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The Official Chae Yeon (채연) Thread


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Guest s3imaDen

Her debut in japan did make her grow stronger then.. but it has left her some side effects i guess..

eventhough vivian had a hard time, but she did make it big as a taiwanese to debut in japan. she even sang a song with kazuma for gundam series...

but our poor cy.. TT_TT

i hope tat ppl will try to understand how hard it has been for her to go through all those..

some celebrities din even went thru hard times and they gain popularity and recognition straight away..

life is unfair i guess.. *sigh*

anyway, i wish her all the best!! and i wish to see her soon on TV!!!!! T_T i miss her soo much TT-TT

tat award thingy, as much as i'm upset, but i can't do anything about it T_T coz i got no korean ID to vote for her... *sigh* oooOOoooo..i wish tat lee soo young will win~~ ahah XD i love GRACE tat song.. cant help it.. ahahahah XD =X


its Jack Skellington time!!!!! ahahahahah XD

I was wondering if there was a translation of CY's 2nd album anywhere?

1. 둘이서 (Two of Us)

2. 지독한 외면 (Vicious Neglect)

3. 다가와 (Come Closer / Come To Me)

4. 보고싶어 (I Miss You)

5. 믿어 (Trust Me) [ft. D-Low]

6. 다 끝났어 (It's Over)

7. 행복한 눈물 (Happy/Joyous Tear)

8. Dance All Night

9. 사랑할께 (I Will Love You)

10. 사랑인가봐! (It Must Be Love!)

11. 추억만으로 (Only by Memories) [ft. D-Low]

12. 바보 (Stupid / Idiot)

There are other variations, but these are the ones I got when I asked someone.. credits: wandoo

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Guest pinklegirl007

Remember the last article I translated... about how CY's entertainment company decided that they want to put more money and effort into into CY's fourth album.... I want to nag at all the executives in her entertainment company! If they had focused on her third album from the beginning, than maybe she would have been nominated right now!!

Well... whats done is done. Her third album was pretty good though, but I guess not enough for her to be nominated. At least we know that her fourth album will be really great and her company will invest more on her this time around!

I hope now she smiles because she is trully happy :(

it is sad to think she smiles because it's like a natural reflex

so, does it mean in japan they treat their artists worse?

I think that the entertainment industry in Japan is a lot harsher because its a bigger country, therefore it has more competition..... I'm not sure if Japane treats their artists worse, but back when CY debuted in Japan, there was a lot of discrimination against Korean Artists and it was really hard for them to become successful there. This was before the Hallyu wave, and before well-promoted k-artists, like Boa debuted. You have to also remember that Boa didn't get famous on her own.... Lee Soo Man, who was the CEO of Sm ent. at the time, almosted filed for bankruptcy because he spent the almost all of their company money in Japan, using it to promote Boa.... I think Boa is really talented and all, but I don't think she would be were she is today, if SM didn't promote her like that.... Many Japanese Investors have criticized Boa, saying that it would be pretty hard to not get famous with the amount of promotion money that spend on her.

I think personally think that if CY debuted solo in Japan, without those weird looking old men in Ultra cats, and she got the promotion she needed.... I can't say if she'd be really famous, cuz I don't really know what Japanese peoples styles and their tastes in what kind of artists they like... but I think CY could have gone somewhere....

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Guest pinklegirl007

^ Your right!!! CY would definitely be there, since they are good friends!!! Thanks also for the the pretty pictures of Cy... she looks great, and I love her clothes, especially the last one! I would have mentioned it on my last post, but I didn't actually see your pictures untill after my post... we must have posted around the same time! :P

Sorry.. I know this is off topic, but did anyone here buy the "I heart Soompi" shirt??? It looks cute, but I heard its really small, so I should get one size up? If anyone here bought it.... how small is it? Cuz I don't want it too be too small for me, but I want it to be fit well on me... not all lose, if you know what I mean....

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Guest pinklegirl007

채연, 활동 전면 중단 "내년 4집목표 맹연습"

 섹시 가수 채연이 대외 활동을 전면 중단하고 새 앨범 작업에 들어갔다.

 채연은 내년 초 4집 발표를 목표로 최근 보컬 트레이닝과 안무 연습, 웨이트 트레이닝에 열중하고 있다. 3집 활동이 끝난 이후에도 계속 출연하던 'X맨'도 지난 25일 녹화를 끝으로 휴업을 선언했다.

 당초 채연의 새 앨범은 11월 말에 선보일 예정이었지만 앨범의 완성도를 높이기 위해 2~3개월 연기한 상태.

 4집에는 스타 제조기 김창환 사단이 대거 투입돼 다시 한번 '채연표' 댄스 음악의 전성기를 열 전망이다. 여기에 그 동안 매 앨범마다 선보인 파격적인 댄스를 한 단계 업그레이드 시켜 더욱 강력한 비주얼을 선보인다는 계획.

 이번 휴식 기간 중에는 고질병이 되어버린 발목 부상도 확실히 치료를 받을 예정이다. 다행히 상태가 많이 좋아졌지만 3집 활동때에도 무리한 스케줄을 소화하면 통증을 호소한 바 있어 몸 만들기에 우선 순위를 부여했다.

