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MTV announced the winners. The award night -> 2nd July in Shenzhen. I hope ZZ will attend it.


#2017MTV全球华语音乐盛典# 投票结果出炉!![鼓掌]恭喜 最受欢迎男歌手、最佳全能唱跳歌手 @潘瑋柏 ,最受欢迎女歌手 @蔡依林 ,最受欢迎全能艺人 @王祖藍 ,最受欢迎男新人 @许魏洲ZZ ,最受欢迎女新人 @歐陽娜娜Nana ,最佳人气歌手 @李荣浩 ,最具潜质男歌手 @吳思賢_小樂 ,最具潜质女歌手 @許艺娜-Nana ,最佳海外人气歌手 @迪玛希Dimash ,最具突破人气男歌手 @周汤豪NICK ,最具突破人气女歌手 @丁当-Della ,以及十大金曲得奖艺人 @蔡依林 @许魏洲ZZ  #田馥甄# @李佳薇Jess @林俊杰 @金志文-GT @范范范瑋琪 @张杰@GEM鄧紫棋 @薛之谦 !感谢大家的热情投票,请继续关注7月2日在深圳举办的颁奖典礼哦~[心]更多投票结果详情请进入官网 O网页链接 查看!



From Vlinkage 

【寻艺品牌星指数周榜】 #寻艺品牌星指数# 第12期(6.6-6.12):男艺人中,许魏洲×Fendi、鹿晗×肯德基、胡歌×荣耀 排名前三位;女艺人中,赵丽颖×剑侠情缘、刘诗诗×CHANEL彩妆、Angelababy×Dior 排名前三位。

Google translate: 

From 6.6-6.12: male artist, Xu Wei Chau × Fendi, Lu Han × Kentucky Fried Chicken, Hu Ge × glory ranked the top three; female artist Zhao Liying × Jolin love, Liu poetry × CHANEL make-up, Angelababy × Dior top three. 




Female version if you are interested



Today fans received Addicted Korea Special version or something like that

Cr 125830SJ



















From those Vogue Film videos, 我家i泉泉 made YZ version


Haiz, how I hope JY will attend it bt I don't think he will. JY has event on the 17 in Xiamen



YZ manip by SuKee iSlaNd




By 你要吃排骨吗



ZZ sang this in his Light Documentary

Lyrics translated by 北辰星拱008: Lyrics: this is love, stay bravely before leave, even be hurted, even cry, these are the presents from the life.



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9 minutes ago, vtroo said:

This nearly gave he a Heartattack when I saw this. (First thought was who's with JY) 

Dear, me too! Especially when its from JY personal weibo account :lol: I think we are still all traumatised from the incidents :lol: JY ah, you bad bad bad! Don't play with our hearts like that :lol:


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15 hours ago, psychology92 said:

ZZ's new pics from INMIX & Emoji event 060617

Cr. 江南BoyNam

Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fbejHcEilhzIFgiYVFyiSg

Cr. 江南BoyNam

Original Link: (Q&A with ZZ)




I checked out the link to boynam's interview with ZZ and it seems like ZZ is going to the Paris fashion week this month? Also, apparently boynam knew hao ge for 6-7 years now, but it's only the first time he met ZZ (I think).

@psychology92 Since you mentioned translations.. 

Boynam Q&A with ZZ, excuse any mistakes with trans lol:



BN: I've known your manager/agent for 6-7 years now, i always see you in his friend circle. Today i finally get to be in the same place as you (approximate meaning lol). Congratulations, your emoji expressions package can now help you make some money. Is the emoji in your hands your favourite expression?




ZZ: I'm dizzy, haha, no i am saying that this expression shows that i am dizzy. Nice to see you Jiangnam (ie. boynam).





BN: Nice to see you too, your fans are concerned about your figure. I know that your figure is,, quite good, but now that you are so busy, 8 events a day, do you still have time to work out?




ZZ: There is still time if i squeeze some, i try to go as much as i can. But i can eat a lot, but its ok, no matter how much i eat i don't gain much weight. (X____X I made it sound nicer to everyone else already..) 




