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5MilesLove weibo update

They updated their weibo at 8:26am. Tagged ZZ and this Thai song link


There are many stories that no one has heard

There are hundreds of thousands of words that need to be said

No matter how long

I still stand by the same words forever, unchanging

You made me realize and understand the word “us”

No matter if it’s hot or cold, I won’t be afraid

I have you, sweetie, in my mind

Making me continue walking forward from now on

You and I, holding hands from now on

Passing by the loneliness the two of us once had

There’s only the word “love” that the two of us understand

I’ll love only you forever, just you and I

And from now on, every story we’ve heard

Every word that keeps reminding us

Regardless how far

I have only you, baby, like this, never shaken

There’ll only be the two of us from now on, just you and I





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2 hours ago, 1blankstare said:


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As for the TFM, it's a necessary evil that YZ have to go through. We just have to keep believing and support the the two. Like HaiLuoYin, they've endure a long separation, suffering and heartaches but they still got together. Their love for together, no matter what it is either mutual or much more, it will overcome whatever they're going through. Like JY said their future looks bright as of now. 

I just want some news of ZZ having a finalized contract drama. So I can see him act again. Maybe once JY is done with all filming it's ZZ's turn. Lol, and JY's turn to model and all. Well by that time I'll have a long term epistaxis. 





Um, not sure if this has been posted but daym ZZ. And also they might be speaking in picture language? Lol theyre communicating somehow. 




I saw that post on instagram too and i thought it was genius lol. Cause it actually works. :lol::rolleyes: There were a lot of comments on ZZ's weibo about how great his muscles look etc, but there were some fans joking (probably YZ fans) and saying, "you heard wrong they were saying you look uke". LOL so this actually would fit if JY was going with the word play. He kind of looks like he's covering up a smirk too lol. I was wondering why he put that pic up and this explanation fits so perfectly LOL.

Yeah i want to see ZZ start a drama or something too.. Although its hard for me to imagine what kind of drama or what kind of part. Ppl were saying maybe he could go to korea and be in a drama that suits him there but i think it would be kind of hard right now. I really wish we could see them act together in the same show but that's probably a fantasy..

@bearology Omg the song lyrics are so sweet! Makes sense that it's a thai song? 

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The last 2 second.....from that 1 hour When he meets him video...from now on we have to live by photoshopped photos. Cr RealZone



It's our drama FanMeeting, yet I could only look at you from afar. My spot supposed to be next to you, yet we could only stand next to each other as figures on a cake. Cr iAmKaneng


I feel that JY was afraid ZZ might do something crazy cause this boy just looked so angry towards the end of the FM.

It has been one year since the last time we saw you guys together but we are still addicted and believe in your love. Stay strong JY and ZZ ah! You two have the whole universe behind supporting you.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Cr AddictedSHOT


Cr Ticktock


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This fits their song I only care about you :lol:


Let throw back some sweet moments ahhh

JY' breast is only worth 5 yuan per kg :lol:


Cr yuzhoumark





Everytime when I look at this, I don't understand why some people so called themselves JY's or ZZ's fans but can badmouth the other. They love each other so much, why do you think they like to see "their fans" bashing the person they love? 


Cr yuzhoumark




Come, let cuddle ZZ ah! My ZZ!!! B)


Cr bblight56



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OMG! Finally, 5 Miles Love updated, twice on that sad and memorable day. By that second post, very bright and with happy smiles, they are reminding us - it is only beginning. It's like if they're saying don't be sorrow and I am 100% aggreed, but why I am crying like hell and can't stop thinking about it. 


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4 hours ago, jingyuzhou said:

I just knew they used zz's song/music, Light in AB, ahhh :3


Yep, they did use ZZ's song, but also there was a song that sounded similar to bgm from ZZ's concert?


1 hour ago, psychology92 said:

170416 at Thai FM,

When MC asked ZZ,"what kind of girl he likes?Fans were screaming Huang JingYu.Then he said,"hmmmp,ah,at last yep".He didn't answer that question.Did you guys see CW expression here?At first,FS was also looking at ZZ but when ZZ looked at them like he was saying,"Don't you guys know what will happen if i say JY"then FS pretended like normal.ZZ also said here "I Love my Love".Last year on 18th February,ZZ said to JY,"your Love" when JY asked him,"what are you asking?"you just say me (something like that) in the YY interview.That MC said after that China Strictly forbidden them to stand together at the stage if they do then they have to pay it's consequences.They will ruined One of them (YuZhou) career.At last ZZ took risk and came on the stage.I think it was totally unexpected for us and JY too.I think they changed it( i don't know who,it may be Chai JiDan or ZZ himself) just for YuZhou to stand on the stage for the last time in public.They said them that they can stand but they have to far away from each other.


I haven't made myself watch the full thai fan meeting because i already know that it ends in tears for everybody.. But i do remember from reading previous posts in this forum that there was an interview with one of the thai MC's/organizers of the fan meeting and he actually said a lot about what happened.


It's like you said @psychology92, they had to reorganize the event because very close to the actual date they were told they couldn't have them all on the same stage or else JY would suffer the consequences. The MC pretty much implied that it was JY that would have problems when he goes back. I think that is because the other three were going to be suffering from the ban anyways, but JY might have been able to be let off easier if he didn't show up on the stage with the rest of them. But somehow the organizers worked out what they could and couldn't do and they decided that they actually could have the four of the together at the end, except that ZZ and JY couldn't be close to each other. 

JY seemed super surprised to see them so i don't really know if he knew that they would be able to show up together, but he looked really happy about it. The MC also said that before the fan meeting "one of them", probably JY had to be in a separate room from the others and wasn't supposed to interact. But JY apparently got drunk and barged into the room with the others, JY's staff couldn't stop him and he was with them for around half an hour, this part i remember reading for sure but i'm not sure if that came from the MC's interview or somewhere else. 

There's also fan accounts of JY and ZZ leaving together and holding hands after and the thai organizers telling the fans not to take pics or tell people. This part i don't know if it is reliable for sure even though it sounds like something that they would do, because there are no pics.

The interview with the thai MC was on youtube i think before but it was taken down because ppl were afraid it would affect ZZ and JY's careers. I'm pretty sure the original post with the thai MC's interview is on the forum somewhere, maybe it's bookmarked?


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Here comes the stick gif. Cr uareuare

These 4 boys will forever be in our heart! 

Its so unfair that you guys (and us, their fans too!) had to go through all these painful memories.

However, I believe it is because of all these hardship, the bond between you guys and our love for you guys will forever stay strong!

Gosh, since I started to join this fandom, my heart has been through a lot! I sincerely hope that everything will be better and better from now on!


Fanart by notjya




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7 hours ago, crystalclear18 said:

I haven't made myself watch the full thai fan meeting because i already know that it ends in tears for everybody.. But i do remember from reading previous posts in this forum that there was an interview with one of the thai MC's/organizers of the fan meeting and he actually said a lot about what happened.

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It's like you said @psychology92, they had to reorganize the event because very close to the actual date they were told they couldn't have them all on the same stage or else JY would suffer the consequences. The MC pretty much implied that it was JY that would have problems when he goes back. I think that is because the other three were going to be suffering from the ban anyways, but JY might have been able to be let off easier if he didn't show up on the stage with the rest of them. But somehow the organizers worked out what they could and couldn't do and they decided that they actually could have the four of the together at the end, except that ZZ and JY couldn't be close to each other. 

JY seemed super surprised to see them so i don't really know if he knew that they would be able to show up together, but he looked really happy about it. The MC also said that before the fan meeting "one of them", probably JY had to be in a separate room from the others and wasn't supposed to interact. But JY apparently got drunk and barged into the room with the others, JY's staff couldn't stop him and he was with them for around half an hour, this part i remember reading for sure but i'm not sure if that came from the MC's interview or somewhere else. 