 한편, 채연은 본격적인 앨범 준비와 함께 최근 살이 부쩍 빠진 모습을 보여, 이번 앨범에 임하는 각오를 간접 증명하고 있다. < 이정혁 기자>

I just found this article on naver....

I can read basic Korean, but I'm not good enough to translate this.... there are many korean words there, that I don't fully understand.... help anyone?

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i never knew that it was that tough in Japan... I really feel sad for her. Even though she was told to smile, but i think it's a good thing tho. We want to see her smile, don't we? If she didn't smile this much, i think it would be more negative comments about her.

about 3rd album, i like it more than 2nd, but it wasn't promoted enough. So many nice songs in there!!! Hopefully, she will still go to those award nights in late december.

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Guest atreyu112

i never knew that it was that tough in Japan... I really feel sad for her. Even though she was told to smile, but i think it's a good thing tho. We want to see her smile, don't we? If she didn't smile this much, i think it would be more negative comments about her.

about 3rd album, i like it more than 2nd, but it wasn't promoted enough. So many nice songs in there!!! Hopefully, she will still go to those award nights in late december.

wwwa, did u buy her album or u downloaded it? i want to download her song too..

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Guest fishzgal

I love this gif of Chae Yeon:


She's so cute!!!

hihi... im veri new to tis forum... hv been viewin for afew days under chae yeon's threads.... Finally can post liao~ ^_^ can any1 tell me which episode is tis on Xman? i like giyeon alot... hehe... they r reali soooo cutezzz.... n chae yeon is juz tooooo pretty ^_^


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Guest Jenna:D

hihi... im veri new to tis forum... hv been viewin for afew days under chae yeon's threads.... Finally can post liao~ ^_^ can any1 tell me which episode is tis on Xman? i like giyeon alot... hehe... they r reali soooo cutezzz.... n chae yeon is juz tooooo pretty ^_^


That .gif is really cute. It's from Xman #57, Episode 125-126, 26.03.2006-02.04.2006. I also saw these episodes floating around in youtube.

Shiela8917, how do you manage to always find so many pictures of our Chae Yeon? :D My favorite picture is the last one. That whole outfit just ... works. Thanks for uploading those pictures.

It's sad to know that Chae Yeon suffered so much in Japan. One of the worst to me was accepting the fact that you probably tried your best and failed. But I'm proud of Chae Yeon for not letting that get her down. Although she failed in Japan, her failure didn't go to waste. She didn't give up. She got back on her feet and made it in Korea. Our unnie used past experiences to create for herself a successful future. And for that I'm very proud of her.

I think one of Chae Yeon's best attribute is that she has can let her true personality shine through the camera. I believe that other celebs have wonderful personality as well, but they lack the ability to let it shine through. Although Chae Yeon isn't the best singer, I have to agree that she does have the x factor.

And like everyone, I'm not too happy that Chae Yeon didn't get nominated for the award. The award usually focuses on what's popular now. But if we know this, Chae Yeon knows this as well. Knowing this, I thought to myself, this is probably why most artists don't like releasing their album at the beginning of the year and release it around Sept-October. At first I thought it was strange that Chae Yeon keeps on releasing her albums at the beginning of the year (like this 4th album too). But I believe it's cause since artists don't like releasing their album after the awards, Chae Yeon would get less competition when she does release it. That's also a factor into why her album sales are pretty high. So it's a trade-off, not getting awards but making more money and having more album sales. (These are all just IMO)

I'm looking forward to KHD's wedding, hopefully there would be a clip of Chae Yeon at the wedding on Youtube.

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KHD's wedding is on November 12. I can't wait to see Chaeyeon unnie. She will probably be there. :D

Yeah! :w00t: can't wait to see her again!!

and thanks for the pics, sheila! she looks soo gorgeouss!!

I think she also looks thinner..

^ Your right!!! CY would definitely be there, since they are good friends!!! Thanks also for the the pretty pictures of Cy... she looks great, and I love her clothes, especially the last one! I would have mentioned it on my last post, but I didn't actually see your pictures untill after my post... we must have posted around the same time! :P

Sorry.. I know this is off topic, but did anyone here buy the "I heart Soompi" shirt??? It looks cute, but I heard its really small, so I should get one size up? If anyone here bought it.... how small is it? Cuz I don't want it too be too small for me, but I want it to be fit well on me... not all lose, if you know what I mean....

LOL. I saw a person wearing it before, it is cute :lol:

where do they sell it? here in the soompi forum?

i love this pic the most.. she look sooo sweeeeettt!!.. did u guys notice or not that she wore the same outfit that SangMI (seo Ji hye) wore in Over the rainbow and of course, CY looked better - HOT and cute in this ..

is seo ji hye the girl that is going to be the lead in goong? :unsure:

I misss CY!!! but i cant wait to hear her next album. hehhee. i always thought KHD and CY were the cutest together on xman

me too! I love how KHD is with her

to me, they are like brother and sister :lol:

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Guest paigehk

i never like a korean, or any female singer before (but i love a lot of male singers)...and chae yeon is actually the first female singer i ever obsessed to...lol, when i first heard about chae yeon, i heard that she's only pretty with make-up...but then i saw her, i don't really think so. Usually, when i look at someone with make-up...i always can tell if that person is a true beauty without the make-up...And I know Chae Yeon is a true beauty.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cG6FkRURmc <--- and after seeing that, i know I am right. lol

I surf and read mostly through all 181 pages in this thread* (yeah, i don't have a life), I love it how you guys matchmake for Chae Yeon. lol, i think every guys are cute with her, but i love CHae Yeon with FTTS the best. I'm happy to know that they are so close.

