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Girls, what's your minimum height requirement to date?


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severus: good luck finding a Asian boyfriend with that friends poster lolol...

She is probably not going for Asian boyfriends..


Okay but I mean white males average about 5'9-510 (1.77m-1.78m) so it's still under 6' get it?

When you set your requirements really high, it'll be wayyy harder to find your future spouse/bf/gf/etc...

A much better chance than finding an Asian guy 6' and/or above...


The thing is it's not just HER who wants tall guys, it's EVERY SINGLE GIRL OUT THERE on this planet maybe I'm exaggerating a tiny bit but you get the picture lol...like I go on all these dating websites and stuff and they all say they want tall guys BUT realistically speaking, a lot of guys aren't even that tall especially Asian men yet they're still able to end up finding girlfriends and wives regardless of the situation...so...these girls can set their height requirements as high as they want...it just results in them being single in the end for a loooonnnngggg time because it limits their choices by ALOT.  But then again what they listed on the dating websites is their IDEAL height and not a MINIMUM requirement get it? so I guess that's a little better.  In the end, they'll have no choice but to settle with a 5'7 or 1.70m guy which is actually considered average height for Asian men, but to women is classified as short so it's by nowhere near being short statistically speaking.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there aren't any tall guys around, they definitely exist but their numbers are ALOT less than guys at average height.  In other words there're WAYYYYY more Asian guys at 5'7 or 1.70m than guys at 5'11 or 1.80m get it?

If she lives in the West, which I think she does according to some of her past posts then White males are most likely more abundant than Asian male.  She would have a larger pool to choose from. Not to mention there are other races besides White and Asian too. So it is actually not as hard as you would think. Height isn't the entire picture. I don't know why you initially think that she would go for an Asian guy.

Honestly there are Asian, Caucasian, Black, and Hispanic guys out there. There are a lot of guys for girls to choose from. Even with a hefty height requirement (granted if they are decent looking).

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I'm 5' 7.75" tall and my height preference for men are 5'9" - 6'2", my S/O is 5'10". As long as they are taller than me and not slim like a women (most East Asian guys don't have a really wide build) but shorter than me is definitely a no, for most guys I tend to look at them at eye-level range (+/-) and I am most comfortable with that so nothing too tall either, ideally 3-4" taller than me is perfect :D It sounds obnoxious, but I'm one of those girls with strict minimal height requirements, and 90% of Asian guys I met from HS throughout my university years all hover around the 5'7" range, unconsciously I would automatically see them as a friend or 'younger brother' type, it's not that I choose to put them in that category, but I guess this also has to do with their personality as well. To others I might have high standards, but I know myself best and knows what traits I'll look for whom will be most compatible with me, both physical and personality qualities to have a long-lasting relationship. I would only consider them as a potential trait if they meet the physical and personality requirements (which is very basic actually), because I don't want to waste each others time on things that will not work; you might call it chemistry, or "clicking" but deep down when you "click" with someone most likely they fulfill certain criterion for a future bf/husband that you go for, whether you're aware or not.

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Crunchyrunchy: Ya but I'm just sayin' that a lot of what I said is true and I do agree that you have some good points.  However, you have to understand that most Asian women usually go after either white guys or Asian guys in the U.S.  I rarely see an Asian woman with a black/Hispanic dude.  That's not to say that all of them won't like/date black or Hispanic men at all.  But generally speaking, Asian women would usually date Asian or white guys.

Retsyo: Don't worry it's not just you who likes tall guys, every girl does and I guarantee you all those 5'6 5'7 guys will end up getting married one day just trust me.

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You all have to understand that height is a genetic trait that's already been pre-determined at birth.  Like there's something called your maximum genetic height potential, what that means is that if you: eat well, sleep well, get enough exercise then you're gonna hit that maximum genetic height potential.  However, undersleeping or not getting enough food as a kid/teenager (malnutrition) can ultimately reduce your maximum genetic height potential by up to a couple inches henceforth the 3 inch height difference between North and South Korea in which North Korea averages 5'5 or 1.65m while South Korea averages 5'8 or 1.73m with the obvious factor being nutrition in addition to the starving African countries.  North Koreans eat like they did back in the Korean war, it is imperative to eat well during your growing years in order to grow tall and hit your maximum genetic potential.  You've all heard this rule before: Genetics rule, you CANNOT reprogram genetics.  Therefore, no matter how much nutrition you take, how much exercise and how much of an excellent environment you have, you CANNOT grow beyond this maximum genetic height potential, it's like your genes set an upper limit on how tall you can get.  That FACTOR is ALL genes.  By the way, just so you guys know ALOT of guys tend to lie about their heights and usually add about 1-2 inches to what they're because of ego/complex reasons.  They measure their height in shoes when really you gotta measure your height BAREFOOT or WITHOUT shoes 1st thing in the morning in order to get your true, genuine height because that's when you just woke up lying down and don't have any sort of gravity acting upon your spine.  During the day, you actually shrink about 1/2 an inch due to gravity takin' effect on your spine.  This applies for everybody.

