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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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[NEWS] Super Viu x Descendants of the Sun Contest #SuperViuDOTSFan



With ‘Descendants of the Sun’ fever sweeping across Asia, the hit drama has spawned millions of viewers all over the region. Are you a fan of the suave soldier Captain Yoo Shi-jin (Song Joong-ki) or savvy surgeon Kang Mo-yeon (Song Hye-gyo)? Viu Singapore is giving 2 lucky winners a chance to meet these top A-list Korean stars in Hong Kong through their Super Viu x Descendants of the Sun Contest! The most creative entry wins :)

The highly-coveted Prize Package (2 winners) includes:

  • 1 x return flight to Hong Kong plus accommodation, both stipulated by PCCW Media.
  • 1 entry pass to Descendants of the Sun promotional event in Hong Kong.

How to participate:

  1. To be eligible for the contest, you have to be a registered Viu member (register at viu.com or via the Viu app, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store) and follow Viu Singapore on at least 2 of Viu Singapore’s social platformsFacebook page, Twitter or Instagram.
  2. Take a screenshot of your favourite scene in Descendants Of The Sun on Viu (either on viu.com or the Viu app) and tell us in no more than 20 words, why you are the biggest fan of Viu and Descendants of the Sun!
  3. Send your entry to contest.sg@viu.com together with your name, NRIC number, the name/ID of your social account used to follow Viu Singapore’s account, and email address used to register as a Viu member (if you have registered via Facebook, please provide us the email address you are using for your Facebook). The format is as follows:



Social Account ID (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram):

Viu-Registered Email:

Why are you the Super Viu x DOTS Fan? :

TIP! Want to increase your chances of winning?

  • Follow, Share, Comment, Retweet, etc – (Catch our eye, but do not spam!)
  • Share and tag your friends on your entry (without your personal details) with the hashtag #SuperViuDOTSFan

The contest ends on 29 March 2016, 11:59pm (SGT). Results will be announced on 1 April 2016 on Viu Singapore’s Facebook page.

***For the full list of terms and conditions, visit the contest page here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/viu-singapore/contest-details-of-superviudotsfan-giveaway/1708031306078982

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The beautiful actress Han Hye Jin married a soccer player 8 years her junior. She is such a beauty that she could have any sunbae she wants. But she chose a husband 8 years younger and they have a beautiful daughter and a great marriage. He's matured and a great soccer player in the international scene. You can't even feel the age gap between them.

Currently in WGM, Kwak Si Yang is 7 years younger than IRIS Star Kim So Yeon (also a A-list beauty). But he's so matured, caring and so protective that you don't even know the age gap too. The lady is older but is so young and childlike and full of aegyo. This couple looks set to be a real couple - maybe the first in WGM.

So, what is age if not just a number? It's all about maturity and reliability. KiKyo is only 3-4 year gap. That's nothing of concern, especially since SHK confided that SJK is very matured and manly. You can have a sunbae 5 years older but behaves like he's 10 years younger; or a junior 5 years younger but behaves like he's 10 years older. It's all in the mind. I'd rather SHK go for a younger guy who is matured and reliable. He can take good care of her. And she can continue to show her aegyo despite being older.  SJK and SHK couple is the best of both worlds.

The very best of the best.  :wub:


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I think for a long time before decided to post this .. just like Captain YSJ thinking over 1000 times before kissing KMY, (This may seem out of topic at first .. :D hope it will not be deleted)

 I was a BiKyo fanatic through and through for a long time … I has never shipped any couple as long as I shipped them until it’s official that it was only a dream. I was more of Bi fan – I travelled all over south east asia just to watch his concerts. Even though I love Rain more, he kinda come in tandem with SHK.

I was an avid fan to both of them… that was in 2004 ~ 2006, until the ship sunk … however I was still a big fan of SHK but the fan war in SHK thread was too much for me :D, I eventually stop visiting the thread stop participating in the thread … but I like her ..  I continue to watch all of her dramas .. 

I understand perfectly why some fans (Kyo) are so protective of her.. she has been through a lot .. she has been labelled a lot of names before … some antis can be very mean. Though my ship never sail – I have never ever ever said one single hurtful comment about her. Because I believe in her.. One of a few actress’s work that I make sure to watch to wait .. regardless of the plot/writer/director. Her name was drag to the mud and her ardent fans continue to protect and support her.. I salute them .. she has a lot of loyal fans eps here in soompi ..

I love reading praises about her .. about joongki … I believe who ever in this thread esp those with songsong tagline in their signature must have love both of them and a believer (there are also non believer here which I don’t understand whatda heck are you doing here? Spying?). I am more on Joongki but I stop fangirling a long long time ago (been there done that – in fact  I don’t chase Rain anymore.. I don’t consider myself his fan anymore (tried watching comeback mister – I can’t .. stopped at 2nd eps) ..  I have stop all serious fangirling .. it’s tiring and consumes too much energy and money.

