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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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3 hours ago, hailaft said:

I ran out of ideas in the end, but finished the fanfic nonetheless. Hope you guys enjoy it as usual :wub:

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Deok Sun smiled after seeing the shortlist for the next round of audition. Her name was the second on the list. Sung Soo Yeon.

It had been years since she used that name. That name was forgotten when she didn’t get accepted to any university in Seoul five years ago. Eventually she settled in a junior college, majoring in theater. She started auditioning for small parts in television drama even before graduating. By now, she’s been in a dozen of dramas, acted as the heroine’s schoolmate or one of the hero’s colleagues.

This is the first time she passed the audition for a bigger part, the hero’s sister in a daily drama. She might even have a love interest. She laughed to herself when thinking about it.

She walked through the broadcast station building while looking around. If she’s lucky, she could meet actors or even singers. She saw Seo Tai Ji once, though from a far. Not that she could go closer, with all that crazy fan girls.

She waited for the lift in the lobby and got in right away when the door opened. Two people already stood inside, holding boxes full with all kind of costumes, looked like they were working in the variety show department. The boxes were so full, she couldn’t even see if they were guys or girls. She smiled to herself, suddenly remembered that new gag she saw in television last night.

“Yah, I’m hungry,” one of them told the other one.

“Do you think I’m not? I didn’t even eat lunch,” his friends answered. Deok Sun felt her heart skipped a beat. She would recognize that voice and that tone anywhere, even when she didn’t hear it for years. It was Kim Jung Hwan’s.

“I want to eat kimbap, at least,” Jung Hwan’s friend whined again.

“I think there were some left down stair,” Jung Hwan told him.

Deok Sun was torn between greeting him or not. What should she say? She hadn’t even seen him for at least two years. Oh, who is she kidding, it had been two years and a half. She even remembered the last time she saw him. It was after one of Dong Ryong’s musicals. She went backstage to give him a bouquet and she saw Jung Hwan talking to him, linking his arm with his date.

In the end, she waited until he left before she gave Dong Ryong the bouquet.

The lift stopped on the second floor. She flinched when the door opened and Jung Hwan move forward to hold the door open. He didn’t even look at her, too busy keeping the costumes inside the box he was holding. His friend stepped outside and he followed him. The door was still opened.

“Jung Hwan-ah!” she couldn’t resist it. She wanted him to see her.

Jung Hwan turned his head and froze when he see her. She got out of the lift before the door closed. They looked at each other, couldn’t find anything to say.

“Yah, Kim Jung Hwan, what are you doing?” his friend came back and asked him. Jung Hwan ignored him.

“What are you doing here?” he asked to her.

“I’m auditioning for a drama,” she answered.

He blinked once, twice, but he didn’t say anything. She looked at his friend who was still waiting.

“He’s waiting for you,” she said to him. Jung Hwan looked at his friend and then back at her. “Wait here, okay? I’ll be back.”

Jung Hwan followed his friend inside the office. Deok Sun tried to calm herself down and then figured out what to say to him. She wanted to ask so many questions to him. Why would an engineering major graduate from Seoul University work in a variety show department? Since when? Didn’t he hate gags? She knew he only tolerated those silly gags because his father loved them so much.

Deok Sun could see Junghwan walked toward her through the glass door. He was looking at her but she couldn’t read his expression. He was getting better in hiding his emotions.

“Do you mind going to a restaurant in front of the building with me? I haven’t had lunch,” he told her and she nodded.

He pushed the lift button and they waited in silence. She had so much to say, but no words escaped her mouth. It was so awkward between them, she started regretting calling him before. She should just let him passed by.

“Did you pass the audition?” he asked.

“I passed the first round,” she answered.

“So you’ll come here again for the second one?”


The lift door opened and they both went out. They didn’t say anything when they walked to the restaurant. He ordered for himself before he turned to her.

“Do you want to eat something?” he asked. Deok Sun shook his head. It wasn’t exactly meal time. It was 3 in the afternoon.

“You always had your lunch at this time?” she asked, couldn’t help worrying. He shook his head.

“The shooting got so late, that’s why no one had lunch,” he answered while they both sat down in front of each other.

Silence again. She didn’t know what to do so she poured tea for both of them. He accepted it without word.

“I didn’t even know you work here,” she finally said. He snorted. She flinched, ready for some scolding. He didn’t though, he only sighed.

“How could you know? I haven’t met you for years,” he said matter-of-factly. She rolled her eyes. Even after her family moved from Ssangmundong, news still traveled fast between their parents.

