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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Key East Entertainment to venture into the Chinese market


On July 30th, Key East Entertainment took its first major step into the Chinese market by signing a contract with Chinese entertainment agency Star Lake Agency. Through the contract, Key East Entertainment will be able to allow its stars to promote actively in China with the assistance of Star Lake Agency.

Key East houses many large names including actor Bae Yongjoon, singer and actor Kim Hyunjoong, actress Lim Soojung, actor Joo Jihoon, actor Kim Soohyun, and actress Choi Kanghee. Thus, the contract with Star Lake Agency will significantly further the popularity of Key East’s stars in China.

Regarding the contract, Key East stated, “Artists in our company, such as Joo Jihoon, Kim Soohyun, and Kim Hyunjoong, barely have any opportunities to promote in China, but we discovered through SNS that they are extremely popular there. For example, Kim Hyunjoong, who opened a Weibo this past June, has over 230,000 followers. This number was way beyond our expectations. Therefore, we are really excited to see what will happen once we begin working with Star Lake Agency.”

Key East will be working with Star Lake Agency to promote their stars through websites, cell phone texts, and other digital means.

Source: Star N News / koreaboo

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Guest misty2012

[Photo / Updates] BYJ with sommelier LJH in NY & LA?

source: yasai's blog / tieba.baiduhttp://dearyongjoon.blogspot.com/2012/08/photo-updates-byj-with-sommelier-ljh-in.html?utm_source=BP_recent Posted by xiaoyi at 9:26 AM 

It seems that BYJ might be travelling with sommelier Lee Joon Hyuk in US, the following pics are from his blog.  

イジュニョクさんは21日にインチョンからNYにで、 22日には、NY カフェ・グランピー   

阿童木先生21日从仁川到NY 22日,NY咖啡
LJH traveled from Incheon to NY on 21th
NY coffee on 22nd 







在Santa Monica的咖啡酒吧· (Santa Monica Coffee Bar)
在Beverly Hills购物 (Shopping in Beverly Hills)
阿童木23日从纽约到洛杉矶 (From NY to LA)

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Guest misty2012

update on Gorilla in the Cafe Hawaii

August 1, 2012By tomato99 ♥
Credit as Labeled

Gorilla in the Cafe have already launched it’s Facebook page, click HERE to view the page

here is an article lifted from Gorilla Cafe Facebook;


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Guest iluvugudbye

hello everyone! :-h  wah! so many updates today. thanks for sharing all the news on our precious Man. at last some translations. so happy! :)>-

@ Will: hi hi hi... yeah, i did forgot putting Im So Joong's name there. mianhe... wah! our Man is starting his move to conquer again, yah? so excited when i read about this. but, i also hope we could see him acting again. . 8-|  *sigh* i wonder when will he come back as an actor. i really miss seeing him act onscreen. :-< but at the same im happy seeing him being successful in his businesses and able to expand abroad and happy seeing him enjoying himself going here and there without anyone bothering him. i wish him more successes in the future.

[한류人재팬]배용준-김수현, 세대 뛰어넘은 한류 스타들의 우정
| 기사입력 2012-07-29 09:31


[OSEN=윤가이 기자] '원조 한류스타' 배용준과 '차세대 한류스타' 김수현이 세대를 뛰어 넘은 아름다운 우정을 쌓고 있다.

배 용준과 김수현은 같은 소속사 키이스트의 대표와 소속 배우 사이. 하지만 두 사람은 단순히 대표와 소속 배우 혹은 연기 선후배 사이를 넘어서는 절친한 형제가 됐다. 두 사람은 무려 16살의 나이차에다가 연기 경력으로 따져도 어마어마한 연차가 나지만 한 소속사에 몸을 담으면서 자연스럽게 친분을 나누게 됐다.

키이스트 한 관계자에 따르면 두 사람도 초반에는 얼굴조차 자주 볼 기회가 없었다. 키이스트에는 유명 배우는 물론 신인 연기자까지 워낙 많은 소속 연예인들이 있기 때문에 배용준이 일일이 그들과 친분을 다지고 작업을 하기란 쉽지 않다고.

하지만 김수현이 키이스트로 들어온 후 단연 돋보이는 연기력과 스타성으로

대중의 인정을 받기 시작하면서 배용준 역시 그를 더욱 눈여겨보기 시작한 것이다. '드림하이'에 이어 '해를 품은 달' 등 드라마 두 편을 거치며 괄목할 만한 성장을 보여준 후배 김수현에게 애착을 가지는 건 선배로서는 당연한 감정일 수밖에 없다. 또 배용준이 걸어온 것처럼 김수현 역시 최근 일본에서 선풍적인 인기를 모으며 차세대 한류 프린스의 입지를 다지고 있는 만큼 정서적으로도 서로 공유할 수 있는 지점이 많다는 게 측근들의 얘기다.

한 관계자는 "처음에는 김수현이 대선배이자 회사 대표인 배용준을 무척 어렵게 느꼈다"며 "그러나 시간이 지나면서 자연스럽게 친해졌고 지금은 누구보다 서로 아끼고 의지하는 사이다. 형, 동생하면서 편안하게 만나고 김수현이 배용준으로부터 많은 조언을 구하면서 아주 훈훈하게 지낸다"고 전했다.

김수현은 바쁜 스케줄 속에서도 여유가 날 때면 배용준의 집에 놀러가 함께 식사를 하거나 차를 마시고, 컴퓨터 게임을 즐기는 등 여가를 보낸다. 배용준도 영화 VIP 시사회장을 찾을 때 본인의 차량에 직접 김수현을 태워 동행하는 등 남다른 애정을 보인다는 후문.

