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On 04/10/2017 at 6:24 AM, ghettomilkshake said:

@crystalclear18 haha honestly u were quite impartial so i couldnt tell u were more of a zz fan :) im still quite new so i think i like yuzhou equally at this point but if we re talking about the show/novel i definitely like BLY's character more hehe

I've seen that video of their 'li ge' duet and zz sung really well but it's just i wasnt a huge fan of the song plus the lyrics are about separation and it's kinda applicable to them now sighh..


For the lyrics changes i was basically asking which song and when did he changed the lyrics to 'yuzhou' (bc i think that was what u said)

i know about dust where he changed 'ai' to 'hai' during his concerts, the liu xing yu song at the fanmeet which made jy cried and that's about it

For 'towards the bright side' isnt the original lyrics already 'yuzhou' ? :huh:

Haha, thanks i'm glad i sounded impartial. :) Yeah that song is super sad, but it is a bit special to YZ fans/cpf because of the situation with them. I think there was some talk back when ZZ was planning his concerts and stuff that maybe li ge was going to be one of the songs that he was going to sing? But then he didn't actually sing it and i think ppl thought it was because it was too much, he probably didn't want to go through with singing it when it was about separation, like you said. When the last time he sang it was with JY. I'm not sure how true/official it is right now, my memory isn't that great. If somebody is reading around that time maybe they can check? 


The original lyrics in "towards the bright side" was really similar sounding, yǔzhòu (universe 宇宙), but the tone/pronounciation is a bit different from yúzhōu (瑜洲). So i guess we can still say he changed it a bit? :D:D 


On 04/10/2017 at 6:24 AM, ghettomilkshake said:

(I assume u re referring to the fanmeets?)

 i think everyone miss the boys before the ban, they were definitely more innocent, simple and happier together. they were so comfortable and goofing with each other all the time. i just wished they had more than 6 months together 

all that success and fame came at a cost :unsure:


btw 中秋节快乐 (happy mid-autumn) everyone!! :) 

Yeah i was referring to the touching part @1blankstare posted in the shanghai fan meeting. I guess i don't mean just before the ban, cause i think it was a gradual process.. ZZ kind of progressively grew less expressive, probably more on camera than off camera though..


I didn't really get to celebrate the mid autumn festival on the day, but thankfully the mid autumn festival is basically 3 days. :D:D So i hope i have the dates right here: the first day was October 3rd, which is supposed to represent 'receiving the moon' (almost like a guest lol), the second day, which is the main day we all know, October 4th, is kind of like 'feting the moon', celebrating the full moon, the third day, October 5th, is 'chasing the moon', because the full moon is 'leaving', essentially over.  So i can still chase the moon today lol. I saw the moon yesterday but just couldn't eat my moon cake while watching the moon or have that big dinner lol.


On 04/10/2017 at 1:48 PM, leonis said:

I can totally feel you guys here, even though I'm a newbie fan. Finally soompi lets me post now. After watching some vids, beginning to understand how things have went down between these two. Imo they did have a thing going on. As fans we can just speculate and speculate. For example, in one of the vids of A Date with Huang Jingyu, he prefers his fanclub to be called as "hu jing tuan" than "jing yu hai"( jing yu + gu hai )  Why no gu hai? :(

Yeah it is sad because you can really feel/see the difference a lot of the time. Um i'm not sure about that part of the video? Maybe i didn't watch it, but i think you mean hai jing yu.. I have no explanation for why he didn't call it that, but the hjt wouldn't have accepted it being called hai jing yu either probably..  Hu jing tuan is a play on words though, "whale protection society" with the 'jing' being replaced with the 'jing' in JY's name.. Supposingly baizhou, the name of ZZ's fan club is also another play on words not just a combination of names, because it also sounds like "congee/porridge" which ZZ is supposed to really like.. So it is still acceptable to them i guess. 

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22 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

Guys! A Thai fan gave this picture to JY as he went to his hotel. 

Yes, JY is in action here. :D:D I wonder what hjt/only fans have to say about it lol.. Maybe that he couldn't recognize that it wasn't himself in the picture? One CPF's response: JY is 186.5 cm tall and he doesn't need glasses. Lol


11 hours ago, clediver said:

cap 要爆炸

Going To explode

 violent kangaroo IG update

Wah.. He's actually showing off his arms/veins, didn't somebody want him to cover up his arm muscles? :D Unless it's for that someone.. :D 


9 hours ago, clediver said:




Sing a good song for you
Sing a song for you

I think that google translate is a little iffy here. It sometimes skips words, it might have skipped the word sleep (睡).. I think it might be closer to: 



Sing a song for you that lets you sleep well.


Sing a sing a song for you that lets you sleep softly. 


8 hours ago, clediver said:

they say it is the anniversary !!

