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16 minutes ago, SueLyinn said:

@conspiracytheorem You're welcome :) Frankly, I find Chinese not that easy to master as well as the language comprises 50,000 characters or more. Also, as it's a tonal language, if you mispronounce something, it will lead to a different meaning. 

If you can master about 2000 to 3000 characters you'll be able to get along fine. The spoken language is tonal and the written language is what's called pictorial. The characters are actually "pictures" and if you can learn those, then you'll do ok. I knew some Chinese up until i was about 5 or 6 , but now it's really really rusty. :)

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43 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:


Tomorrow, ZZ, CW and FS will fly to Bangkok on the same flight. JY will follow several hours later.



CW and FS's flight to BKK is on April 15th, JY's flight is several hours later on the same day and XWZ's flight's on April 16th.


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24 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

They will air the uncut version online at iQIY


I am a bit confused here (if the news is true). I can't get my head around why they don't want to release it on DVD? I think business wise it is a better source of money and that's what they need now. Or is this what we call: testing the market? They want to know how popular Addicted outside of China is? Which is maybe not a valid theory as I doubt they would gains so many views than as though it was aired for the first time. 

Maybe they will release the DVD afterwards, but I don't see the point. I was really looking forward plus BTS materials (well I hoped there were more and released BTS were just teasers, haha)

EDIT: Ok, so it's trash.... this IS really pissing me off. LEAVE ZZ ALONE FOR richard simmons SAKE!!!

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8 minutes ago, ayasdai said:


I am a bit confused here (if the news is true). I can't get my head around why they don't want to release it on DVD? I think business wise it is a better source of money and that's what they need now. Or is this what we call: testing the market? They want to know how popular Addicted outside of China is? Which is maybe not a valid theory as I doubt they would gains so many views than as though it was aired for the first time. 

Maybe they will release the DVD afterwards, but I don't see the point. I was really looking forward plus BTS materials (well I hoped there were more and released BTS were just teasers, haha)

EDIT: Ok, so it's trash.... this IS really pissing me off. LEAVE ZZ ALONE FOR richard simmons SAKE!!!

Erm, I think this can be trusted. As for why they don't just release DVD, I'm not really sure either. Maybe they want to live it up to it's 'web series' name?

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28 minutes ago, akira1221oor said:

CW and FS's flight to BKK is on April 15th, JY's flight is several hours later on the same day and XWZ's flight's on April 16th.


Oh, so there is a change? Thanks for the info.

48 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

They will air the uncut version online at iQIY

Any info whether iQIY is based on mainland China or Taiwan?

Edit: iQIY is Taiwan-based.

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6 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:


I've warned you!!


Calling for @Scandani and @ximichem

cr. Rainny秋雨

  Reveal hidden contents




that biceps and triceps and pecs im just SSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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2 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

Oh, so there is a change? Thanks for the info.

Any info whether iQIY is based on mainland China or Taiwan?

iQIY Taiwan posted this so it is for Taiwan only, the China ppl have to VPN if they want to watch this.

iQIY is originally a China online platform though. What I think is, they prob sold the broadcast copyrights to iQIY already in the past?(It was put on iQIY before it was taken down) So they can broadcast it after some adjustment or something. I'm only speculating this as I'm not familiar with this. 

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6 hours ago, lovehaiyin said:

''the characters are becoming the characters themselves...''  seriously I agree!! It's fascinating soo..!! and about Fengsong's attitude towards ZZ is that true??!! That's nasty and I'm not surprised he's into JY as did notice abit from some interviews.. whatever, this 'love triangle' between ZZYYFS, it's getting more interesting than the drama itself haha...as long as YY is 'addicted' ONLY TO ZZhou then I've no worry of news on the two/FS to YY, but I do wish FS was into ZZ instead just like he was in 'Heroin' as I LOVE YY's jealousy moments for ZZhou, its soo manly and romantic haha.. soooo sweeeet!! just love JY's 'addiction' & 'possessiveness' towards ZZ.  From some of the fan videos/whatever recently, I noticed JY's been acting abit like that towards ZZ - especially 'jealousy' whenever ZZ's with or talking to other guys haha... aaahh sigh..so cute, so nice! It makes us love & want to protect YuZhouYu More!!!! I'm in love too for these two prince charmings!!..;00..x

yeah. it's cute but let's not view FS as a threat. delulu aside, he's got a good relationship with his big bros. maybe he just have something more towards JY. maybe because of JY's badboy/gangster aura. lil' bros want to be bad boys too right? :D

15 hours ago, Soohee ssi said:

When your OTP is arguing who is turn on more HAHAHA #mylifeiscomplete


11 hours ago, liesl said:

I think that CP fans just need someone to hate to make the story of a love triangle complete. Hence the reason I suspect they hate on FS. They need him to be the bad guy/rival in YZ's relationship. And since CP fans are bigger in numbers than FS fans, the voices of people defending FS are weaker than the voices of people spreading bad rumors and ridiculous things about him.

idk why people have to add negative perspective on things. like this. can't they just be delulu in a bright and positive way. imagining FS fancying either ZZ or JY. why do they have to think that FS is the bad guy in the relationship. YQ was not the bad guy. did he hate GH so much? well, he's jealous but not a total hater.

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I've warned you!!


OMG!!! To the girl in the commercial, can you make yourself disappear and let JY just touching himself and apply that cream to himself, please.

