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8 hours ago, bearology said:

Last night my post about Li Hao reposted Tencent post, he actually commented on a CPF post and reposted from another CPF post. BZ went crazy :lol: This crazy fan was threatening Li Hao to give an answer before midnight or she (and her followers) will leave the fandom. After that, she posted again saying she won't leave but will stay and keep questioning Li Hao whats his pick between BZ and CPF (I'm actually using a nice word because they don't call us CPF) :lol: Who do you think you are and PLEASE.LEAVE. NOW then this fandom may have a peaceful day lmao. She probably changed her mind after she realised that she's nothing but a crazy keyboard warrior :lol:

I think Li Hao might have slipped his hand but you can see how crazy BZ are LOL, this is literally nothing comparing to they taking over ZZ's official hashtag and banning CPF from commenting <_<

@crystalclear18 ZZ's white top with that colourful writing was posted a few pages back if that what you are looking for?


Sorry, i'm not up to date on the posts lol. Yes that is probably the white top, if its the one he wore to the airport recently. Anyways, i thought it was hilarious lol. 

Yeah.. Hao ge's finger slipped before.. Lol his "finger slipped" last time he liked a CPF post and the bz have not let him forget it. Like they brought it up this time again because even they don't think his finger slipped lol. I'm not sure which his finger slipped on this time lol. Reposting or deleting the repost? Lol... It's pretty hard to repost an award ceremony post by finger slipping and have a trophy emoticon on the post by accident. xiaoku_org.gif

Its true.. It would benefit ZZ in the long run to have these poison fans just leave now. Why even bother staying after saying all of that. 

7 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

Ugh @crystalclear18, those poison fans are seriously hurting ZZ. Li Zhao is a friend of ZZ. I really want ZZ to say something about these poison fans and anyone who are bashing CPFs. Lol, these poison BZ fans (some of them not saying all) are really arrogant. If it weren't for CPF and Shangyin the boys wouldn't be as famous as they are now. The fact they even said something about his singing just tells you that the poison fans are not a fan of ZZ at all. Ugh these kinds of fans richard simmons me of so badly. Makes me want to wring their necks. Or at least shake some sense into them. 

ZZ's singing has improved actually. He's much more stable when he gets the high notes part. About ZZ's 2nd album, I'm definitely getting it. I didn't get to buy his first one since I was broke but since I've been working I saved up enough. >_< I can't wait what he has in store for us. Will it be full of sugars too?


Yes these poison fans are hurting ZZ.. But i don't really want him to say anything (yet).. He's in such a tight spot already. Basically the stuff that Hao ge does is stuff that probably represents what ZZ's opinion is, because ZZ himself can't say anything. If he does he will lose a lot of bz.. And inside china he has more only fans i would think.. CPF are active but probably don't have the numbers and are forced to be low key.. If its any comfort.. There's CPF and YZ fans that were originally bz.. I felt sad after listening to his speech today though. X___X

I actually really hope that CPF will be able to get a lot of tickets next time ZZ has a concert.. But that's still really far in the future at the moment.

Yeah i agree that ZZ's singing has improved a lot already. I think he might sound better live, since he sounds better on the fancams sometimes? I think in the interview on the blue carpet he said his album is going to come out in parts. x__x;; I'm not sure what that means. Maybe like the release will be staggered? Two, three songs released at a time? How much did it cost before for his last album? I don't know how i would buy it actually.. I don't even have an apple phone so i don't know about itunes lol (i hope there will be some sugar, doesn't have to be a lot). 

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The tiger outfit :lol: Ceci Mag cover August issue :lol:

Cr Addiked


ZZ studio weibo update.

They talk about the brand so lots of old photos, I will only posts new ones. 

送上@许魏洲ZZ #2017亚洲金曲大赏# 的又一波高清大图,昨晚的《放》听的high么,据说今晚#2017mtv全球华语音乐盛典#会有特别的表演哦! 

条纹衬衫、短款毛衣背心、黑色西裤:XanderZhou 2017秋冬









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ZZ weibo update


Edit: Do what I like to do, I won't let you guys disappointed.

OMG ZZ is holding the one it says Xu Weizhou Man Man Zou 

Congratulations ZZ and JY!!!!

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:



Edited by bearology
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Congrats ZZ!!!!!

Omg i'm kind of glad i am bad with dates, i was thinking is it supposed to be 20th or 21st and didn't know about the time zone, so i actually got some sleep last night. If i thought it would be over before i woke up i probably wouldn't have slept much. But now i'm waiting for ppl to load more videos, fancams.......... X_________X Really want to watch the whole thing..

Love the guitar and i think his outfit works really well for the occasion. hearta_org.gifhearta_org.gif

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5 hours ago, bearology said:

ZZ's lips :lol:

He looks like JY in this clip!

I couldn't watch the livestream because currently at work, but I feel you guys! Man man Zhou won an award! So happy for zZ. Congratulations Zhoumeow, I hope no matter what you will always shine bright no matter where you go. But always be humble and we will always be there for you! 

Edit: suck on that trophy Poison baizhou fans! Especially that one award for Man Man zou  


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