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19 hours ago, bearology said:

you show the shiny eyes, destined to the future of the upper floor of the luminous fever

:D:D:D That's why, in case of CH - ENG translations,  I prefer Baidu or Youdao online translating services :D 

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Ugh! I'm getting old! Sleep is my favorite hobby these days!!! Well, my second favorite, but it takes up most of my time :rolleyes:

(short, sappy, "I'm not sure where this came from or what I was thinking" delulu)



“I wanna rabbit.”

“You want a what?”

“I want a rabbit.”

“Why do you want a rabbit?”

“Cause I can’t have a bear.”

Trying to hold in an incredulous laugh, JingYu ended up snorting. He would have laughed long and hard, if not for the completely serious look WeiZhou had on his face.

“Ho...how do get from wanting a bear to a rabbit? And what do you mean you want a bear?!”

“I was just thinking about how I’d like a pet that was different, something that not a lot of people would have, and I thought about when I went to the moon bear sanctuary, and how cute they were. The babies are so cuddly. But I know it’s unreasonable to try to keep a bear as a pet, and I suddenly thought of rabbits.”

JingYu couldn’t decide if he was intrigued or shudderingly scared by this odd conversation.

“Zhou, you don’t have time to take care of a cat. How would you take care of a rabbit? Much less a bear.”

“I didn’t say I was going to get one. I just said I wanted one,” WeiZhou stated. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

“Do you realize how weird you are?”

“Yeah,” WeiZhou smirked, “but you love me anyway.”

JingYu begrudgingly nodded his head in  heartfelt agreement.

“C’mon JingYu, think about it. If you could have any animal as a pet, other than a cat or dog, what would it be?”

“A hedgehog.”

Now it was WeiZhou’s turn to be perplexed. JingYu had not hesitated and answered immediately.

“A hedgehog?”

“Or a racoon. Or a squirrel. Oh, or a sea otter. A sea otter would be good too. What?”

“You repost and ‘like’ posts about extreme sports and bikini models, but you spend more time watching baby animal clips, don’t you?”

JingYu averted his eyes.

“That’s your fault. You constantly sending me cat videos to watch, and then “suggested videos” popping up all the time.”

“Even you can’t deny that baby animals are just too cute and precious.”

“Yeah. Even baby octopus are cute.”

“Baby octopus are yummy.”

“Jeez, Zhou! Wait till they grow up before you think about grilling them!”

“Kind of like chickens?”

“Or ducks. Ooo, duck. I haven’t had duck in ages. We should order in for supper.”

“I want sweet and sour pork. Aaah, baby piglets are so adorable.”

They stopped and stared at each other.

“How did we go from talking about baby animals being cute to eating their parents?” Zhou asked.

“Sorry. I’m starting to get hungry.”

WeiZhou simply nodded in understanding.

“Think about it, though, JingYu. How awesome would it be to have a whole bunch of different animals around to take care of and play with?”

“I think that’s called a zoo, Zhou.”

“That’s an idea! We should start our own zoo! More of a sanctuary, actually. A hands on kind of zoo, where people can learn about different animals and volunteer to help take care of them. Nothing too exotic, and no endangered species from foreign countries. Maybe some big cats like lions and cheetahs, and definitely some different breeds of bears, but more of the smaller animals that people could get closer to. We could find someplace halfway between Beijing and Shanghai for accessibility. Oh, and if we could find something close to the coast we could even add an aquarium. We could have educational programs about the animals and how to take care of their natural environments and such. And why are you looking at me like you’re having dirty thoughts?”

“You’re incredibly sexy when you start talking about conservation and protecting wildlife.”

“You said the same thing about when I’m composing a song.”


WeiZhou leaned back a bit when JingYu latched onto his hips.

“So, you’re saying you find me sexy when I’m deep in thought?”

“Bouncing around in excitement. Relaxing while on your phone. Sleeping. Breathing.  All of those too.”

JingYu scowled when WeiZhou grabbed his chin in one hand.

“You...are a dog. A complete horndog,” WeiZhou said with a grin.


“I thought you were hungry?”

“I am. But the type of appetite changed suddenly.”

“I wanna rabbit,” WeiZhou said, as though that would distract JingYu.

JingYu suddenly smirked as he pushed WeiZhou towards the sofa.

“I may not be a rabbit, but there’s something we can do like rabbits.”

“You are an animal,” WeiZhou groaned as JingYu pushed him onto the sofa and then trapped WeiZhou under his own body.

“Any kind you want me to be,” JingYu offered, peppering kisses to WeiZhou’s jaw and neck as he started naming them off. “Rabbit. Bear. Whale. Octopus. Chicken. Duck. Lion. Dog. Whatever.”

