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YZ celebrated Canada's 150th birthday while i.. did not..  [笑cry][笑cry][笑cry] 

Cr. Hako for the fanart


YZ was on my mind on that shopping trip.. Cause guess what i did that i believe is the most stalkerish/creepy thing i have ever done.. Lol.. If anyone wants to know what cologne ZZ was using at one point.. Look no further than Versace Man Eau Fraiche.. No idea if he still uses it, but its pretty pricey lol.  [笑cry] I don't even facebook stalk ppl so this is quite a jump. I think it smells pretty fresh, a little like Daisy by Marc Jacobs but with this subtle musk? Lol ok i will stop now. 




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Omg. So actually between time I was reading this forum, I also open new tab to start reading from 1st page. So far now I come to 665th page, it's telling about Thailand fan meeting (still on the arrival & press conference & all specualition thingy). A lot people post how ZZ always smell nice as suggested by fans who met him at airport, and on Thailand ZZ got this peachy(?) smell that made all the fans smitten. Well yes I kinda wonder what cologne did ZZ use, and here you are @crystalclear18 give me the answer right away :lol: *though ZZ might change various cologne throught times

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@daikyou Haha, what a nice coincidence! Yeah i heard about the peachy smell too, but it might not have been the one i smelled, because this one doesn't seem to have much peach. I think the peach is special for a certain someone haha. :lol: I read that some women who find perfume too strong sometimes like to use this versace cologne. [笑cry] I can imagine that because it is quite similar to citrusy fresh types of perfume, i think just the musk is a little stronger. But then again the heavier perfume for women could also contain some musk as well. Too bad its not my type of scent, although its a good thing for my wallet. [笑cry][笑cry] 

Are you prepared for the thai fanmeet? x.x


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@psychology92 That clip was taken in Changchun when ZZ was there for the Winter Fishing event in December and this photoshoot was for something (Chinese characters) SELF magazine :lol:

@daikyou Omo, you backread up to page 650, BOW:D  


Cr 摄影师蔡辉

JY - The name of this studio is Light Feather Wood. Maybe JY had photoshoot with them




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The event on the 19th - livestream starts at 6pm

On the left is ZZ's goddess (Lin Chi Ling)

#橘子福利社# 橘子君这次带你亲临#网易娱乐跨界盛典# ,和#黄景瑜# #林志玲# #林允# #郑爽# #张靓颖# #李晨# 众多明星大咖面对面!关注@橘子娱乐 转发微博@ 3个好友,@微博抽奖平台 抽幸运小橘子送门票!关注微-信“juziyule”还有更多惊喜福利!


Edited by bearology
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ZZ vote going up realllyyy slowww. I think most fans ald discouraged, but on my personal opinion maybe they tampered on ZZ vote. Well sorry, I have trust issue with them  :tongue: lol

edit: on second thought my post seems so negative. Dont bother it I was merely joking -_-

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6 hours ago, daikyou said:

ZZ vote going up realllyyy slowww. I think most fans ald discouraged, but on my personal opinion maybe they tampered on ZZ vote. Well sorry, I have trust issue with them  :tongue: lol

edit: on second thought my post seems so negative. Dont bother it I was merely joking -_-

It's ok.. I think maybe there are less ppl voting too.. Even if they did tamper with the vote, at least they can see the data and see how many ppl are voting for him on their end. 

The thai fanmeeting was too upsetting i think i only watched it separately in parts lol. 

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Hey guys, long time I've signed in. :lol: Okay I've read and catch up. I haven't been up to voting for ZZ, there's no point anyway. It's rigged from the start. This has happened to a lot in China when it comes to awards and polls. 

Anyways, I doubt oppo would let ZZ win even though ZZ has lots of fans to vote and are dedicated. They probably know about JY and ZZ separation thing. 

@psychology92 I know this is late, but I seem to remember getting an update from JY but I couldn't find what it was. It was very quick. 

One more thing. I don't know what this is but it's about the Meteor Garden Casting. Also, yes it's THAT SONG during Shanghai. That song was one of the OST for Meteor Garden 2. 


And somebody wanted the Happy Camp vids with subs. I think it's this one. 


or this one. 


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OSM weibo update

#黄景瑜的型男守则# 什么样的男士才算型男呢?长得帅、有担当,还要...皮肤好气质佳!没错,型男典范当然归黄景瑜莫属啦!想让你的男友变成和鲸鱼一样的型男吗?7月17日到7月23日,型男节来袭,京东欧诗漫旗舰店等你来买买买,你男友和黄景瑜的距离只差一瓶欧诗漫!截至7月23日18:00,本条微博的热转第一名还将获得黄景瑜周边(鲸鱼雨伞+充电宝+电风扇)噢~

JY ah, your smile is too fake here lmao


This one, it says Young Chow but I read it it as Young Chew at first LOL. I was like wow OSM ships YZ too? :lol:


Cr on pic

 They signed on each other's spot T.T What do we have to do to see this again T.T



Fanart by  油闸大炸蟹




JY - gif rom yesterday

Cr 热爱思10000










ZZ's poster for the Asian Music Award. IIRC, red carpet will start at 4pm




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ZZ taking photos in front of Peng Peng's movie poster...how I wish he will take one in front of JY's movies too :D



Cr 鲸鱼爱吃喵



The next chapter for ZZ's comic





One more gif from yesterday by RedMoon9294



Edited photos by With Chuuu







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By the way, yesterday for me now but 17.7 marks one year since ZZ's Shenzhen concert :wub:




Meow and his fries!!!

