. So, this feels a little bit like coming home. ^_^

So... yeah, I just wanted to say hi and thank you all for being so amazing. And I hope I can join in here from time to time.

I'm from Europe (Germany, actually) and SOTUS is the first Thai show that I've watched. Like, EVER. And I instantly fell in love with it. The characters are all so beautifully portrayed and the story is soooo interesting (not just the romance - although I LOVE that - but also the whole SOTUS system and how the freshmen's lives revolve around it). I just can't get enough of it. I wish I could speak Thai, or at least understand the Thai writing, as in transfer sounds to symbols and vice versa, even if I don't know the meaning - at least then I could use some software to find out more...

My favorite character - aside from Kong and Arthit, I mean, because who wouldn't love them??? - is probably the one junior who stood before Arthit in the capture the flag stair order. I don't even know his name on the show. The actor is called "Off" I believe? At least I've seen people here calling him that. I don't know why. I've never seen him before SOTUS and his role is relatively small, but he reminds me of a friend I had a couple years ago. Also, in the beginning when I couldn't understand anything in the raw episode versions, I could always understand him, because his facial expressions are always SO telling. I like how ironic and sassy he is. Especially to Arthit. So, yeah, he's my favorite. I would love to find out more about him.

And between Kong and Arthit, I noticed that most people here love Arthit. And I do too (oh, I do!!!), but I actually prefer Kong just a tiny bit more. I like how rebelious he is. What can I say. :)

As for the novel, like I said, I don't understand Thai, so I couldn't read the novel. I hope it'll be translated into English at some point. I will immediately get it and read it!!! I also stayed away from any spoilers about the novel itself, because I want to keep being surprised. The only things I know about it are from some comments from this forum, but... really, not much. I know there's a beach scene coming up and a shopping day and there will be a kiss or something - but that's all I know. And I love not knowing more. So, don't tell me any spoilers, please?

I have read the special chapters though, because I couldn't resist. (And they were so so so so soooooo good!!!) So, I know that Kong and Arthit end up a couple and stay together. And that's perfect! But I don't know what happens between episode 7 and the special chapters and I'm so excited to find out when watching each new episode!!!

Interrestingly enough, even though I don't know many spoilers, I feel like I do understand the raw episodes better and better each week. I think I pretty much understood almost 90% of episode 7... without speaking Thai. I totally think it's because of you guys here! So, thank you for tuning my mind!!!

Yeah, so... as you can see, I tend to talk A LOT. Sorry about that. Hi. :)


Hello welcome!! I love Off too, his expressions are so damn funny and on point. But I'm the opposite in that I want alll the spoilersss because I just can't help my curiosity. I wish I knew Thai but I'm already learning German right now - your language is very interesting! I love finding similarities and differences and the origins of words especially. So many looong compound words. Anyway, I hope you'll have as good of a time as we all do every week watching episodes and every possible video of Krist and Singto. Auf wiedersehen!(?)

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I'm still holding out hope for Prem and Wad being a couple. Like aren't Em and May not really part of the novel (correct me if I'm wrong on this idk). Like to be honest I'll kind of be upset if they give more screen time and make them a couple just because they are straight. Like Prem and Wad have the chemistry together, all they need to do is develop them a bit more and give them more screen time to really talk to each other and bam, they'd be a great couple. 

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48 minutes ago, tammy_P said:


Heartfelt offer ... The exhausting night of flag capturing ceremony comes to an end but the path of happiness's just begun. Beautiful smile is the result of sweat and blood. Tears of joy is pouring down and is glittering under the flame of thousand candles. You can find such amazing pictures here in this place, faculty of Engineering. Traditional welcoming ceremony started at the time when seniors give freshmen a bless for them to spend a happy uni's life through this 4 years. I want "him" to be the first on who give me a bless. There you go. I saw him beside the football yard trying to wipe tears on his face. 

KP : P'Arthit ..

AT : What's the matter this time ?

KP : Could you tide this for me ?

AT : So you follow me here ? OK I give up ! I wish you luck with everything in 4 years of uni's life and the flag is now on you guys' guardian. 

KP : I have an offer ...

AT : WTH ? You and me are f**ing tired and now what !!! 

KP : I have an offer .... I want to take care of you from now to forever until death do us part ... Do you agree with that, P'Arthit ?

