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[MANHWA] Goong

jun ji

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OMG I just saw the last episode from the drama. This is just total crap, I'm VERY disappointed. What a stupid ending, it's nonsense. I won't tell all I think about it since it's not the right thread to do so, but it was just to say that I hope the manhwa won't get a rushed ending like this and I look forward to read what happens next.

You and I share the same feelings about the ending of Princess Hours... :tears:

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Avia, there's a thread for the drama. ^^;

EDIT: Aww, I got page 101. D; I wanted 100.


Thanks I didn't know...I head over there... :)

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Guest yumi-chan

Sigh, I was totally into the manhwa but after I watched the drama it totally ruined the ending for me TT__TT lol.


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Guest Max_4_lyfe

Yeah the last epsode was a dissapointment... I mean for the extending of 4 episodes shouldn'tt it have been better <_<

o well... Yeah i really do hope that the manhwa will have a much better and COMPLETE ending... i was left like WTF in the drama!

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Guest ChocoboUpa

I haven't seen any espisode of the drama. My friend sent me a song made up from some cuts in that. Shin looks quite handsome and CG is really cute. But as you said its ending is disappointed. How?

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Guest mountXtreme

Can someone "Please Help me out" :unsure: I just saw the end of Goong: Princess Hours and I'm totally confused about what extactly happen between CG & Shin ....At the very end something important is asked by Shin Grandmother in front of the church to CG...I don't want to say what it is in order not to give away the plot...But how in the world could that be true about CG?!... I mean I rewatched the tapes and never saw something like that happen with her and Shin...

Also, if possible could someone explain to me about Yul finding out the secret that Involved his mother...

i think they just dont show it.. but it happens somewhere..hahaha..

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I think the manhwa'll have better ending

and the drama, there'll be season 2 about their university life so maybe it'll be better

(I haven't watched it yet, just chap 10)

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Guest jasminec

the ending was...-_-...

yep....WAY too rushed....the beginning on the other hand....was WAY too SLOW....

hope the manhwa will end better!!:D

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Guest Minari

ugh.. The manhwa BETTER have a better ending... the ending for Goong season 1 made me feel like, "I spent 20+ hours watching this for this crap???"

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Guest dazzlingme

Wuah hueloooo nice to be here, i'm a newbie.....i also loved goong..it's a funny story.... ;) thanks for sharing the download site.........keep rocking guyssss.....

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Guest avia

ugh.. The manhwa BETTER have a better ending... the ending for Goong season 1 made me feel like, "I spent 20+ hours watching this for this crap???"

LOL... :) I hope they get it right in the next season 2...I read in the Goong:Princess Hours drama series thread the entire cast is coming back to do a season 2... The last part of season 1 was rushed becuase they did think it be such a huge hit and extend the series past the orginal 20 eposides...Now, looking back I bet they wished they had ended it with only the 20 eposides they had planned at first... I know I wish they had...Season 1 had also way to many plot holes...They better explain those plot holes in season 2 to the viewers and not make us further confused...Overall, Goong:Princess Hours drama series is a nice story...

Minari ...I agree on the last eposide I was like WTF!!!! :crazy: did I just witness...However, after finding out on different threads that the drama series ending was rushed...I have forgiven the show producers... But if they mess up the ending to Goong:Princess Hours Season 2 "I will never forgive them, I repeat "I will never forgive them" :fury: ...Lol

Anyway, I would advice anyone who is a fan of the Goong Manhwa version not to think of the drama series as one in the same...Because ya'll be disappointed...The live action drama series is charming and cute...Plus, the drama series stands on it's own...The series had plenty of sences in it that were close to those in the manhwa but that is about it...Anyone who watch Princess Hours will most likely want to see season 2 of it.... I know I will want to be the first to watch season 2 when it is released :D ...

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Guest cui

Can someone "Please Help me out" :unsure: I just saw the end of Goong: Princess Hours and I'm totally confused about what extactly happen between CG & Shin ....At the very end something important is asked by Shin Grandmother in front of the church to CG...I don't want to say what it is in order not to give away the plot...But how in the world could that be true about CG?!... I mean I rewatched the tapes and never saw something like that happen with her and Shin...