There's also fan accounts of JY and ZZ leaving together and holding hands after and the thai organizers telling the fans not to take pics or tell people. This part i don't know if it is reliable for sure even though it sounds like something that they would do because there are no pics.

The interview with the thai MC was on youtube i think before but it was taken down because ppl were afraid it would affect ZZ and JY's careers. I'm pretty sure the original post with the thai MC's interview is on the forum somewhere, maybe it's bookmarked?


Thai MC mentioned that it was almost impossible to organise a drama FanMeeting that they couldn't mention the characters' name, the series's name, any details from the series, JY's and ZZ's name together. They were even thinking of cancelling the FanMeeting but because of fans, they and the boys decided to make this FanMeeting happen. He said he was told not to let them appear on the same stage together. He had to be very careful about what he said on stage. Even at backstage, the boys had to eat and rest separately but he also said that they were totally fine with each other. They even greeted at backstage. I'm pretty sure it was not according to the plan that the three would appear on the same stage with JY, we assumed that the 3 boys decided to F**k the rules and came to stage with JY. Even JY looked surprised. MC said that he knew its not allowed but he couldn't bear to separate them so when FS pushed ZZ towards JY, he let it happen until staff came to separate them.

It took me a while til I had the courage to watch this MV at one go. They released these MVs as their final gifts to fans, a good-bye to Addicted after Thai FM



:bawling: **okay, I should stop spamming**

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1 hour ago, bearology said:

I feel that JY was afraid ZZ might do something crazy cause this boy just looked so angry towards the end of the FM.

It has been one year since the last time we saw you guys together but we are still addicted and believe in your love. Stay strong JY and ZZ ah! You two have the whole universe behind supporting you.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:



Aiya, i'm just a useless person who hasn't watched the full FM but from the videos you posted it looked like ZZ was actually really upset about being separated from JY. He probably was mad but didn't say anything. And JY looked like he was just happy that they were on the same stage, but because he saw that ZZ was unhappy he kept looking over to him, i don't know if he was worried that he'd do something crazy or just worried about him being upset.


Now i'm just going to be super delusional.. ZZ went to japan later on in april and JY seemed pretty upset about it since he put up that song on changba.. Ppl were speculating it's because ZZ and JY were having some problems since JY was always busy, but wasn't it also true that JY had a lot less work around that time? I'm just super nosy i guess lol. Trying to fit everything in the YZ theory in my head. 

@bearology Don't stop spammingggggg. Plus that's some beautiful fanart right there.

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Okay! So our captains don't want to see us being all sad and depressed, here are some candies :lol:

First is ZZ IG post yesterday, because of the image ZZ holding the guitar, so fans understood his post -> "mind went blank because too much thinking"

But "think" can also be interpreted as "miss", all hail to Chinese same word but different meaning. Therefore, you can read his IG caption as 

"Mind went blank because you're missing someone so much"

And why fans suddenly realised that?? Well, thanks to our second captain :lol:

Sun Fei, JY's broker from Lucida posted a photo of JY today with caption something like just a blink of eyes and JY has been away for 3 months?? Then Liu Zheng reposted it and JY's studio reposted it with this caption

I stole from my friend "If (someone) is really missing somebody, he will appear soon, isn't it?"

都说一直很想念一个人,他就会出现,这是真的吗 [阴险] 


And I saw JY's flight details!!!!!

LOOKS LIKE JY IS COMING BACK TO SHANGHAI TOMORROW!!!!! Well, don't get too excited yet. I want to see JY's airport photos before I start screaming!!


And if JY is coming back to Shanghai tomorrow, most likely he will attend the OSM event on 19 April. Also, I saw fan posting that JY will attend Beijing International Film Festival!!! BEIJING!!! on the 21st April. He's flying to Beijing on the 20th! and he will go back to Morocco on the 22nd.

OMG!!! Finally, we get to see his face, not having to spot him in the middle of million soldiers wearing the same outfit with same hairstyle!!!!

And I won't be surprised if ZZ is driving to Shanghai right now :lol: Okay, calm down Bearo :lol: I hope I didn't accidentally type ZZ when I meant to type JY somewhere here :lol: Auntie please help me to proofread, I'm still busy jumping! 


Edited by bearology
Osm 19th not 18th lol
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FIC TIME!!! Part 3 - The trilogy is complete. 

I didn't plan to finish this today, but, well, as we all know, fate works the way fate wants to work. I just go with the flow... @bearology I hope you're not on public transport :tongue:

Part 1  18++



The last shuddering throes of ecstasy rippled through WeiZhou’s moan, as JingYu ever so slowly pulled from within him. A trickle of liquid fire on his skin highlighted for WeiZhou the feeling of emptiness from JingYu’s withdrawal in more than just his body. The sudden heavy weight of JingYu pressing along his back collapsed WeiZhou’s legs, forcing their skin to meld as JingYu covered his lover with all of himself. JingYu sank his teeth into the back of WeiZhou’s neck, eliciting a sharp groan, before sliding into the space next to WeiZhou, his arms immediately pulling the still trembling body into his own. JingYu sealed his mouth to WeiZhou’s, lips and tongues strangling the panting breaths for needed oxygen. Even as he willed his body to descend from the heights of pleasure JingYu had sent him to, the taste of JingYu on his tongue started a dizzying climb in WeiZhou’s senses. The blood in his veins had cooled to a simmer for only a brief moment before it rushed boiling through him again with JingYu forcing their bodies together.

WeiZhou whimpered, his fingernails clawing into JingYu’s back hysterically. He was still completely sensitized, and yet JingYu was advancing without delay. His left arm embraced WeiZhou’s shoulders tightly to him, chests welded with heat and sweat. His lips and teeth tugged and nipped at WeiZhou’s, extracting the flavors of skin and saliva and breath. His right hand skimmed the base of WeiZhou’s spine, transmitting signals of erotic intent to the farthest reaches of WeiZhou’s being. A tortured groan left WeiZhou’s throat, his insides contracting and twisting in anticipation as JingYu slid his hand between their bodies.

Opening his eyes, WeiZhou let himself be enticed and excited more by the look of absolute desire and drive in JingYu’s gaze than the gentle grasp that moved over their burning manhoods pressed together. Even though the long night was already filled with the lovers pulling everything out of each other no less than twice, their hearts and bodies bare and raw with physical desperation and emotional urgency, they pushed each other towards the consuming flames once more, determined to leave themselves branded into each other’s flesh and souls. The gnawing pain directly preceding impending fulfillment, heightened by JingYu suddenly breathing his name against his lips, tossed WeiZhou into a mindless tempest of…


The blankets flew from over WeiZhou’s head. Staring into the darkness, he growled in exasperation. This was not what he should be thinking about right now. He needed to sleep. His schedule had picked up and he had a busy couple of days ahead of him. He didn’t want to think about JingYu right now. Well, he did want to think about JingYu, but he knew it would only drive him crazy if he did. Especially when his thoughts were of this, ahem, lusty kind.

Rolling over, he reached for his phone out of habit. Just after 3 a.m. His mind effortlessly calculated minus 8 hours. Another, more recent, habit. It was only mid-evening in that other place. JingYu wouldn’t be free yet most likely. WeiZhou groaned. He really wanted to hear JingYu’s voice. He may have to be content with only memory and fantasy of JingYu’s touch, but thank goodness for technology, even at international rates, keeping their voices fresh for each other.

