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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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And here I thought we have news that SiSo Couple is going for the baseball match together! Lol..

How I wish they would. It'll be such a different experience now that they are so close. I'm hoping that WGM will not be scraped.

For those who are sad about WGM ending for SiSo.....actually, it's a new beginning for them. Si Yang had already shown his sincerity a few times and the most recent ep was the most obvious hint from him (clue: babies).  :)

It's So Yeon's call to return his sincerity.....after WGM. It's going to be good news. It has to be. It must be. It will be.  :D

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1 hour ago, jl08 said:


And here I thought we have news that SiSo Couple is going for the baseball match together! Lol..

How I wish they would. It'll be such a different experience now that they are so close. I'm hoping that WGM will not be scraped.

It would be great if they can going to baseball match together again, but this time, let Si Yang sit in LG team supporter seat :w00t:



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The antifans who think Siso couple are boring - I like to think they must be in Band 1 as I've got a daughter in Band 1.  Siso couple probably looked "old" and uninteresting to them as they are not very young nor are they idols.  I remember watching 2 episodes of Byu couple where all they were doing was just challenging each other to eat "disgusting" looking korean delicacies - SJ was the squeamish one while Joy was the one who loved such delicacies.  I thought it was quite childish and bor...Even my husband thought the same.  But I'm sure their fans found their interactions cute and would probably laugh over every conversation and actions of the couple...

We on the other hand, are the doing same over Siso, analyzing every conversation and small actions of Siso - Siso appeals to our age group I guess?  But hey, we are matured enough to know a variety show HAS to appeal all age groups and that it is childishness to bash other couples and so as one chinese saying goes, 大人不计小人过 , A greater man does not make note of a lesser man's faults or Its best to forgive and forget, which is what we have all decided to do...  When those antifans grow older, they would probably change their way of thinking too.




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How i wish they will find time in between their busy schedule to go to Jeju island.. this is what si yang dream of.. so far he always granted what so yeon wants.. hopefully WGM can let them enjoy their private day in jeju.. just like ohye couple enjoy their last date.. :)

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i guess the rumour is right after all.....but still not confirmed who will be leaving? our couple or byu couple?

i don't get it. why they still denied the rumour? they even said :

However, a rep from MBC stated that no final decisions has been made yet. Eric Nam's label responded, "Producers of 'We Got Married' have been holding meetings with various candidates, and Eric Nam is one of them. It is not officially confirmed, but he is looking into it." 

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15 minutes ago, 6u2n7a said:


i guess the rumour is right after all.....but still not confirmed who will be leaving? our couple or byu couple?

i don't get it. why they still denied the rumour? they even said :

However, a rep from MBC stated that no final decisions has been made yet. Eric Nam's label responded, "Producers of 'We Got Married' have been holding meetings with various candidates, and Eric Nam is one of them. It is not officially confirmed, but he is looking into it." 


This is a form of PR - managing and handling viewer's reactions - by now, all the crying, anger, frustration and hoohah of the earlier news has done its job - made us immune to more bad news - so that we will accept the final decision calmly cos we are already prepared for it.

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like i said before....if based on popularity : goodbye siso couple?

but i read btob or red velvet will have new album? if so,they will be very busy for touring,right? so maybe : goodbye byu couple?

or both of them are leaving?

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6 minutes ago, 6u2n7a said:

like i said before....if based on popularity : goodbye siso couple?

but i read btob or red velvet will have new album? if so,they will be very busy for touring,right? so maybe : goodbye byu couple?

or both of them are leaving?


My take is - it could be both or one followed closely by another.  Never mind, we know that leaving is best for Siso right? So Yeon is so tired all the time - even WGM filming time doesn't allow her much time to rest (mission card, bowling, etc)...we wish the best for her health and also Si Yang since he is or will be super busy too...and also for their relationship...


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it's funny somehow....

when they have limited time (100 days),soyeon was being cautious and worried...but then they are extending their virtual marriage.

now they are enjoying their free time...but suddenly they have to stop their virtual marriage. i don't think leaving wgm is their decision.


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18 minutes ago, 6u2n7a said:

like i said before....if based on popularity : goodbye siso couple?

but i read btob or red velvet will have new album? if so,they will be very busy for touring,right? so maybe : goodbye byu couple?

or both of them are leaving?

both already released new albums, so it could be right they will get busy promoting it... but I don't think that will be the reason they're leaving, cause  BTOB last album also released while Sung Jae already in WGM, and he can managed to do WGM and promote the album at the same time....