관 계자는 "두 사람이 나이도 연차도 큰 차이가 나지만 의외로 많은 공감대를 형성하는 것 같다"며 "특히 아직 신인인 김수현 입장에서 선배인 배용준에게 배우로서 많은 가르침과 도움을 받을 수 있는 것 같다. 곁에서 보면 참으로 훈훈한 관계다"고 귀띔했다.

한편 김수현은 영화 '도둑들'(감독 최동훈 개봉으로 또 한 번의 대박 흥행을 예고하고 있으며 드라마 '해를 품은 달'과 '드림하이' 등을 통해 일본에서도 인기를 모아가고 있다.

BING Translator:

Friendship between Original Hallyu star Bae Yong Jun and next generation star Kim Soo Hyun go beyond age

Kim Soo Hyun is affiliated in the management company Keyeast owned by Bae Yong Jun . However, their relationship isn’t simply just between a representative and an actor but rather they are close as brothers.  The two has an age gap of 16 years.

An official of Keyeast revealed, originally the two hardly have a chance to meet. Due to the famous actor in Keyeast, even the novice is also very much support so it is not easy to Bae Yong Jun can be friends with everyone.
However, after joining Keyeast, with outstanding acting abilities and met the expectations of a star, Kim Soo Hyun started receiving recognition from other people. From there, he is also getting more attention from Bae Yong Jun. Kim Soo Hyun's performance  in "Dream High," and "The Moon Embracing The Sun" also led many people to be amazed. Kim So Hyun is also getting a lot of attention in Japan recently and regarded as the next generation Korean Prince after Bae Yong Jun.

Another official said, "At first, Bae Yong Jun is simply Kim So Hyun's predecessor and boss. However, as time passed by, they become more close and now these two people formed a deep friendship. They often meet each other comfortably like two brothers. Kim Soo Hyun also received a lot of encouragement and advice from Bae Yong Jun.
Though Kim Soo Hyun has a busy schedule, during his free time, he is said to be going to Bae Yong Jun's  house and have dinner (meal), drink tea and play video games with him. Kim Soo Hyun was also rumoured to have ridden on Bae Yong Jun's Maybach car accompanying the latter attending VIP movie screenings. (damsu: not sure what movie though).

Another official said, "Although there is a big difference in their age but surprisingly have a lot of consensus . At the same time said, for a newcomer like Kim Soo Hyun, the experience of predecessors such as Bae Yong Jun would help him a lot. The relationship between Bae Yong Jun and Kim Soo Hyun is truly a harmony.
Also, the movie "The Thieves" starring Kim Soo Hyun is also being released in theaters and is expected to set new box office record explosive.
i've edited some parts according to my understanding. corrections are welcome. thank you.

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Guest iluvugudbye

it seems our man is still in New York. someone met/saw him again in Brooklyn on the afternoon of August 3. saw this info posted by gaulyoja in KOB.

조 가브리엘 흥래
‏@masterjo288 47분

배용준씨 전 오늘 낮에 브루클린에서 만난 사람인데 한국인 맞아요

12년 8월 3일 - 3:27 PM TweetCaster for Android에서 작성


Joe Gabriel Bah Rae‏ @ masterjo288 47
BAE Yong joon met in Brooklyn during the day today, Mr. ago, who is Korean, right

12, 3: 27 PM on August 3,-Android TweetCaster for filling in
Joe Gabriel Bah Rae‏ @ masterjo288 47
BAE Yong joon met in Brooklyn during the day today, Mr. ago, who is Korean, right

12, 3: 27 PM on August 3,-Android TweetCaster for filling in

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Guest iluvugudbye

saw this on Nate:

MBC뮤직, 배용준 손잡고 오디션 프로그램 신설

MBC뮤직이 예비 아이돌 찾기에 나섰다. 파트너는 배용준, 주지훈, 김현중, 김수현 등 톱스타들을 보유한 키이스트와 이들의 일본 매니지먼트를 담당하고 있는 일본 유명 기획사 디지털 어드벤처(이하 DA)다.

MBC 뮤직과 일본의 DA, 한국의 KEYEAST가 함께 한일 양국에서 활동할 아이돌을 모집하는 이번 프로젝트는, ‘셔플 오디션 IDOL MADE(아이돌 메이드)’라는 프로그램으로 제작돼 공개모집부터 예선, 본선 등 전 과정을 시청자들과 함께 할 예정이다.

이 번 오디션은 음악을 좋아하고 즐길 줄 아는 한국과 일본의 만 16세에서 22세 사이의 남자, 만 16세에서 26세 사이의 여자라면 누구나 지원이 가능하다. 오디션 과정을 거쳐 아이돌로 데뷔할 남자 5명과 데뷔곡의 뮤직비디오 주연으로 출연할 여자 1명을 최종 선발하게 된다.

‘셔플 오디션 IDOL MADE(아이돌 메이드)’는 오는 10월 방송 예정이며 6일부터 MBC뮤직 홈페이지를 통해 참가 신청을 받는다.

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자 psyon@mk.co.kr]

it seems MBC music and wuri Yong Joon's management agency Keyeast and Digital adventure (DA) in Japan wil be teaming up to look for a new idol/idol group. a 2nd KSH and a 2nd KHJ perhaps. they are currently conducting an open audition for everyone, males and females who enjoy music, 16 to 22 for males and 16 to 26 for females. they are now organizing a program entitled "shuffle audition Idol Made" or "Idol Made shuffle audition" which will be aired on october and interested applicants can register through MBC music's homepage: http://www.mbcplus.com/Program/idolmade/index.html. after the audition process 5 man and 1 woman will be selected and have a chance to appear in a music video. registration starts/ed on the 6th (yesterday).

note: corrections are welcome. thank you.
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Guest iluvugudbye

is it just my computer or soompi server is having problems again? :-w how come i can't see my previous post? ~X( this new version of soompi is making me really ~X( ~X( ~X(

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