WeiZhou pulled the blanket back over him and burrowed down. He missed JingYu. Of course he missed JingYu. He always missed JingYu. The moment they had to leave each other’s sides, he missed JingYu. It was just that they had been apart for so long this time. The time difference didn’t help matters either. There were so few hours when they could directly communicate with each other. Like right now, JingYu was probably eating supper, while WeiZhou would normally be sound asleep. They might talk in a couple of hours, as WeiZhou was getting ready for his day, and JingYu would be on the verge of going to sleep. JingYu would send a message when he woke up, but WeiZhou would be working and not see the message until he was done for the day. By that time, JingYu would be well into a heavy day of work himself and also miss any message WeiZhou might send. They might be able to catch each other for a few minutes if JingYu had a break in filming and could call as WeiZhou was heading to bed, but that had only happened on a few occasions.

Time zones are a pain.

WeiZhou recalled the night JingYu had told him about the filming schedule, the time frame and distance. He had been shocked into speechlessness, quite the unusual occurrence, at the mere thought of JingYu being out of the country for not a week or two, but months. It had taken about thirty seconds for his brain and lips to synchronize with each other again, and in that half of a minute, WeiZhou thought of every reason to tell JingYu not to go. When he began to speak, though, he could only utter words of understanding and encouragement. The spark of surprised joy in JingYu’s eye even led WeiZhou to smile, sincerely and happily, himself.

He really was very happy for JingYu. Honestly and truly. He was quite proud of that silly dork he called his boyfriend. Such a high profile production was an amazing opportunity for JingYu, in so many ways. There was no way WeiZhou would, or could, try to hold him back. They had agreed to a long term plan for themselves, a way to follow their dreams and be together, and this was part of it. They both knew that sacrifices now would become blessings in the future. But WeiZhou was feeling selfish at the moment. As happy as he was for JingYu, as wonderful as all of this was for the man he loved, WeiZhou wanted to act like a two year old, throw a tantrum, scream for JingYu to come home. Even as he considered his own thoughts pathetic and unmanly.

Looking back at the screen of his phone, WeiZhou debated whether to send JingYu a message or not. His soul ached to hear JingYu’s voice, to have that small connection with him for a few minutes. He didn’t have much to talk about, could say little himself, keep these petty thoughts quiet. Just to hear JingYu’s voice.


A soft moan slid past his lips as smoothly as WeiZhou’s soapy hands slid over his chest. Fingertips grazing playfully, teasingly, at the edge of his nipples set his skin on fire, so much so that when those fingers tweaked against his swollen flesh JingYu gasped sharply. The warmth of the water flowing over their bodies was cooled by the heat emanating between them. The press of WeiZhou’s chest against his back melted JingYu’s sense of balance, leading him to lean more heavily into the supporting strength. The tender movement of WeiZhou’s lips on his neck, gentle nips of teeth pinpoints of contrast, added to the already overwhelming comfort of being in WeiZhou’s embrace. JingYu reached behind him, his fingers gripping into WeiZhou’s hair, as the trail of suds left by WeiZhou’s hands dripped lower, and lower, down his body. Even though he expected it, JingYu shuddered and groaned as WeiZhou lovingly caressed the growing length of his manhood. The slick aspect of the cleanser and the increasing strength of Weizhou’s grasp perfectly mimicked to JingYu the sensation of taking WeiZhou completely. His sanity evaporated instantly.

JingYu struggled to find WeiZhou’s lips, filling himself on the passion his lover breathed into him. With a methodical delicacy, JingYu altered their positions, so they could hold onto each other as their lips declared their love and desire without words. The heated length of WeiZhou’s erection pressed against his hip drew JingYu’s attention. His utmost desire was to fulfill WeiZhou. That was all he needed. As the water showered over him, washing away the bubbles left by WeiZhou’s doting care, JingYu slowly fell to his knees, his lips taking in the fresh taste of WeiZhou’s wet skin. Taking WeiZhou’s c*ck into his mouth, JingYu satisfied himself on the bitterly sweet flavor of erotic fluid coating his tongue and cheeks. His five senses filled themselves on WeiZhou - the taste of WeiZhou in his mouth, the smell of WeiZhou’s skin hot and wet, the sound of WeiZhou’s panting moans increasing in length and speed, the feel of WeiZhou’s hips trembling under his grasp, the sight of WeiZhou becoming glassy eyed and flushed.

All of this combined in JingYu, pushing him to a sense of satisfaction felt throughout his being. He knew that this night with WeiZhou would end eventually, that their time together was defined and limited, but this was just the beginning of it. They were both determined to love each other with every fiber of themselves for every second they had together. JingYu let this innate joy flow through him as he continued pulling all of WeiZhou to him. The sudden cry of his name from WeiZhou’s lips threw JingYu into a dizzying euphoria that….


The hot water struck JingYu’s face and tempered the growl coming from his chest. He shouldn’t be thinking about WeiZhou like this. At least not right now. He was homesick, and lovesick, enough as it was. These kinds of thoughts weren’t going to make it any better. There was still too much time left in his filming schedule. If he thought about WeiZhou, if he thought about making love to WeiZhou, he would really go insane.

Quickly finishing his shower, JingYu wondered what time it was. Filming had finished early for the day, and the hours of free time ahead of him loomed. He knew it was too early for WeiZhou to be awake. Especially since he knew his boyfriend had a packed schedule of events and work recently. JingYu groaned. He really wanted to talk to his Zhou. He couldn’t let himself give in to his primordial fantasies, but he could at least content himself with a phone conversation to fill his need for WeiZhou.

Flopping down on the bed in his room, JingYu stared at the ceiling. North Africa was interesting, fascinating. He was enjoying himself in that aspect. Plus, he didn’t have the added worry of fans causing trouble in this desert region. Very different from when he had filmed in Inner Mongolia. But at least while in Baotou, he and WeiZhou had been on the same schedule. He tried to remember how many days it had been since he and WeiZhou had really talked. True, they spoke every day, messaged each other, sent voicemails and such. JingYu had managed to watch the livestream, or at least the replay, of all of WeiZhou’s recent events. But an actual, good, long, heartfelt conversation? That had been at least a week ago. And it wasn’t because of international rates.

Time zones are torture.

JingYu hated to admit it, but a small part of him had thought to turn down his offered role because of the filming schedule. He didn’t like the thought of being away from China, and WeiZhou, for so long. When he had told WeiZhou about it, there had been a small flicker of hope run through him that WeiZhou would protest, that the pouty, spoiled image that many people had of WeiZhou would manifest itself. Of course, JingYu knew it wouldn’t, and WeiZhou didn’t disappoint him there. In fact, WeiZhou’s excitement for JingYu was infectious and had filled JingYu with renewed excitement himself.

He was grateful for the opportunity to be in such a major production. He enjoyed the travel and seeing new places, meeting new people. Even the grueling schedule was fun in its own way. How he missed WeiZhou, though. He had lost count of the number of times he had wanted to say “richard simmons it” and go home, but each of those times, the thought of how WeiZhou would react had stopped him. More than anyone, even himself, JingYu would not, could not, disappoint WeiZhou. Everything they did now was part of their long term plan, the plan that kept them doing work they loved while being together. Three months apart was a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things. It was harder than JingYu had thought it would be. If only he could hear WeiZhou tell him it was worth it, then he could bear any amount of internal suffering he put himself through.

JingYu grabbed his phone to check the time. Not quite 7:30 p.m. It would be at least another hour or two before he could call and wake WeiZhou. He couldn’t remember what WeiZhou’s schedule was for that coming day, but hopefully there would be enough time for more than just a quick hello and goodbye. With time and distance separating them, this was the only way JingYu could feel connected to the man he loved.

The alert tone from his phone made JingYu’s eyes widen in surprise. They widened even more when he saw the message notification flash the nickname he used for WeiZhou on his phone.  It wasn’t even 4 a.m. in China yet.