Anyways...i think those hardship she had gone through in Japan has really made her such a wonderful person today. I'm glad to see her getting her dream come true.

Chae Yeon, fighting!

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181 pages!?! wow!!! how long did it take you? I can't do that

That's so true! chae yeon is so cute without make up ^^

Yep, most of us love match making bussiness

I want more chaeyeon!!! i feel like dying slowly... no new chaeyeon videos

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Guest hunnibunni

채연, 활동 전면 중단 "내년 4집목표 맹연습"

 섹시 가수 채연이 대외 활동을 전면 중단하고 새 앨범 작업에 들어갔다.

 채연은 내년 초 4집 발표를 목표로 최근 보컬 트레이닝과 안무 연습, 웨이트 트레이닝에 열중하고 있다. 3집 활동이 끝난 이후에도 계속 출연하던 'X맨'도 지난 25일 녹화를 끝으로 휴업을 선언했다.

 당초 채연의 새 앨범은 11월 말에 선보일 예정이었지만 앨범의 완성도를 높이기 위해 2~3개월 연기한 상태.

 4집에는 스타 제조기 김창환 사단이 대거 투입돼 다시 한번 '채연표' 댄스 음악의 전성기를 열 전망이다. 여기에 그 동안 매 앨범마다 선보인 파격적인 댄스를 한 단계 업그레이드 시켜 더욱 강력한 비주얼을 선보인다는 계획.

 이번 휴식 기간 중에는 고질병이 되어버린 발목 부상도 확실히 치료를 받을 예정이다. 다행히 상태가 많이 좋아졌지만 3집 활동때에도 무리한 스케줄을 소화하면 통증을 호소한 바 있어 몸 만들기에 우선 순위를 부여했다.

 한편, 채연은 본격적인 앨범 준비와 함께 최근 살이 부쩍 빠진 모습을 보여, 이번 앨범에 임하는 각오를 간접 증명하고 있다. < 이정혁 기자>

I just found this article on naver....

I can read basic Korean, but I'm not good enough to translate this.... there are many korean words there, that I don't fully understand.... help anyone?

it's basically saying what we already know..that her 4th album was planned to be released i november but got pushed back 2-3 months in order to build anticipation..on her time off she is going to do vocal training, dance training, and weight training..also during her break she will also seek full treatment of her ankle that she hurt during her 3rd album activities. her 4th album will of course be a dance album but they are hoping to "upgrade" her dancing concept :w00t: as of now, she has noticably lost a lot of weight and so it seems that she and her company are seriously preparing for her next year's activities...

i can't wait! i miss her on shows already..but still i want her to come back maybe around next spring or summer because her albums come out back to back and people who are not fans can get sick of her..and i dont want other artists to judge her like shes desperate or has no other things to do while everyone else is going overseas and acting, mcing, radio...all that stuff..so please unnie take your time! we'll wait! :P but not too long pleaseeeeeee :D

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Guest Jenna:D

EDIT Hey paigehk, welcome to the Chae Yeon thread. When i started writing this post, i was supposed to be right after you so i didn't bother quoting.

i never like a korean, or any female singer before (but i love a lot of male singers)...and chae yeon is actually the first female singer i ever obsessed to...lol, when i first heard about chae yeon, i heard that she's only pretty with make-up...but then i saw her, i don't really think so. Usually, when i look at someone with make-up...i always can tell if that person is a true beauty without the make-up...And I know Chae Yeon is a true beauty.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cG6FkRURmc <--- and after seeing that, i know I am right. lol

I surf and read mostly through all 181 pages in this thread* (yeah, i don't have a life), I love it how you guys matchmake for Chae Yeon. lol, i think every guys are cute with her, but i love CHae Yeon with FTTS the best. I'm happy to know that they are so close.

Anyways...i think those hardship she had gone through in Japan has really made her such a wonderful person today. I'm glad to see her getting her dream come true.

Chae Yeon, fighting!

Welcome to the Chae Yeon thread. Lol, you're like me. When I first came here, I dedicated myself to reading all the pages in this thread too. (I, too, have no life) I love Chae Yeon with FTTS, but I love MinChae the best. If only they would stop flirting with each other and couple up *sigh*. I just wish our unnie can come back soon so the matchmaking business can start back up.

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Guest paigehk

181 pages!?! wow!!! how long did it take you? I can't do that

That's so true! chae yeon is so cute without make up ^^

Yep, most of us love match making bussiness

I want more chaeyeon!!! i feel like dying slowly... no new chaeyeon videos

haha..basically two days...and i did save a bunch of her pictures. I love her smile...it's like an angel's

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