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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Good morning all!  Right now the press and media seem a little quiet compared to the events being posted continually before and during the wedding.  A little peace and quiet before the next storm?  Whatever the storm may be?  From the blog LoveBaeYongJoon I was thankful to find this tip.  Apparently the Japanese magazine Josei Jishin has published a wedding photo, or at least one from many that we may get in the future.  Not very good quality.  Maybe I can find a bigger one to replace this one.  The LoveBaeYongJoon blog goes on to say the they have not translated the article because it seems to consist mostly of rumors.  For those who may be interested to see for themselves, here is the link: http://jisin.jp/news/2691/8835/.  I tried for an accurate translation but am not sure enough of the results to come right out and say anything definitive.  Get your translatin' machine cranked up and see what you make out of it.   Maybe we can compare notes.



And from Fuyuka's blog a couple of days ago were these pictures of the pictorial magazine spread.  Some fantastic older pictures from earlier in BYJ's career.  They seem almost iconic now.




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 I loved this Dispatch photo series of BYJ taken, apparently when he was at the airport about to fly to Hokkaido  to make his Hokkaido adventure DVD.  Maybe I will do a whole series of GIF's of BYJ "walking."


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Quiet time in the Bae Universe right now.  It might be a good time to go back in history to get entertainment for right now.  Remember a few days and pages ago when we found out that BYJ and CJW were chosen as the #1 of netizens top 20 couples because of Winter Sonata?  Here is the original Soompi article. 


Have you ever heard of the phenomenon of "Six Degrees of Separation?"  Defined by Wikipedia as: Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929 and popularized by a 1990 play written by John Guare.

I am not able to do the exact "math", but by taking some of the other winners in the Couples poll, I find that Bae Yong Joon is related to at least three of the other winners in the poll, making a total of 4/four for BYJ.

Follow my reasoning here.  Winner # 14 is


I watched this drama because of Kim Soo Hyun, the lead role.  I didn't pay much attention to these two as a couple, but the relationship here is that Kim Soo Hyun in this drama with these two people came in at # 14 in this poll.  KSH is a leading star at KeyEast which is closely related to its primary stockholder Bae Yong Joon.

Next, #5 in the poll is


The relationship, in my mind, is this.  BYJ and Cha Tae Hyun were together in two early dramas - Papa and First Love.  Then again in 2015 Cha Tae Hyun is in a big role in The Producers, with the KeyEast big star Kim Soo Hyun.  These guys stick together and together they make some movie drama magic.

Next #4 is


Kim Soo Hyun again! 

By my reasoning, if not by my math, Bae Yong Joon is intimately related to 4 out of the 20 entries in this poll, which spans entries from 1964 to the present = 20 years +.  Oops!  That should equal 50+ years from 1964,  Twenty years is about the length of BYJ's career. That is a total of 1/5 of the entries, or 20%.  No too shabby.  You may not agree with the associations I make.  That's OK.  Do your own evaluations and compare them here.  I think the figures will still be impressive even if they are skewed to the more recent dramas/movies. Have fun!

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Yuri Talks Park Soo Jin-Bae Yong Joon Couple’s Bridal Shower and Wedding


Yuri Talks Park Soo Jin-Bae Yong Joon Couple’s Bridal Shower and Wedding


Girls’ Generation‘s Yuri showed disappointment at not having been able to attend Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin‘s wedding, despite having been invited.

On the August 11 episode of “Our Neighborhood Variety Sports,” Kang Ho Dong said, “I heard that everyone took a shower together before the wedding.” Yuri said, “It’s not taking a shower together. It was a bridal shower. Everyone from Sugar except for Ayumi was there, and it was heartwarming to see. I hope that Girls’ Generation will do the same in the future.”

When asked whether she went to the wedding, she said, “I was invited, but I had something else scheduled that day, so I could not go.”

Yuri girls' generation


Source (1) / soompi news

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Good morning All!  Thanks to a tip from the LoveBaeYongJoon blog, here is a link to  http://www.sportsseoul.com/news/read/267759.  SportsSeoul has done a great article or pictorial about BYJs career.  Here are just a few of the pictures featured.  I had never seen these particular photos before.





There are more great pictures in the whole article!  Crank those translators up and happy reading.

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Kim Goo-ra, "Why don't the people from Bae Yong-joon's wedding say something?"



On the MBC TV show "Golden Fishery", Kim Goo-ra expressed his disappointment in the crowd that was at Bae Yong-joon and Park Soo-jin's wedding.

As actress Yoo Seon seemed cautious about mentioning Bae and Park's wedding, Kim Goo-ra said, "Everyone from the wedding are keeping quiet about the wedding. Why is that so?"