<Call me when you can. Whatever time.>

A small shiver ran through JingYu, whether of concern or excitement he was not sure. Perhaps both. Another message came through.

<I miss you>


Part 2   18+



<Call me when you can. Whatever time.>


JingYu took a couple of deep breaths. And then a couple more. WeiZhou was awake. He could call him, talk to him. A giddy excitement welled up in JingYu’s chest at the thought, but he didn’t move. It was still the middle of the night back home. WeiZhou had been busy lately - flying here and there, performing, interviews, appearances - if he was awake right now, JingYu couldn’t help but think that something wasn’t right. That small tinge of worry creeped among his happiness, but JingYu chose to ignore it. If there was something wrong with WeiZhou, that was all the more reason for them to talk. JingYu was glad for any reason to hear WeiZhou’s voice right now. Sitting up, a grin spread wider and wider on JingYu’s lips with each number he tapped on his phone.


<I miss you>


WeiZhou grimaced the moment he hit ‘send’ and the message flew through the ethers to JingYu. It wasn’t as though he had lied. He did miss JingYu. It wasn’t that he felt weak in admitting it either. It was just, in his current state of mind, it somehow seemed almost dangerous to send that message to JingYu. It was unlike him to send a message like that so blatantly. WeiZhou would rather say things like ‘I miss you’, ‘I want to see you’, ‘I love you’ with his own voice and not by text. JingYu knew this, and that second message would certainly make him wonder. If JingYu were to call him, before he could calm his inner spoiled brat child, WeiZhou was afraid of what he might say. Again staring at the clock on the screen of his phone, WeiZhou felt a small relief in the fact that it should be at least an hour or so before JingYu would call.


WeiZhou yelped, his phone flopping between his hands, when the ringtone shrilled through the silence. His head popped off of the pillow and he sat up. JingYu was calling him already? WeiZhou cleared his throat and tried to calm his breathing. He wasn’t ready yet, but he wasn’t about to ignore the call either. He quickly swiped his finger across the face of his phone.


“Hey, Zhou.”

A momentary pause of silence allowed the other’s voice to sink into each of their ears, and wiggle around into their hearts.

“You surprised me. It’s too early for you to be up, isn’t it?”

WeiZhou could hear JingYu trying to hide the concern in his voice.

“Just a little trouble sleeping tonight. Not a big deal,” WeiZhou said, trying his best to keep his voice even and calm. “What about you? Are you already done for the day?”

“Yeah. Filming went pretty smooth today. We got done earlier than expected, so I just came back to the hotel to chill for the evening.”

“Have you eaten?”

JingYu felt himself relaxing with the normalcy of the conversation. This felt so good to him.

“Not yet,” he admitted. He quickly continued as he heard WeiZhou click his tongue in protest. “I just got out of the shower, was going to order a sandwich or something from room service in a little bit. Don’t scold me.”

JingYu shivered at the tickle of WeiZhou’s chuckle.

“I’m not going to scold you. Like it would do any good even if I did,” WeiZhou laughed. He had felt himself calming down the moment he had heard JingYu’s voice. He felt better than he had in days. This moment, this connection, was more perfect than he could have imagined and hoped. “So what did you film today? Anything exciting?”

“Hmm, it’ll probably be exciting for the five minutes it’s on screen. Rolling around in the desert for eight hours filming it, not so much. Hey, did you know there’s a difference between desert sand and beach sand?”

“Really? How?”

JingYu could hear rustling in the background. His mind painted a picture of WeiZhou propping pillows against the wall behind the bed before leaning into them, a relaxed pose that invited JingYu to join him. So many evenings when they could be together were spent like this, just sitting in bed reading, watching a movie, or just talking. Thinking of this, JingYu followed suit and was soon reclining on one side of the bed.

“Desert sand is sharper,” he finally answered. “I had never thought about it before, but I guess it makes sense. Beach sand, even though it’s sand, has been in the water and is smoother. Desert sand is just rough. And let me tell you, when you get desert sand in certain places, you KNOW there’s sand in those places.”

WeiZhou laughed. He could imagine JingYu’s face screwed up in mock pain, his lips set in a firm line of disgust.

“That does sound pretty irritating.”

The emphasis WeiZhou put on the last word caused him to snicker, and JingYu to groan.

“Really, Zhou? Really?”

“Sorry. It was too good to pass up.”

“You’re so mean to me,” JingYu whined with a sigh, the contentment in his heart overtaking him. This playful banter was like medicine for him. “What about you, Zhou? I know you had a photo shoot yesterday. How’d that go?”

“It was okay, I guess. At least I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“Of course you didn’t hear any complaints. You fit yourself so well to any concept with hardly any effort.” JingYu knew WeiZhou’s unease with modelling, but he also knew what a hidden talent WeiZhou had for it. “What was it this time? Cute and sweet idol boy? Hard and sassy rock god? Don’t tell me it was a ‘hot and sexy, dear God I should be the only one able to see you like that’ concept.”

WeiZhou couldn’t stop the grin that came with the fake panic in JingYu’s voice. The small hints of jealousy JingYu expressed only registered as pure devotion to WeiZhou. Any other night, he might play with JingYu and poke at that jealousy, but he simply didn’t want to this night.

‘No, no,” WeiZhou said with a laugh, “nothing like that. It was a little different really. Cute and sweet rock god, maybe. Or hard and sassy idol boy, something along those lines. Kind of a mixed concept.”

“Hmm, interesting. If anybody could pull it off it would be you, Zhou. I can’t wait to see it.”

A comfortable silence settled between the two men. The urgency each felt before they heard the other’s voice had quieted in them, and just knowing the other was listening to the silence with him was enough for each. A soft groan from JingYu finally broke the stillness.

“You okay, JingYu? What are you doing?”

“I’m just going to the fridge to get something to drink. It was too comfortable on the bed, I didn’t want to get up.”

WeiZhou wiggled into the comfort of his pillows, and then realized he was thirsty as well.

“That sounds good, actually. Your fridge is in the same room with you at least. I have to go into the kitchen.”

“Turn on the lights so you don’t run into anything.”

“Yes, yes. You’re as fussy as a mother hen,” WeiZhou teased, even has he held his phone near the light switch so JingYu could hear it click when he turned it on.

“No, I’m as fussy as a man who doesn’t want to hear his boyfriend crashing into walls or furniture when I’m not there to tend to his bruises...AAH, YES!”

WeiZhou froze, the refrigerator door half open, when JingYu exclaimed loudly.

“What the hell was that?”

“Oh, sorry I yelled in your ear. I had forgotten I had some leftovers in the refrigerator. I don’t have to worry about ordering room service now.”

WeiZhou grabbed a bottle of water and slowly made his way back to his bed as he listened to JingYu talk about the delicacy he had found in the refrigerator. Snuggling back down into his pillows, WeiZhou knew that it did not matter what JingYu talked about. Whether it was food or sand, demonic possession or UFO’s, as long as the words kept coming. Those words, any words, in JingYu’s voice were a cooling balm against the rash of anxiety that had covered WeiZhou only minutes before. If JingYu just kept talking, WeiZhou would be fine. He would get past this bout of melancholy and be able to keep his sanity for the coming weeks.

“Everybody went crazy for it,” JingYu was saying. “One of the sound crew made it his personal mission to get the recipe from the old lady. He went back every day for a week, but it finally paid off. Turns out, it’s so simple even I should be able to make it, no problem. I can’t wait to fix it for you when I get home. I know you’ll really like it, too.”

WeiZhou repeated, “when you get home,” his lips moving as his chest tightened slightly. The seconds of quiet between them made him wonder if JingYu had heard him, even though he had used no voice, no air, and his chest tightened even more.

