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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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@seesaw_love Thank you for the Chinese translations. It was better than not having the possibility to translate it RAW from the original site. You are so kind. 

@Addictedtokeverything: I thank you very much. It`s like you gave water to a thirsty person. :)

I understood from the RAW translation that she doesn`t like watching her in variety shows, that her personality does not fit with these kind of shows. I totally understand her, I just knew it even without mention it. I am glad that she gain something (a little more confidence to expose the real her) at the end of these experiences. I understood that she confirmed that she is the real her in WGM, Real Men (as a close observer of her, I know that she was herself, she is a totally genuine person). I can feel her sincerity, sensitive side, her vulnerabilities but also her strengths. I know from the other interviews that she was worried about her mid 30s career. I am glad that she is more confident now, that she has regained that comfortable feeling after INR3 experience. 

41 minutes ago, Addictedtokeverything said:

In 2016 Iike always I want to be happy shooting at the filming site doing bright roles. But I also want to return to doing a badass character again as a challenge in 2016.


That part... I totally want to become true. I am supporting her 200%. I am praying her wishes come true. Even her accepting that weekender role. I want her to have an active career, to be happy filming her roles... and of course.... it is always a delight to see her in a badass role. Why the directors do not call her her for these kind of characters (she will be perfect) .... well, the man are asked first... but who knows when a miracle happens. :D

Thanks again.

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@jl08@KalyanaV both of you have such a warm and nice thought. its so fascinating ^^. btw is it still a long time to go to kwak si yang drama ended? it seems to be a long one, plus he said he has movie shoot and 101 project he is so busy. i like it when kwak si yang being so possessive over his wife, and said now you can't get away from me lol.

do you remember an episode where si yang and so yeon sing 'why did you come now' ? isn't i hear your voice drama OST? and the girl who play on the drama is also older than the boy, plus the boy can cook kk. is it a coincidence ? i hope they end up happy ending like the drama ^

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Hi there! Welcome here and thanks a lot for sharing the article. There's really a lot of information there!  :)

Was wondering if you could also bring us some update of both Si Yang and So Yeon couple if there are very good articles in Chinese too? I don't want to miss anything on this lovely couple and usually the Chinese fans might be able to spot some extra pics or information or notice more things about our SiSo couple!  LOL....

Also, I believe there are many fancams out there of their red carpet walk and MBC moments or even bts for WGM by fans. I really would love to watch all these!   :)

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27 minutes ago, Addictedtokeverything said:

I for one, really welcome the idea of Soyeon starring in a weekend drama for her next role. I believe she has confirmed. I hope she does if she hasn't yet. Weekend dramas usually have a slice of life feel, they have all the genres mixed in them, some comedy, some romance and of course a lot of drama, the shooting schedule is not very hectic and  the audience has time to warm up to the characters. They attract a lot of viewers specially women in their 30s n beyond which makes them gain higher ratings than any weekday dramas. I think its a very good move to get a lot of love from the general public. Both her previous roles were from the cable station network dramas which don't yet have quite the appeal with the masses. Although ratings are the last thing what Id be concerned about as long as Soyeon has a nice well rounded role and plays it to perfection. There is this thing about being remembered for a longterm character, like she was in all about eve, I hope this one brings her a lot more love, recognition and applause from the general public.  


I also think she will accept the role, especially being a MBC offer.  No, we don`t have not an official confirmation yet. I`ve already stated the thread for that weekend drama. It is not my cup of tea, but I keep my fingers crossed to be a success for her. She is the only actress that will make sit in front on my computer for so many episodes to watch something that is not my favorite genre. I said before WGM (as a "bad joke") that she will be the only one that will make me watch variety shows such as WGM and here I am.:D I will not watch WGM after she is out but it was not what I expected. I enjoy SiSo and I am very happy that she came out just fine from this,  that it was a good experience for her.  This time I came to term much easily and I really hope the drama will be worth her talent (and the other actors as well). The drama Happy Home with occupy the timeslot of a drama that is the third place in ratings and I hope will remain in top 3. I am not interested in rating dramas but I know that good ratings will bring future roles. So, fingers crossed. 

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Sorry i dont know how to remove the spoiler box keke. Soompi newbie here! :)

Btw, i would just like to point out that I really love The new video and the fact that the two of them are holding hands before riding the van that will takr them to the red carpet. It was quite fascinating to watch!

I also noticed that Siyang was quite silent during the time he was filmed alone (being styled).

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15 minutes ago, ssullipop said:

@jl08@KalyanaV both of you have such a warm and nice thought. its so fascinating ^^. btw is it still a long time to go to kwak si yang drama ended? it seems to be a long one, plus he said he has movie shoot and 101 project he is so busy. i like it when kwak si yang being so possessive over his wife, and said now you can't get away from me lol.

do you remember an episode where si yang and so yeon sing 'why did you come now' ? isn't i hear your voice drama OST? and the girl who play on the drama is also older than the boy, plus the boy can cook kk. is it a coincidence ? i hope they end up happy ending like the drama ^


Yes, I think there's a similarity in Si Yang and Lee Jong Suk from "I hear your voice". They both are so protective over the woman they love and treat them with so much care and gentleness. The way Lee Jong Suk hugged Lee Bo Young......he's so much younger than her in reality yet he's so matured in the show - like a man taking care of his woman. Just like Si Yang taking precious care of his wife.

