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[MANHWA] Goong

jun ji

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Guest windxsong

I started translating the chinese raw scans for chapter 116. HERE IT IS


Here's an example. I've only done 9 pages because translating takes forever! I don't know if the translations are exact because I translated from Chinese.

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Guest linath


What happen in this preview? CG and Shin together???? OMG :rolleyes:

Teqq, pls give us your summary for new chapters, I miss u :P

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Guest wawahk

i've just got goong vol.19 (thai translation) from bookstore

owww.. cg's gonna know the truth in last chap of this vol. (maybe everyone knows but just want to say heheheh)

can't wait for next vol.

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Guest happy_star

Yaaay! Thank you so much shad0w_gurl08 ^__^

Hi Guys,

I just found the Raw of Goong Volume 20. I just want to share it to all of you.

Here is the link.

Goong Volume 20


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Guest thinkgreen

Hi Guys,

I just found the Raw of Goong Volume 20. I just want to share it to all of you.

Here is the link.

Goong Volume 20


The link doesn't seem to be working.. do you have an alternative?


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Guest TeelaZainElmes

what happened? did they run away or something? can anyone trnslate?

Hi, I was looking for goong summaries and this is what I found. I hope it helps...

This was summarized by Comicseoul from wordpress...Enjoy!

Goong 140

Shin has driven to where Yul is seemingly making a move on Chae-kyung! How does that resolve itself and what else is being schemed back at the palace…

Goong ch140 (궁) was in the July 1st issue of Wink Magazine. Chapter 141 in the July 15th issue is just a side chapter about her (prince’s wife’s) diary.

SPOILER from here to the end

The chapter starts with Shin stepping out of the car he drove to Yul’s place where Yul and Chae-kyung are in front of Yul’s residence. Shin looks a bit disheveled (loosened tie, unbuttoned shirt, etc.) She asks why he’s there. Shin says he had something to do nearby and what is she doing there. She is thinking of how to respond and notes how his piercing eyes are at the highest of 3 levels when he’s angry — the 45 degree eyes! She stammers out she came here to borrow something real quick. And he’s calling her out saying if you came here to borrow something then you should be going in and borrowing it fast. And what could the two of them be doing standing out here and wasn’t that a sorry excuse for a reason. (They pause here since Yul and CG are thinking that Shin, himself, physically looks pretty sorry right now..) Yul puts his arm around her shoulders and drags her closer to him and says to Shin, “Oh yeah, did you hear? We’re going to go study abroad together … ” CG’s thinking to herself, “Is he crazy? He’s feeding fuel to the fire!” Shin snatches Yul by the front of his shirt and demands to know what sort of extortion he’s up and what does he plan to exploit this time. Yul says, “Extortion? What kind of talk is that? I’m simply demanding what is my right/privilege.” Shin’s real pissed at that response and Yul says, “Go ahead. Hit me.” Shin brings up his fist and starts to throw it forward when you see the sound effect “POW” with Shin looking dumbfounded and his fist in front of him and looking around to his sides. Chae-kyung says, “I’ll beat him up!” and nails Yul in the jaw with a right hook. She continues by saying, “I’ve been wanting to do this!” (she’s grabbing him and kneeing him in his stomach while Yul’s crying for his mommy). Then she says, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a verrrrrrry long time, you see—-” (now she’s got him in a headlock and still kneeing him..Shin’s in the background either trying to stop her or doing a funny dance….that was a poor joke on the writer’s part, btw..he’s trying to catch up to her to stop her) Finally, she’s grabbing Yul’s wrists and yanking his arms behind him and stepping on his back and saying, “So, doesn’t this make you feel good, now~?!” (Yul’s saying, “someone, save me~~”. The security team spies CG grabbing Yul’s hair and dragging him around with Shin trying to drag her off him and telling her to stop (Yul’s still saying, “save me~~”). The security team on the intercom asks if he is okay and to wait since they are coming out. Yul tells them to hurry and leave before the guards come out. Shin tells CG that they should go before anyone comes out and he’d give her a ride (he’s leading her by her wrist). She takes her hand back and says, “Hold on, my bag…” The bag’s next to Yul. She picks it up and says, “Thanks… for letting me take it out on you and just taking it.” Then she says, “I’ll keep my promise.” Then she starts walking away. Yul is thinking, “Even to the end… you’ve always wanted Shin… It wasn’t because I was worried about being hit by Shin, but it was because I didn’t want Shin to suffer from more problems.” Then he cradles his cheek with his hand and says, “However, that was really harsh. I really felt those punches. Maybe it would have been better to be hit by Shin, after all.” Scene switches to the palace. Not going to go over the rest… just what’s-her-name painting and one of the lackeys sitting outside her door and discussing the princes and the guy suggesting, “What if … purely hypothetically… the prince was in an accident and died?” Chapter ends with that.

Goong 141

Goong (궁) by Park So Hee chapter 141 appeared in the August 1st, 2009 issue of Wink Magazine. (The July 15th issue had a side chapter.) What follows is a spoiler of the chapter so do not read it if you do not wish to know.