“Zhou?” JingYu’s voice was suddenly soft, and much too gentle, in WeiZhou’s ear. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” WeiZhou chirped, forcing his voice through his throat. Damn it. He was just finally beginning to feel somewhat normal again.

“Zhou,” JingYu sighed, “talk to me.”

The imploring tone in JingYu’s voice nudged at WeiZhou’s conscience.

“Nothing’s wrong, JingYu. I’m listening. I like hearing about what you’ve been doing.”


The use of his full name made WeiZhou shudder. The only time JingYu called him WeiZhou was when he was in a super, incredibly serious mood. The last time had been when he explained about filming in Morocco.

“It’s barely 4 a.m. in Beijing, but you’re wide awake, even though your schedule has been packed the last couple of weeks and you’re exhausted. You send me a message, asking me to call, but you’re saying hardly anything.”

Damn it again. WeiZhou felt his control starting to slip. JingYu really did know him too well.

“What is it, Zhou? I can’t know if you don’t tell me.”

WeiZhou tightly pursed his lips over his teeth gnashing into the bottom one. He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t. If he started now, he had no idea where it might end.

JingYu waited in the silence, his mind whirling with possibilities. He had originally thought there was something causing WeiZhou to have a sleepless night, but he had hoped he was just overreacting. Especially when their conversation had been so normal at first. The fact that WeiZhou now refused to utter a sound to him confirmed his initial thoughts, but WeiZhou was not the type to be reluctant to vent. Issues with work, fans, rumors, and attacks were easily expressed between them.

“Or is it,” JingYu began, thinking aloud, “is there something you want to say, but you think I’ll get upset if you say it, so you’re trying not to say anything at all?”

Unable to hold back anymore, WeiZhou responded with a simple and quick “Mmm.”

“Does it have to do with the second message you sent me?”

“Mmm,” WeiZhou grunted again. He mentally kicked himself for answering JingYu like this, but he didn’t trust his voice to try to deny it. He wished there was a way for him to quickly end this conversation, but he knew it was too late for that.

“I really want to be able to reach you right now. Though whether to hold you because you’re hurting, or to smack you a couple of times for being so stubborn, I’m not sure which.”

“Both,” WeiZhou finally found the courage to say. “I’d take either.”

JingYu half smiled, half grimaced. Normally an open book, WeiZhou could be difficult when he was emotionally conflicted. And he was more apt to take it out on himself than others. Taking a deep breath, JingYu pushed at his boyfriend one more time.

“ZhouZhou...I miss you, baobei.”

WeiZhou really did not like it when JingYu called him ‘baobei’. It was much too Gu Hai-ish, and brought up memories of a time when Xu WeiZhou and Huang JingYu were two confused, scared, and uncertain individuals. But this night, this long and draining night for WeiZhou, JingYu calling him baobei, in his warm and gentle voice, was the perfect key to unlock the floodgates of WeiZhou’s heart and mind.

“I miss you! I miss you so much I think I’m going crazy. I want you to come home. I really want you to just pack up and come home right now. But I can’t say that. I can’t be so pathetic as to tell you to walk away in the middle of filming. I can’t be that big of an *ss, or that much of a coward. But I still want to do it.”

As he had feared, once he started WeiZhou couldn’t stop. The words kept spilling on their own as his voice rose in pitch and volume.

“There’s times I hate you for being there. I hate that you left me to go so far away. Then I hate myself for thinking that because I love you so much. I love you so much that I would happily tell you to go to the moon if that’s what you wanted to do. And I’m so proud of you, JingYu. I really am. To see you getting the recognition for your talent, I’m so happy for you. But why in the hell did you have to go to Morocco to get it?! Why couldn’t it have been closer to home?!”

WeiZhou was so worked up that he banged his head on the wall without noticing. JingYu had heard a loud thump amid WeiZhou’s raging, but was unable to ask about it. Both of them gripped their phones tightly, their free hands balled into fists, mirroring each other from across continents.

“We hardly get to see each other as it is, but then for you to be so far away for three months! Three months!!! I can’t even come visit you like last time. I feel like I’m dying without you. I can’t even get myself off properly. I thought I could do it. I thought that since we can’t be with each other every day, or even every week, I thought that three months wouldn’t be a big deal. But it is. It really is, JingYu. But how am I supposed to tell you that? How can I tell you that I’m sad and lonely, that I miss you and want you to come home? How can I say anything like that without being an absolute jerk and making you feel guilty? Because I know you’d feel guilty about it, I know you would. But I also know that this wasn’t something you could pass up, or that I could ask you to pass up. But even if you think I’m the biggest selfish idiot on the face of the planet…”

WeiZhou paused. Short huffing breaths filled JingYu’s ear, his own breath stuck in his chest, waiting.

“I want you to come home.”

This last trickle of WeiZhou’s thoughts were whispered on fleeting breath. It was out. He had said it. Now WeiZhou waited for JingYu’s response, his stomach churning with guilt and indignation for his own selfishness.

“I want to come home.”

Ever the more emotional of the two, JingYu’s voice cracked. His vision had become blurred and he thumped his chest with his fist to dislodge the breath stuck between his lungs and his throat. He knew WeiZhou missed him, just as much as he missed WeiZhou. That was not a surprise in the least, and it actually made JingYu a bit excited to hear it from WeiZhou’s own lips. It was the self-loathing and deprecation that was more than JingYu could handle.

“I’ve wanted to come home since the day I got here. Being away from you, so far away from you, is torture. It’s not only the distance that kills me, Zhou, but the fact that our times are so off. Do you have any idea how excited I was when you messaged me? Even though I knew you should be sleeping, and I worried about that, I was more excited at the idea that we could talk. And not just for a few minutes. Just to hear your voice, and listen to you tell me about your day, and be able to tell you about my day. Just being able to share ourselves with each other, just like we do when you’re in Beijing and I’m in Shanghai. Even when we can’t see each other for days or weeks at a time, we can tell each other “goodnight” at the same time, and “good morning, work hard, have a good day today” at the same time. Hearing you tell me to sleep well when I’m telling you to have a good day just makes the distance even bigger.”

JingYu scrubbed a hand over his face. He wanted to be careful with what he said, but he didn’t want to hide anything either.

“If you’re pathetic for wanting to tell me to come home, then what am I? Every day I’ve thought about quitting and coming home. I’ve even packed my bags a few times. You know what stopped me? The thought of how disappointed you would be in me. After everything we’ve been through, Zhou, even just thinking about walking away from this film makes me a selfish jerk. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much I miss you…”

WeiZhou wasn’t sure when he had started shaking, but his phone was bouncing against his ear. He gripped it with both hands to steady himself, not wanting to miss a single word JingYu said.

“I’ll be damned if I knowingly and willingly give you a reason to be disappointed in me.”

JingYu’s statement hovered in the silence between them. A sudden snort, then gale of laughter from WeiZhou made JingYu widen his eyes in shock.

“What the…?”

“We’re both selfish pathetic jerks,” WeiZhou nearly shouted gleefully.

Realizing what WeiZhou meant, JingYu laughed as well.

“Yeah, we are. We totally deserve each other.” JingYu settled back into the nest of pillows, his body relaxing in the same manner as the conversation. “Ahh, Zhou. I could never hate you, you know. To be honest, I kind of like it when you get childish and clingy and all that.”

“I know you do. That’s why I try not to do it too often.” WeiZhou hoped JingYu could hear his smile in his voice. “JingYu? Tell me honestly. If I had asked you to turn down your role and stay home, what would you have said?”


“Really? No discussion, no questions? Just right away ‘okay’?”

“Yeah. Because I know the very next thing you would say would be that I had to take it, and if I didn’t you’d beat me. It’s the same reason why I didn’t ask you to tell me not to take the role. As hard as it is, we both have our goals, our own ways of making our lives, and us, work. The fact that at the end of it all, I know you’ll be there waiting for me, well, I can live with that.”