Also, if possible could someone explain to me about Yul finding out the secret that Involved his mother...

hmm i thought i heard it somewhere that CG isn't..erm pregnant..it's only because she ate something wrong...they like to make it seem like that so that people will be interested in watching...i guess (: but somehow i like the drama series...it's lively n i like all of the characters B)

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Guest Ada

I haven't seen any espisode of the drama. My friend sent me a song made up from some cuts in that. Shin looks quite handsome and CG is really cute. But as you said its ending is disappointed. How?

OK, I'll explain.

Chae Gyung has to be exiled, then she gets ready to go. This exile thing is just stupid IYAM, I don't know how exiling her to some place would make things better about the incidents, this is nonsense.

Yul blames himself for the fire in a press conference, claims that all of his was his only doing to protect his mother. With only this, it solves the problem and the suspicions about Shin. Yul's mother tries to kill herself with her car but survives. She and Yul leave the palace in peace with themselves ; Yul says it was not that bad when they were living with just the two of them and his mother says she is sorry for all of this. So exit Yul and the witch.

After that the King says he realized he made mistakes and stuff, and claims he wants to give up on the throne. It's up to Shin to decide if he's going to take it or not.

Just after that we see Chae Gyung and her servant in Macau, so at first I didn't understand very well what she was doing here and stuff. Anyways, it appears that she now lives here with her servant and seems happy about her life. Shin comes with his grandmother to visit Chae Gyung in Macau, and we know at that moment, that he's no longer the prince because he refused the throne and handed it over to his sister (a character wich exists only in the drama), wich is absolutely dumb IYAM. Not only that ; the royal couple left the palace to live in the country, this is complete crap.

Shin is not confident in himself anymore now that he's no longer the prince, and he's afraid Chae Gyung will leave him because of that. The grandmother gives Shin two wedding rings and tells him she thinks it's now the moment for them to wear them, since they're really in love with each other and stuff. Shin asks CG to marry him for real and after a crappy suspense she accepts and they go in a tiny church somewhere in Macau. After the wedding Chae Gyung gives her flower bouquet to her servant and suddenly starts to vomit. The grandmother is very happy, asking if it's because she's pregnant, and Chae Gyung and Shin looks at each other with surprised faces, THE END.

What's disappointing :

- The royal couple, always worried about the reputation of the royal family, disappears like this, it doesn't make any sense. Even worse, giving the throne to their daughter who is probably around my age, is very very stupid. How can a young woman alone can handle the palace and all the responsabilities by herself without the royal couple ? This is so dumb.

- Yul and his mother disappears just like that after the interview, this is just a too easy exit for them, we can really feel that it has been rushed and it's not going accordingly with the rest of the story at all (same for the royal couple leaving)

- Shin & Chae Gyung are no longer the prince and the princess and they're living a normal life. It also seems that they're living apart. I felt awful for CG seeing where she lives in Macau, it would make me feel awfully depressed after just one single day spent there.

- If Chae Gyung is really pregnant, then it's almost the worst part. It would be very disappointing for me it it's confirmed to be for real in Season 2 ; shortly after they finally became a cute couple and exchanged a nice "real" kiss (at least a nicer one than in Full House lol), she's pregnant already ? How boring ! On top of that, Shin didn't stay long in Macau and nothing happened between them. Even if they did had sex, without mentioning it, wich would be weird since there's always a lot of drama in this show everytime it involves this kind of things, I seriously doubt Chae Gyung would feel the need to vomit so soon, so it doesn't make any sense.

I didn't like the end because it's just plain stupid and it's so different from the rest of the story, I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode of the second season, Chae Gyung would wake up and say "what an awful dream", lol. I didn't like the fact Shin gives up on the throne, in the manhwa he changed his mind about this and after a few things happened decided to remain the Saeja, with the help of his wife, and I liked this more.

Well, at least I said it, lol, I feel better xD

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^ Yeah I feel you. The disappearance of Yul and his mom was just too sudden. It didn't fit well with the rest of the story at all. The ending made me feel like "Eh? That was all?"

And I don't understand how the King changed so suddenly. What made him realize that he mistreated the Prince so badly? O.O The King didn't act angry when finding out about Yul's actions and whatnot.

To me, it was an unfinished and awkward ending. I hope they clearify things in the second season. :P And I doubt ChaeGyung is pregnant. Probably ate wrong cuz it's just too sudden. -_-

I think the manhwa will end much better.