Praises – of JoongKi or Hye Kyo is very much welcome … when you love the ship .. you are hungry of all positive comment about them .. be it JoongKi or Hye Kyo .. It’s so inspiring to read about their struggles their success … their achievement .. Joongki case – He’s ‘new’, of course his achievement is not as great as SHK …

The thing that make individual fans a bit uncomfortable in this thread is the comment belittling one another (be it JK or SHK) …

So praise all you might dear friends … at the same time try as much as possible not to make the other party pathetic .. I know it's not intentional .. buat yeah .. sometime we overlooked me too

BTW – I think the Producer believed JoongKi too.. just google how much he is paid for DOTS 



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if you have watched SJK kissing scene in penny pinchers you would realised that as much as its intense but it's very mechanical with no fondness and even though in the innocent man, the kisses had more emotions but still lack of the longing and desire.

But the way he kisses SHK is all different, it's with so much emotion, longing and desire that maybe even real life couples don't even have these days. I know I don't kiss or look at my Husband like that anymore LOL so if that's not love between them then what is?! 

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@jl08, chingu ah,  I'm so happy that we are on the same ship again and that this time it's smooth sailing for us, lol

I've translated Jin Goo's March 26 interview that pertains to SHK.  She is truly a kind-hearted and lively person and I hope more people would be able to see that side of her instead of the cool and aloof side that she shows in public.

"Although we didn't have any scenes together in "All In", we were in the same project.  This time we met again through DotS, there's a newness, felt very honored.  Despite being younger than me by a year, SHK is already a star by the time I debuted.  This time when going out with the DotS crew on a trip together, we happily talked about past memories and said "now we can be considered to have (formally) met".  SHK in private is more lively than what she shows in formal/public events.  She's a cheerful, kind and interesting (amusing) friend.  Because we are in an era where we have to be cautious of every movement, perhaps that's why in public, SHK doesn't do or say anything more than necessary."

Some fan edits from Song-Song weibo:





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@missandrea Thank you for the post! I've seen it before on other social platforms but I didn't really give a second thought about it because well, my school starts exactly on April 4th :tears:. But after reading your post, I thought that I should give it a try (since today's the last day) so I've just sent an email to them, hoping to be selected :lol:. I should set aside those worries for later. 

If I'm really that lucky among the millions to be selected, well of course I would observe SongSong's interactions (if there are any) but I will also update this thread too, so I hope to come back with good news about them (:

By the way, I know I'm really late for this but does anyone want to watch the Viki video of SongSong's shoutout for Descendants of the Sun? 'Cause I have the video uploaded on my YouTube channel but I'm worried that it may be taken down soon, so if you want to watch it, just let me know. :)

And thank you to everyone on this thread for your insightful posts! Just like every character in DotS plays an important role, even if it's a minor one, they still make a difference in the impact of the drama. Likewise, for everyone in this thread, even if we disagree about something, but we can still learn from others' knowledge. Let's continue to be detectives and may this ship sail far into the ocean, overcoming any obstacles that may come in the way! :wub:

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Hi everyone! I have been a silent reader since this thread had only 8 pages. I love the responses of everyone here. I hesistated to create an account, because I need to focus on my review for board exams. But my songsong heart couldn't contain it. I wanna be a delulu haha. But as you can see, our ship is not entirely delutional. I believe too that the two has "something" going on between them and I hope it leads to marriage haha. I am a fan of both stars even before dots, so I was too happy about the news of them "eating-out-with-colleague-on-the-other-side-of-world" hmmm hmm haha. As much as I wanna share more about my insights about songsong, I guess this is all for now ( blame studies haha). May your dreams later tonight be as sweet as  songhyekyoxsongjoongki! 

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6 minutes ago, SarahLovesGh said:

@missandrea Thank you for the post! I've seen it before on other social platforms but I didn't really give a second thought about it because well, my school starts exactly on April 4th :tears:. But after seeing your post, I thought that I should give it a try (since today's the last day) so I've just sent an email to them, hoping to be selected :lol:. I should set aside those worries for later. 

If I'm really that lucky among the millions to be selected, well of course I would observe SongSong's interactions (if there are any) but I will also update this thread too, so I hope to come back with good news about them (:

By the way, I know I'm really late for this but does anyone want to watch the Viki video of SongSong's shoutout for Descendants of the Sun? 'Cause I have the video uploaded on my YouTube channel but I'm worried that it may be taken down soon, so if you want to watch it, just let me know. :)

And thank you to everyone on this thread for your insightful posts! Just like every character in DotS plays an important role, even if it's a minor one, they still make a difference in the impact of the drama. Likewise, for everyone in this thread, even if we disagree about something, but we can still learn from others' knowledge. Let's continue to be detectives and may this ship sail far into the ocean, overcoming any obstacles that may come in the way! :wub:



I've been looking for that video everywhere.

