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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


Episode 17 preview translation.

Kim Hun: Setting aside the Crown Prince and putting up a new Crown Prince is the right thing to do.

Yeong: Ultimately, you and me. Was this the only way it had to be?

YS: I don’t think we have to be apologetic, Your Highness or me.

RO Mother: The person who was near the Crown Prince, I heard news of where that person is.

RO: What does that mean?

Kim Hun: Being deposed isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

Yeong: There is something that holds me back from leaving.  That is the Premier. 

Queen: This is definitely the child I bore, this country’s prince.

Kim Hun: So, that no one will be suspicious, from now on, you’ll have to continue to try hard.

Queen: Premier!

Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

RO: Even if that day doesn’t come, I will wait.



[Episode 17 preview.] Kim Hun tries to get the Crown Prince put aside, however planning that once everything is prepared, wanting to bring her back to his side “Now, things are almost there” Yeong. Also, even if that day doesn’t come, waiting Ra On. What will the unfortunate Yeong-On Couple’s ending be? D-1 till the next broadcast, tonight (17th) 10 pm "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Make sure to watch.


Sorry, I was late with this. I got called away by RL for a few minutes, but rushed back so I could watch, translate and post. I'm feeling very hopeful now about the ending. I just wished I could have glimpsed a bit of BY, but I think that's who RO's mother was referring to, so I think BY was also able to get away safely. Yay. Have to go again, but will be back later to spazz again with everyone. 


Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

What if this line referring to his stepsister instead of RO?

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1 hour ago, _Nachan07 said:
Update with rough trans for preview / I'm sorry if there's anything wrong in my translations
PM Kim: Please dethrone Seja & replace with a new one
Yeong: Byeong Yeon too, you too & me too... Is there no other way for us but only this way?
Yoonsung: You don't have to be sorry. Jeoha too & me too.
Raon's Mom: The one, the one who's always with Seja Jeoha, I know where he is now.

Raon to Mom: What do you mean by that?

Yeong: There's always been one thing going in my way. That is you, Premier Kim!

Evil Queen: It was definitely me, who gave birth to the King of this Joseon

PM Kim to EQ: From now you have to pretend to be good, so that no one will be suspicious.

Evil Queen: Yeonsang!!


Yeong voiceover: I will come & take you back to my side after I've fully prepared with everything here. I'm nearly done now.

Raon voiceover: Even if that day doesn't come... I will still wait for you, Jeoha.


Gosh another heartbreaking preview. I wish I'll just be trolled by the preview -_-  Hope my trans helps a bit for now & let's wait for our transcapper's translation later ^O^


Thanks for the translation Chingu. Woke up early on Sunday morning just to see this. Why I see another sad preview. Hope the PD  just tricking us. Learn my lesson not believe everything I see in the preview. 

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51 minutes ago, Jillia said:

So when we believe the preview the only reason why Lee Yeong is staying in the palace is because of Kim Hun. Makes sense! Although his character was never established as a person who doesn't want to be the Crown Prince and king... I mean the idea he wants to leave so he can be with Ra On is certainly romantic. Yet I think it was never established... errr... how do I say it without sounding I don't want a happy ending no matter what? I know Lee Yeong would do anything for Ra On but I never got an idea what he thought the solution would be for them. He always had this naive idea that Ra On could just live as a woman and he would be able to marry the woman he loves. He never gave thought to the fact it could be outside the palace, right? I always thought for him it was a given Ra On would be by his side as Crown Princess and later as Queen. Or am I wrong? 

No you're not the only who feel that way. I'll also not be fully satisfied if LY have to gave up everything & leave the palace at the end. Well even though no woman wont be touched by his sacrifice but I just think with his sincere affection about his people, being righteous, & his intelligence mindset it will be wasted if he just give up his position in the hands of the evil side. Maybe I'm being greedy here but with all the flaw within the Kim clan, evil queen & uncertain impact of HY part, I just never thought that the ending of this drama will be like both of them will live as commoner. Okay yes I'm greedy here but I always think that CP will win everything at the end & that means RO will be his official spouse in the palace Amen :D 

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12 minutes ago, junhee90 said:


Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

What if this line referring to his stepsister instead of RO?


