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Guest ororomunroe

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On happier thoughts, saw that JE was in a wrapped up black sleep gown with a red ribbon on herself? What was she thinking? Was she going to present herself as a present to YH and to get Young Ho hyung nim to unwrap his Birthday present - ribbon by ribbon ???? :wub: Rrarrrrrrrrrr~~~~  She sure is kinky and erotic.....~ 

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I knew it... I had that feeling that choi man will harm him or JE. Well... I wasn't really upset at the scene except is that really the only way to stop him? Where are the police? Did anyone call them? These are rhetorical questions and I will accept it as is but YH ... What did you think would happen if you did that??  It just seems so odd that on a busy street, he would be as irrational as choi. I can understand his deep concern for saving his friend. Anyhow, somehow I am calm... I know one thing and that is YH is definitely not dead... Or they could reanact tMS and do the dead and then revived. 

This reminds me of SeGa... Where HJW was acting in bed pretty much... After that car accident. 

Well hopefully this period won't be dwelled on for too long... Poor YH... Besides JE and his two pals, he really can't catch a break in life.




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Guest xoxoprincessxoxo1000

Oh My Venus



Osen - Naver: 'Oh My Venus', So Ji Sub gets in a car accident while rescuing Sung Hoon

1. [+3,263, -32] Do whatever you want with the plot as long as you save Kim Young Ho and treat his neurosis!!

2. [+2,713, -44] Talk about random;;; Why did Kim Jung Tae suddenly speed up out of anger? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+2,476, -72] Writer, isn't this too makjang?

4. [+1,568, -22] Writer, don't do this ㅠㅠㅠJust when they started getting lovey dovey

5. [+1,168, -27] Does the writer have to go this far? Please be safe~~~

6. [+503, -2] You better not be pulling that amnesia crap

7. [+471, -8] Seems like their sexy night together isn't happening

8. [+393, -10] Ohui, Baskin Robbins and Canon PPLs took over half of this episode. Aigooya writer, the drama's really lost in the mountains


1. [+388, -9] Cmon, this isn't right

2. [+336, -7] What if he gets amnesia??? Writer, don't even try~

3. [+273, -3] Another drama that sacrificed the plot for PPL

4. [+134, -4] Writer-nim, sorry but the writing just isn't there. I'm just watching it for So Ji Sub. Ugh, it's freaking boring. Sorry, but you need to step it up

5. [+122, -2] Such a waste of So Ji Sub's talent. This writer is terrible

6. [+82, -2] He won't die but he will get amnesia

7. [+79, 0] The car accident is too forced. Are you in a rush that you resorted to shitty ideas?

8. [+65, 0] Writer, don't do this to us. I've been watching since the start and there's only 4 episodes left and what? A car accident? It would be annoying if he gets amnesia

9. [+63, 0] Aish. The actors are wasting their talents in this drama. Writer, never write a script again

SOURCE: http://kkuljaem.blogspot.ca/2015/12/spoilers-glamorous-temptation-oh-my.html

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Ep 12 is still the BEST for me despite the accident scene. Everything is so PERFECT especially the cheesy but sweet "lover like" dialogues between our OTP!:blush:

It may be gruesome looking but I AM CONFIDENT that KYH will survive in no time as he's SUPER FIT! I think it's better for him to have physical injuries instead of internal ones. 

NOPE! I dont think the writer will go into coma or amnesia territories as our writernim is someone different! KYH needs KJE for HEALING and hopefully we'll get to see more CUTE & CHEESY scenes between our OTP.:heart:

How to SURVIVE until next MONDAY? By rewatching ep 12 again and again!!! :wub:


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The more i read this, the more i think Writer is not going to do the AMNESIA crap.. it's just TOO cliche... 

If KYH really has Amnesia, this writer will be condemned.. i am now going to trust that she will pull out something meaningful out of this accident. So far she has been doing great...  

The more people are guessing Amnesia, the more it won't happen... I just feel this writer has been that way so far... Hope she proves me right... not wrong. ;) 

I truly think it will along the line of Joon Sung, Grandmother, Father... around these 3 people with this accident.. definitely not OTP separation/angst drama here 

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1 hour ago, ireumimolla said:

Haha I made this gif! It's on my tumblr...