P.S: By the way, north and south Koreans have the EXACT same genetic background and plus HAIR does not count as your true height.  Your true height is measured from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head EXCLUDING hair and SHOES standing in an erect position.

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The thing is it's not just HER who wants tall guys, it's EVERY SINGLE GIRL OUT THERE on this planet maybe I'm exaggerating a tiny bit but you get the picture lol...like I go on all these dating websites and stuff and they all say they want tall guys BUT realistically speaking, a lot of guys aren't even that tall especially Asian men yet they're still able to end up finding girlfriends and wives regardless of the situation...so...these girls can set their height requirements as high as they want...it just results in them being single in the end for a loooonnnngggg time because it limits their choices by ALOT. 

Girls 101: who they say they'll date and who they actually date are rarely the same things. Have you ever heard a girl who was in love talk about her boyfriend? It's like she's looking at a completely different person than you are. No objectivity.

It's actually the best part of girls. When they like us, they see us in a much better light than is actually there. But guys do it too btw. We think we have a type, then we see a random beautiful girl who we'd throw our "type" out the window for.

That's not true. If you don't match at least somewhat the image or standard she sees in her head, you won't even get an opportunity to show yourself in a better light. And height is one of the very first things she will use as a determining factor whether to give the guy a chance or not. 


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livingforhistory:  I disagree with livingforhistory because there've been many times when I've crushed on women who were completely out of my type or ideal image in a girl.  Lots of people end up fallin' in love with people they'd least expect to date.  Height is ONE factor but you have to understand that's just 1 quality in the ultimate, final determination of her potential boyfriend/spouse.  She'll look at the whole package from the inside out which includes: looks/appearance, personality, character, money, how he treats her, etc. to finally yes height.  But I mean height is just one single quality even if it is an initial meetup and like most women said as long as the guy is just abit taller than the girl than it should be good enough.

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Are you a guy? I highly doubt you could fall for a girl who you felt was unattractive physically but was otherwise great. 

The same goes for girls. You could be a great guy, socially popular, good career, educated but if she's not physically attracted to you, there is no hope. 

Girls will say one thing and do another. When asked why they are with the guy they are with, they will seek a logical justification and will say things like: personality, successful, treats her well, etc. but they won't reveal the real reason. After all, how would it look if a girl said, "I'm with him because he's handsome!"

The other possibility is that she has been with the guy for a long time and she has taken his good looks for granted. This happens in long-term relationships no matter how good looking he/she is. So she will point out the other qualities. But she is with him because she at one point early on was physically attracted to him. 

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Yes, I am a dude and yes I do agree with what you said about being: socially popular, etc.  But you have to understand that the height part of what I said is true so for you to disagree/rebuke my statement on that part is definitely wrong.  Like I said, girls do take height into consideration but they also look at ALOT of other stuff get it?

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I believe girls look at a tall guys not because they are hot, have long arms and their hugs are heavenly, but because it's the basic survival instinct: they choose the man because they feel protected and they sense he can protect them and their off springs.

So, it's still not an aesthetic matter but an instinctual one.

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Guest mackeralkitty


Most of the guys I've been very attracted to have been around the same height or a little taller. I'm around 5'5" an my current boyfriend is 5'5". My ex was in between 5'6" and 5'7". I don't have a thing for short guys or tall, I just like who I like. Majority appear to be my height. lol Some of my friends date pretty short guys or pretty tall. It's not really a defining point in who I'd pursue a relationship with.

Sometimes, people tease me. Saying things like, oh, you can't wear heels though. But my boyfriend doesn't feel at all inferior when I wear heels or platforms. He doesn't view me any differently. I really like that about him. Sometimes he feels sort of inferior to his brother or other guys because they're much taller than him, but I always assure him he's fine the way he is. Height really isn't a main focus for me.