“Hmm, my very own one man zoo,” WeiZhou teased as he pulled JingYu into a blinding kiss that prompted feral growls from both of them.

“You want to know my favorite animal in the whole world?” WeiZhou asked, panting as JingYu’s weight pressed heavily against all the right places.

“Hmm? A cat isn’t it?”

“Uh-uh. It’s cute and cuddly one minute, wild and provocative the next. It’s caring and sweet, but also stubborn and protective. It’s called a Huang JingYu. And it makes me crazy like a wild animal, but not as much as it makes me love it with everything I am.”

JingYu couldn’t help it. He purred at what WeiZhou said. He also couldn’t help it when he roared, as WeiZhou began petting certain parts of his anatomy.

“I think your tail’s wagging.”

“That’s not my tail, Zhou.”

JingYu jumped to his feet and grabbed WeiZhou up, throwing him over his shoulder. WeiZhou laughed as he slapped JingYu’s butt with one hand.

“You think I’m wagging? Let’s see how much you’re wagging when I’m done with you.”

“Rabbits! Hedgehogs! Fluffy baby chicks!” WeiZhou yelled from his perch over JingYu’s shoulder.

They didn’t need pets to love on and take care of, not when they had each other. But they probably could use their own sanctuary, deep in a forest or hidden in a cove by the sea, if only for the privacy. The shouted calls of all the adorable and loveable bundles of fur and feathers quickly receded, replaced by sounds no innocent creature, human or otherwise, should ever be subjected to.

Those animals.



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Omo, is ZZ still a jerk in this drama haha. Singing with guitar and candle light for the girl. Awwwww, poor JY :lol:

It's nice to read nice things about them from others. They are both good and talented boys!


Theres also ....I can't remember his name but he had interview with ZZ last year. He posted about ZZ's album saying its better than his first album. He likes The Edge of Darkness. Something like people should keep doing what they love and ZZ is the example of it (still following rock). **Very proud of these 2 boys!**


Translation by BabyLove瑜洲

It’s been 12 days since filming starts, to all of you who asked about zz condition please don’t worry.
Tell you a bit: as zz first TV drama, he’s been busy filming almost daily, although it’s been more than a year since his last filming, he got into his role really quicky! He’s also a hardworking kid, always trying to figure out Mr Ding’s personality, studying his lines and shooting every take very seriously. Director, scriptwriter and all the big brothers personally help him. Completion of his own scenes progress quickly too, usually just a few takes and done.
Shooting at night ends latest around 1am+ and when he appears after, his words to fans waiting are: “why did you wait till so late?”, warming every fan girl’s heart. He says “go home early” most often when he is with production team…
No matter how tired he is, he is always smiling and grinning to everyone, giving out positive energy! He gets along well with everyone in the production, becomes part of the group, and sometimes even eat “big pot rice” together with the logistic staff!
---- hope his filming goes smoothly too from now, his album sales shoot to the roof, and his TV drama will be explosive, we are together with him.



Fanart by JT-Project



Fanart by Sally




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paulus_ali translated what ZZ's singing in the story 

It is a reff from chinese song: Su Yun Ying - Ye Zi ( Wild Child ), ZZ sing: Chui ya, Chui ya, Wo de jiao ao fan zhong / blow, blow, my pride and indulgence... He may point out the wind is blowing.

It goes well with the gif posted by Angrybird 62 :lol:

More from that OP - 宇宙无敌村花酱

So ZZ got blown away by the wind then he met JY hahahah








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Omo, those photos for OnlyLady, JY is posing with perfume, yet it looks like he's holding a gun LOL. I want to see JY and ZZ together in this kind of photoshoot ahhhhh!!!!! I'm going to throw a tantrum until someone invite YZ to do these photoshoots for me to see ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ZZ did photoshoot with lipstick before and JY can hold perfume!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! ZZ's adorable face and his sweet smile can balance out the photo with JY looking like he's trying to kill someone here. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHY DID WE HAVE ALL THESE BANNSSSS AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! OK I should go to bed **cry**

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In a screaming night we walk slowly toward the light surpassing the edge of darkness. Under the moonlight we understand the dream, because of the see and despite the dust we still had fun , , So what if you forget me i still remember your eyes as long as there is light why give up the time we had .

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ZZ talking about Shanghai local food

Full video here http://www.miaopai.com/show/W6kCHj0To0H8gcwjA62ZXsN6b-Tt8ImALfLHxQ__.htm




They mentioned Shangyin and Walk Slowly for ZZ here :(

Screencapped by 瑜洲的胃药



YZ manip by HeroinFunny



JY - from OnlyLady interview, question was asking what are his coming works? JY said apart from Guns and Kidneys, he has Operation Red Sea, which will be shown soon. He will also start filming a new project (not sure if its drama or movie) in Thailand




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