Anyway, @rain719 I finally changed my dp! Still upset Chief Min interrupted their moment, so this is a punishment indeed. :(

Btw, I find myself liking this scene more than I'd expect. YH was totally playing the role of a supportive husband! Just get married already you two!:lol:


@ireumimolla thanks 4 the gif dear ;) 

I laugh so hard when I watch the scene :D 

Anyway YH is a certified doctor right.... what so funny is here Bec he acts as one of the familly patient.  he acts like a husband who feels the pain of his wife who is in the condition for giving birth. 

and the suster expression is so priceless.  ha...ha... :D 

SJS-SMA are really make a good drama couple. they act so balance 2 each other, no one more dominate 2 other character. All of them act n react with the same powerful acting.  ONCE AGAIN SO BALANCE AND Awesome ACTING FROM SJS N SMA Who Is THE EXPERT IN THIS ACTING FIELD :)   

Not like some couple in the drama I watch where I even can't get the chemy between them n sometime one of them will dominate the story (if there's 2 main artists who act as a couple). :expressionless:

And for the shipper ....


Sorry 2 say this but as I know back in the old interview of 2013 n in the newest interview 2015 SJS said he wants 2 get married b4 35 years old but he already 36 in that years (2013) so he then said he hopes 2 get married b4 he turns 40. And back 2 the interview in 2015 he said he always think about married but when he asked about whether there's a person he's looking for now he asks back 2 the interviewer (so just my guess maybe SJS has already someone beside him but he doesn't want 2 say it publicly???)

And 4 SMA in interview of 2014 she said she doesn't have any thinking about married b4 but after she filmed the movie last year with JJS, she said maybe around 50% in married life.

So I really don't want to hurt the shippers' feeling but I must say this matter why SJS-SMA lovey dovey can't be happen in real life. Bec back in 2013 where they're as Giordano couple SMA n SJS have this different perception in married life. 

But still no one know what will happen next right;) 

 I remember one couple artist who I ship much in my country that I can't believe they will be 2gether one day bec the woman already has a fiancee n the man is single as far as I know at that time. I always think how good their chemy, I even  think if the woman is still single that would be good. So yup at that time I can only imagine 4 that. And then that news about the woman broke up with the fiancee n the man (which i ship her to) become close friend of her until I get the news months later they're dating (can u imagine how happy I am :) n next happy news is they're married not so long after they're dating. Although there's rumor they're  MBA but their married still going on years until now. And I hope it'll lasts forever :) 

He he...I hope this case will happen also 2 SJS n SMA someday. Blame 2 that oozzling chemistry of these 2 ;) :wub:



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Guest xoxoprincessxoxo1000

I think Young Ho isn't gonna get amnesia, I think he'll get some sort of disability. Amnesia is way too overused and it won't do anything to the plot. 

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The last thing i want to see is YH going into depression due to disability.. PLEASEEEEEEE.. that will suck! So i am hoping, like Hotel King, the blood is just to dramatise the ending.. but in actual fact, the male lead is hardly hurt.. whahahahahha.. come on Drama land.. you can do this!!! kekeke... :phew:

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

Just saw the episode with subtitle I tend not to like (Oppa = Honey).

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The drug overdose (if not a cry for attention or an ill-considered suicide attempt--and I don't mean to suggest that YJ is spoiled, just pathologically overlooked) came out of nowhere.

Unless YJ is no medication for depression, which wouldn't surprise me. The whole family need to have their body chemicals readjusted.

1- So stepmom is/was planning to move out alone and leave her husband for Grandma and the corporation to use. Really.

2- The subtitle has greedy uncle saying that if YH's dad SC hadn't remarried HR then SC would have half the cooperation, but SC wanted to leave everything to YH so he remarried. And nothing will change unless something happens to YH.  This logic makes no sense to me. It would make better sense if he said, if SC hadn't remarried then Greedy Uncle would have gotten 1/2  the corporation but SC wanted YH to have it all so he married HR.  HR must really love SC or was in an unpleasant living situation to marry him.


Not really spoilers per se but mostly documenting dialogue that I didn't quite follow.


The father would have been the main heir since he was married to the daughter, but I guess marrying nullified his inheritance and it passes over him and goes directly to YH, instead of stopping at his father. I don't know how this would have affected the Uncle though, since he still wouldn't have gotten anything.