“I haven’t met your hyung for years too, but I knew about his new travel book,” she said. Jung Hwan laughed. It broke the ice between them and she smiled in relieve.

“Your mom came to our house last week,” he said, still laughing. “Hyung gave her the book himself.”

“Yeah, mom gave it to me,” she said.

“I actually applied to the drama department, you know,” he suddenly told her. “But I got accepted in the variety.”

“If you work in the drama department, we could meet sooner,” she said, looked at him to see his reaction.

“Maybe I should,” he smiled when he said that, but he didn’t elaborate. His food finally came and he dug in right away.

“Do you still see the other guys often?” she asked.

“Sun Woo practically live in the hospital, so I rarely see him. Dong Ryong moved out of his house, but his studio isn’t far from here. Sometimes we went out for a drink,” he answered, but hesitated before continued his words. “Taek’s match schedules always overlapped with my shooting schedule. It’s been months since I saw him.”

“Sun Woo came to our house almost every weekend,” she told him. “Taek came with him last week.”

She didn’t see Jung Hwan’s expression changed for a second. He kept eating for a while without saying anything.

“Taek will go to Japan next month for a tournament and he said I can go with him for free!” she was excited about it. Taek said she could explore Tokyo by herself during the match.

“Good for you,” Jung Hwan snapped and it surprised her. She scoffed. Five years didn’t change him after all.

“That’s why you have to keep friends like Taek close,” she said, tried to be patience.

“Said someone who avoided me like a plague for years,” Jung Hwan snorted.

What? Deok Sun thought she heard him wrong. How dare he say that when he was the one who avoided her in the first place, started in their last year in high school. After she moved and they both went to college, it was only natural for them to drift apart. Although she admitted she never made effort to stay in touch with him. What was the point? He would reject her anyway.

“You’re the one who avoided me first!” she frowned, almost shaking with anger.

“I saw you came to Dong Ryong’s musical but you left after you saw me, right?” Jung Hwan looked angry too.

Because you took your girlfriend with you and I could stand it, okay? Is that so hard for you to understand? She wished she could say that.

“I came to see Dong Ryong, not you,” she said that instead, as coldly as she could manage. He was still glaring at her and she avoided his gaze. She hated the fact that he could still affect her this much, even after five years.

She even dated a few guys during those years but she would think about him from time to time, wondering what did go wrong with them. What could have happened between them back in 1989 if he didn’t give away her birthday present?

“Then why did you call me in the lift? You could’ve ignored me like you did back then,” he asked, even colder than she was.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. If he didn’t get it even back then, he wouldn’t get it now. She was just wasting her breath.

“I didn’t call you to be treated like this, that’s for sure,” she answered before she stood up to leave.

“Where are you going?” he caught her hand.

“Home!” she snapped and pulled away her hand.

“I’ll drive you there,” he offered. His voice was suddenly softer and it surprised her. She sighed, hated herself and him even more for making her gave in so easily.

He stood up, even though he only ate half of his late lunch. She stared at him while he paid for his food. He was definitely skinnier now and he looked dead tired. Did his job drain him that much?

“Come on,” he said and got out of the restaurant. They walked back to the broadcast station building. He walked fast but slowed down when he noticed she couldn’t keep up. He casually placed his arm behind her back when they crossed the street to keep her safe. Where did he learn to be such a gentleman? He never acted like this in high school. She sighed. Those five years they were apart suddenly felt so real now.

They arrived at the parking lot. Jung Hwan walked to a black jeep and opened the door for her. She got in to the car, staring at him while he closed her door and walked around the car so he could get in.

Another silence. She was still staring at him, she couldn’t help it. It was the first time she saw him driving. He looked good. The black shirt he was wearing matched the jeep so well. He looked good whatever he wore to her, honestly.

“You talked to Taek often?” he asked suddenly.

“Not really, only once every three months, maybe. He’s way more busy now after he got his eight dan,” she answered. Jung Hwan nodded. He still looked like he wanted to ask something.

“Why?” she asked him.

“He didn’t tell you?”

“About what?”

Jung Hwan looked at her for a second and then looked back to the road. Deok Sun frowned. Taek did tell her something, but she wasn’t sure if that was what Jung Hwan meant.

Sun Woo and Taek’s family celebrated the New Year with her family and Taek told her after they drank the following night. He was smiling the whole time, even after she cried because she felt so bad for him.

She suddenly realized something. If Jung Hwan knew about that all along, was that the reason he started to avoid her back then?

“You knew?” she asked. She felt her anger slowly rising again and she took a deep breath to control it. It didn’t work.