BN: Aiyaya, that sentence will cause 80000 ppl within a radius of 100 miles (?) to be frustrated to death, no matter if it's looks or figure, 70% is due to genetics, 30% hard work, without hard work you won't even have that 30%.


ZZ: Hahaha, you are good looking, so everything you say is right. (Ok lol X____X;;;)




BN: This month you're going to paris again, are you feeling excited?




ZZ: It's not my first time going to a fashion week, but i am looking forward to this new season, you are going too right, maybe we'll meet again.




BN: I haven't made the final decision to go or not yet, if i go we will meet for sure.


For that video with zheng ge.. --> 

Edit: post from weibo with the truth lol


Cr. @諪諪-諪諪  Trans: Me and google translate


(Airport staff: Those who aren't in the current flight get out!)


(Zheng ge: Don't try to control what isn't your business to control. Who bothered you? Who made trouble!)


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6 hours ago, psychology92 said:

@crystalclear18 I don't know anything about it but thank you for the translation.

Ah @crystalclear18 ! Thank you so much again for the full translations :heart:.You put so much efforts for making the translations.

No problem. :) When i can understand most of it i try to do what i can to show my support. Although i feel like i am or we are cultivating a rare flower (or cactus) with all that careful effort and attention sometimes lol.

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3 hours ago, psychology92 said:

台灣微時尚 Weibo Update

#Fashion星人#你们的老公组团来了~2018春夏伦敦男装周将于下周开跑,看秀阵容不可小觑,胡歌、王俊凯、郑恺、许魏洲等人都将现身Front Row,Xander Zhou、SANKUANZ、Sean Suen、Wan Hung等中国设计也将再度征战国际男装周。据@FashionModels 消息,王俊凯将受邀为Dolce&Gabbana 2018春夏男装秀走秀!

Google Translate:

# # Footers # your husband group to the ~ 2018 spring and summer London Men's Week will start running next week, watching the show lineup can not be overlooked, Hu Ge, Wang Junkai, Zheng Kai, Xu Wei and others will appear Front Row, Xander Zhou, SANKUANZ, Sean Suen, Wan Hung and other Chinese design will also be re-launched International Men's Week. According to @FashionModels news, Wang Junkai will be invited to Dolce & Gabbana 2018 spring and summer men show show! The following are the same as the "

So many Weibo Update today about them

Original Link:https://m.weibo.cn/status/4118495065351297?luicode=10000011&lfid=1076033514659997&featurecode=20000180


I think they made a mistake on their post, london fashion week is over already.. I think it's new york, milan and then paris last. I wonder which show ZZ will go to? Should be the one in paris, but don't know the brand.


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2 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:

台灣微時尚 Weibo Update

#Fashion星人#你们的老公组团来了~2018春夏伦敦男装周将于下周开跑,看秀阵容不可小觑,胡歌、王俊凯、郑恺、许魏洲等人都将现身Front Row,Xander Zhou、SANKUANZ、Sean Suen、Wan Hung等中国设计也将再度征战国际男装周。据@FashionModels 消息,王俊凯将受邀为Dolce&Gabbana 2018春夏男装秀走秀!

Google Translate:

# # Footers # your husband group to the ~ 2018 spring and summer London Men's Week will start running next week, watching the show lineup can not be overlooked, Hu Ge, Wang Junkai, Zheng Kai, Xu Wei and others will appear Front Row, Xander Zhou, SANKUANZ, Sean Suen, Wan Hung and other Chinese design will also be re-launched International Men's Week. According to @FashionModels news, Wang Junkai will be invited to Dolce & Gabbana 2018 spring and summer men show show! The following are the same as the "



This is makes me wonder....... if ZZ was suppose to attend some of these shows it makes me wonder why he didn't go, these shows happened already, they showed their collections a couple days ago. 

Did he stay because a certain someone was back? Makes me think..... but certainly these shows already happened, that means if he were to attend them he would have had to leave immediately after the Fendi Event to be there for these shows.

JY vs a couple of shows to attend....of course our JY would be the choice for ZZ. 