WeiZhou sighed. The faith and trust JingYu had in him was sometimes overwhelming, but it certainly felt good as well.

“Me too. I’ve realized, there’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. I used to think that I could only be lonely if there was no one around, but that’s not true. I feel lonely when I’m with a lot of people. And I get lonely when I’m by myself. But I never feel alone, because I know I have you. I know you’re lonely too, but you’re not alone, JingYu. You have me, so you’re not alone.”

“Lonely, but not alone...I like that. I love you, Zhou.”

“I love you, too.”

The quiet between them returned. A short time of nothing but the surety that they were in the same moment together. Everything was right in the world again, because they were together.

“Zhou? There is something you said earlier that’s still kind of bothering me, though.”

WeiZhou felt his stomach clench again, a shred of anxiety lingering over his outpouring of emotion.

“What was that about not being able to get yourself off?”

The gasp in JingYu’s ear made him chuckle. He knew WeiZhou’s mind was racing to try to remember what he had said in the heat of the moment.

“I...I never said that,” WeiZhou sputtered. Had he really mentioned that? He couldn’t be sure.

“Oh, you most certainly did,” JingYu was trying not to sound like he was teasing WeiZhou, but he didn’t want to sound as worried as he was. “Is everything okay? Do you need to see a doctor or something?”

WeiZhou groaned knowing there was no way out of this new direction of conversation.

“It’s not like that, JingYu. There’s nothing wrong exactly, it’s just kind of annoying, is all.”

“But, Zhou…”

“It’s not that I can’t, JingYu. I can, just fine as always. Everything’s working okay.”

“Then…?” JingYu was getting a bit frustrated with WeiZhou’s short answers. Answers that really didn’t tell him anything at all. “You can’t expect me not to worry when you say something like that.”

Resigning himself to the need to reassure JingYu over a minor slip of his tongue, WeiZhou drew upon every ounce of masculinity he possessed to ignore his own embarrassment of actually talking about the subject.

“It’s not that I can’t do it. It’s just that even when I do, it’s no good.  It’s like, ‘Oh, I came. Yay.’ It’s just, I don’t know, blah.”

“So...you get relief, but not satisfaction?”

WeiZhou thought about that for a moment. “That’s a good way to put it, I guess.”

“Are you thinking about me?”

WeiZhou didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “No, I’m thinking about Pikachu. Of course I’m thinking about you, you dork!”

JingYu only ‘hmph’-ed at WeiZhou’s attempted joke. WeiZhou really was uncomfortable with this conversation, but only because he knew JingYu was fretting over him.

“It’s just mental, I think. You spoiled me too much. I’m used to you. How you kiss me, how you touch me, how you push me to my limits. It’s not the same doing it to myself. There’s nothing in this world that satisfies any part of me the way you do.”

JingYu knew WeiZhou was trying to placate him, but his chest still swelled with pride. That one simple statement made JingYu feel powerful, when a moment before he had been worried he wasn’t good enough for his boyfriend. It gave him an idea.

“I understand, Zhou. There’s times when I get the same way. When physically it’s all good, but there’s just something missing that you know would make it better.”

“Exactly! I don’t know if it’s because it’s been so long since we could be together, or what. I just know that something important is missing.”

“You know, we haven’t even...talked...about it...since I’ve been gone.”

WeiZhou shuddered. The sudden low and husky change in JingYu’s voice glided along his nerves effortlessly.

“JingYu...” WeiZhou groaned with uncertainty. He knew exactly what JingYu was aiming for.

“Maybe some ‘auditory stimulation’ might help you out, hmm? What you think, baobei?”

“JingYu…” WeiZhou moaned, already anticipating.

“So sexy...what ya’ wearing?”


Part 3  18+++



“So sexy...what ya’ wearing?”

The utterly cheesy way JingYu drawled this utterly cheesy line made WeiZhou groan in exasperation.

“Really, JingYu?”

JingYu was as exasperated with himself as much as WeiZhou was, but he was trying to buy himself some time. Just as he had heard the temperature rising in WeiZhou’s voice with his suggestion of “auditory stimulation”, he had also heard a sound from outside of his room. He had suddenly remembered that it was still early evening where he was. He didn’t think anyone would come looking for him, but he didn’t want to take any chances of being interrupted.

“Oh wait, wait, let me guess. A t-shirt...and boxers. Right?”

Being tactless for a minute was the closest to a ‘pause’ button JingYu could come up with as he raced to the door of his room. Making sure the placard requesting not to be disturbed was prominently displayed on the outside of the door, JingYu then double checked the lock, and turned off every possible light. Only someone completely oblivious would try to call him out now.

“Mmm, yeah. T-shirt and boxers,” WeiZhou mumbled, sounding very bored.

“Pikachu?” Jingyu asked, as he settled himself back on the bed.

“Uhh, no, Mickey Mouse actually.”

“Oh, Mickey Mouse. Wait. Aren’t those mine?”

JingYu was certain he had developed the ability to ‘hear’ Weizhou blush as there was a small pause.


“Wearing my boxers to sleep in. Hmm, I like that. “

WeiZhou thought of a sarcastic retort to JingYu’s teasing, which he normally would spout without a second thought, but this time he kept it to himself.  JingYu didn’t need to know just how often WeiZhou slept in the pair of boxers he had left behind. Besides, JingYu had set a spark in WeiZhou’s nerves, and he didn’t want to snuff it out with snappy remarks and one-up-manship comebacks.


The low and searching tremble of WeiZhou’s voice made JingYu shiver. Any small doubt he had about WeiZhou being a willing participant was brushed away with the whispery trace of expectant breaths against his ear. JingYu imagined the vibrations of sound kissing his skin with the ticklish heat of air from WeiZhou’s lips. He squirmed into the nest of bedding, goosebumps over his skin developing with his thoughts.

“Oh, the things I want to do with you, Zhou.”

WeiZhou took note that JingYu said ‘with you’, not ‘to you’. That small aspect of wording wound its way through him like trendles of vine climbing a fence to cover it in riotous color and beauty.

“Like what?”

“Put your phone on speaker, Zhou,” JingYu said softly, “and place it on the pillow next to you.”


“Then I’ll be lying there with you. Close your eyes and just listen to my voice.”

WeiZhou sat up and shuffled the pillows around with one hand as the other ran over his phone to turn on the speaker option. He propped his phone in the small space between the two pillows, a space that would not exist if JingYu was actually there with him.

“Can you hear me, ZhouZhou?” JingYu asked when he heard the rustling cease.

WeiZhou murmured a small yes. The sound of JingYu’s voice beside him made him ache with the frustration of distance and the desire for connection.

“Aahh, I want to kiss you...for days and days and days,” JingYu began. “Just to have you in my arms and kiss you for hours on end. To feel your lips on mine. Mmm, Zhou...I could live on just the taste of your lips.”

Jing Yu had closed his eyes. An image of WeiZhou’s mouth painted itself in his mind, stroke by stroke, with every word. Each new thought added a line of definition in his memory.

“So soft, but firm. And warm, so warm, Zhou. Even when your lips are blue with cold, your kiss is so warm. Your lips, your kiss, makes me burn and melt all at once.”

WeiZhou listened to this silently, his skin tightening as his heart began to beat a little bit faster. He absently placed a finger to his lips, smoothly tracing back and forth, as JingYu continued his description.

“And the way you shiver when our tongues meet. You always do, a small shiver, as though you can’t contain yourself.”

“You, too,” WeiZhou whispered.

“Yeah, because I can’t control myself. The moment I taste your lips, your breath, I want to taste all of you. Every millimeter, every part of you. But I don’t want to leave your lips yet, either. It’s a real battle sometimes. Especially with the way you put your arms around me, your fingers floating along my back and neck, into my hair, pulling me closer...”

