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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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18 minutes ago, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:

What are you guys doing???????? LOL

Krist teased Singto about someone making his fake account to sell stuffs.

Krist: Excuse me, I am selling stuffs. Do you have couple minutes?

Sing:What are you selling?

Krist: I'm selling heart. Do you want one?

Krist Free shipping

Sing: It's so cheesy.

Sing: Lolllll

Sing: Are you inviting me for DotA?

Krist: It's not cheesy. It's fresh cuz I keep it in cold place.

Krist: It's nothing. Just lonely, wanna talk to someone.

Krist: So will you buy one??????


Krist mentioned that Sing didn't play with him. He's better sell it to someone else.


Hahaha.... so Krist is also making fun of Singto's IG last post on having a frozen heart?  :flushed:

much thanks @Kate Kang Sunyalux  and @tammy_P as well :D:D:D 

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hi guys!! um i don't know if it's appropriate to suddenly barge in but, i love this series too much ;-; </3 i'm not great with words so i usually stay and lurk as a silent reader haha 

i've been waiting for sotus since months ago and until now! i only know the existence of this forum ;-;; (its very dumb of me ikr) (i just made an acc like 5 mins ago if u cant tell lol)

i am very grateful to @delightful's translations if i have the power to do anything i would do it for you!!!:heart:(exaggerating but i would still try lol!!) sotus had took the first position in my heart right now like its just perfect idk how to describe it i mean i think you guys know as well lol

im really confused tho is there any translation to the novel and if there is one, is it alright if i ask for links?? i have fallen in love with sotus:bawling: (more like arthit ha)

Edited by girlsoo
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36 minutes ago, singtokrist said:


LOL Did he really hashtag it as "bitchybitch"?! HAHA I'm laughing at the "dying to see your hubby right" hashtag as well. His fake scenarios are the best!! 


สารเลว = b**h  But he used it in a humor sense so I think it's would be bitchy. Actually the caption implied that P'Arthit instead of reading text in library, he actually go there to see Kong (Hubby). So, P'Tuta was like You b**h  !!!! hahaha 

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วันนึงพี่ไม่ได้ดูแลผม แต่ผมจะดูแลพี่เอง 
วันนึงไม่มีใครดูแลพี่ แต่ผมก็จะดูอลพี่เอง
ขอบคุนที่อยู่ด้วยกัน #thxpickub

If one day you can't take care of me, I will take care of you.

If one day no one take care of you, I will be there to do it, still.

thanks for being here together#thanksyoubro

@kristtps : เคร.. แค๊ปเก็บไว้เป็นหลักฐานละนะ. 

                  OK I captioned it already

@stjinx_maya I give you my words bro :-)

@kristtps : ไม่ได้กินอะไรผิดสำแดงใช่มั้ย. 55555

                  Didn't you take any weird  potion ? Hahahaha

@stjinx_maya ป่าวๆ 555 เพลียๆเฉยๆ เพ้อเจ้อไปเรื่อย อย่าถือสา

                  No no I was just tired hahaha. The babble is running on. Don't take it serious.


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2 minutes ago, tammy_P said:

วันนึงพี่ไม่ได้ดูแลผม แต่ผมจะดูแลพี่เอง 
วันนึงไม่มีใครดูแลพี่ แต่ผมก็จะดูอลพี่เอง
ขอบคุนที่อยู่ด้วยกัน #thxpickub

If one day you won't take care of me, I will take care of you.

If one day no one take care of you, I will be here to do it, still. #thanksyoubro

@kristtps : เคร.. แค๊ปเก็บไว้เป็นหลักฐานละนะ. 

                  OK I captioned it already

@stjinx_maya I give you my words bro :-)

@kristtps : ไม่ได้กินอะไรผิดสำแดงใช่มั้ย. 55555

                  Didn't you take any weird  potion ? Hahahaha

@stjinx_maya ป่าวๆ 555 เพลียๆเฉยๆ เพ้อเจ้อไปเรื่อย อย่าถือสา

                  No no I's just tired hahaha. The babble is running on. Don't take it serious.


much thanks @tammy_P ... so that's what those 'I give you my words, bro' is all about... :)

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30 minutes ago, tammy_P said:


สารเลว = b**h  But he used it in a humor sense so I think it's would be bitchy. Actually the caption implied that P'Arthit instead of reading text in library, he actually go there to see Kong (Hubby). So, P'Tuta was like You b**h  !!!! hahaha 


HAHAHA. He does not need Arthit flaunting his lovelife even in the library. LOL. :lol: I'm laughing at how he never fails to refer to Arhit as "evil senior"! Dear Arthit, it's a LIBrary and not a LOVErary. :lol::phew: Thank you for the translation btw~ <3

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1 hour ago, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:

What are you guys doing???????? LOL

Krist teased Singto about someone making his fake account to sell stuffs.