“What?” he asked. He looked at her and he must have seen her anger because he stopped the car in the side of the road. She couldn’t even look at him. She was afraid she would say the wrong thing or worse, broke down in tears right here.

“You knew about Taek’s feeling?” she asked, again.

“Yes,” he said. “He told me, Sun Woo and Dong Ryong on my dad’s birthday in 1989.”

“That’s why you avoided me and pretended nothing ever happened between us?” she asked again.

“You made it sound worse,” Jung Hwan tried to be level headed because he could see she was too angry to think clearly. She finally turned her head to see him and he was staring at her, looking miserable.

“It felt worse!” she could feel tears in her eyes. “You tried so hard to make me fall for you and then you dumped me when I did.”

“I never dumped you,” he sounded hurt. Maybe she went too far with her words. She didn’t care.

“It felt like you did, okay?” she finally broke down in tears. She couldn’t care less about her pride.

“Why do you want me to do then? Should we date back then and stepped on Taek’s feelings?” he asked, finally getting angry too.

“Why didn’t you talk to me? Why did you decide all that by yourself?” she asked him between her sobs. Her voice was shaking. She was a mess. “At least let me know the reason. You know how many hours I spent, wondering what I did wrong to you?”

Jung Hwan touched both of her cheeks and wiped her tears. He looked like he was in the verge of tears himself.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he whispered to her. “Just blame me, okay? Just blame me.”

They looked at each other for a second. Their faces were so close, she could feel his breath. He touched her chin and pulled her closer. She already closed her eyes even before their lips touched.

She probably imagined this moment for a thousand times already. It wasn’t sweet and innocent like she thought it would be. Their kiss was far from it.

He scooped her onto his lap, holding her with both of his arms. He pulled her closer and closer again. She could feel his temperature rising and he was out of breath when he pulled away. He leaned closer again to kiss her neck and it made her shudder all over. Her heart already beat so fast and she didn’t think she could handle anything more.

“Deok Sun-ah,” he moaned her name while he pulled the handle beside the car seat and it suddenly reclined down.

“Yah!” she realized how dangerous their position was. She tried to sit down but he wouldn’t let her. He smiled sneakily while staring at her flustered face. He didn’t kiss her again, though, just kept holding her. She gave up and snuggled to him.

“You know I love you, right?” he whispered.

“I know,” she answered, smiling.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“It’s okay. As long as you won’t leave me again,” Deok Sun turned her head to look at him. He smiled at her.

“I won’t. I promise.”

He tilted his head so he can kiss her again. She closed her eyes.

OMG ! i imagine every scene on this ff :D you're so talented. really love it. waaaah 


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4 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

I have no idea chingu ya :sweatingbullets:, miyanee. Maybe we should ask admin from eyesonryu ;)

But I made the gif from this video.

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and one more fanvideo for ur RJY thirst XD


@snowy21 BLESS YOU for posting that pict:wub::wub: LOVING how his faces covered all my laptop screen XD. That's some dedication XD.

Edit: Oh, @dinhie and @tituyphing already answered it :) 

thankyou all for answering :D he's so attractive, ryu jun yeol stole my heart T.T and makes me looking away from gdragon these days T.T my lovely hubby mian :( 

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4 hours ago, papulichan said:


HAHAHHAHAHAHA....... fantastic !! Who would have thought about that.....:thumbsup:.... probably had multiple retakes.....LOL..

 for sure they had to hahaha feel sorry for PBG.. i hope we get scene TK offers piggyback to DS, but she refused him. then JH is the one that carrying her in bridal style :D is it possible ? 

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3 hours ago, fictionista said:

Since most of my post sounds negative, here's a cheerier tidbit about uri Gaejungpal. Towards the middle of November, Ryu Joon Yeol's cousin who lives in Canada tweeted about his rising popularity in Korea and I commented on his tweet (He didn't reply to my comment because it didn't require one and also there was a significant time gap between both tweets). You have to be pretty damn popular in your home country for your distant cousin in Canada (who doesn't seem like much of a Kdrama fan or viewer) to take note of it and even tweet about it. :glasses:



@fictionista Oh snap....off to stalk the cousin on twitter now haha. How did you even know about a twitter post about RJY? Argh, what a lucky cousin.

If I was RJYs cousin I'll prob be liking my own cousin now lol well ofc bc I'm a girl. That cousins a guy though.

Comes back to edit.

So, I was just stalking that post on twitter and the tweet before yours was asking the cousin to ask RJY if he's the husband haha gave me a good laugh. Right he would totally spoil it. Reminds me of the bts with hyeri.