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9 minutes ago, joongkyo said:



I've been looking for that video everywhere.

Haha okay (: I don't know if posting these kind of videos (even in spoiler) is against the rules or not, but in case the others want to view the video, here it is:

Just an observation, Joong-ki oppa looks totally smitten with Hye-kyo unnie in both videos (although it isn't that obvious in the 2nd video) but look at his shy smile after looking at her. Aww it's totally full of :heart: xD

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4 minutes ago, SarahLovesGh said:

Haha okay (: I don't know if posting these kind of videos (even in spoiler) is against the rules or not, but in case the others want to view the video, here it is:

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Lol, I watched it real fast!. When he's looking at her.  This Oppa and Unnie are killing me!


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21 minutes ago, SarahLovesGh said:

@missandrea Thank you for the post! I've seen it before on other social platforms but I didn't really give a second thought about it because well, my school starts exactly on April 4th :tears:. But after reading your post, I thought that I should give it a try (since today's the last day) so I've just sent an email to them, hoping to be selected :lol:. I should set aside those worries for later. 

If I'm really that lucky among the millions to be selected, well of course I would observe SongSong's interactions (if there are any) but I will also update this thread too, so I hope to come back with good news about them (:

By the way, I know I'm really late for this but does anyone want to watch the Viki video of SongSong's shoutout for Descendants of the Sun? 'Cause I have the video uploaded on my YouTube channel but I'm worried that it may be taken down soon, so if you want to watch it, just let me know. :)

And thank you to everyone on this thread for your insightful posts! Just like every character in DotS plays an important role, even if it's a minor one, they still make a difference in the impact of the drama. Likewise, for everyone in this thread, even if we disagree about something, but we can still learn from others' knowledge. Let's continue to be detectives and may this ship sail far into the ocean, overcoming any obstacles that may come in the way! :wub:

You should! I mean school is definitely the most important amongst all other things and priorities but hey, when do get to see SHK and SJK ever? HAHA! That's a once in a lifetime kind of thing! Just try to enter and see what happens... you'll never know! Again, education is utmost priority, may I just reiterate that! :D

@joongkyo I actually have that video as well but @SarahLovesGh please do post it as I have to look over my (saved) stuff and I don't have time for it right now! Thanks in advance!

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12 minutes ago, missandrea said:

You should! I mean school is definitely the most important amongst all other things and priorities but hey, when do get to see SHK and SJK ever? HAHA! That's a once in a lifetime kind of thing! Just try to enter and see what happens... you'll never know! Again, education is utmost priority, may I just reiterate that! :D

@joongkyo I actually have that video as well but @SarahLovesGh please do post it as I have to look over my (saved) stuff and I don't have time for it right now! Thanks in advance!

The last resort that I would do is to (unfortunately, don't attend school). I actually was in a dilemma for quite some time before sending the email, but my love for SongSong couple just overwhelmed me. I was actually thinking about the possibility of meeting Joong-ki oppa and Hye-kyo unnie in person (okay, I don't know how the promotional event works; first-timer here :lol:). Yes, I agree that education is really important but if I did not send the email, I wouldn't get a chance at all. So fingers crossed that I am able to witness whatever occasion that will happen in Hong Kong xD.

By the way, I've uploaded the video already. It's under the "hidden content" and I would love to see the observations of fellow shippers regarding the video (even if it's under 15 seconds) haha :P

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I'm just to comment a little regarding the age gap difference between to persons in love ... age just a number but when your in a relationship we always remember the most important is RESPECT , TRUST , UNDERSTANDING, OPEN COMMUNICATION, MATURITY AND LOVE and most of all who  CAN TAKE CARE OF ALL NO MATTER WHAT  ...during the lowest and highest point in life he is there for you... and that's meaning of true LOVE... just my POV... thanks ...:wub:

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Oh my god is that contest strictly for Singaporeans? I would love to enter! Although I will be up against millions, I am willing to take my chances. Please tell me it's for everyone no matter where on this face of earth? :) 

@SarahLovesGh Thank you for those shoutout videos! Geez these two! SJK turns into a shy boy beside SHK. Aw he's so smitten! But why am I under the impression that he's playing us all because technically these two should be well familiar with each other considering it's casual for them to meet halfway around the world and past midnight on any given night? :P Maybe he's so ready to stake his claim on his woman so he's nervous as heck when the camera is on them. LOL sorry for the delusions.

