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[Updated w/ Official Statement] All 6 B.A.P Members Allegedly File Lawsuit Against TS Entertainment


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An exclusive report by Xports News has been released, stating that the six members of B.A.P are suing their company for nullification of their contract, according to legal sources. The members allegedly submitted the lawsuit to the Seoul Western District Court on November 26. According to the report, the submitted suit claims that the members’ contracts with the agency are considerably advantageous to the company and unfavorable to the members. The report states that the official contract starting date is not when the contracts were signed, but the date of the release of the first album, and continues for a duration of seven plus years. Moreover, the contract allegedly goes against what is outlined by the Fair Trade Commission for the prevention of “slave contracts,” and contains clauses that violate civil rights, outlines unfair profit distribution, etc. With B.A.P's continuous album and concert promotions among other things following its debut in 2012, the group brought in roughly 10 billion won (approx. 9.1 million USD) in sales, of which they say each member only received 18 million won (approx. 16.3 thousand USD). TS Entertainment stated to Xports News that they will be releasing an official statement upon confirmation of the lawsuit. Previously, on October 28, TS Entertainment wrote on their home page that B.A.P needed time to recharge after their hard work and efforts, and announced that the group’s South America tour would be canceled. Source (1) (2) Update: TS official statement On the afternoon of November 27, TS Entertainment released their official statement: “Thus far, TS Entertainment has done our best to support our artist B.A.P and the group's various promotions with a common goal. As we revealed this past October 28, with the condition of our artists the primary concern, we canceled all official promotions for the group, and they were taking a break. In the midst of discussions with the group about their future promotions, we found out about the sudden lawsuit through news reports.” “Currently, we are looking into the details of the matter. However, the ‘unfair contract clauses’ and ‘slave contracts,’ that were mentioned in previous reports as the main issues brought up by the lawsuit do not exist, and unilateral unfair treatment of the artist by our agency also never happened.” “Upon confirming the details of the lawsuit, we will be taking the proper steps to see it through. We sincerely apologize to all the fans of TS Entertainment artists for causing concern.” Source (3) Update: Bang Yong Guk's Instagram post prior to the breaking of the lawsuit news (has been deleted) bang yong guk bap

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