JingYu paused as WeiZhou made a sound, somewhere between a moan and a hum, that caused his mouth to water. He didn’t need to be looking at his boyfriend to know that a reddish hue was creeping up his neck and onto his cheeks, or that his lips would be glistening wet as his tongue repeatedly drew them between his teeth. JingYu swallowed hard and forced himself to steady his breaths before continuing.

“I can feel your heart beating against me, how it races when I kiss your neck. I try to chase your pulse with my tongue, catch it with my lips. It’s almost as if the taste of your skin is pushed into me with each beat. The way you tilt your head, letting me cover your throat with kisses, feeling your breath flutter, feeling the vibrations as you sigh and moan…”

WeiZhou’s fingers had left his lips and floated down his neck, JingYu’s voice touching him more than his own hand. The coolness of his fingers against heated skin was the only evidence of reality, which his mind chose to blissfully ignore. He kicked his feet to pull the blanket from over himself, wanting JingYu’s voice to touch all of him. Wanting all of JingYu to touch all of him.

“The way you rub your knee against my leg, hook your foot around me, pull me close,” JingYu said, as though reading WeiZhou’s thoughts, “so close that there’s no gap between us. The way your body moves against mine as I nibble along your collarbone, test the strength of the muscle in your shoulder with my teeth, feel that muscle ripple under my tongue when I lick the shallow dents I made in your skin.”

WeiZhou groaned with the heated image of JingYu taking control of his body and mind.

“That’s the sound, Zhou,” JingYu murmured breathlessly. “The way you groan, and when you push your hips against me at the same time...I lose my mind. I want to hear more of that, feel more of you enjoying my touch.”

“More,” WeiZhou moaned, followed by a surprised, “oh!”

“What is it, Zhou?” JingYu asked quickly, his voice taking a sharp edge suddenly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I just…” WeiZhou took a small breath. He had surprised himself, his voice so thick with longing. “It’s been awhile since I’ve felt like this, JingYu. So hot just thinking about you kissing me.”

JingYu felt a small twinge of shameful regret. He had been a neglectful boyfriend. With the distance and time between them, he had feared that giving in to desire would only accentuate their separation, so he had stayed away from any discussion of physical needs. He realized now how foolish, and selfish, that thinking was. Every time they had to be apart, they each learned something from it. This was his lesson this time, JingYu realized.

“Mmm, ZhouZhou,” JingYu sighed wistfully. “What to do? We’ve only just gotten started.”

The hint of wickedly lewd intent in JingYu’s voice made WeiZhou shudder. Uncontrollably. Excitedly.

“What’s next, baobei? What can I do for you?”

“Anything. Everything. As long as it’s you, JingYu, I don’t care. As long as it’s you, everything is...amazing.”

It was JingYu’s turn to ripple with anticipation. The clear, yet pleading, tone WeiZhou had spoken with was like a stream of oil poured into his veins, catching fire, and racing through him.

“Then let me hear it, Zhou. Let me hear how it makes you feel when I run my hands over your body. When I press my lips against your chest, use my tongue to trace over your nipple.”

WeiZhou moaned shakily into JingYu’s ear. His hands had moved of their own accord to his chest, his t-shirt becoming bunched up around his neck.

“Ah, that’s it, Zhou. You really like that, don’t you? When I use the tip of my tongue to press into that soft point of flesh, tease the tip until it’s hard and resists the flick of my tongue, grab it with my teeth and pull gently, as I place my lips against you and suck you into my mouth.”

“Ahh,” WeiZhou gasped.  Lazy movements quickened with JingYu’s directions, his fingertips poor imitations of his boyfriend, but enough for him to feel the pressure JingYu could always create.

“Your skin is so soft against my tongue. And the way your breathing speeds up, your chest rising and falling against me, when my fingers graze over your other nipple, already hard though I haven’t touched it yet. The way you hum and pant when I pinch and pull it a little, teasing it while I use my tongue on the other side.”

JingYu heard a rustling through his phone. He imagined WeiZhou fidgeting, his feet pressing into the bed as his hips rocked back and forth, up and down - the way they rocked against JingYu when he covered WeiZhou’s body with his own. JingYu groaned softly at that image in his head.

“I know you’re feeling it, baobei. Your nipples aren’t the only part of you that’s hot and hard. The way you push your c*ck against me, that lewd and needy way you rub yourself on me. You know I’m the same. You know how turned on I am already, you can feel it, the same way I can feel you…”

“Nnng, JingYu...aaah,” WeiZhou couldn’t stop his voice, air rushing out of him with the mention of sensations imprinted in his body. Curling onto his side, WeiZhou tried to temper the rush of blood and lust that gripped his internals with painful delight.

“Damn, I think you try to make me insane. I want to take it slow, savor every part of you, every sound and move you make, but I can’t anymore. I want to feel that hot silkiness of your c*ck in my hand, in my mouth. The way the skin slides smoothly over every ridge and bump, the pulsing in the veins strong and racing. The way your juice gathers and spills, how it flows when I hold you, like a faucet turned on inside of you.”

The sound of WeiZhou breathing heavy and hard made JingYu giddy with excitement.

“I want to taste you, Zhou. What flavor do you have tonight? Sometimes you’re a little bitter, like green tea. Earthy and fresh. Sometimes you’re sweet. The scent of wild flowers and fruit coming from you as your fluid coats my mouth, like honey, sticky and sweet. But always, always, you taste so good. So good. I can’t get enough of you. The way you pull on my hair, scratch my neck, the sounds you make...all while you’re hot and wet and hard in my mouth. I want to suck on you forever, never let it end.”

“Oh, dear God...JingYu…” WeiZhou groaned hoarsely. His hands had pushed beneath the waistband of the loose boxers and flittered towards his erection hesitantly at first. He was almost afraid to break the spell of JingYu’s voice on his skin with his own fingers, but as he slowly grasped onto his c*ck, his hands wetting themselves with precum, moving slowly in waves up and down, the mystical touch of JingYu’s words only increased.

“You feel that, Zhou? You feel my lips holding you? My hands grasping your hips, sliding up and down your legs? You keep moving under me, pushing yourself into my mouth. I can feel the muscles in your legs clenching around me.” JingYu paused, his breath turning ragged and uneven at his own words, and the almost constant moaning in his ear. “Tell me, Zhou. Tell me what you want.”

“richard simmons, JingYu. You have to ask,” WeiZhou answered with a low and husky whimper. “You. I want you. I...I can’t hold on much longer. But...I need you.”

JingYu nearly lost his grip on his phone, and his manhood, his hands trembling spastically. He had been slowly fondling himself as he spoke, focusing more on WeiZhou’s reactions, and the words he used to provoke them, than his own physical urges. With WeiZhou’s plea, though, and the images that flashed through his mind, his own body screamed for attention and satisfaction.

WeiZhou noted the sharp gasp he heard beside him. His eyes fluttering open, WeiZhou was almost surprised to see the empty expanse of the other side of his bed. He quickly shut his eyes and forced an image of JingYu into his fantasy. An image of JingYu hovering above him, chest heaving, lips swollen and parted, eyes dark and fiery with passion and lust.

“JingYu,” WeiZhou murmured softly, “the way you press into me, slowly, gently, while looking at me like I’m everything, the only thing...mmm…”


“The way you fill me, so hot and hard, every nerve in my body tingles and burns as though you’re in all of me. And when you start to move...ahh, JingYu...I think I could die from the pleasure.”

JingYu growled with an intensity that rattled through his phone and around WeiZhou’s room.