I don't think so. Shouldn't the step sister be in the palace as well ?

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4 minutes ago, junhee90 said:


Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

What if this line referring to his stepsister instead of RO?


this is one possibility too.

need to hit a home run to ruin premier Kim and resolving CP's mother death which the useless king refuse to investigate.


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10 minutes ago, uripuppies said:


I don't think so. Shouldn't the step sister be in the palace as well ?


the little princess and her mom (consort) was outcasted by the evil queen.

the evil queen keeping all the letters which the consort sent to to king and always sending back "empty" reply back to her (from the king).

in other words the consort is one of the king's wife but because she given birth to a daughter so she lost her queen's position.

the little princess is important to bring down premier Kim and proving CP's mother murder.

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3 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


I really don't think Yeong was talking about the new baby Princess. The words he spoke about bringing her back to his side. He's never had the baby Princess by his side for one. I think he was referring to Yeong, just not sure if those words were said to RO or sent to her in a letter or spoken to someone who then told RO about it, since RO definitely says that she'll wait for it even if the day never comes. 


Okay, just a thought after he seems to have conversation with YS. Maybe YS spills everything at that time.

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32 minutes ago, febz said:

No you're not the only who feel that way. I'll also not be fully satisfied if LY have to gave up everything & leave the palace at the end. Well even though no woman wont be touched by his sacrifice but I just think with his sincere affection about his people, being righteous, & his intelligence mindset it will be wasted if he just give up his position in the hands of the evil side. Maybe I'm being greedy here but with all the flaw within the Kim clan, evil queen & uncertain impact of HY part, I just never thought that the ending of this drama will be like both of them will live as commoner. Okay yes I'm greedy here but I always think that CP will win everything at the end & that means RO will be his official spouse in the palace Amen :D 


It will be a shame if he leave the throne but only if it's to the evil side. Maybe he becomes a great king, reforms the tax and all, then later leave the throne to HY because he gets sick or something and HY knowing his husband still only has his heart for RO, sends him away to be with RO.

Maybe I prefer both of them become commoner because I feel like the ultimate happy ending for our puppies is to live faaaaaar far away from crap politics since there will never be a peace in the palace especially with RO status. Maybe I've been watching too many saeguks lol

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31 minutes ago, febz said:

No you're not the only who feel that way. I'll also not be fully satisfied if LY have to gave up everything & leave the palace at the end. Well even though no woman wont be touched by his sacrifice but I just think with his sincere affection about his people, being righteous, & his intelligence mindset it will be wasted if he just left his position in the hands of the evil side. Maybe I'm being greedy here but with all the flaw within the Kim clan, evil queen & uncertain impact of HY part, I just never thought that the ending of this drama will be like both of them will live as commoner. Okay yes I'm greedy here but I always think that CP will win everything at the end & that means RO will be his official spouse in the palace Amen :D 


In my opinion, Crown Prince can not explicitly fight with nobility if he is still the Crown Prince or even the King because the military power is in Kim Nobility's hands for decades. Being in the palace, one day, Crown Prince might turn to be another shiver King as his father who used to try doing something to improve such nobility system in royal form but finally giving up after the King lost his counselors, ordered bomb to kill his thousands of innocent people, and his queen has been killed by nobility. The King wanna keep Crown Prince's life and his life also.

One assumption, Crown Prince could create power balance to monitor Kim's power and Nobility seriously by his royal blood with a established group outside the palace. Actually this might be the concept that original novel mentioned that white mask group has been established by Crown Prince to help people in the country and reveal nobility's corruption. The sequence between novel and drama TV could be switched, in novel, crown prince has established since beginning but in drama TV, crown prince can decide to establish this special force group later.

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47 minutes ago, honeywell said:

I feel like with Yeong, it didn't really matter where they were. He just wanted to live a life with Ra On.  They could probably be living in an island, a cave and he will still be happy as long as he has Ra On by his side.  But yeah it never really crossed my mind that we would leave the throne. I don't think he will or at least not forever.

I have to laugh at the comment that RO is still rocking the men's clothing.  Doesn't everyone know by now that she's a woman?  In the finale, RO should have a fashion show and wear as many hanboks as she can.  




credit : newscj.com

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