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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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19 minutes ago, laval said:

ohh, yeah that may be so! I did wonder before if those bullies are the same guys who started a fight with Wad in the basketball tournament.

Yeah they our strongest suspectB). I just wish that bullying will happen soon for the goodness Prem and Wad fast growing relationship:P.

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I honestly don't care for the novel to be translated. As much as I love them novels, personal experience indicates that live action never live up to the novels since it's very very hard to put words into images. And no matter how good the actors are, they can't fully project the feelings of a character. Novels are just better. If a translation happens, I hope it well after Sotus is ended. In the meanwhile, I will just keep myself busy with my western novels.

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14 hours ago, taurean10 said:


Agree with you, actors are all doing a fine job depicting the various emotions the characters are going through and I've confidence in them for future epis too.

But there were a few instances in the past epis where I felt the scene could have made a better impact if done differently but thats a problem with the directing and editing, not the actors. Actors are mostly all on point.  

For example..In epi 1.....In the cafeteria when after messing with Kong, Arthit brings his face very close to Kong's and taunts him in a low voice. This scene was in the book too. But I don't think anyone noticed that Arthit grabbed Kong's tie to bring him closer and Kong is bothered with the sudden closeness....Singto portrayed this scene fine...he showed his nervousness by swallowing...but the camera angle was such we could not see Arthit grabbing the tie....this scene should've had a bigger impact coz of its relevance to another scene later.

There are lots of moments coming up in the next episodes where Kong is thinking about his feelings for Arthit, his attraction for him, his fears, his frustration over his impulsive mouth that can't stop making Arthit mad one way or the other. As I said I have confidence in the actors. And even though everything looks fine in the teasers, I'm a bit worried about the editing... 

I agree that sometimes editing and camera angles can compromise the actual scenes in the book. Coming from the perspective of someone who has not read it, I think Singto pulled it off well. Like what I mentioned, the characters' expressive faces speak tons. I actually noticed how uneasy Kong was during that moment. I knew then that there was something going on inside him. Again, those who have read the book has a particular advantage and seeing what you read not transpiring in the screen could be frustrating, especially those that you know fans will roll over at. Hehe. Anyway, I actually thought Kong will save the last proposal for Arthit. Remember he was asked to propose to 10 men to be his boyfriend? I thought Arthit will be his 10th. Wouldn't that be soooo cute?! I can only imagine how Arthit would react. But I also think it's premature for something like that to happen then. Whew! These boys are giving us too much :) 

13 hours ago, Yves George Sanchez said:

Can we just appreciate how buff and white New is? I miss the Kao/Pete loveteam. hehehe

I know right! New's actually my favourite, too!

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12 hours ago, delightful said:

It's done. ... I finished reading it... now I know what SOTUS means.. I'm going to go cry to myself now.. don't worry I am always like this at the end of a good book/novel. "I will take care of it with all of my heart." :bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling:

Gosh! I bet it's a very happy ending :) Prepare for some tissue-grabbing. Gasp!

11 hours ago, delightful said:

Just read the infamous bridge scene, I will kill the director/producer if they change anything from the book! That part was written so well! Not a lot of words, but everything that Arthit says is so meaningful. And I love his answer to Kong too! And when he asked Arthit to repeat it one more time, Arthit walked away. That was when their relationship became clear. Such a great story, I love it.


@taurean10 He grabbed Arthit's arm and pulled him closer and said..."Focus on your studies in class." LOL! That was why I said he is such a tease, we all know why he said it! LOL!

Waaaah! I die everytime!

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2 hours ago, meifang89 said:

Yeah they our strongest suspectB). I just wish that bullying will happen soon for the goodness Prem and Wad fast growing relationship:P.

I think those people that injured Wad in the court were in another department. Also we can't rule out the students from the same department because as we all know, Prem is one of the strictest member of Arthit's group. And since it was located behind the fence, it may mean that they were outside the school premises so any student can hit Prem. It'll be interesting to watch that scene in future episodes.

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1 hour ago, greenfan said:

And no to another season where everything will just feel like a "forced" longer version. This pace is enough for squealing :heart:

I agree. With an episode 30-40 minutes long, they can do a lot of scenes. An Arthit/Kong scene, Aim/May scene and a Prem/Wad scene in an episode is doable. The rest of the time can be given to the supporting characters. hehehe.

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Guest delightful

Sorry that I haven't posted in a couple of.... hours. LOL! Sorry, it felt longer than that. :blink: Anyways, I have to confess my sins now.. I was on youtube watching all the cute videos of Krist and Singto... then I got detoured and watched Puppy Honey... I slipped and fell HARD for Pik and Roam (Off and Gun)!!!!!!! Another series I'd like to recommend if you want more cute BL, go watch Puppy Honey. I almost ripped my pillow apart from all the twitching. LOL!

