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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Goodmorning everyone hope you have a good sleep.

i guess everyone share the same sentiments with the best actress award.

Dearest SHK

gaining a lot of respect admiration  & love from the people you work with i guess you are the real winner 

you are more than just a best actress. For us who believe, love & support you, You will always be our "one & only great 

actress with a beautiful heart and loved by many"


Thank you for sweet gesture i know its means a lot to her. And congrats you won a grand prize walking in a red carpet

with a beautiful woman and holding her hand i guess that's the best award ever & i know it is the best and memorable day

of your life :wub:


Thank you for a wonderful suprise gifts it means a lot to us. You two look wonderful together i really love and enjoyed

watching you together in the red carpet wearing wonderful smile and you smile with your eyes and holding each other 

hands. :wub: happy seeing you two enjoying that moment as much as we do :) 

To Songsong glam team/stylist,

Thank you. You did a great job the two look wonderful and stunning :)


To all the shippers,

Congrats. All your hard works are paid off 


Happy sailing shippers and have a great weekend :)


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7 hours ago, profiler said:

Allow me to enjoy the moment with you.

Others stand next to each other; they nestle into each other, turning inwardly. 

SJK's hands. The hand closest to SHK is always moving, attenna-like, looking to make contact with her. He is staking his claim; she acknowledges willingly. Their hands settle, ever so naturally at the other's waist. 

SJK's eyes. If she is behind him, he seems self-conscious, not thinking of what's in front.  No more need said about how he looks at her. 

SHK's focus is to make her way elegantly; his is to take on what pressure he can for her, like bowing to the crowd for the two of them. He leads and she defers, contentedly.  

SHK's face. It's like that corny line in ep 16, like a star plucked from the heavens. And she knows it cos his eyes tell her that. 

She is there with him, despite her awareness of the bias (so I learn) against her and he is there to show she's his & he's with her.

It must have been his call to walk the red carpet as they did, with few inhibitions, and his confidence gave her strength. 

It's been a great night for kikyo supporters. 

(PS: Profiling is not my profession, though I have written profiling tools.  If I do anything like it at all, it's because I need to figure out clients and those in my charge very quickly & assist them accordingly. Everything I know about kikyo came from you all). 




Sorry I had to place one of your sentences in bold... because this is also what really got me!!!!! His body was always turned inwards to her, and he was always aware of her, and what she was doing... that screamed "couple" to me more than anything!!! :wub::wub::wub:

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I had the shortest sleep turns out I don't need sleep because of SS couple!.

There are so many fancams and pictures on IG!


that moment when Bae reaches out for his bae.





that moment where SS couple are telling KMS something, lol....poor puppy!







for the haters who said that they went separate ways after going off stage .... lol.... they came back to their seats together!




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Before sleeping, I checked twitter and they were still trending in my country (Philippines) at 2 AM .. Woah! The SongSongCouple FEVER is still ON~ 

Their presence at last night's event had that wedding aura. 

My mom was like, they're REAL. They are REAL. I cannot calm myself and I cannot calm her too. So we're kinda fangirling together...HAHA. We were so excited to see them together even just on screen. They both look GORGEOUS. My shipper heart can't keep calm <3


1 minute ago, joongkyo said:

I had the shortest sleep turns out I don't need sleep because of SS couple!.

There are so many fancams and pictures on IG!

for the haters who said that they went separate ways after going off stage .... lol.... they came back to their seats together!

ME TOO! I just got 5 hours of sleep and I'm hyper..I'm lovin' our SongSong Couple so much!! The flooding of fancams~~ 


HATERS? There are still haters after that?? Come on haters.

The very moment Song Joong Ki went down in the same van with Song Hye Kyo and offered his hand  then they walked together holding hands. Didn't you feel the MOMENT? It's like their wedding. WHAT IS LIFE.,lJJAH;DFKMDFNKN/.?A?f,LDSFKJAH;JKDBB;kf. Well haters' concept is forever hatin' ...sooooo...


While we appreciate our couple ~~

HAHA. Sorry, I just can't keep calm. I'm loving them <3 

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9 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

I had the shortest sleep turns out I don't need sleep because of SS couple!.

There are so many fancams and pictures on IG!

ME TOO! more more.. let me join you for a bit, i have to go after this 

someone screencap their hands :wub:


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Ahhhh I keep replaying this clip of our SS...they're just too perfect for each other. I just loved how jk held kyo's hand after they walk away...so natural.

 I will slowly back read 15+ pgs on everyone's msgs so I won't miss any details of them. I'm still in SS heaven with u all. :glasses:



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7 hours ago, chichai said:

Ohhh, hangovers for last night, are we still alive comrades? First thing I did this morning is to check again of what happened last night. Is this normal? I hope I'm not alone.