I do like that the writers cleared up in their own way that the grandmother is only really kicking the father, wife and younger brother out because of the greedy uncle. Removing them from the "family" cuts off his way to he top.

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Hello and Christmas greetings to all my trancontinental friends. I've been a lurker since the beginning of the show, and faithful followed each ep weekly and checked-in to this forum when ever I can or in between the shows because am a fan of SJS and SMA. Great big thanks to all pacipants in this forum, I have taste and enjoying some of the sweetness of life by (smiles/laughs/smurks I did ut all) read your comments/rants and jokes, cstrips  ect..I just cant names them all, but you know who you are.

Anyway, here is my one cent predictions for the time jump... some how YH will go to the prison in place for JS, because he have soft spotS  for the weak and danger people. JE will be his lawyer and get him out of jail after a year. Grandma Lee and Dad will regconize how smart JE is and much she has devote herself for the love she has for YH and the love of each others and they will  welcome JE as a new member of their family. Director Choi will be bedridden due to the server injury and HR will visit him daily/weekly with finance support from Grandma Lee. Dad and stepmom will learn/ improve their communications skill and raise young YJ with love and the tender cares. Grandma Lee health will fading slowly but joyful because she is watching coachmin YH will coach JE breathing in the delivery room. ..JS will unite with his mom, JW will be happy JW as always speaking half Korean/English.. the end.

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Guest julie721

it's been so looooooooong since the last time I post something on Soompi... But what can I do, SJS-SMA are just too adorable to be treated only 'silent lurker' mode by me... OMV is definitely bring back my willingness to watch live streaming... Oh Dear, what has SJS  done to me. And I hope I'm not too late to have fun here. We only have several episodes left, I know.. :bawling:

And to all venusians here... when I was still in silent lurker mode, you're like my secret guilty pleasure.. You're just too hilarious (sometimes), but still very insightful. I love reading and coming back to this thread almost as much as I love  watching KYH/SJ/JW the drama itself. 

About the ending of episode 12, don't be affraid.. I bet everything will be just fine in the end. I'm positive KYH will not have fate like  Kang In Wook in WHIB.. (I'm still traumatize with that drama ending up until now).. We'll have our comfortable and erotic night SOON! have faith in PD-nim and writer-nim. KJE will have her chance to wear that pink bow and looking sexy and lovely for Couch-nim... :heart::blush:


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Wow what an intense episode...

It's YH's company, period. I don't understand why this is even an issue lol. 

Although, the stepmom walked away with nothing I still don't buy her act. She knew all along what kind of person her brother was and what he was doing. Yet she did and said nothing. He made his intentions clear to her time and time again. In this case, her silence implies consent, which is why the grandmother kept her at a distance and didn't trust her. It makes it worse since the grandmother knew exactly what her brother was doing behind the scenes to undermine her and YH. Then she goes home and there she is making her dinner and offering her tea ... 


WS is not only useless, but dumb as well. Did he really think revealing YH's identity would change anything. The grandmother has been planning this since he was a child. Did he really think she would have a change of heart because one scandal? She lost her daughter and the only person she has left is her grandson why wouldn't she give him everything. I don't understand his involvement it's not like WS was going to lose his job when YH took over.

As for SJ, why? He completely ignores her until he needs to her for something.


That's not a relationship....he's just using her to save himself and it worked. Just because she didn't reveal his involvement doesn't change the fact WS obtained his driver license illegally. If she wanted to hide it why tell JE that WS was responsible? Realistically speaking, if the PD told her everything why wouldn't he tell someone else. As the head of the company's legal team what was she thinking? She is too pathetic to hate.

The uncle is the worst. 


He is always belittling the stepmom and now her son attempted to take his own life and he's blaming her. He wasn't even worried about his nephew at all. Clearly the kid is going through something, but nope let's blame someone for inheriting a company that belongs to his family. I was under the impression he was going to find YH to send him on a guilt trip about his half-brother attempting to kill himself.

His greed and lack of ethics I can understand, but seriously.... 


I thought this was a romantic comedy lol. 

As for the OTP


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48 minutes ago, xoxoprincessxoxo1000 said:

Oh My Venus


1. [+3,263, -32] Do whatever you want with the plot as long as you save Kim Young Ho and treat his neurosis!!