Yoon Jong-sin added, "Park Jin-yeong said the same thing". Yoo Seon said, "I also had a private wedding because I wanted to be along with friends and families".

Kim Goo-ra said, "You can talk about how the food was even" and she said, "It was great. I didn't know you were curious about that". He replied, "I wondered what had happened at the wedding because no one wants to talk about even how the food was".


Source : www.newsen.com/news_v...

Translation : Hancinema


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Good morning All!  A few days ago another BYJ mobile voice image was on the internet.  From Café Daum


There was no translation on that site, so I took some time to try to translate it myself.  There is a free software program on the 'net that lets you type Korean hangul (or Japanese or other language symbols) and then lets you cut and paste them into a translator.  I did all that and came up with this

Today he is still determined to be happy for you. Then don't eat it as much as I will.

Huh?  This translation is from Babylon, but I assure you Bing and Google translations were also as obscure.  Thankfully though, today Shinara's blog gave us this:

Rough Translations:
Even today please keep the happy mind, i'm sure as many as good minds will come true.

This makes much more sense and is much better reading.  Thank you Shinara.

Over the years I have had a love/hate relationship with school.  Many times I would rather have studied at home and worked it out for myself.  But recently trying to learn Korean at home I realize that nothing beats a classroom situation when trying to learn languages, at least for me.  Maybe not for you.  I need a strict disciplined approach which I cannot seem to enforce when I am home alone.  I have been looking for classes where I live, but there do not seem to be any offered at the university level.  Private lessons seem to be all there is.  I may explore them, but I would still miss having other students around. 

Also from Shinara (thank you)


I had seen this before but dismissed as the same as one seen earlier.  But, after closer inspection, it is not.  The subtle difference is that this time all of the people seem to be laughing quite hard at something directly ahead, all except for PSJ - Mrs. Bae.  She alone seems to be giving a sideways glance only at BYJ.  Wonder what the backstory is. 

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Hello, hello.  A few days ago I was pointing out in a sarcastic way that the media - Japanese and Korean - were bombarding us with stories about the cost of everything involving the Bae's wedding.  At the time, though, there was no mention of any huge diamond (big as a basketball) engagement or wedding ring.  Now I see why.  From Café Daum here is a picture of PSJ - now Mrs. Bae, showing her simple gold wedding band.  Classy.  Still, for all the years BYJ fans have noticed the rings on his fingers (or NO rings), I can't wait to see his ring.


I am fascinated by the morphing technique. With just two photos much simulated movement is possible.  Here is a new one, from the time BYJ was appointed Korean Tourism Ambassador for 2010 -2012.  Notice the ways the eyes seem to track.  I hope you enjoy.


Great video from Entertainment Weekly recapping highlights of the wedding.  See from 1:08 to approx. 5:29 for BYJ and wife and wedding.  The other stuff is good, too.   Wait....what?  Is that westerner Tom Cruise? 



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Korea’s ascent on culture map




Referring to the spread of Korean culture, the compound word hallyu -- literally “Korean Wave” -- refers to the overseas proliferation of Korean-made content -- particularly pop music and TV dramas. In 2014, the Economist dubbed Korean pop culture as “Asia’s foremost trendsetter.”

However, it wasn’t until 1998 that Japanese restrictions on imports of Korean culture were finally lifted. It was around this time that South Korea began its initial push to export its entertainment content to neighboring countries, most significantly to its former colonial ruler.

In 2002, iconic Korean drama “Winter Sonata,” starring Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo, became an instant cult classic in both Korea and Japan, and is considered the Korean show that jump-started the Korean Wave across Asia. Former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi once publicly stated that, thanks to the drama, actor Bae, “is more popular than I am in Japan.”

Since then both Korean dramas and music have shared tremendous fan followings in Japan and other Asian nations, with sights now inevitably set on Europe and the Americas.


(skipped unrelated.....)


credit : The Korea Herald

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Thank @loujaie for that link.  Searching the interwebs today, thanks to Café Daum and other blog sites, here are a few more media sites that are carrying the, er....warning, and factual news about charges being filed with South Korean police against malicious and vicious commenters.  These are just a few.  I am trying to compile more.







It must be sad to have to undertake this litigation after such a wonderful wedding and honeymoon, but after seeing some of the awful things that were said, I can understand the need to do this. 

For lighter, happier news...Bae Yong Joon's birthday is August 29th, just 10 days away.  Also, his IG account has grown to 65,000 + followers. 