Cr UV_9294J



These will be given away to fans who will attend MTV award night for ZZ. LOL the fans






By JT-Project



Fanart by J9294T



By YO-F_i_Sh

So cute omg!!!!




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@psychology92 thanks! 

ZZ's comics and him finding that cat. Reminds me of JY's Stay With Me with a white cat! 

Edit: just watched this again. 


i noticed something, ZZ has said. He likes gold accessories. So obv he didn't buy that silver ring, otherwise he would buy a gold jewelry. (I think silver works with his skin tone more than gold, because gold clashes against his skin. But if he's the type to flaunt, he would swear it so.)

and JY's still "single" because he had a pinky ring for an amount of time. (What happened to his thumb ring? Got lost again?) and the ring's design is Similar to ZZ's ring. I have a theory that instead they wear their own rings, the ones that supposedly JY made/designed, they switch Instead. The one with JY is ZZ's and ZZ vice versa. Kinda symbolic of what's mine is yours and yours is mine. 

I want to see them together again  T_T 


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22 hours ago, psychology92 said:

Yesterday Supreme官方微博 Updated their Weibo.They posted JY and ZZ's photos .They posted JY's photos and 10sec later they posted ZZ's photos.I think ZZ wore a t-shirt (Edit: not t-shirt it's a bag from Supreme) from Supreme when he was with friends yesterday? (don't know am i right or wrong?)


I'm not completely sure, but i heard on weibo that Supreme官方微博 is not an actual supreme official account.. Apparently it's just a fan account... X_X;  There are some fans on weibo who probably didn't see ppl say that in the comments section, so its still being passed around. If he's not actually wearing supreme in some of the pics then its probably because of that.. Too bad though. They're good to look at without it being from the supreme account though. If i see any more info about this i'll let you guys know.

22 hours ago, psychology92 said:

Also a funny thing want to share what i understood this fan uses this phone case when she stalks JY everywhere.


Lol that guy is hilarious. xiaoku_org.gifxiaoku_org.gifxiaoku_org.gif


13 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

i noticed something, ZZ has said. He likes gold accessories. So obv he didn't buy that silver ring, otherwise he would buy a gold jewelry. (I think silver works with his skin tone more than gold, because gold clashes against his skin. But if he's the type to flaunt, he would swear it so.)

and JY's still "single" because he had a pinky ring for an amount of time. (What happened to his thumb ring? Got lost again?) and the ring's design is Similar to ZZ's ring. I have a theory that instead they wear their own rings, the ones that supposedly JY made/designed, they switch Instead. The one with JY is ZZ's and ZZ vice versa. Kinda symbolic of what's mine is yours and yours is mine. 

I want to see them together again  T_T 


I was wondering about JY's pinkie ring lately, since i'm not a huge JY stalker i don't know. But there hasn't been any change to it recently right? If its still the same ring as before then it most likely isn't to do with ZZ unfortunately.. Lol. I think either the pinkie ring and/or the thumb ring was bought a long time ago, when he first started working. I agree with what you said about ZZ's ring though. He did say before that he prefers gold accessories (if my memory fails then just gold rings) and a few of us think that the silver ring is associated with JY. And i'm not even talking about that time the silver ring travelled down a finger lol.

EDIT: This isn't a pinkie ring, but it might fit what you're talking about. I was watching a YZ vid and it jigged my memory.. It's a bit tight on him. Also this is from the self photoshoot so he wore all this ZZ stuff... Maybe someone can CSI JY's rings? x__x



Yeah i want to see them together too..  

With the whole voting thing, i don't think every poll is rigged.. I think most polls aren't rigged, since ZZ and JY do manage to win quite a few of them. So its worth voting for them and to continue to vote for them to show our support. There are other polls that fans are voting for ZZ and JY on, but they are less easy for us to access as overseas fans. xiaohuangren_huaixiao_org.pngxiaohuangren_jiandaoshou_org.pngxiaohuangren_gaoxing_org.png If anyone has wechat, then there are some polls there that are like a daily check in for ZZ and JY. I don't know most of the polls that they vote on, but i know of one..

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Johnny won't be going to the OPPO Event.....


.some how I just knew it was too good to be true. Why is it every time they're so so close they seem to get pulled apart. And maybe it's because they were trolled so hard with the voting and the "rigged" voting that happened to ZZ. (I wonder if ZZ will attend)  But when the time comes when they finally are seeing together it'll all be well worth it, I'm assuming it'll happen after JY movie is released. So it won't effect the film, imagine if a scandal were to break out I wonder if China would pull the entire movie, better to wait get a massive paycheck to take care of the wife and be solidified as a Major player in the Acting and Movie Business. And same for Timmy in the Music World. 

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