Except that there is a huge difference here - Si Yang is doing a reality show in WGM, not a drama. He said he'll show his real self so look forward to it. So his feelings towards So Yeon is what he really feels and not faked as in a drama. That's why he can let himself cry in front of his woman because that's him in reality when he is touched. So we're seeing 99.99% of SiSo couple and their behaviour and feelings towards each other. It's no wonder that we would love them to love each other for real because their interactions, emotions and reactions  are genuine after all.

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52 minutes ago, ssullipop said:


do you remember an episode where si yang and so yeon sing 'why did you come now' ? isn't i hear your voice drama OST? and the girl who play on the drama is also older than the boy, plus the boy can cook kk. is it a coincidence ? i hope they end up happy ending like the drama ^

That song was on their first meeting - So Yeon turned it on out of the blue while waiting for Si Yang (he was in the bathroom). She said on BRI she actually doesn't have the song in her playlist so she looked for it and played it. The panelists at that time said that the song fitted well with her, like her monologue song or something :D  It's become their theme song, as Si Yang also requested that song to be played before the baseball game, at the stadium. If you look at the lyrics, the song does suit well with them :) 

hmmm perhaps @seesaw_love will make a fanvid MV with this song for siso couple? or have you already made one? ;) 

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@theang23: Thank you very much. Welcome to Soompi and to this thread.

Something came to my attention. She does not quite agree with the "timid" term but considers herself in some extent an introvert.  I should say that I don`t find So yeon timid as well. Shy, yes but not timid. In my opinion, there is a difference. When she is in her element, she is so lively, courageous, she is not afraid to show her weaknesses, she speaks her mind.... I find her personality endearing. I think one of  SiSo`s success was that they are very genuine in this program. Si yang was hard to read at first but I discovered his personality bit by bit. I know that some people find them too perfect :D (like it is too perfect to be true) but for us berries, they are indeed perfect, they are perfect for each other. They are like a real couple living in a fairytale, :D I enjoy seeing them each week. (20 minutes is not enough.) 

Guys, if you will not post the interview on So yeon`s page I will do it (with credits of course). Thank you very much for all translators. 

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photo 2016-01-07 1_zpsqwsqazcu.png

A Perfect Picture of Bliss & Love

Will beautiful wifey So Yeon fulfill Si Yang's wish and kisses him fully on the lips as his birthday present?

Because she missed that precious sealing of the wedding vow with a kiss on her lips from her handsome nampyeonim.

It's about time to do it properly.


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@theang23....hi and welcome.  Thanks for the translation. @auroratasya...i have always love that song and feel that it somehow fits both of them.  @Kwak SiYang Thailand... thanks for the clips.  They looked awesome together and I'm in love with them over and over again :wub:  @jl08...naughty shilang...getting impatient for his kiss...well he got it on his award day. I'm waiting patiently for saturday :blush:

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Ditto on SiYang. At times I feel like could this guy really exist??? So nice and good....I have my doubts.

But then I see his eyes when he looks at SoYeon without her knowing.....kyaaaaaak!!!! Even if SoYeon bursts with sudden "ajumma mode" (during yutnori game) he just smiles and laughs at her, his eyes saying "aren't you just the cutest woman in the world!?!???" - a fondness, sometimes like how a father looks at his daughter who's sulking LOL Right!??? 

Like there is nothing SoYeon could do to make SiYang think she's anything BUT loveable!!

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1 hour ago, auroratasya said:

Thanks for the video, @Kwak SiYang Thailand and @seesaw_love.

Anybody can translate the video from Starhaus Entertainment, please??

Thank you soooooo much in advance! xox

Translation for the clip :  

English translated by me.
Q: How do you feel at your first MBC entertainment awards? 
Sy : I do not know what I should do. It will be difficult if I am going alone. Fortunately attending it with wife gives me courage, afterall today is the first time I am attending awards ceremony & I will enjoy the event. Fighting! 
中文翻译: credit @wujingxiaoxiao
Q: 第一次站在MBC演艺大赏的感想?
旸:没有精神, 我也不知道我该怎么做! 要是我一个人去的话一定会很困难的! Wife老婆这样一起去,才有些产生了一勇气, 那也是, 今天第一次参加演艺大赏, 努力的有趣的享受这个过程的!Fighting! 

44 minutes ago, auroratasya said:

That song was on their first meeting - So Yeon turned it on out of the blue while waiting for Si Yang (he was in the bathroom). She said on BRI she actually doesn't have the song in her playlist so she looked for it and played it. The panelists at that time said that the song fitted well with her, like her monologue song or something :D  It's become their theme song, as Si Yang also requested that song to be played before the baseball game, at the stadium. If you look at the lyrics, the song does suit well with them :) 

hmmm perhaps @seesaw_love will make a fanvid MV with this song for siso couple? or have you already made one? ;) 


That was the very first MV i made and also first MV for Siso !  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x37dh5p Cut from EP01  - EP03 

I promise to re-do another one.   


jl08  since you can understand chinese, you can go to Tieba and get alot of  Siso information from there.   

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