So, the last chapter ended with Yul sending them off before his security comes outside and Shin telling Chae-kyung he’d give her a ride. So, they are in the car and he’s driving, but .. he still can’t drive well to save his skin. The author spent 3 pages of panels showing how poorly he drives (still). Finally Chae-kyung asks if he can just drop her off anywhere since she can take it from there, herself, by calling a taxi or whoever. He starts yelling at her for thinking of going (as in, trying to get out of the car). He says, “We have to finish talking before you can go~!” He’s still trying to drive while yelling so his driving’s affected. She’s like, “Hey, be careful!! Drive properly~” and he retorts, “Then why are you making me [aggravated] like that!” He brakes and stops the car. She tells him to calm down, first off, and she gets it…let’s talk first. She asks to go to some quiet place like some cafe and talk since she’s too scared of his driving. He says, “You think we’d be able to talk quietly at some place like a cafe? I give it 10 minutes tops before reporters show up.” Then she says, “Then, let’s just meet up next time to have a quiet chat.” He says, “Next time? And when will that be? After you depart to study abroad? THEN MAYBE WE SHOULD JUST TALK WHILE I DRIVE? SEEMS LIKE YOU WANT THINGS TO END HERE–” She protests strongly and says, “No, no, that’s not it -_-;;” Finally he thinks of a quiet place they can talk. She’s wondering if princes have secret hideaways, after all. He stops in front of her place. She’s like how the heck did you know where this is, it’s supposed to be a secret!!? He says, as the prince he can find anything out, basically. In a thought bubble she calls him a stalker. She asks to just sit in the car and talk since going inside into her place would be …you know. But then there is this group of people playing soccer right outside the car and people screaming so she’s like “……..” and they end up in her place. She is pouring some (coffee/tea) into a teacup. He’s on the sofa. She’s by the kitchen counter. She’s having weird thoughts in her head and laughing to herself over them. She is saying, “Hey. You want some suga…” and turns around and is startled to find him right next to her. She says “…what. [How did you] sneak up so silently.” He’s like, what are you talking about silently, I dragged the slippers while walking over here. And she’s stammering and he’s like, well, you were over here chuckling to yourself for some reason, so I was wondering what was so amusing. He continues, “In any case —, what’s this talk from earlier about studying abroad?” She’s taken a-back. Her back is to the counter and he’s facing her with one hand on either side of her on the counter’s edge. He’s like what did that bastard say/do, etc. etc. And she’s like but why do you have to ask in this “pose” (with him looming over her so she’s pressed up against the counter). She’s like, “I just…” and her shaking hand knocks over the teacup. It falls and the coffee/tea falls onto the bare part of his foot that the indoor slipper isn’t covering. He yells at the pain. On the next page he’s sitting on the sofa and she’s kneeling on the floor putting a band-aid on his foot and asks if he wants to go to the hospital. He’s like it’s just a minor burn and it’ll be better after some treatment. They pause silently. Then he says, “Don’t go.” Her eyes widen. She says, “I’ll make my decision as I see fit.” He says he knows what she’s been through up until now and knows she can’t tell him she’ll come back to him…but, at the least, don’t go under those particular circumstances. (He pleads.) He says that during the divorce he did not object and let her go but if this history repeats this time around, he will absolutely never ever be able to forgive himself. So, then she says, “…then… who am I supposed to ask forgiveness from? For all the problems that came up since I did not go abroad, all the suffering and depressing situations… who am I supposed to ask forgiveness from?” He reaches his left hand out to her face (he’s still sitting on the sofa and she’s kneeling on the floor at this point). He says, “No one.” He plops himself onto the floor so he’s kneeling, too. He continues, “There is no one in this world you need to ask forgiveness from.” Then he reaches down and kisses her. His left hand is holding the back of her head and his right hand her back. Her hands are clenching his shirt front… they continue to kiss. She moves her hands tentatively to the back of his neck and finally clasps his hair and they continue to kiss…… then the doorbell rings. From outside they hear from a nearby window, “Hey, dear…why…are there SO many people outside?…” They’ve stopped kissing and are looking at each other like, “oh..no..” They stand up and while walking to the window she says, “What’s this? What are they saying, people are outside….” And they both reach the window and outside is a throng of reporters and photographers saying, “Hey, they’re there–” “Take pics!!!” and a lot cameras are going off. End of chapter.

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Guest mjhaners

Hi, I was looking for goong summaries and this is what I found. I hope it helps...

This was summarized by Comicseoul from wordpress...Enjoy!

thanks for the explanation of the upcoming chapters!

I am really grateful!

Where did you find those summaries by the way? Thanks!!!

Whats the link ?

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Guest qtvaNn

i think the link is just simple. i just followed what TeelaZainElmes said i just typed comicseoul.wordpress.com and voila! the site is correct.^_~ sad :( i wish there's a scan I've search everywhere but unfortunately i can't find any chapter even for just 1page..hahaha so addicted!

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Guest andie_x

yay, chapter 116 has been released at onemanga.com

i can't believe shin & hyorin are getting married. no wait, i do believe it. and ugh i want to slap some slefishness into chae. must she always live sacrificing herself and her love for others.

it makes me so mad.

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