AT : Kongphop ... come here .. closer   

:wub: :wub:

AT : You got it, right ? My answer. :wub:

KP : :) Yes, cystal ...

That is !!! That's my lifetime offer and I will be responsible for it with my heart and soul.

#evil senior gets the guy #what !!! what !!! what're you telling your hubby ? #dying to knowwww #what're you doing? #curiosityis killing me #hello !! anyone pls clarify !!  

P'Tuta.. I'm also dying to know.... 

Read P'Tuta ig really like read a mini fanfic.. always can't wait for a update about #evil senior gets the guy story... 

Thank you @tammy_P for a better translation...

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Guest delightful

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPISODE 7 is translated!!! Now, time for bed! I will try to time tomorrow morning! Sorry for the wait guys!

And welcome to the new member! You're very welcome! Please stay with us for a long time!

GOODNITE!!!!!!!!! :P

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16 minutes ago, jia_k said:

You guys have to check out this girl's reaction to episode 1! lol she's one of us now :lol:



OMGGGG thanks for sharing. Her reactions are just HILARIOUS! :lol::D

6 minutes ago, delightful said:

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPISODE 7 is translated!!! Now, time for bed! I will try to time tomorrow morning! Sorry for the wait guys!

And welcome to the new member! You're very welcome! Please stay with us for a long time!

GOODNITE!!!!!!!!! :P


YAYYYYY!  \0/ \0/ \0/ Thank you for all your hard work. Have a restful night and (dream of Krist *fingerscrossed* ) :heart: See you tomorrow morning. :D

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1 hour ago, taurean10 said:

Yeah....it's like every time Arthit is being nice to others and smiling with others Kong feels he gets all the scowls and frowns and others get to have P'Arthit's smiles and soft voice...so he gets a little frustrated and upset....this happens on the beach and even during the dinner with the same code seniors....Kong saw Arthit smiling with others and he felt a bit upset when Arthit started frowning as soon as he saw Kong come up to to him....

I'm not sure about this but I think it was P'Tam who's wedding they will all attend later, who took Arthit under his wing when Arthit was a freshy...that's why he has a good relationship with him and it was him who kinda pushed Arthit to head the hazing team. Arthit even told Kong he doesn't think he's cut out for it....coz he was too impatient with him and got physical with him on the first day for which he got punished...I think they made him runs laps around the field...

Arthit and Kong have a big nice, quite talk, all alone on the beach....I think it was the first time Arthit talks nicely to Kong that's why kong couldn't help himself and gave his gear to Arthit....which clued in Arthit about Kong's true feelings for him.

Ya in one of d MVs it was shown both of them sitting next to each other and talking, I guess it must be d scene u were talking about... Thanks a ton!!!! 

So Kongpope was also pushed like Arthit to become d Hazing team's leader? Who pushed him?

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phew!!! I read all the pages. wow this thread is moving so fast now. I don't remember specific posts but I think someone was wondering about the special chapters in the series. I think they will be filming that. There is one special episode at the end. I think it will be based on Missing You. There was a photo too where Arthit is wearing business casual and Kong had the red jacket on. I think someone said it was from the BTS of the special episode. Let me see if I can find that photo.

Found it!!


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Hello everyone! This is my first post on this thread. I have been silently following but finally decided to re-login to my Soompi account because I just couldn't resist! LOL. Around April last year, I really got into Love Sick and posted a little bit in that forum. I watched season one and most of season two (I didn't like how all the side stories seemed to get more screen time than the main couple) but, I decided to come back on the forums to see if there were any new dramas to check out. I came across this thread and I feel like my life is being ruined all over again (but in the best way possible!) So I started SOTUS, but then I found Make It Right and since that was finished I went and focused all of my time on that....but now that I am finished with MIR, I can fully devote all my time on SOTUS, that's why I picked this time to write this post. I am currently on episode four and I plan to catch up by tonight! Can't wait to be caught up and discuss and be more involved! 

P.S. sorry for the long first post!

P.S. Thank you, Delightful for the translations!!! 

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2 hours ago, delightful said:

10minutes left to translate. Why are they talking too much? LOL! :P


1 hour ago, delightful said:

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EPISODE 7 is translated!!! Now, time for bed! I will try to time tomorrow morning! Sorry for the wait guys!

And welcome to the new member! You're very welcome! Please stay with us for a long time!

GOODNITE!!!!!!!!! :P


@delightful you're such an angel! Thank you ^__^

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