Krist: Excuse me, I am selling stuffs. Do you have couple minutes?

Sing:What are you selling?

Krist: I'm selling heart. Do you want one?

Krist Free shipping

Sing: It's so cheesy.

Sing: Lolllll

Sing: Are you inviting me for DotA?

Krist: It's not cheesy. It's fresh cuz I keep it in cold place.

Krist: It's nothing. Just lonely, wanna talk to someone.

Krist: So will you buy one?????

Krist mentioned that Sing didn't play with him. He's better sell it to someone else.


LOL Krist is so cute and thank you for the translation~





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I remember how much I didn't care about SOTUS..... until they release the full trailer! Which really shows how much a trailer can make us wanna see a movie/TV show ;) It's interesting btw how the views for the trailer continue to increase even though the show has started a month ago....

Actually I know why hehe ^^ It's because people like me keep looking back at it to see which moment corresponds to which scene from the novel  ;) 


Like the scene where Arthit is sleeping on Kong's shoulder in the bus, it's when they come back from the beach :wub: Or the scene where they're shopping together and a girl starts talking to Arthit and Kong looks so sad & jealous :wub:


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7 hours ago, bananacat said:

isn't this Arthit with hairclip? i was like 'oh how cute he's wearing a hairclip' when i first saw this episode :D


@bananacat You are amazing!  I can see his hairclip clearly on this pic. I watched this scene again and again  to check Arthit hair but I couldn't find it.

I feel a lot better~  Thanks! :) 

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I wonder how Wad & Prem's relationship will evolve.....


• I mean there was that look they gave each other in ep.6 that lasted only a couple of seconds but :wub: But I'm scared that if it turns into love they will take too much screen time..(Kong/Arthit's relationship is very interesting and deep, I never get enough of them :heart:)

• I remember too much Make It Right where FramexBook ended up being more interesting than FusexTee..... And also I never understood how no one was pointing out that Fuse was a big a$$ cheater, cheating on his girlfriend with Tee and everyone was like oooh they're so cute I was thinking : "Oh really you like cheaters?" --'

• I hope if they make WadxPrem real, it won't be a complicated relationship... It could be just a bromance as well (something where they're very close but it's purely platonic)

• Oh and one last thing, I always thought that it was one hell of a coincidence that there was so much gay couples in one show..... I mean I like BL but that's just not realistic, IRL you don't have that much gay couples in the same group of people.... { I wish they would just concentrate on making one good gay couple instead of making 5 uninteresting gay couples --' }

• That was long wasn't it ? Sorry :grimace:


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2 hours ago, butterflymania said:

@primeare  Sorry to bother you but, would you tell me where the special chapters are?  Someone posted the link and I tried finding them but I couldn't get  there.:(

I can't read thai but I'm reading SOTUS in Dek-D in Google-translation now, so I wanted to try to read special chapters....


hi hi! sorry if i'm late in getting back. the link is this :


5 hours ago, ryuara said:

@primeare you can read thai? wow... i want read it o but i cant understand thai


haha, it's nothing extravagant since i'm not a native thai ( although most times i wish i was ). i'm just able to read through it slowly. like super super slowly. 

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8 hours ago, primeare said:


hi hi! sorry if i'm late in getting back. the link is this :


@primeare Thank you for your reply:)

I just found one of special chapter by Google!! but couldn't find chapter2. But thanks to you, now I can get chapter2~~:heart:  Sorry for bothering you Thanks!

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Hi again fellow Sotus-lovers!

i was just re-watching the Ep6 (for the umptenth time cos i am just so obssesed with that EP) and theres two things that been bugging me ...i am sorry if my questions been answered before and i just might missed it out but-----

1. what is Arthit's full name btw? and

2. what is his nickname actually? was it Arthit or Ai'oon that his senior called him...

thanks again! :sweatingbullets: 


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14 minutes ago, _-Mio-_ said:

oh we are getting closer... 2 days, 23 hours and 46 minutes left until new episode starts live! 84.giflaugh22.gif

off to re-read Missing You P1. ^_^


Same here.. reading it again and again and rewatching sotus from ep 1 to 6 again and again.. :sweatingbullets:

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