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Wellmade StarM Denies Nicole Recruitment and a Duo with Hwayoung

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In addition to earlier reports on the Japanese magazine Josei Jishin writing that former Kara member Nicole was being recruited by T-ara's agency, Core Contents Media, there is another report by local news source Ilgan Sports that writes entertainment agency Wellmade StarM, home to actor Lee Jong Suk and former T-ara member Hwayoung, was actively recruiting Nicole. The agency has to come out to deny this report.

Ilgan Sports wrote on January 22 local time that a source in the music industry stated to them, "The entertainment industry's focus is on Nicole, and Wellmade is showing the most active approach [towards Nicole]. It is my understanding that Wellmade attended Kara's last concert in Japan last year."

According to the same source from Ilgan Sports, "While Hwayoung plans to debut as an actress in Wellmade, she is also in long-term preparation to be a singer. It is my understanding that the agency approached Nicole bearing in the mind the idea to form a female duo with Nicole and Hwayoung. 

In response to this report by Ilgan Sports, Wellmade StarM stated that this news in untrue. Specifically to Joy News, a rep from the agency said, "It is true that were was discussion to sign an exclusive contract with Nicole. However,the conversation ended without any progression from that. It is untrue that Nicole is signing an exclusive contract with Wellmade." Local news source X Sports News also reported the same. 

To Sports Seoul, Wellmade clarified that the rumor of the formation of a duo with Nicole and Hwayoung was untrue. A rep clarified, "Hwayoung was signed as actress, not a singer." Differing from the source that spoke to Joy News and X Sports News, the source talking to Sports Seoul and MBN Star said that the agency has never even spoken to Nicole's side.

Whether Wellmade StarM ever spoke to Nicole or not about a contract, it seems nothing has been settled or decided for the former Kara member. Nicole’s contract with DSP Media ended on January 16, making her departure from Kara official. It was also announced recently that member Kang Ji Young will also be departing from Kara when her contract ends in April, leaving the girl group with three members: Park GyuriHan Seung Yeon, and Goo Hara

Source (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

See also: Former Kara member Nicole and T-ara’s Agency, Core Contents Media, Refute Rumors of Recruitment

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