06.11.2015 they met for the first time

but maybe

06.10.2015 is when JY audition for addicted and everything started from then (ever since)

just speculate



7 hours ago, jajachin said:

Don't know if someone already posted this but just watched this on youtube.. the song was:dissapointed_relieved:.. I was like crying because the song really suits to the two of them..:bawling:https://youtu.be/xlRifdVYD6s

Don't know how to attached a file though I have read this forum the beginning.. 

I think usually for youtube videos if you copy and paste the url into soompi it automatically embeds the video onto the page. It might take a moment though or a couple of tries if it doesn't work the first time. I would just take the full url from the address bar usually.


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5 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:



Wah.. He's actually showing off his arms/veins, didn't somebody want him to cover up his arm muscles? :D Unless it's for that someone.. :D 



veins veins ,, the half lower arm,  he basically wear a short sleeve tshirt every day and that part always showing... so he is save for now XD

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@crystalclear18 i always thought zz was really good at keeping his emotions in check i dont think i've ever seen him full on crying while singing sad songs or being overwhelmed by fans at a fanmeet/concert

It's also my first time hearing his official fanclub name issit spelled as '白洲'? :huh:



i love all the subtle weibo hints from the timings of their posts and how jy is still casually accepting cp gifts from fans like all the time

i wonder how much zz/yz stuff he has at home now :rolleyes:

22 hours ago, clediver said:


they say it is the anniversary !!


06.11.2015 they met for the first time

but maybe

06.10.2015 is when JY audition for addicted and everything started from then (ever since)

just speculate

  Hide contents




 i know 5ml is one of the biggest cp fans but me being still quite new im still wondering who exactly are they? has it been solved? 

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Cr Circle_狐狸與小王子








Aiya, this award....we will never be able to fully understand what JY and you went through last year. From your happy tears in Addicted Shanghai FanMeeting to the awful Addicted Thai FanMeeting when you had to look up to hide your tears. That day, I wished you could express a little bit more and not holding back your emotion. I said that but then it ached my heart so bad when I saw your tears in Korean Concert, when you realised fans are still support you (and JY) after everything. You get this far is not just because of us! 80% of it is your hard work ZZ! Keep it up!!

Cr 金蛋蛋- 




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Cr winni致美丽的你











This fancam here

北辰星拱008: 171005 offwork, the voice "ding~ding~ding~" is from game "King Glory", reminding player that new game will start in five seconds.


JY: ZZ, I just finished work.  

ZZ: I'm on my break. Let's play!!!

JY: Ok

**Game starts

ZZ: huangjingyu, where are you again???

**JY is still busy waving

**Never say you hate doing something just incase your future boyfriend/girlfriend loves doing that. Lesson learned :lol::lol:


This fancam, fan was telling JY that she will go back to Beijing today, asking when will JY go back. JY: go back, go back and suffer the cold **JY is so cruel :lol:**



Fanart by Hako

Our Whale is now a monkey LOL



By YO-F_i_Sh




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Throw back from gifs. Again, I'm lazy to reupload so

My Huangjingyu!!!!! :lol:



ZZ: Bye bye

JY: ZZ, where are you going?? :lol:



Run For Time 2 fancams





Who remembers this photoshoot. Awww, these two



Last year when ZZ was in Thailand, Thai staff suddenly yelled and Kitten got scared :lol:




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ZZ weibo story update




Fans gave JY bananas :lol: I die




Fanart by 秋鸿_BimDinoDuck



JY today. Fan covers his outfits so we won't see whats he's wearing for filming. Very considerate but so funny lmao

Cr Thirty1stJan, pamytoon, Circle_狐狸與小王子 , Couple_YuZhou and aomBoicElf











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2 hours ago, ghettomilkshake said:

i love all the subtle weibo hints from the timings of their posts and how jy is still casually accepting cp gifts from fans like all the time

i wonder how much zz/yz stuff he has at home now :rolleyes:

haha i wonder too, surprises me how he directly accepts it, he may wish to walk past it too right. Do fans give zz, jy related stuff and as much?


14 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:

Yeah it is sad because you can really feel/see the difference a lot of the time. Um i'm not sure about that part of the video? Maybe i didn't watch it, but i think you mean hai jing yu.. I have no explanation for why he didn't call it that, but the hjt wouldn't have accepted it being called hai jing yu either probably..  Hu jing tuan is a play on words though, "whale protection society" with the 'jing' being replaced with the 'jing' in JY's name.. Supposingly baizhou, the name of ZZ's fan club is also another play on words not just a combination of names, because it also sounds like "congee/porridge" which ZZ is supposed to really like.. So it is still acceptable to them i guess

I was referring to this video by Lovely Things (btw, is he/she there on this forum?), the question regarding fan club is asked in the last 3-4 mins. I kinda get what you said,. So eventually other than the ring to the play on  words it isn't of much significance to them. 




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