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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Finally I can smile, I feel so down since this morning. Thank you eonni for letting us know :D How I wish I could be of any help, but it seems like nothing I can do. So I just hope for the best. I can't lie I'm so sad about all this but I will be staying here and keep supporting our couple even with my not so important and useless post. I will wait until @joongkyo comes back and spazz with us, hopefully she will. I have no more words to say bcos my mind went blank today.

I haven't contributed anything significant to the tread, I can only put some posts to show my love for our couple, to show what I believe about them, to support fellow shippers and to thank them for everything they do for the tread. I really hope everything will be okay soon. 

I'm still struggling with the voting, it's getting harder to get the points. I feel like pulling my hair off.

But, as they say... 


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Just finished backreading.

His decision to stay mum on his dating style is very interesting...

Also, reposting the link to this picture because @lovely_skham_stv posted it 4 or 5 pages ago already. This is photoshopped.



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@Chewy Hoe I'm still outside, internet connection is really bad, so difficult to get in, finally can do some happy updates! :) 

I didnt get a ticket for tmr, sold out within 20 mins!!! still unbelievable!! will stay tune and keep the thread juicy :) 


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Thank you unnie @angieknows so much, your sharing does help me to acknowledge about the big picture outside of the ship and it make the desire to stay on KiKyo ship of mine even greater and stronger. Let's stay strong and spread the positive vibe as we have been doing, so that when joongkyo comes back, the atmosphere and spirit of our ship stay the same :) 

Here's my simple combination of "How SJK appears on SHK's Instagram?" so far ^_^ And don't forget my comrades, "Actions speak louder than words", don't be distracted by the outer noise, witness their journey and feel by your heart.



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Thanks to @angieknows post, I think you summed up the feelings of the true shippers here.

A lot of us shippers I gather are international fans of SongSong couple and don't have a Korean background and don't grasp the Korean culture.  As a fan, we come to this thread to find out the latest news of SongSong couple and the insight that our Korean members  find and makes the shipping that so much enjoyable.  

Thats why we are sad that @joongkyo has decided to leave, as we will miss her insight and thorough detective skills when some interesting news is discovered of SongSong couple.  


To the trolls

What I don't get is if you are not a shipper , why are you here? What purpose does it serve you to disrupt this thread?

The mentality of some people is staggering.




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i love this picture and i'm going to re post it again. the way he look at her screams LOVE!!!!!!

i google this..i found this. I know someone ask to analyze their eye contact but back then i thought it already covered..but actually we don't cover that part..in fact while reading this it does make sense and applicable to our songsong/kikyo couple..

and if its covered then we can pretend it as a recap okay?



Attraction and the Eyes

Here are few signs that can reveal whether someone likes you or not:

1)Shinning Eyes: It was found that the eyes of the person who likes you will shine in your presence. The eyes of that person will become more moist and so they will reflect more light thus appearing shinny. Next time you find someone's eyes shinning in your presence start to dig for more clues.



shine shine shine eyes..


2) Raised eyebrows: According to body language a person will raise his eyebrows the moment he sees something or someone he likes. This micro gesture can tell you how this person felt when he saw you.

3) Prolonged Gaze: It was found that people gaze more at the eyes of the people they like. While normal people would look in your eye for sometime then shift their gaze away each few seconds a person who likes you will keep looking into your eyes for longer periods of time.

4) Uneven Eye contact distribution: If a person likes you then he will look at you more often. In other words, if you were in a group then the person who likes you will give you the lion's share of eye contact while looking less at the other people around

5) Looking at you after saying anything funny: The person who likes you will want to see you laughing that's why he will give you a quick look after he says anything funny just to make sure that you are laughing or that his joke appealed to you. 

6) Pupil dilation: The pupil of the person who likes you will dilate in your presence. In other words you will notice that the pupil of that person is becoming wider in your presence. People's Pupils dilate when they look at anything they like 

7) Looking away when you catch him looking at you: Just as the person who likes you will want to look at you all the time he will also want to look away as soon as you catch him looking at you. This happens because that person will want to show you that he is not that interested in you in order to protect his Ego


source :http://www.2knowmyself.com/



just a random question: is it normal for sjk to have his handphone...on his hand all the time..:phew:

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@lovesshi Thank so much for your continuous update, much appreciated. The fans screaming when car door opened are so loud, wah :lol: Can't wait for tomorrow. Thanks in advance @lovely_skham_stv who will do the translation. 

@angieknows awesome post! And thank you for keep posting the pictures it helps a lot to lift up the mood in the tread.

The way he looks at her after the kiss... :relaxed:



He always tried to get his face as close to hers as possible, I'm sure it was not scripted. She almost kiss his cheek here, almost...



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Sorry .. very random.

Maybe this has already been discussed pages ago (I’m sorry there are too many pages I simply couldn’t go through them 1 by 1 to see whether people had already pointed out this, sorry in advance). Ok to cut it short, from the truck kiss behind the scene, we saw the instructions given by the director were simply (1) Captain grabs Dr Kang, and dive in a kiss, then separate. (2) Dr Kang wraps her arms around Captain Yoo and lean in for another kiss.