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Guest ChocoboUpa

Thank you, Ada for your explanation. I agree with you. Even though I didn't watch the drama, I still feel angry. How could they make such a nonsensial ending like that?

But anyway, I'm gonna watch it just because Shin, Yul and CG are so cute.

I'm looking forward to see the ending in Manhwa. I heard that it would be end up with 25 vols. TOO LONG!!!

By the way, is there anyone knows what is going on with the Manhwa? What's the latest chapter, volume?

How about English translation?

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Guest Ada

Nan, about the king : I guess we are supposed to understand that after seeing his own situation was happening again to his own son and nephew in love with the same girl, he realized that he probably was too hard on his son even though he had the same experience, something like that. But, even though I try to give an explanation, if it was not the end of the series and if they didn't have to give us any ending out of the blue, the king probably wouldn't have calm down about those events and become suddenly peaceful after all of those serious incidents. He would have become even more angry and hard on Chae Gyung or his son. And he and the queen would have never, never leave the palace to go living in the country. All of this nonsense was decided so the last episode really looks like an end to the story with a real conclusion or something, but it sucks, LMFAO.

I agree with you - I also doubt Chae Gyung is pregnant, it's just some trick to make us think about it, lol.

ChocoboUpa : Yes. Even though the ending sucks, you will definitely have a good time watching this drama, it's pretty good until episode 23. It's very slow sometimes and there are a lot of useless scenes, but it's still nice to watch. And if you love Shin and Chae Gyung in the drama, like I do, you'll endure it just to see them, lol.

About the manhwa : mmh, 25 volumes, I think I could take it, lol. Hana Yori Dango has 36 volumes IIRC, and I have read them all because I liked the story a lot. Since I like Goong a lot more than HYD, because the situations are more exciting and there is a lot more fun and crazy drawings, 25 volumes shouldn't be a problem for me, really. As long as the author tortures CG well enough to mess with my head, I'm fine, hahaha.

About the chapters : A member of this forum was translating the latest chapters until volume 11 I think, from Chinese translations. Unfortunately, because of a virus on her computer, she lost everything she has translated, and she didn't post a lot since then, so I dunno what's going on.

BTW sorry for my bad english, I hope it's not a pain to read my messages.

Nan, about the king : I guess we are supposed to understand that after seeing his own situation was happening again to his own son and nephew in love with the same girl, he realized that he probably was too hard on his son even though he had the same experience, something like that. But, even though I try to give an explanation, if it was not the end of the series and if they didn't have to give us any ending out of the blue, the king probably wouldn't have calm down about those events and become suddenly peaceful after all of those serious incidents. He would have become even more angry and hard on Chae Gyung or his son. And he and the queen would have never, never leave the palace to go living in the country. All of this nonsense was decided so the last episode really looks like an end to the story with a real conclusion or something, but it sucks, LMFAO.

I agree with you - I also doubt Chae Gyung is pregnant, it's just some trick to make us think about it, lol.

ChocoboUpa : Yes. Even though the ending sucks, you will definitely have a good time watching this drama, it's pretty good until episode 23. It's very slow sometimes and there are a lot of useless scenes, but it's still nice to watch. And if you love Shin and Chae Gyung in the drama, like I do, you'll endure it just to see them, lol.

About the manhwa : mmh, 25 volumes, I think I could take it, lol. Hana Yori Dango has 36 volumes IIRC, and I have read them all because I liked the story a lot. Since I like Goong a lot more than HYD, because the situations are more exciting and there is a lot more fun and crazy drawings, 25 volumes shouldn't be a problem for me, really. As long as the author tortures CG well enough to mess with my head, I'm fine, hahaha.

About the chapters : A member of this forum was translating the latest chapters until volume 11 I think, from Chinese translations. Unfortunately, because of a virus on her computer, she lost everything she has translated, and she didn't post a lot since then, so I dunno what's going on.

BTW sorry for my bad english, I hope it's not a pain to read my messages.

Nan, about the king : I guess we are supposed to understand that after seeing his own situation was happening again to his own son and nephew in love with the same girl, he realized that he probably was too hard on his son even though he had the same experience, something like that. But, even though I try to give an explanation, if it was not the end of the series and if they didn't have to give us any ending out of the blue, the king probably wouldn't have calm down about those events and become suddenly peaceful after all of those serious incidents. He would have become even more angry and hard on Chae Gyung or his son. And he and the queen would have never, never leave the palace to go living in the country. All of this nonsense was decided so the last episode really looks like an end to the story with a real conclusion or something, but it sucks, LMFAO.