Btw for 2 people who said they are sick of each other's faces and shouldn't meet anymore (referencing Kim Ji Won's interview of what the 4 main cast said to each other during wrap up), SongSong seem to meet a whole lot. Maybe even more then before! Even a 12+ hour flight will not stop these two (sorry I will forever mention this LOL). Ohhh yeeaa, you two are sooo tired of each other alright. ;) 

PS. I hope SJK is offered an endorsement deal with Laneige again. These two together in a cf will burn the screen! So why not, UUA and Blossom? :) 

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@SarahLovesGh I am excited for you!! I hope your name will get drawn and win, then you will tell us all the juicy stuff and share pictures!! Thinking waaaay ahead already haha! If it happens, WE at this thread will cheer for you and well, get to have first hand information from you. Hope it pushes through! Here's for good luck! :wub:

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53 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

Oh my god is that contest strictly for Singaporeans? I would love to enter! Although I will be up against millions, I am willing to take my chances. Please tell me it's for everyone no matter where on this face of earth? :) 

@SarahLovesGh Thank you for those shoutout videos! Geez these two! SJK turns into a shy boy beside SHK. Aw he's so smitten! But why am I under the impression that he's playing us all because technically these two should be well familiar with each other considering it's casual for them to meet halfway around the world and past midnight on any given night? :P Maybe he's so ready to stake his claim on his woman so he's nervous as heck when the camera is on them. LOL sorry for the delusions.

Btw for 2 people who said they are sick of each other's faces and shouldn't meet anymore (referencing Kim Ji Won's interview of what the 4 main cast said to each other during wrap up), SongSong seem to meet a whole lot. Maybe even more then before! Even a 12+ hour flight will not stop these two (sorry I will forever mention this LOL). Ohhh yeeaa, you two are sooo tired of each other alright. ;) 

Since the entry requires NRIC, I suppose it's for Singaporeans? Well, are you from Singapore too? Haha if you are, then maybe you should try like me! They say the most creative entry (both the reason why you're a SuperVIUDOTSFan and your favourite scene from DotS) wins so just try not to choose some common scenes which people likes, such as the shoelace scene, or the truck kiss.And just write whatever unique reason that you can give. There's a million possibilities, just make sure that it doesn't exceed 20 words. xD

But you're hilarious haha especially the highlighted part. Yeah I've read somewhere that typical dramas take around 3-4 months to film but considering that this is a pre-produced drama, 6 months is way tooo looooong. Plus, most of their scenes in the drama are together, that automatically means that they spend the most time together. These two are suspicious haha xD

@joongkyo: Come to think of it, yeah I think the trip will be worth it. It will also be the first time I ever travel to Hong Kong, so it's like a short vacation. xD

@missandrea: Thank you for the well-wishes! I'm planning ahead too haha but yeah, I'm already imagining what I will bring there. xD Since the event starts on the 5th, will I make it in time for episode 13? Or I should just camp there and live stream the episode in Hong Kong LOL. Well, if I am really selected, then I will bring SongSong news first-hand here if not I think I will record everything first then slowly write stories here :lol:

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Song Joong-Ki and Song Hye-Kyo Dating Rumors

By Daniel Lee- 29 Mar

Song Joong-Ki and Song Hye-Kyo Dating Rumors: 'Descendants of the Sun' Starring Couple Denies Dating Rumors

Korean TV drama series the 'Descendants of the Sun' is going crazy globally in terms of the popularity.

Song Joong-Ki has become an immediate global sensation all around the world, especially in China.

Among all these heat, Song Joong-Ki and Song Hye-Kyo's dating rumors has been spreading for a while. However, Song Hye-Kyo's agency responded clearly by saying "This rumor was always proven false three years ago. We plan to identify the instigator and take legal actions accordingly."

They also added saying "Her dating Song Joong Ki is completely untrue. There's not even a need to make an explanation for her 'date' in New York with Song Joong Ki. Song Joong Ki is a close colleague and junior."

At the same time, Song Joong Ki's agency had likewise said, "Calling it a dating rumor in itself is getting too ahead of yourself. This is untrue."


In 'Descendants of the Sun' , soldier Yoo Shi Jin (Song Joong-Ki) falls in love with surgeon Kang Mo Yeon (Song Hye-Kyo) in Uruk, which is an imaginary country at war.

Descendants Of The Sun has become an incredibly popular TV series since it premiered in February 2016. According to video-streaming site Viki, it has been searched the most among other dramas and managed to score a 9.7 out of 10 rating. The drama is available with subtitles in 33 languages, including English, Mandarin and Spanish.




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