Trust me you're not alone on this one..thanks to songsong couple my mom thinks i've gone craaaaazzzzyyy!!!! Lol #myotpisreal #sscoupleislove :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::glasses::glasses::glasses: 


vcc hoya hoya

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1 minute ago, finickyfray said:

ME TOO! more more.. let me join you for a bit, i have to go after this 

someone screencap their hands 



Did you see this?. The fancam proves that SJK did in fact make Kyo leave the hall before the pictures were taken!. You can't see them but it looks like after the awards got over they left immediatetely because the fan wasn't even able to get them in the shot but the fans are all talking to SJK (*JoongKi-sshi, JooongKi-sshi), so it looks like he had just passed them. Then we see YAI and then the female security tells the fans to sit down.







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14 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Did you see this?. The fancam proves that SJK did in fact make Kyo leave the hall before the pictures were taken!. You can't see them but it looks like after the awards got over they left immediatetely because the fan wasn't even able to get them in the shot but the fans are all talking to SJK (*JoongKi-sshi, JooongKi-sshi), so it looks like he had just passed them. Then we see YAI and then the female security tells the fans to sit down.

yes i did, they did left as soon as the show finished. lol 

is this the one? or is this from the moment when they just arrived?


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Well, what a night for us shippers...still on cloud 9 and only got 5 hours sleep too...

i had to back read 15+ pages which has taken me nearly 2 hours...

thanks everyone for the videos and pictures...

just love SS couple , they are perfect couple...the hand holding, arms around each other's waists, SHK arms around SJK that's a 1st...

hope to see them together again soon in public...it just brightens our day...


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16 minutes ago, finickyfray said:

yes i did, they did left as soon as the show finished. lol 

is this the one? or is this from the moment when they just arrived?



This is from the time that they arrived, cute how Blossoms and UAA entered the hall together!. Considering PBG and YAI had walked the red carpet earlier compared to SS couple.

@angieknows OMG!!.. check your PM now!

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Will share my Baeksang stash later ... really, not quite of a stash! LOL. 

But let me get to one of our missions here: Getting the box to Song Hye Kyo by dropping it off at Studio Concrete.

Meet @cestlavie88's arm!





We met up with my friend Jihea there so that we could put the finishing touches on the box. She provided the painting for the lids. While it was a collaborative effort, we also didn't consult with each other, so, the paintings don't quite match the overall design of the boxes. She will be the first to admit that the paintings are not her best work. She was crunched for time and may have spread herself thin when she took on the project. In fact, she was finishing the paintings that morning before we met. I had wanter her to just to do a rough pen line drawing, something that's more abstract/non-representational. LOL. In any case, the paintings do look much better in person. :) And I'm grateful that she's been a part of our SS project!



I was too spastic at this point, so, if I was bubbly and a bit loud, it was because I was happy to have reunited with Jihea after many years and mainly because I was nervous about handing the box to the SC folks. Jihea was certainly not looking forward to being the mediator. LOL. Being the Type A that she is, Jihea was quite hesitant, already seeing the worst case scenario: What if the staff doesn't want to take the box to give to Hye Kyo? LOL. Guess we would have to worry about that afterwards, but we first gotta seize the moment!

So, Jihea handed the box to one of the baristas and explained everything to her in Korean: Cestlavie and I were enthusiastic fans from the US and Singapore, and we represented international fans of Song Hye Kyo, and that we were also fans of Yoo Ah In. Figuring that they're close friends and belong to the same agency, then, perhaps we could give the box to them, the SC folks. She didn't mention Song Joong Ki because she wanted to make sure that the box was accepted. She told them we were passionate/enthusiastic fans, but Jihea made it clear that she had absolutely nothing to do with our project. Haha. It wasn't just because she was embarrassed, but it was also to convey that we weren't sasaeng. That we were legitimately sane but enthusiastic fans. I don't understand Korean, but judging from their faces, the staff was iffy. LOL. The baristas passed the buck to a tall girl who was manning the calendars and postcards. She seemed to be the head person of that place that day. Jihea again explained everything, and Jihea said you could tell that the girl wasn't particularly happy about the whole thing. The girl told Jihea that they will give the box to the CEO of UAA (since SHK and YAI are both housed by the agency) if/when he stops by SC. When I saw that she took the box and set it underneath her stand, then, I got giddy. LOL. Jihea said thank you, and I followed it, too, with a very peppy and grateful thank you. LOL. Jihea said, "Ah, you embarrassed me!" LOL. But our friendship has always been like that! I make her do things that she would never do if she weren't my friend. LOL. But I really won't be able to show my face there for at least another year!  