For now, I just hope all candidates that get approached by the PD's WGM decline the offers, so uri Siso couple will stay longer :D  oh, welll, I know this kinda selfish but I just love this couple so much and not really ready to let them go :P

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These are couple who started dating after the drama ended . i have some awkwardness moment including anxiously that happened with Soyeon during filming .because her fliming have 50 episodes . so If our Siso were leave WGM , If they are a busy schedule then...they will be ..... i cannot to though continuously  . ohhh noo :tears: just only 5 percent i not for sure .Actually wish don't happen with Soyeon .





However i really trust based on sense of the same woman. that Soyeon really like Siyang. she can manage the role during fliming also responsibility on work that made Siyang didn't worried about each other eventhrough they are some type given to jealousy both when each other talk about another man or woman . Literality based on the same sense of waman Soyeon really  like Si Yang as much . 

95 percent gonna be real couple and have kids .All beries here for you Siso.fighting

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1 hour ago, studentkkk said:

Byu couple where all they were doing was just challenging each other to eat "disgusting" looking korean delicacies - SJ was the squeamish one while Joy was the one who loved such delicacies.  I thought it was quite childish and bor...


This is why i always think i may be a half berry. Haha.

Enjoyed byuu couple too but as individual performances. Joy impressed and sungjae fustrated. But they are funny..that is all..siso is different. They seems better together. Interaction seem to be of a different level...

But then, i believe they will appeal more to the higher band age. But i think there are exceptions.

The fan girls siso met on first filming who gave them the "write up"? During their second night at love house seems like band 1. And high school? Student they saw during the soyeon birthday events. 

46 minutes ago, 6u2n7a said:

Eric Nam is one of them. It is not officially confirmed, but he is looking into it." 

 Ha. Finally he is considered for cast. Quite enjoyed him on the panel....

Lets see if they get choa in too...since panel members seems to be casted sometimes.

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Well...lets see if my guess that both byuu and siso leave at the same time will happen.

I just hope that for new couples, they do not do the  Jonghyun Seungyeon and henry yewon format.

Cannot imagine if someone did not get chosen. 

Only tuesday....sat is so far away....

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In retrospect,  really have to admire siyang.

Think the whole siso and all of us meeting here happen because he stepped up and took the lead during their first meeting. 

Proposal mini event. Leading at signing the contract.  Cook. Deciding on how they should call each other, and of course....holding hands....( that scene always put a smile )

Things may be drastically different if all these did not happen....

(Really do not see any possibility of so yeon leading then)

Any other views from other berries?

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30 minutes ago, studentkkk said:


My take is - it could be both or one followed closely by another.  Never mind, we know that leaving is best for Siso right? So Yeon is so tired all the time - even WGM filming time doesn't allow her much time to rest (mission card, bowling, etc)...we wish the best for her health and also Si Yang since he is or will be super busy too...and also for their relationship...



At lest all of the berries are ready to accept the "cruel" decision which might coming soon.. i agreed with studentkkk, leaving is the best for Siso as recently, Soyeon started to lose weight & from next wgm, she even have fever!  Although i still have not watch her full drama, but from the preview, she really use her efforts of crying in this new drama, this might affect her mood as well & the few hours of sleep kinda of horrible. 

As for Siyang, i believe he already started working in his new drama & promoting of 101 new songs, sure a super busy for him too. O yes, i saw his new drama press conference will be coming soon but not sure Soyeon will able to surprise him anything if wgm still continue? 

Hopefully, their relationship will continue even after wgm, i believe both of them are depending with each other for consolation when they are facing difficulty in their works. Soyeon, she is quite supportive of Siyang. I think all these might have already strengthen their current relationship. 

After Soyeon drama is over, i hope both can arrange for long trips together, if shorts trip, maybe can consider jeju which Siyang can bring Soyeon to their Manhwa cafe. 

Siso couple close connections have added to my wish lists, i believe the Love Angels will protect our Siso couple & show us the truth when the ideal time come...YES YES... SISO COUPLE:blush:


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Let's just say that Si Yang took the lead and So Yeon did the following willingly. It takes 2 to tango. Lol....

It was a perfect match. They complement each other totally - the leader and his petite beautiful woman.   :)

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Hi Berries !