Anywho... From the previews of SOTUS, it seems like the director/producer is adding in all the little 'special' chapters from the author. I really hope so, because the ending isn't on the bridge, it shouldn't be. * click only if you want to know spoilers*


That bridge scene is their... way of telling, without saying anything, each other where they each stand in their relationship.. BUT what comes after is also VERY meaningful. After the bridge scene, they both go back to living their normal lives. Just like the song 'Secret in My Heart' they don't need to show or tell anyone about their feelings, just walking side by side without holding hands, just breathing the same air is good enough for them. Good enough is the best status. *tears* Have I told y'all how much I love this couple? *tears*

Then when you don't think Arthit can do anything else sweet he goes and does the most awesome thing ever. He gives Kong his gear, at first Kong thinks Arthit is returning the gear he gave him, but it turns out to be Arthit's gear. Arthit mutters the words, please take care of it for me. Kong happily agrees, I'll take care of it with all my heart. And that's supposed to be the ending of the novel.

Then there's also another special chapter after that about Kongpope being a 3rd year Junior, I believe, and Arthit is already out of school. Kong decides to be the leader of the hazing team. And Arthit I believe comes to see Kong and this is where someone said the issue of who is top/bottom comes out... but I really don't want to get into that, since I've been endorsing both of them as both top/bottom per author's note and Krist's comment. Anyway, we get to see the difference between Arthit and Kong's take on their roles as the head of the hazing team. If Arthit was the 'monster' then Kong is the 'Angelic' leader, BUT he is also very good at convincing people to do as he pleases. He doesn't use harsh treatments, but using his brains in getting what he wants.. LOL! I suppose that's how he got Arthit the 'monster' too. HHAHAHAHAHHAA *goes crazy* And from the comments I read it shows Kong nagging Arthit in a sweet way, damn I hope this is in the series!


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Guest delightful

Sorry for bringing back such an ancient post... BUT these videos are killing me.. in that first one Singto touched Krist in the.... *nosebleed*

On 8/28/2016 at 4:54 AM, franeb said:

Heyy have you guys saw these videos ? :lol:






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On 9/18/2016 at 3:02 PM, apeach said:

yeah it is!! ;)

even myself couldn't believe that in thai, they have similar tradition to freshmen like in my country, which is AWESOME that I can relate to many things (I've experienced searching for upperclasses' signs too like them! XD). now I think this SOTUS kinda like systems might be around every country in southeast asia...

hello then my fellow friend. :) I think our age might be around the same. what major are youu? 

Hi :) sorry it took so long for me to respond :sweatingbullets: I've been very busy (I have a really heavy workload this semester and things are starting to pick up a bit :crazy:). My major is Linguistics and my minor is psychology and I also just completed a certificate for teaching English ^^

That's so cool that you can relate to the drama SOTUS like that ^^ I really want to travel to so many places in Asia one day!

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22 minutes ago, delightful said:

Sorry that I haven't posted in a couple of.... hours. LOL! Sorry, it felt longer than that. :blink: Anyways, I have to confess my sins now.. I was on youtube watching all the cute videos of Krist and Singto... then I got detoured and watched Puppy Honey... I slipped and fell HARD for Pik and Roam (Off and Gun)!!!!!!! Another series I'd like to recommend if you want more cute BL, go watch Puppy Honey. I almost ripped my pillow apart from all the twitching. LOL!

Anywho... From the previews of SOTUS, it seems like the director/producer is adding in all the little 'special' chapters from the author. I really hope so, because the ending isn't on the bridge, it shouldn't be. * click only if you want to know spoilers*

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That bridge scene is their... way of telling, without saying anything, each other where they each stand in their relationship.. BUT what comes after is also VERY meaningful. After the bridge scene, they both go back to living their normal lives. Just like the song 'Secret in My Heart' they don't need to show or tell anyone about their feelings, just walking side by side without holding hands, just breathing the same air is good enough for them. Good enough is the best status. *tears* Have I told y'all how much I love this couple? *tears*

Then when you don't think Arthit can do anything else sweet he goes and does the most awesome thing ever. He gives Kong his gear, at first Kong thinks Arthit is returning the gear he gave him, but it turns out to be Arthit's gear. Arthit mutters the words, please take care of it for me. Kong happily agrees, I'll take care of it with all my heart. And that's supposed to be the ending of the novel.

Then there's also another special chapter after that about Kongpope being a 3rd year Junior, I believe, and Arthit is already out of school. Kong decides to be the leader of the hazing team. And Arthit I believe comes to see Kong and this is where someone said the issue of who is top/bottom comes out... but I really don't want to get into that, since I've been endorsing both of them as both top/bottom per author's note and Krist's comment. Anyway, we get to see the difference between Arthit and Kong's take on their roles as the head of the hazing team. If Arthit was the 'monster' then Kong is the 'Angelic' leader, BUT he is also very good at convincing people to do as he pleases. He doesn't use harsh treatments, but using his brains in getting what he wants.. LOL! I suppose that's how he got Arthit the 'monster' too. HHAHAHAHAHHAA *goes crazy* And from the comments I read it shows Kong nagging Arthit in a sweet way, damn I hope this is in the series!