I agree with you - I also doubt Chae Gyung is pregnant, it's just some trick to make us think about it, lol.

ChocoboUpa : Yes. Even though the ending sucks, you will definitely have a good time watching this drama, it's pretty good until episode 23. It's very slow sometimes and there are a lot of useless scenes, but it's still nice to watch. And if you love Shin and Chae Gyung in the drama, like I do, you'll endure it just to see them, lol.

About the manhwa : mmh, 25 volumes, I think I could take it, lol. Hana Yori Dango has 36 volumes IIRC, and I have read them all because I liked the story a lot. Since I like Goong a lot more than HYD, because the situations are more exciting and there is a lot more fun and crazy drawings, 25 volumes shouldn't be a problem for me, really. As long as the author tortures CG well enough to mess with my head, I'm fine, hahaha.

About the chapters : A member of this forum was translating the latest chapters until volume 11 I think, from Chinese translations. Unfortunately, because of a virus on her computer, she lost everything she has translated, and she didn't post a lot since then, so I dunno what's going on.

BTW sorry for my bad english, I hope it's not a pain to read my messages.

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Guest avia

I didn't like the end because it's just plain stupid and it's so different from the rest of the story, I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode of the second season, Chae Gyung would wake up and say "what an awful dream", lol. I didn't like the fact Shin gives up on the throne, in the manhwa he changed his mind about this and after a few things happened decided to remain the Saeja, with the help of his wife, and I liked this more.

Well, at least I said it, lol, I feel better xD

I OMG!...My kid sister mention the same thing about hoping it was some awful dream Chae Gyung was having...My sister is also hoping next season it starts off with CG waking up back in the palace...That would be so cool if that did happen :D ...The only bad part about making it a bad dream is that we the viewers would know they are trying to cover up the bad end in season 1.... So, yeah I'd be happy of it was only a dream....

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Guest avia

I didn't like the end because it's just plain stupid and it's so different from the rest of the story, I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode of the second season, Chae Gyung would wake up and say "what an awful dream", lol. I didn't like the fact Shin gives up on the throne, in the manhwa he changed his mind about this and after a few things happened decided to remain the Saeja, with the help of his wife, and I liked this more.

Well, at least I said it, lol, I feel better xD

OMG!...My kid sister mention the same thing about hoping it was some awful dream Chae Gyung was having...My sister is also hoping next season it starts off with CG waking up back in the palace...That would be so cool if that did happen :D ...The only bad part about making it a bad dream is that we the viewers would know they are trying to cover up the bad end in season 1.... So, yeah I'd be happy of it was only a dream....

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Guest avia

I didn't like the end because it's just plain stupid and it's so different from the rest of the story, I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode of the second season, Chae Gyung would wake up and say "what an awful dream", lol. I didn't like the fact Shin gives up on the throne, in the manhwa he changed his mind about this and after a few things happened decided to remain the Saeja, with the help of his wife, and I liked this more.

Well, at least I said it, lol, I feel better xD

OMG!...My kid sister mention the same thing about hoping it was some awful dream Chae Gyung was having...My sister is also hoping next season it starts off with CG waking up back in the palace...That would be so cool if that did happen :D ...The only bad part about making it a bad dream is that we the viewers would know they are trying to cover up the bad end in season 1.... So, yeah I'd be happy of it was only a dream....

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Guest avia

I didn't like the end because it's just plain stupid and it's so different from the rest of the story, I wouldn't be surprised if in the first episode of the second season, Chae Gyung would wake up and say "what an awful dream", lol. I didn't like the fact Shin gives up on the throne, in the manhwa he changed his mind about this and after a few things happened decided to remain the Saeja, with the help of his wife, and I liked this more.

Well, at least I said it, lol, I feel better xD

OMG!...My kid sister mention the same thing about hoping it was some awful dream Chae Gyung was having...My sister is also hoping next season it starts off with CG waking up back in the palace...That would be so cool if that did happen :D ...The only bad part about making it a bad dream is that we the viewers would know they are trying to cover up the bad end in season 1.... So, yeah I'd be happy of it was only a dream....

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