So, here's to hoping that UAA's CEO stops by SC soon so that SHK gets the box---SOON!

The girl (on the phone) on the top right of the pic manning the calendars and postcards was the one who accepted the box.



Before Jihea arrived, though, @cestlavie88 and I explored Studio Concrete, which is a cozy hang-out for Korean hipsters. LOL. It's quite open and minimalist. 

Here is the first floor.

















I wish SJK had another picture there ... Anyway, another zoomed-in shot of SHK :)








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I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS COUPLE. It helps that themselves inadvertently and without their knowledge, give us ammo to defend this ship. I've been seeing certain online trolls going as far as saying that he didn't even touch her. Oh well. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxEyBsIZTWIoy-h5EOR26







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Prepared this yesterday while waiting for livestreaming to start but did not post it. Hope u can identify with it.

'10 signs you are really deep in shipping waters ...
1) THEY (SongSong kikyo) are filling up your mental space, every available moment
2) They and what they do is being factored into your daily calendar ('Baeksang tonight, no dinner out pls, dear')
3) You pick up your smartphone and you realise the last time you checked soompi kikyo forum was 15 mins ago
4) The Kikyo twosome are turning up as key characters in your dreams in scarily relatable roles
5) You meet an old friend and all you want to do is ask if they have watched Dots and what do they think abt THEM
6) You am beginning to judge people in terms of how they view this couple (I mean, they blind or what?)
7) You realise you have been sitting at the ahem..throne longer than usual cos you have been backreading with a fervour that would have made your history teacher proud
8) At night, before you close your eyes and sleep, you realise life will take on meaning only if they are together
9) You rewatch Dots to see if u can get better vibes from different subtitling
10) You start plotting of ways to get out of engagements to catch dodgy live streaming of an awards show or a fan meeting conducted in a language you cannot understand
There is only one cure, and it is to flood our senses with an excess of SongSong love!'
By now, given what we have seen, we can change no. 8 to something like 'only if they get married!'
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5 minutes ago, finickyfray said:

@joongkyo last one then i really have to go :bawling: they are looking for JK OPPA, they don't know, SS left already


Yep, they were super surprised that SJK had left --- they couldn't believe the fact that he left before taking the group picture. Well we know why!. Go!!..lol, I need to get some caffeine - I think I'm going to go too.

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Not sure if I can add much to all the accounts but just to add some of what it was like..

The artists' seating is in the middle block, in front of what looks like a little T stage, without the T bit at the end. So it's a smaller block than the ones flanking it. Song Song were sat at the end bit of this block on the right. LBH was actually sat to the left of this block to the left. Sadly I was sat on the left block so it was difficult to see them. Although I could see LBH. But I guess got a good view of the couple getting on stage.. the way the auditorium is sloped down means also that if you're in front it's hard to capture them, which is likely why it was planned that way. Through the whole ceremony,  there were fans from different fandoms just craning back and trying to shoot with their DSLRS.  No one seemed to be objecting to this at all! The Chinese fans did well in scouting out the venue ahead of time, once they're seated it's hard to know exactly because everyone is bunched up together, and like the red carpet, there was a circle of cameras all the time pointing at the artists' block. I it must have been a little like being at the zoo for them I think, in fact,  at the start of the ceremony people just refused to sit down, many just milled around the artist block gawping and taking pictures and cams. 

Despite all that it was a very interesting experience to see how everything was set up. Would have been nice if the arrangements were like last year, but sadly it wasn't.  The couple are very pretty together in real life, just like the pictures! I think you probably get a better view from all the streaming to be honest, but is nice to see them in real life. 

I think song song were the highlight of the whole awards, there was constant mention of them through the ceremony, and they made the biggest entrance. So many stars were coming at once down the red carpet and I didn't want to miss them. I knew when they came, though I didn't recognise the car. Because they took so long to get down. The van parked, everyone waited. Then it moved back again and forward just when everyone was waiting for whoever it was to come down. The guard opening the door talked into his receiver or whatever earpiece it is, and we waited a little longer. At that time I knew it was them, was imagining they were probably having to coordinate their entrance :)

I think when the stars got on stage for the final photo, everyone rushed ahead. There was a commotion just prior as well which in retrospect was probably song song leaving. But people were standing on the chairs and crowding round the stage, I guess it must have been obvious that many were looking for song song because they made an announcement about them having left (I think).

Edit: actually not entirely surprised they left early, there was kind of mass hysteria where they were concerned, and they kept making announcements about song song not being there at beginning, interval and end, if I recall, cos people just wouldn't sit down and kept standing up trying to peer into that block, and walking there.


couple of screencaps from my cam since no way to upload while travelling







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