“And you...warm and wet and tight around me...the way you shudder and groan and call my name…”



Words ceased flowing. Only exhalations of air and incoherent exclamations of various frequencies vibrated across digital airwaves, connecting two points over thousands of miles. Within seconds of each other, bodies that had been sheltering feelings of longing, loneliness, and pride relinquished those emotions with desperate cries of passionate connection and complementing satisfaction.

It was several minutes before either man could find the voice, and the will, to speak again. JingYu was the first, fumbling for the phone that had escaped his fingers when ecstasy had overtaken his limbs.

“Zhou?” he asked tentatively.

He heard a muffled “mmm” and then some shuffling and phone beeps, before WeiZhou’s voice fell on his ear, thick yet clear.


JingYu smiled, a gentle laugh bubbling through him.

“That sounds positive.”

“That’s beyond positive,” WeiZhou responded, his breathing still slightly off pace and oscillating between small gasps and heavy inhales.

“Ah, Zhou,” JingYu sighed, lightly, happily.

More shuffling and rustling from the other end of the line could be heard. WeiZhou let out a small cough. JingYu waited silently as he was certain WeiZhou was grabbing a drink of water before speaking again.

“Seriously, JingYu,” WeiZhou said, his voice clearer and crisper than a moment ago, “that was...well...amazing. I haven’t felt anything close to that since the night we spent together before you left.”

“I sure as hell hope you haven’t felt anything close to that night since then,” JingYu retorted. Luckily, WeiZhou heard the playful tone his boyfriend used, and decided to return it to him.

“But that night...damn, JingYu...that night was your ultimate display of sexual prowess.”

WeiZhou laughed as he heard JingYu grumbling.

“Just you wait...baobei,” JingYu emphasized that word heavily. “Just a few more weeks, then I’ll show you what I really can do.”

“I can’t wait,” WeiZhou said, wistfully and all too seriously.

JingYu let out another sigh, this one a little heavier than the last.

“It’s almost over, Zhou. We’re on the downhill side of it all now. It’s less days until I’m home than I’ve been gone.”
“I know.” WeiZhou shook himself, refusing to let his spirits sink from the height he was on at that moment. “JingYu?”


“The next time you’re offered a role that takes you far away for a long time…”

“I’ll turn it down.”

“Like hell you will. You’ll accept it, be happy for the work, and put every ounce of effort you possess into it, you dork. But,” WeiZhou took a long breath, “can you try to make it someplace that’s a little easier for me to visit you, at least?”

JingYu smiled to himself.

“I’ll do my best.”

A short moment of silence hung between them as both men tried to decide what, of the many things they wanted to say, they would say next. Again, JingYu was the first to speak.

“Do you have any time to get some sleep, Zhou?”

There was a small pause, WeiZhou pulling his phone from his ear to look at the time, before he answered, “Not really. Luckily, I only have a short job this morning and should get home early afternoon.”

“You’ll be okay?”

“Better than okay, JingYu. I feel better right now than I have in weeks. Thank you,” he finished gently.

“Mmm, anything for you.”

“I love you,” both men said at the same time, causing a shared laughter to float between them.

“Damn, how I love you, Zhou,” JingYu said, happiness heavy in his voice. “Do me a favor? Message me when you get home, take a nap, then message me when you wake up, ok?”

“But you’ll be working at that time.”

“Don’t worry about that. I spend more time waiting around than anything. You know how it is.”

Another short silence lingered, as neither of them wanted to end the call, but both knew time was creeping past. JingYu suddenly yawned, prompting WeiZhou to accept the role of the spoilsport.

“Alright, you. Get some sleep. I need to take a shower and get ready to go.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“Ugh, don’t pout.”

JingYu groaned. “Fine, fine, I’ll go to sleep. You. Have a good day. Work hard. Sleep when you get home.”

“I will.”

Neither man moved to disconnect from the other. WeiZhou waited a few moments, whispered JingYu’s name. When he heard nothing but soft exhales of breath he knew JingYu had dozed off. A quick thought of “he always falls asleep first” flashed through WeiZhou’s mind, a petulant smirk tilting his lips. Just before he took the phone from his ear to start preparing for his day, WeiZhou whispered into it one more time.

“I’ll always miss you, but I’ll always wait for you, JingYu. Time and distance are nothing for us. I love you.”



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Okay, our captain has been very generous with us today.

JY weibo update

So this charity event is called "adopt a green plant activity" (stealing the name from my friend)

And you know who else participates in this charity event??







Coincidently, ZZ was wearing white and JY wearing black, its their GH - BLY colour! Fate or planned, I don't care. I will take this sugar :lol:




If I'm not wrong, this charity promotion will be the first ever thing they did together. Even though just as 2 individual promotional videos but still!!!! First step to have their names on something publicly together through a charity event, that is very meaningful :wub:

And JY posted on April 17th B) We never ask for much, just small things like this can light up our depressing day!

Also, JY's flight today is at 3pm or sth like that Morocco time, flying back to China on this fateful day is really something too!!! 


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It's hurts a lot, but today i don't really want to cry a river. Last night swollen eyes are enough already. Instead, i bring yuzhou to one of the land mark on my country. I'll send it later for #yuzhoutraveltheworld. It's easier with laptop than mobile phone.

Wish that jy will visit zz within his tight schedule and short time comeback. I'm sure i'll cry again after this, i can't let my eyes puffy when i bring yuzhou travel around so i just fast read thread spam. Just let me be happy for a while.

Is anyone already post this? Sae update addicted novel chapter 200 on her new website saehan01.com. I'll read aunty @sohocomo update later too. 



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13 hours ago, bearology said:

5MilesLove weibo update

They updated their weibo at 8:26am. Tagged ZZ and this Thai song link


There are many stories that no one has heard

There are hundreds of thousands of words that need to be said

No matter how long

I still stand by the same words forever, unchanging

You made me realize and understand the word “us”

No matter if it’s hot or cold, I won’t be afraid

I have you, sweetie, in my mind

Making me continue walking forward from now on

You and I, holding hands from now on

Passing by the loneliness the two of us once had

There’s only the word “love” that the two of us understand

I’ll love only you forever, just you and I

And from now on, every story we’ve heard

Every word that keeps reminding us

Regardless how far

I have only you, baby, like this, never shaken

There’ll only be the two of us from now on, just you and I

  Reveal hidden contents





Today 17/4, 'an emotional and memorable day' for our boys and all of us cpfans.. can't help feeling emotional and shedding tears looking at videos and pics/reading messages of everyone's heartfelt messages of YuZhou ban from last year..  We're all in the same boat today, crying, and still feeling the pain for our boys remembering this day last year... but, the GOOD THING IS, WE SHOULD CELEBRATE and BE HAPPY FOR THEM, as they are SHINING BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER, AND ADDICTED IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER, AT PRESENT TIME!!lol... Here is what I can remember out of all the pains from last year - ''I LOVE MY LOVE''.  'MARK THIS' AS OUR DEAREST YUZHOUYU LOVE STATEMENT, alright everyone?!..~~  Keep loving them and supporting them.  That's the greatest love of all to help them conquer all obstacles!  5mileslove song today..! The Lyrics..!!.. It's our boys' words to each other! SO BEAUTIFUL, no wonder it gets me emotional!!! But I'm HAPPY! because I know THEY ARE GOOD!;)))...

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Day 10 (16/04/17): YuZhou visited Israel with 锦绣长卷音符桃花Prime



Day 11 (17/04/17): YuZhou came back to Thailand again with MiiRinnn and Huhu plushies! This day last year "I came across the ocean to see you" and "It's only the beginning" 




@jingyuzhou That photo was posted in IG by ZZ's assistant - the girl but she deleted it within seconds. this fandom is really something, managed to screencap it LOL. Maybe showing too much, not approved by whale hahaha 

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