Thank you.


That commercial, though, really? applying skin cream you get to get laid? with none other than Jing Yu ah, REALLLYYYY?!!!!!!  I am off #runningtothestore and gonna buy that skin cream!

On another note, I would like to ask some questions, maybe @ximichem, @ayasdai, @kmmyzz knows where can I watch Eng sub H. brothers award show with Johnny. I read that when he was on stage the fist thing he said was that his butt is cold, but I can not find it on Youtube. And the Super show, plus the complete Shanghai FM with Eng sub, I really want to know why all of them teared up near the end. My search had not been so successful. 

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ah! delulu aside.. about if a person won't look you as often as they do towards others. there could be a couple of reasons. one is what was posted here, that that person likes you because they are hiding their feelings. feelings could be "like", "love", "dislike", "irritated" or "intimidated".

I sometimes can't look at the person I really like while she's also looking at me. and there are also people I can't stand to look at as much as I look people in the eye because I don't want to have anything to do with them. it could be their attitude, or something. I just don't want to connect. lol

what I'm trying to point out here, is that FS's feelings towards ZZ & JY should not be concluded to intimate liking or romantic stuff. we can all be delulu and think that way but let's not see him as a threat. let's not be delulu to that negative/harmful point. we all have our favorite big bro/sis right? :D 


p.s. I don't believe about FS liking the ZZ CJD issue before and there's nothing wrong with JY's comment on FS comment. so yeah. back to delulu mode on "real-life" YQ -> BLY,<->GH

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17 minutes ago, thoron said:


Lol. too late. devil-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948997angel-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948989


See the perks of backreading? hehe. there are hidden gold in these pages i tell you. dancing-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301948996



ditto above.

or see page 300. with credits to @Tin Le of course.



No wonder you've been coming up with all sorts of derrty stuff.

@ximichem Look. Someone's competing with your turf. Lol And he just went 'in' for the most important body part.

So fingers, hands, and feet, check! And now bulges, check too! i wonder what's next?



Praying that someday soon you reach your dreams. You deserve it mate, with your hard work and all the good things you've done here. I've always said that we are so lucky to have amazing fanfic writers like you and @gayyoxx in this thread. rock-on-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009

Sincerest thanks from all of us here..;)



@alvinboi @purpleedamame @SueLyinn


Hi guys. i'm quite late on the JY - FS weibo message saga..

But is it possible.. that you guys.. somehow.. translated it wrong.. thinking-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949013


Feng Song: Please take care of yourself and rest well, (older) brother.

Jing Yu:  Don't worry, Little Song Song...ha ha ha...I'll do my best, let's work hard together


What if.. Just what if.. it's this way around:


Feng Song: Let me take care of you big brother

Jing Yu: Don't worry Lil Songsong.. How about you just 'work me up' harder..



No? Nope? Too far a stretch? hehe tongue-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949014


Ooops i realized that may be offensive to the solid JY-ZZ fans. My apologies.

I'm still all-in for YuZhou, 100%.

But its just that my mind went there visually, and.. it was'nt complaining. if you know what i mean smug-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949011


You know the old saying: "see the world through rose colored glasses" meaning to have a cheerful, optimistic, or favorable view of things..

i think Life gave me the "green" colored glasses instead hehe




the grass is definitely greener through your eyes. hahaha

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2 hours ago, pureblade said:

They were probably very hesitant emotionally of those scenes in the beginning - as is normal reaction to unchartered territory. They were sharing their experiences in the YY interview  which I think pertained to that adlib in the car. Johnny described being overcome by intense emotion when looking at Zhou and Zhou said he lost himself completely due similar intense emotions in the scene. I figure its the car scene they talk about because the progress of the conversation on Johnny's side was: 1) I looked at ZZ and I suddenly thought he was so handsome 2) When I looked at him emotions overcame me (sparks flew everywhere) 3) if those feelings did not come I could not have kissed ZZ. 

I always imagine they're talking about ALL the intimate scenes here. Do you think they're talking about that particuar scene because it's been said the kissing was improvised? Or is it something else?

I'm not sure what I like the best; the idea that they were turned on and 'electric' every time or the idea that they were SO turned on in that car that they just had to kiss more. They're both pretty nice ideas. 

Yep, I'll take that as a perfectly good excuse to post this gif again.




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4 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

I always imagine they're talking about ALL the intimate scenes here. Do you think they're talking about that particuar scene because it's been said the kissing was improvised? Or is it something else?

I'm not sure what I like the best; the idea that they were turned on and 'electric' every time or the idea that they were SO turned on in that car that they just had to kiss more. They're both pretty nice ideas. 

Yep, I'll take that as a perfectly good excuse to post this gif again.


Agree. I think they are talking in the interview specifically about the intimate scenes. Not the car kiss scene. I noticed in the opening or ending song, don't remember now which one has the intimate scenes, that their skin is shiny, so actually they are sweating... and it means one thing only. I have seen many intimate scene between actors but I barley noticed any sweating(well, not in a BL). But I was like, oh ok, probably they rehearsal it many times and it is a big aggressive scene, of course you start to sweat... But after watching the interview, I was like: AHA! I see what happened there :w00t:

(Also, to be honest when I first saw the car scene in ep 15 I was convinced that it is fake sweat on JY face, I mean water. They must have added it so the scene looks more realistic... as it is not a real intimate scene, at least we can't see it)

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