How can we not adore this couple? It really helps to have extra special episodes where we see the future in the lives of couples after the "I do's" Hehe. Although it can help for some to end on this, I just think this series so far needs that. It should not end with them just realising how they meant to each other. More than satisfying the fans, I think it leaves a lasting message among the followers that there can always be a happy ending and that relationships do not end in fulfilling words. I mean, showing the couple's differences on how matters can be handled gives us a feeling that differences can be managed and that it should be taken as a positive thing. Gosh! There really is more to this series.


The couple shows a certain kind of maturity and I think this is what sets them apart from the rest. We should also recognise that each relationship may have different takes on issues, like them not minding about labelling their relationship or making others know how they value each other. This decision can actually become an issue in the future but we would not be able to really say unless a sequel comes out ;) But then again, I think the author has really set a good way of eliminating the bias against BL series, distinguishing who is what. Sigh! I wonder how many more times will these two make our hearts tremble :heart:


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On 02/09/2016 at 9:40 PM, lolalarue said:

Aw I loved how in the second ep you can see that Arthit doesn't really like being too strict/abusive. I'm so glad that K got to see him in the sick bay, and he looked so happy to get the extra orange. Kekekekeke. That was adorable. Also Arthit is clearly being slowly seduced by K's flirting. I love this show so much, this is going to be a tortuously slow road to the end but my goodness am I looking forward to it. 

The interesting thing about the SOTUS system is that it's kind of like the military no? It breaks down your individuality and turns you into a team. But from what I know of boot camp, the instructors are hated but respected. The problem with SOTUS is that the kids don't see the purpose (I guess K is starting to). But the hard part is that they get no benefit from following the system than if they were going to rebel. Right? So there's no incentive. Anyway I'm loving it. 

I need more trailer clips. 

I think he was overwhelmed by the power that was given to him by the seniors and he doesn't know how to use it yet. I was also glad that he gave 2 to Kong. It shows that Kong is special to Arthit.

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On 9/18/2016 at 6:56 PM, Lindsey Jung said:

555 it's ok I like your narration :D. watching this series is very addicting. there's not enough just live streaming and watching one version. so there's no difference, right? actually I hope I can watch extra scene like when Arthit's head hit on the wall in ep 3 555.

Yes that part was SO CUTE! Him walking into the door :wub::wub: Why didn't they show it in both versions? :lol: 

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43 minutes ago, delightful said:

Sorry that I haven't posted in a couple of.... hours. LOL! Sorry, it felt longer than that. :blink: Anyways, I have to confess my sins now.. I was on youtube watching all the cute videos of Krist and Singto... then I got detoured and watched Puppy Honey... I slipped and fell HARD for Pik and Roam (Off and Gun)!!!!!!! Another series I'd like to recommend if you want more cute BL, go watch Puppy Honey. I almost ripped my pillow apart from all the twitching. LOL!

Anywho... From the previews of SOTUS, it seems like the director/producer is adding in all the little 'special' chapters from the author. I really hope so, because the ending isn't on the bridge, it shouldn't be. * click only if you want to know spoilers*

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That bridge scene is their... way of telling, without saying anything, each other where they each stand in their relationship.. BUT what comes after is also VERY meaningful. After the bridge scene, they both go back to living their normal lives. Just like the song 'Secret in My Heart' they don't need to show or tell anyone about their feelings, just walking side by side without holding hands, just breathing the same air is good enough for them. Good enough is the best status. *tears* Have I told y'all how much I love this couple? *tears*

Then when you don't think Arthit can do anything else sweet he goes and does the most awesome thing ever. He gives Kong his gear, at first Kong thinks Arthit is returning the gear he gave him, but it turns out to be Arthit's gear. Arthit mutters the words, please take care of it for me. Kong happily agrees, I'll take care of it with all my heart. And that's supposed to be the ending of the novel.

Then there's also another special chapter after that about Kongpope being a 3rd year Junior, I believe, and Arthit is already out of school. Kong decides to be the leader of the hazing team. And Arthit I believe comes to see Kong and this is where someone said the issue of who is top/bottom comes out... but I really don't want to get into that, since I've been endorsing both of them as both top/bottom per author's note and Krist's comment. Anyway, we get to see the difference between Arthit and Kong's take on their roles as the head of the hazing team. If Arthit was the 'monster' then Kong is the 'Angelic' leader, BUT he is also very good at convincing people to do as he pleases. He doesn't use harsh treatments, but using his brains in getting what he wants.. LOL! I suppose that's how he got Arthit the 'monster' too. HHAHAHAHAHHAA *goes crazy* And from the comments I read it shows Kong nagging Arthit in a sweet way, damn I hope this is in the series!


I also watched Puppy Honey when I knew Off has a BL story there. I like him being all tsundere there especially the last ep. :DAnyway, if this series is like the movie "Love of Siam" ending-wise, I'm gonna cry!

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