These are all the ‘instructions’ given, then now... can you tell me what do we have on screen? :P 

I just couldn't get over how much emotions in that kiss .. and that LOVE IS IN THE AIRRRRRRRRRRR

sorry .. just wanna spazz about it cos i just happened to have watched that part again



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Hi all,

I contemplated a bit before making this post but I decided I'd do it but keep it brief. In regards to SongSong's mutual friends being used as counterattack against all other concrete evidences we have, in attempt to prove their relationship fanciful, I say is rather a weak argument.

Sure, in SJK's Korea Harper's Bazaar's interview, it was revealed that SJK met and have known Kim Jae Hoone for 10 years and sure SJK have known YAI since SKKS and the two may or may not have kept a close friendship since then, we'll never be sure. Although if you're willing to pay SJK's words any worth, he did mention in his interview that joongkyo provided that he and YAI became distant after SKKS wrapped up. And also for many years, SJK kept tight with his main clique and despite being well acquainted with everyone he encounters, it's not an easy task to break that barrier and be considered one of his main.

But suddenly that changed and SJK started to become a regular at Studio Concrete and it's safe to say is considered family there now given that they'd include him in their photo collage. And sure enough, coincidentally Studio Concrete is a place SHK fancies and all the people happen to be some of her closest friends too.

People can keep calling these things mere coincidences and/or insignificant findings, anything they want. All we know is, SongSong were not friends prior to DOTS but following it, they seem inseparable. I'll name a few to jog the suppressed memories of these naysayers; New York, multiple cohosting projects, dinners, sharing of staffs, etc. And ok, sure they worked together so were bound to develop a friendship but it can't be denied that this "friendship" is exclusive as they've never been this way with previous costars despite claiming to be close to them. 

I think I've said too much for a said "brief" post. My attempt isn't to change anyone's mind because I'm well aware that people view the world through the lens of their preconceptions and that their perception is their reality. Rather I'm just voicing my perception and my reality. Of course I'm not stating it as a fact that SongSong are indeed a couple, not going to do that until they confirm, but I believe I have enough to have strong faith in them and that is the reason why I stay optimistic! 

I apologize for bringing this topic back up. Moving forward, I hope we can continue with the positive vibes. We still have a lot to look forward to so happy sailing, comrades! 

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Me too. I would like to ask the same question @Prentiss raised. Is he always on his phone even before, like before military enlistment? I think it's adorable seeing him constantly checking his phone. Got me thinking that maybe he's updating/reporting to someone (hihihi) what he's up to or something. 

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@Chewy Hoe @angieknows then i will join you as member of the fanclub :D

thankyou everyone for sharing. @lovesshi i am relying on updates from you too? thankyou!! is there a photo shoot event in w tomorrow? 

@kristy86 i cannot get enough looking at how they look at each other too.... 


SJK 69.48% -- a bit more, back to 70

SHK 91.69%

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2 hours ago, angieknows said:

@twtwb, thank you for your post. It is very uplifting, and we needed it, and it especially means a lot coming from the person who began this thread.

It is unfortunate, though, that this comment of mine counters the goodwill you and the others just spread. LOL. I need to unburden myself, and I've been wanting to post this since earlier, but got busy with so many things first. So, I apologize for pulling this thread down again.

I only like to bring positive stuff here. I don’t even mind being deemed a resident byeontae as long as others feel good here, which is why delivering this comment doesn’t give me pleasure. But I’m doing it so that people understand why some of us here are unflagging in our beliefs in the Song Song couple and why we are protective of our fellow shippers and the Songs.

When @joongkyo said goodbye, one of my immediate reactions was to quit this thread---either boycott it or just lurk. But then, I realized that there are trolls, antis, and traitorous shippers who will rejoice at seeing us broken. Can you believe it? Even fellow shippers want to have this thread closed down. They don’t express it here, but there are other social platforms where they express their disgust for joongkyo and her “blind” supporters. There are KiKyo shippers who hate this thread but come here anyway to read the updates, most of which @joongkyo worked hard to collect and interpret. There are supposed shippers who report us because they want to see this thread fold. I get it, there isn’t always a welcome mat for new folks, but for the regulars (actives and lurkers), there’s a reason for our increasing suspiciousness …

In the beginning, I lurked in this thread, but I didn’t officially participate until maybe around the 20-something or 30-something page---when the Songs’ agencies acknowledged their meeting in New York. So, I think that’s long enough for me to have really gotten to know the people here.