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my theory: as TK/DS stand at the altar waiting as what assumes to be their wedding, most TK/DS shippers are like, "ha in your face JH/DS shippers!" Just when they are about to wed however, TK takes off his mask and it is revealed to be JH.*MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAH* 94f.gif 

TK/DS shippers face when that happens :w00t:

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4 hours ago, junghwana said:

Episode 17 is out on Friday right? But not the subbed version?

I usually watch subbed dramas on dramaload but since I won't get any subs on Friday where can I watch the raw version and what time will it be out??


Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



Dailymotion usually the fastest link for raw but with low quality. I usually find the raw from it one hour after broadcast. Just type "응답하라 1988 E17 dailymotion" on Mr. Google

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@carolinedl me too. I have been out for several days just to take care of my thesis. Basically I am doing a 5 days work worth in my lab in just 4 days, so my Friday will be free because you know what it is Reply day or if it gets out of hand, I come on Sunday ofc after reading dramabeans recap. It sounds crazy to me, but I guess I am the only one who feel like this, right?

Since Caro will do live recap at main thread, I will do here in our shipper threads since I am not going to hold myself with JH spazzing. I streamed well for these past 6 eps and hopefully it wont lagging (that is my wish if Bong ask me what my wish is)

Oh again like @MrsSoJiSub said, it is indeed like reading fanfic. I am glad people on main thread just brush it off like it was nothing and start talk about Gangs future. I am going to join your convo.

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15 minutes ago, Eichhoernchen said:

@carolinedl me too. I have been out for several days just to take care of my thesis.

Thesis?! I am a PhD student too! Though in literature so no lab work for me...

About that pic of Taek carrying DS - I don't feel much looking at it. Just because as long as we do not have the context it could be anything or everything. Plus I want Taek and DS to talk, to express what they feel for each other. If JH and DS are to be together, I want them really together, having discussed it. I liked how NJ went to see CB to tell him that she did not like him back the one he did. Her thanking him to have liked her was very sour at the time, but I think she needed to do it so that they could remain friends.

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51 minutes ago, thirdleadsyndrome said:

my theory: as TK/DS stand at the altar waiting as what assumes to be their wedding, most TK/DS shippers are like, "ha in your face JH/DS shippers!" Just when they are about to wed however, TK takes off his mask and it is revealed to be JH.*MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAH* 94f.gif 

TK/DS shippers face when that happens :w00t:

I legit spit out my tea at this hahahahahahaha we are insane thinking of all the things that could happen. I thought you were going to say something like 'The Graduate' scenario of Junghwan banging on the church window and screaming Deok Sun's name as she is about to say I do...but no it was Junghwan in a mask the whole time LOLLOLOL. That be some 007 Doctor Evil ish right there. I gots to know....Why in the world is Junghwan cosplaying as Taek? Omo, are like some government super agents after him because he left his research in Antarctica without leave? (the melting ice caps are a big deal okay. Without that research we may fall into another ice age). Was Deok Sun in on the whole thing meaning that finally for once when she called he wasn't ice fishing or talking to the penguins...did their parents know...was Sunwoo shocked (you know he got a soft spot for Taek and 'only your eyes shows love because I am blind to Junghwan sitting RIGHT ACROSS FROM ME SHOOT HEART EYES richard simmons!) where was the real Taek and would he please stand up? Please stand up.

@carolinedl I am looking forward to TaekSun scenes too. Like you I want real closure between them (and if it's no Junghwan I would want the same) before anything real could happen with her and our cold pit bull marshmallow. I too really appreciated Jeong going to Chilbong and letting him know she has simply never felt the same. I really liked her thanking him for having loved her. I appreciated that she saw and appreciated it even if she didn't feel the same. Chilbong really was a good guy and he did love her for a long time so it was nice to have him get that needed closure and allowance to move on.

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just checked what happen in the main thread...Wah, it just early morning here but i manage to read 3 fanfic.. one from @hailaftand the other two from someone in main thread. (clap clap clap to myself.Hahahaha). Honestly i am too lazy to read that 2 fanfic in main thread but yeah i wad just too curious so i read it. (and laughed at every part that i think so LOL). Dont want to make any comment about that post..Let her post what she believe. doing over-analyze, and even writing fanfic. I dont care anymore

@hailaft thank you chingu for another superb great fanfic. Though a bit rushed in the end (but maybe because i want more and more...i want the continue part after that car scene..hahahaha). When read your fanfic i always imagine RJY as a PD in the drama producer, and he will be like another baek seung chan (the maknae PD that has many dirty load work from his sunbae PD..hahaha). Every time i see ep 1 and 2 drama producer the want that catch my eyes not KSH anymore but RJY..hahahahahahaha. will waiting your next fanfic chingu....