Also, eff the idea of needing a man to protect me or my children. lol I'll do just fine on my own doing that. I get the attraction towards that, but after being told by my ex I needed him and to make him feel like I needed to be protected and that any future children need protection, it was one of the weirdest things I'd ever been told in my life. It didn't sit well with me at all. XD

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Schiau: Yeah, I know but you gotta undertand that we do NOT live in the animal kingdom but instead, we're HUMANS.  We cannot go around raping random people.  However, I do agree that some parts of what you said is true however, just cause girls like tall guys doesn't mean that his boyfriend is gonna HAVE TO be tall.  I've seen many Asian women dating guys that are like 5'7 and many even under that which like I've said so many times isn't even short by Asian guy standards.  Girls just PREFER tall guys however, it's just a PERFERRED height and not like a HAVE TO BE height get it?  Just read the previous posts I put in this topic and that many times girls don't really have a choice if there aren't even many tall guys around.

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Schiau: Yeah, I know but you gotta undertand that we do NOT live in the animal kingdom but instead, we're HUMANS.  We cannot go around raping random people.  However, I do agree that some parts of what you said is true however, just cause girls like tall guys doesn't mean that his boyfriend is gonna HAVE TO be tall.  I've seen many Asian women dating guys that are like 5'7 and many even under that which like I've said so many times isn't even short by Asian guy standards.  Girls just PREFER tall guys however, it's just a PERFERRED height and not like a HAVE TO BE height get it?  Just read the previous posts I put in this topic and that many times girls don't really have a choice if there aren't even many tall guys around.

Just because we are humans does not mean we are any less an animal. It's true that we do not solely survive on our basest instinct, but in many aspects our genetic programming will kick in to override anything that our rational minds would consider anathema. When you see a lion charging at you, your animal instinct to run automatically kicks your adrenalin system into high gear and you run

Oh, as for your height being genetically predetermined, this is utterly wrong. Your height, and by extension, your muscle and bone development are heavily influenced by your environment. As an example, my parents are pretty average sized Chinese. Mum is about 5'6-5'7 and Dad is marginally taller at 5'9 or so, but when you look at me and my siblings you would never think that we would be there offspring if you considered it from a purely genetic perspective. My sister is a mere 5'4, shorter than mum, but my brother and I tower over everyone. He's 5'10 - 5'11 and I'm 6'0. You might then think, "oh but you're both probably lanky as saplings", but he's just shy of 190 (~85kg) pounds while I'm just slightly over 200 pounds (~90kg) and we're both of pretty muscular frames. 

Other members of my family fit into more stereotypical categories. One cousin is about 6'2 and built like a sapling while another is 5'4 and very stocky. Other cousins are more averagely built. But we all stemmed from the same great grandparents. Our grandparents were pretty average sized Chinese, but the various contributing factors, environment, quantity of food intake during childhood, quality of food intake during childhood all came together to influence how we ultimately developed.

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ayahuasca:  Part of what you said about animals and human similarities are true but a lot of what I said is true too so it's like a combination of both.  By the way, as for the height factor that was because you got the genes NOT from your parents but from your ANCESTORS or from another family relative.  Both your parents can be short but they can each be a carrier for the recessive allele for the tall trait in which case scenario you and your brother GOT IN ADDITION to the good nutritional background. Same with your other family members. But overall, it's 95% genes and 5% environment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a guy I think most people like someone who are a little taller or same height than them when wearing heels. Awkward kissing someone who is a lot shorter or taller. Every girl has their own criteria to date them after all so I cant really say.

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ayahuasca:  Part of what you said about animals and human similarities are true but a lot of what I said is true too so it's like a combination of both.  By the way, as for the height factor that was because you got the genes NOT from your parents but from your ANCESTORS or from another family relative.  Both your parents can be short but they can each be a carrier for the recessive allele for the tall trait in which case scenario you and your brother GOT IN ADDITION to the good nutritional background. Same with your other family members. But overall, it's 95% genes and 5% environment.

really late reply.

my ancestors were likely all very short being of "peasant" southern Chinese heritage dating back to the imperial days. 

For those of my generation, we'd have access to significantly higher caloric content food which coupled with our environment meant we were able to attain sizes and heights well beyond our ancestors. 

In any case genetics is a whole nother thang.

my gf is about 5'4. She'd probably like it if I wasn't quite so much taller than her.....

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