2. [+2,713, -44] Talk about random;;; Why did Kim Jung Tae suddenly speed up out of anger? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+2,476, -72] Writer, isn't this too makjang?

4. [+1,568, -22] Writer, don't do this ㅠㅠㅠJust when they started getting lovey dovey

5. [+1,168, -27] Does the writer have to go this far? Please be safe~~~

6. [+503, -2] You better not be pulling that amnesia crap

7. [+471, -8] Seems like their sexy night together isn't happening

8. [+393, -10] Ohui, Baskin Robbins and Canon PPLs took over half of this episode. Aigooya writer, the drama's really lost in the mountains


1. [+388, -9] Cmon, this isn't right

2. [+336, -7] What if he gets amnesia??? Writer, don't even try~

3. [+273, -3] Another drama that sacrificed the plot for PPL

4. [+134, -4] Writer-nim, sorry but the writing just isn't there. I'm just watching it for So Ji Sub. Ugh, it's freaking boring. Sorry, but you need to step it up

5. [+122, -2] Such a waste of So Ji Sub's talent. This writer is terrible

6. [+82, -2] He won't die but he will get amnesia

7. [+79, 0] The car accident is too forced. Are you in a rush that you resorted to shitty ideas?

8. [+65, 0] Writer, don't do this to us. I've been watching since the start and there's only 4 episodes left and what? A car accident? It would be annoying if he gets amnesia

9. [+63, 0] Aish. The actors are wasting their talents in this drama. Writer, never write a script again

SOURCE: http://kkuljaem.blogspot.ca/2015/12/spoilers-glamorous-temptation-oh-my.html

Well, I guess I was quite right that not everybody can't settle with the flow of this drama. It ain't entirely they're fault if they can only see the surface. 

Is it bad that I want to see SJS and SMA work together again after this. I hope SBS is cooking for something for these two, after all they're seen as somewhat the SBS darlings...

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the ending tho.. i mean im not surprised because i know there was too much happy going on, it was either tragic or a break up.... "ill take Tragic for 100":mellow:


But i was surprised that it was YH instead of JS, they kept hinting at it

If this goes sour ill put the drama in my tragic So Ji Sub list..there are so many already whats one more:tears: But before i get ahead of myself a lot can happen in one episode i mean 60 minutes is a long time:vicx:

I think ima go watch Always again.. i need tearful happy right now :tears:

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Episode 12 recap-opinion :)

Oh My Venus ~ Episode 12 Recap ~ Dramajjang


“On the day when everybody is supposed to be happy
It’s true that not everyone is happy.
Because everybody’s happy, someone feels even lonelier.
Even if that someone is lonely he/she pretends to be okay.
There is someone who can’t go over to see the other one for a reason.
There is someone who is not able to go over for a different reason.
On this day, there is someone who keeps waiting no matter what.
We all pretend to be happy and okay.
On Christmas day, we miss others even more.”

Read more here: http://dramajjang.co/2015/12/23/oh-my-venus-episode-12-recap-dramajjang/

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WHAT THE .... ???

- - - - -

That was going to be my only post after watching todays episode. But since it would have been too short then... Here are some questions:

Anyone who can read Korean? I'm just wondering how KYH and JE are naming each other on their phone? I think KYH has Daegu's Venus in his phone contact. How does JE name him?


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Okay, so a lot of people really dont like the ending of this episode...i dont either but i believe that there will be a happy ending for this drama, i believe so therefore it will happen (Very KJE saying : )  Also, remember to get to the sweetness of life we need to go through some angst.  We wont realize how good this OTP is if we dont see them go through some makjang and some craziness, it wont be k-drama then. :wub::sweatingbullets::w00t::crazy::heart:

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@allievera Your comment was soo perfect i could have wrote it myself...The stepmom and her blood line all being ignored, like gnats you dont see em until they are in your face. 

The father walking out after hearing the diagnosis was just like him, why be surprised, you cant ask a zebra to change its stripes, this has got be a a wake up call for them, stop worrying about the things you cant change and pay attention to what really matters. 

SJ totally swept the issue with WS being a dirty business man under the rug, i thought she was gonna get him fired or something, i mean even a fine would have been nice. 

Our couple saved the episode they always do :wub:

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