Seriously this berry doesn't know what else there is to say ... but just need to get this off my chest ... this berry watched WGM since day 1...since Alex & Soo Ae time ...actually it was my sister who introduced WGM to me ... she was watching it and seeing her giggled every now and then ... my sis was on Hwangbo couple ship ... so i asked her...hey what are you watching... she said watch this... it's a reality show but quite fun... so that's how this berry got started watching WGM.... but i didnt follow all couples ....just leisurely watched bits here and there but that time this berry somehow got hooked & followed & shipped this particular 1 couple ... Hwanhee & Hwayobi couple.... man... this couple very funny.... Hwanhee alwiys teased Hwayobi.... whatever she requested something from him ..he will say no..but in the end he still did it for her / got the things for her ... that's why i loved this couple... no pretense ... after they left the show.... i didnt follow WGM anymore... just again watching leisurely ......

Then dunno how or when but maybe it's fate ..... one day this berry was so bored ...so was browsing thru some kdramas to watch.... and there it was....FFI got to me .... then that led me to google about the heroine ...Kim So Yeon..... google here and google there.... holy moly ! .... she was the bad apple in All About Eve ...gosh.... both me and my sister hated her character so much in AAE ...seriously.... damn evil.... when i got to know it was the same person (Kim So Yeon).... i almost fell off from my chair... quickly i showed my sister... the    heroine in FFI ...and asked her..hey do you know who is this ? can you recognize her ? and my sis was like who is that ....when i told her this was the same person who acted in AAE.... my sis said O.M.G ! are u kidding me ? i said no..no joke...it is HER !! my sis said she just cant believe her eyes... so beautiful now as she aged ...... and i say yes ! dats y !

So....1 thing led to another.... finished watching FFI ..... btw ...i started watching FFI quite late .... not during when it was broadcasted .... oh and this berry is a follower of AllkPop..... one day ... aiks.... Kim So Yeon joining WGM coupled with Kwak Si Yang..... ahh.... dat time this berry was following Oh My Ghostess ... haha...talk about fate.... lolz.... so i was thinking haih... why not...lets just watch WGM on this couple...... and walla...... this berry went up to Berry Heaven and doesnt want to come down anymore...... ohh and did i mentioned that it was my sister's turn to give me a funny look when she saw me giggling whenever i watched this couple..... talk about karma...haha

Well... to cut the story short (mianhe... i know it's not short anyway) ...it is actually really a blessing in disguise for this berry..... this berry started to write more in this forum..... this berry actually OPENED an IG account just to follow SEESAW_love berry which I cannot THANK YOU enough for all the updates that you provide us without asking for anything in return ...... don't be surprised that this berry doesn't have a FB account... but miraculously owned an IG account ...hahaha ..... and this berry has been spending quite a lot of mobile phone data just to check on SISO couple news....and IGs...and etc.... this berry sincerely hoped and wished that our lovely SISO couple will become a real couple .....   so if they are leaving WGM next .... let it be they are leaving the reel world to continue into the REAL world.... AMEN to that !

Last but not least .... this couple has brought this berry to get to know more berries here ! this berry although not berry the active in this   forum but this berry has been following each and every berries stories here ...... never missed a page !! You berries here never fail to make my day very berrylicious !!  Thank you ! Xie Xie ! Terima Kasih ! Gowapta ! Tor Jeh ! Kamsahamnida !!!!!

Chongmal.... mannaseo bangapsebnida to all BERRIES !! :wub::heart::wub:

SISO couple hwaiting !!!!! To all BERRIES hwaiting !!!! BERRIES HUGZ !!!


ps - jinja sorry for the longgggg post......






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@chris3975 it's really fun reading your story how you come became one of the berries :D 

please other berries shares your stories too :D



1 hour ago, LeeK said:

Well...lets see if my guess that both byuu and siso leave at the same time will happen.

I just hope that for new couples, they do not do the  Jonghyun Seungyeon and henry yewon format.

Cannot imagine if someone did not get chosen. 

Only tuesday....sat is so far away....

@LeeK May you explain what do you mean with 'someone did not get chosen'?

And lol at your statement that you are 'half of berry' :w00t: Oh well, half or full, you're still berries :D



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2 hours ago, eyra said:

For now, I just hope all candidates that get approached by the PD's WGM decline the offers, so uri Siso couple will stay longer :D  oh, welll, I know this kinda selfish but I just love this couple so much and not really ready to let them go :P


@eyra I like how you think - very innovative..:D

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2 hours ago, LeeK said:

This is why i always think i may be a half berry. Haha.

Enjoyed byuu couple too but as individual performances. Joy impressed and sungjae fustrated. But they are funny..that is all..siso is different. They seems better together. Interaction seem to be of a different level...

But then, i believe they will appeal more to the higher band age. But i think there are exceptions.



@LeeK haha... I think its becos of your "species" - more objective and less emo? most antifans appear to be, most unfortunately, from my "species"...:(

Yes, there are always exceptions...

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