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@psychology92 ZZ's studio confirmed that ZZ will attend Vogue Film in Shanghai on the 16th. If I'm not wrong, ZZ will be flying to Shanghai tomorrow the 15th June. **lalalala they can meet again lalalala** :lol: Then the Radio show is in Shanghai too 21 June...will ZZ stay in Shanghai til then too? :lol: If he's attending Fashion Show, maybe he will be leaving on the 22nd. Meow has a thing with Paris :lol: 

@crystalclear18 Thank you so much for your translation. Li hao has a lot of connections in Fashion Industry, hence ZZ has been doing very well with all these Fashion Shows, ambassadors, etc. Interesting that BoyNam knows Li Hao for that long. JY has a few photoshoots with BoyNam last year and since JY was a model before Addicted, I wonder if JY knew BoyNam too. Would be funny if JY, BoyNam and Li Hao have similar friend circle :lol:

@vtroo Maybe you missed it but ZZ attended Louis Vuitton and Givenchy Fashion Show in January and March this year :D

@urslae I'm not an expert nor know very much about Chinese Showbiz but AFAIK, its quite common for artists to have their own studio. Their studios are basically their management teams who take care of their work. JY's and ZZ's studio account will normally announce their next coming event/project or confirm that they will be attending this or that event. I assume its also the way for organisations to contact ZZ's or JY's managing team.

@Kim Kruisbessie Welcome back!!!! IIRC, the one you were trying to listen....Its was fan saying JY's moto sentence at the airport and as ZZ heard that, fan felt that ZZ said the word Huang Jingyu. He didn't say it out loud so they were reading his lips. :D


Yesterday JY was playing basketball mobile game at the airport. Funny I was joking with my friends that JY stayed back in Beijing to watch NBA with ZZ after I saw ZZ's weibo then LOL JY playing basketball game :lol: JY said before once or twice that he feels its a waste of time to play game...I guess a certain someone made a huge influence on him :tongue:

Translated by 北辰星拱008:#黄景瑜海峡青年论坛# 170613 PEK, JY & LZ were playing a online basketball game, the airport staffs reminded it was time to board, LZ:we will board once game over.


Cr 鲸鱼爱吃喵


Gif by 鲸鱼爱吃喵











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ZZ - Tiffany event 080617

Cr daydreamer





BTS from that cooking show. Woah, so many people :lol:



WooHooGo weibo update

WooHooGo#玩潮流就够了# 还记得小时候在蹦床蹦蹦跳跳,在滑梯上滑来滑去,身边N多欢乐球围绕的时候吗? WooHooGo鲸鱼岛, 一个成年人的乐园!6月24/25日,北京朝阳公园,一起来重温那段无忧无虑的时光!

I still can't imagine what is this event about lol


Fanart by 阿洛哈姆拉



Fanart by J9294T



YZ manip by skywhale33




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Fashion iFeng posted this, ZZ is going to Paris for LV Fashion Show 

#凤凰时尚直击2018春夏伦敦男装周#【不一样的毕业季】6月正值毕业季,然而有一群可爱的明星要去米兰和巴黎男装周接受时尚之都的洗礼,经过看秀的磨炼成为一名合格的时尚毕业生,凰尚将和@吴秀波 @胡歌 @陈坤 @许魏洲ZZ @TFBOYS-王俊凯 黄子韬@SwaggyT-ao等16位同学们一起来一场“不一样的毕业季”之旅!而且,这只是个开始哦!更多美图记得密切关注凤凰时尚[爱你][爱你]

The photo is ridiculous so spoiler :lol: Looks like ZZ will fly straight to Paris from Shanghai after Radio Show event on the 21st at night. Aw poor Meow :(




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56 minutes ago, bearology said:

@vtroo Maybe you missed it but ZZ attended Louis Vuitton and Givenchy Fashion Show in January and March this year :D


@bearology Im aware, the Givenchy Show was for Men's Fall Winter 2017 collection and the Louis Vuitton Show was Women's Fall Winter 2017, 

But the Shows in London were for Spring Summer 2018, which throws me a little......why didn't he go? If it was posted he would be there maybe due to wrong info, last min cancellation, JY being back......Hmmmmmmmm lol 

Small fact: these fashion houses have 4 to 8 shows in one year

Ahhhh! So happy he's attending Louis Vuitton Men's SS 2018 Show! 

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