While it wasn’t as too temperamental then as it is now, the thread had its share of heated disagreements early on. But as the popularity of this thread and some of its contributors increased, we have also seen more trolls and antis invite themselves here. Why they bother, I never understand … well, actually, maybe it's because our reasons to be sailing this ship happily are solid. Anyway, one anti went so far as to take a screen shot of one of our shipper’s comments and post it in another drama’s thread. And that post was ignored by the moderator, allowed to stay irrelevant in that thread for days (or maybe longer), and it was only taken down when it was finally reported. Meanwhile, some antis are bold enough to introduce themselves here and pretend to be shippers, while some just quietly spy. Others claim they’ve returned to Soompi because they wanted to spazz with us but really only came to “burst people’s bubbles.” Whenever they reappear, they have nothing positive to contribute; there’s always a side of cynicism, and when people call them out for their constant negativity, they claim they’re just stating facts, but really, it’s more like they’re being selective about their facts and using them loosely to suit their unrefined argument/observation. On top of these, the contributions of folks in this thread continue to be stolen; joongkyo and others are often not credited. Some people are either unscrupulous or have no grasp of common sense, not realizing that their actions have consequences. There's one information here that just recently blew out of control!

Meanwhile, I don't mind if some view me as her blind supporter because while joongkyo's not the sole reason for why we have almost 700 pages, you have to admit that all her posts have made a difference in that number. She worked hard so that we had something to spazz about for pages!

Joongkyo has gotten into trouble before for being straightforward. She’s been confronted more than any of us either through PM or openly on this thread. Her findings, no matter how thorough and impressive, continue to be questioned. And yet, despite all these, she stuck around this thread. She didn’t even have to open the IG group to everyone, but she did because she actually felt bad for leaving people out. But as soon as people were admitted, shared information already started to leak; the responsible parties weren't thinking about how such a leak might affect Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki. I was never deeply entrenched in shipping and fandoms before, but now that I am, I’ve quickly learned that there are extreme antis out there who will use that leaked info against the Songs and their fans.

Some people see her as brash, but Joongkyo is a responsible shipper, which is why she's direct with people, especially when they're negative and wrong. Whatever information she spills to us is backed with research and verifiable findings. She makes sure the facts about the info will hold up. And when she scolds people, it’s because they’re mangling her information with bad speculation, the kind of thing we don't want spreading. She also corrects people when the facts are simply wrong. Even she has corrected herself before!

As I’ve mentioned to a couple of folks here, Joongkyo usually brings juicy updates, so, it’s fun to have her around. But it’s also her passion that many of us here appreciate about her. When you have a captain with that passion, it makes us feel even more secure about being a KiKyo shipper! It’s addictive and adds to the positive and fun atmosphere that we want to maintain, and it will be missed! I hope she returns, but she has given folks here too many chances.

I hope this is the last time I’ll write something like this, and I’ll continue to come here because I want to stay strong with the loyal Song Song shippers and show the antis, half-a s sed KiKyo shippers, and trolls that even with one of our leading contributors gone (let's hope temporarily), we’re not broken. We’re solid because our reasons for shipping are solid! BELIEVE ME, WE ARE SOLID! :D 

I apologize for the length of this post, and because ultimately, I'm all about being positive, then please enjoy these scans!

Disclaimer: All rights belong to NEW/DOTS and Lim Hyo Seon. Please credit Couch Kimchi for scanning the images.






Thanks Angieknows for sharing all theses with us. I know joongkyo is very resourceful in digging up news & has been selflessly sharing. She may appear to be very straight forward at times but seeing your post, I now realized where is this coming from. 


Appreciate all all those who keep this thread positive & ongoing. Fighting!

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1 hour ago, superbigcat said:

Let's stay strong and spread the positive vibe as we have been doing, so that when joongkyo comes back, the atmosphere and spirit of our ship stay the same :) 

Here's my simple combination of "How SJK appears on SHK's Instagram?" so far ^_^ And don't forget my comrades, "Actions speak louder than words", don't be distracted by the outer noise, witness their journey and feel by your heart.



Yes! let's keep spreading the love! And thank you for the picture. Now I have new pics for my laptop screen.. :blush:

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I hope we have representative from here for tomorrow FM...I will keeping my expectation in low volume...:D

I will settle all my duty early tomorrow and praying my hubby not dragging me somewhere even Shopping Mall yes...I will use my cold n fever as excuse..B)

Am gonna stick here tomorrow and nobody can stop me...hehehehe

to @lovesshi and @lovely_skham_stv thank you in advance dear....:wub:

tq for posting the gif. dear... @kristy86:wub:

@angieknows thumbs up....:)

and I agree with everything @ilovesjk write...:blush:

@finickyfray thanks for the regular update about the vote...fighting!

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@finickyfray Will do my best salute! 

One more cr. to owner

adding translations fr IG caption: Is the one who took this photo is still alright? (Guess IG owner teasing if this one fainted/melted because of his charm)...heard that JK had little stumble during walk to hotel lobby 

Tmr there is a closed PC at W hotel at 11am and after that 30 lucky fans will do photo shoot with JK and there is an activity after FM show at night  as well. 

Here here a source to be referred what i mentioned above cr.  to owners 


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