Finally..tomorrow is friday!!!!! a great friday that ive been waiting for 2 weeks...yeah..


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Hello guys silent reader of this forum and main forum . I very rarely post not much of a writer but just read posts on main thread and Can not help myself from posting here.

Since episode 2 I have believed JH is husband so I consider myself a bit biased when it comes to watching the drama. I like all the characters equally and generally read through all the posts and dont get much bothered by others opinions because sometimes they do give us different perspective.

But the long posts on main thread are really making me wonder if we are watching the same drama.…. Okay so DS heart flutters for TK in what episode 12 and then in episode 14 on JH birthday she is beating DR for corrupting innocent kid that TK is in her eyes?....wedding one takes the cake.. main thread  is now becoming a fan fiction thread I guess..

@MrsSoJiSub your fan fiction about JB on main thread was more amusing.. .. love your posts... clap clap.. I hope I am quoting correctly..

I am not much bothered about TK and DS scenes in upcoming episodes. But  I seriously hope in next 2 episodes they show DS feelings very clearly where they lie and not keep guessing about them till episode 19 for this non existent husband game. I wanted to see DS making JH jump through hoops before she accepted him for all the mixed signals and heart ache he caused her but reading all these kind of posts asking her sincerity where JH is concerned I seriously hope writer makes DS pursue JH .I think that will be fun too.. watching all flustered up JH trying to resist wily DS ..ha.

All of you posting on thread....love your posts,gifs….this thread its always sunny and funny…

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The wedding analysis is actually pretty good.  Something different.  Props to the person if it ends up that was the true intention of the scene.  Yes I noticed there was a.long post as I was.skimming through.  I didn't read it but WOW.

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1 hour ago, thirdleadsyndrome said:

my theory: as TK/DS stand at the altar waiting as what assumes to be their wedding, most TK/DS shippers are like, "ha in your face JH/DS shippers!" Just when they are about to wed however, TK takes off his mask and it is revealed to be JH.*MWHAHAHAAHAHAHAH* 94f.gif 

TK/DS shippers face when that happens :w00t:

HAHA i'm crying

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31 minutes ago, junghwanxdeoksunforevvs said:

I can't believe no one's said anything about this yet but that's probably because this has nothing to do with the actual shipping but...

Aren't hyeri's legs GOAAALLLLSSS??!! LIKE SERIOUSLY. ACC HER WHOLE FIGURE IS OMG hyeri-girls-day-female-presidents.jpg

totally agreed ! her figure is really nice... i paid attention to her legs when she was wearing long socks , i thought they were goals too :D lucky JH ;):D 

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I'm sorry but that wedding theory is ridiculous hahaha. "Someone is taking a picture, there is music and drinks: IT'S A WEDDING IN DISGUISE. Guys why can't you see the obvious clue???? Are you that naive??" yeah or it's just a normal birthday party.

"JH also tells him to change his clothes because he looks like an “old man” in them, meaning, TK has grown old enough to marry DS in reference to the DS joke about drinking milk to grow up."

I'm crying at that "meaning". HOW DOES JH TELLING HIM HE LOOKS WEIRD/OLD IN A SUIT TRANSLATE TO HIM BEING OLD ENOUGH TO MARRY DS. Her arms must hurt from reaching.


(gdi i told myself i wouldn't go to the main thread anymore, but you guys made me curious hahah)

EDIT: ok i will crawl into a hole and never come out if this person turns out to be right

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31 minutes ago, honeywell said:

The wedding analysis is actually pretty good.  Something different.  Props to the person if it ends up that was the true intention of the scene.  Yes I noticed there was a.long post as I was.skimming through.  I didn't read it but WOW.

The Taek birthday wedding I don't see but I think they're onto something with the cursing scene. The provded pictures and explanations fit and I think it was clever of the team (if that was the intended set up) and them to notice it. 

Hyeri has a nice figure and all (girl is also gorgeous). But like many men and women in kpop (and entertainment) I think she is way too thin. In that one pic of her in the wedding dress and crown, her arms were like twigs. My intention is not to offend her fans. I know some people are just naturally small, but being a kpop fan for as long as I have, and reading of the extreme diets idols go on to get thin it remain so... I hope she's healthy and get so much needed rest (LOL nah, companies always work work work their artist) after the show is done. 

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