How could I forget Allkpop ?:  http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/08/bae-yong-joon-files-suit-against-netizens-who-wrote-malicious-comments-about-wedding-with-park-soo-jin.  Comments here running basically sane and positive.  Some commenters, not just at AllKpop, are saying things like "this is too much litigation, don't stoop to commenter levels, grow a thicker skin".  But I disagree with this.  It is not just the SK press; here in the U.S. comments about anything and everything from celebrities to politicians, are often crude, rude, and vulgar, completely without thought or reason.  Maybe this type of litigation can bring back civility and manners, or at least, some kind of reasoned discourse.  As is often said of litigation - The process is the punishment. 

And Koreaboo!  (http://www.koreaboo.com/news/bae-yong-joon-seeks-legal-action-against-30-netizens-over-malicious-comments/) gets in the act, too.

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Bae Yong Joon Sues Netizens Over Malicious Comments About His Wedding


Bae Yong Joon Sues Netizens Over Malicious Comments About His Wedding


Bae Yong Joon’s management agency Key East made a public statement, saying,”We have filed lawsuits against around thirty netizens who have written malicious comments online with regards to Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin’s wedding.”

Key East continued, “A few netizens with the same ID have been writing malicious comments, as well as spreading false rumors. We have decided that this cannot go on.” They added, “We plan to punish them to the full extent of the law, and we will continue to bring lawsuits against netizens who are engaged in these kinds of acts.”

A Key East official said, “We have believed that malicious comments are a part of being a celebrity, but these netizens in particular have written hundreds of malicious comments with hateful intent, leading to these lawsuits. We do not plan to withdraw or settle the lawsuits.”


Source (1) / soompi news



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Morning!  From Café Daum is a mobile voice and picture.


This time my Babylon translation makes some sense.  Not much sense, but some:

"complete with a free style to pursue Virgo you're always room in your heart, and a day full of gratitude and have a great day."

Virgo - BYJ's sun sign -  Symbol: ♍
Dates: 23rd August-22nd Sepetember

Any one, please feel free to correct or add to this.

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Bae Yong Joon Sues Netizens Over Wedding Rumors


Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin


According to the Korean media outlet Korea Times, Key East Entertainment has taken legal action against the approximately 30 netizens who spread malicious comments about actor Bae Yong Joon and his new wife actress Park Soo Jin.

In May, shortly after Bae announced his engagement, netizens began spreading rumors that it might be a shotgun wedding. At that time the agency warned that legal action might be taken against anyone spreading these false rumors. Key East stated that as a public figure, Bae Yong Joon is used to malicious comments but as these particular rumors were so plentiful and involved his fiancee, he did not want them to continue.

Key East Entertainment represents both Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin, which is how they met in 2014. Bae Yong Joon is also a majority shareholder in the agency.

The couple's engagement announcement came as a surprise as many people only learned they were dating a few days prior to the May announcement. And they had only dated for a few months. When the engagement was announced, the couple said they planned to marry in the fall of 2015, but then pushed the date up to July 27. The rumors began spreading after the engagement announcement.

On August 18 the agency announced its intention to pursue legal action.

"A few critics with the same ID have continued to spread rumors about the wedding and there's no way we can sit back and let it be," said a statement issued by Key East. "We are going to deal with this legally and sue those who continue."

The agency said that defamation charges have so far been filed against 30 netizens and they will be aggressively pursued. There will be no settlement.

Bae Yong Joon became an international star when he appeared in the drama "Winter Sonata." That drama was so popular throughout Asia that it helped start the Hallyu or Korean wave. Bae Yong Joon was last seen in a drama when he played a small role in "Dream High."

Park Soo Jin debuted with the girl group Sugar and has appeared in a few dramas most notably as Park Shin Hye's frenemy in "Flower Boys Next Door." She currently hosts the cable show "Tasty Road," which features trendy restaurants.




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Bae Yong Jun sues netizens for defamation


Bae Yong Jun sued netizens for defamation.

On August 18th, a representative of Key East Entertainment announced that actor Bae Yong Jun has sued approximately thirty netizens for defamation.

The representative said, "Our company judged that we cannot neglect netizens that left defaming comments on the Internet anymore. We will take the most strict legal actions against the netizens, and we plan to continue taking appropriate legal actions for netizens that leave such comments in the future."

The representative continued, "Bae Yong Jun had to tolerate a tremendous amount defamation during last many years, but he did not take any actions against those who defamed him. However, certain netizens started going over the line after Bae Yong Jun got married."

The representative added, "We have submitted files to Sungbuk Police Department of Seoul already, and there will be no negotiation."

Meanwhile, Bae Yong Jun recently got married to actress Park Soo Jin.

Bae Yong Jun sues netizens for defamation


/Reporting by Lee Mi-Ji en@starnnews.com

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