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[Recap] Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder - We Got Married 08.10.13

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On this episode of “We Got Married,” Jo Jung Chi and Jung In enjoy a sugary churro kiss,  Jinwoon and Go Joon Hee artistically make t-shirts for each other, and Taemin uses EXO to deliver a special present to Son Na Eun. 

Absence makes the heart grow fonder – This is your Soompi WGM recap!

(If you missed it, here is last week’s WGM recap: The Greatest Gift of All.)


Jo Jung Chi and Jung In are taking the orders from the doctor very seriously! It was months ago when Jung In's doctor advised her to relax more for her health, and when they come back from their trip to an island they head over to a water park.

Jo Jung Chi becomes Park Tae Hwan, without the Olympic medals or actually knowing how to swim. Surprisingly, Jung In is a good swimmer and have won medals in the past. 

The two battle enormous waves and slide down the water slides while never getting a chance to dry up because of the Korean summer rain. No matter, they look like they're having a lot of fun. 


Jung In becomes an Angry Bird as she puts on a goggle to hide her makeup-less face. Getting pounded by artificial waves will wipe off your makeup. She proves to her boyfriend and everyone else that she can swim. Jo Jung Chi is impressed and even says that she's sexy when she swims. Ooh, looks like things are heating up for this couple.

Jung In tries to teach Jo Jung Chi how to swim but isn't a very good teacher. Jo Jung Chi has enough of paddling in the water and challenges his girlfriend to see who can hold their breath the longest. The loser buys a computer for the winner! Jung In is just as competitive as Jo Jung Chi and eagerly accepts. When Jo Jung Chi tries to make her laugh underwater, she retaliates by hitting him, forcing him to come up. 

Of course right away Jo Jung Chi claims that the game was just for fun...


Jung In still wants that computer so when Jo Jung Chi slyly asks to play a churro kiss game with her, she says she'll only do it if there's a prize. This time they're playing for computer parts. The person who draws away first is the loser. Jung In confesses that she's not comfortable with public displays of affection but neither of them can remember when they last had a kiss. Spurred on by the desire to get a computer, Jung In doesn't back down and Jo Jung Chi gives in, but not until their lips touch.

One round is not enough and Jo Jung Chi leaves to come back with another churro. Round two, he claims, for more computer parts. Sure, computer parts, sure. Poor Jo Jung Chi, he has to resort to such measures to get a small kiss from Jung In. 

Did the musician couple start a new kiss trend? Eh, Noona thinks not. Churros are rather thick and sugary. I don't think anyone could make it look attractive when you're munching away at a greasy and sugary dough stick. Let's just all stick to Peppero. 


Go Joon Hee takes Jinwoon to a clothes reform shop. I'm noticing a trend here. When Jinwoon chooses the date, it's centered around food. When Joon Hee chooses the date, it's centered around clothes. She tells her husband that they will be altering t-shirts for each other because you just can't have enough couple clothes. 

Before they start they take measurements and compare it to the nation's average. Jinwoon is taller than the average, but his legs are shorter. Joon Hee is definitely taller than the average, but her head is bigger? Who cares about head size? Joon Hee does. She gets very upset with her head circumference. This made me curious, so I ran and got the tape measure. Sure enough, Joon Hee has five more centimeters than me. Yay for Noona? Never mind she's taller, skinnier, and virtually married to Jinwoon, my head is smaller! 


Joon Hee decides to make Jinwoon's t-shirt vintage style, which means she's just going to rip holes all over it. It looks fine except for one large hole that is places perfectly over Jinwoon's right nipple. Joon Hee swears she didn't do it on purpose and wonders if her fingers just know where to go. Maybe she should team up with After School's Lizzy and make a nipple detective duo.

Nipple detective duo - now there's something I never thought I would write. 


So, Taemin is in Japan and Na Eun is in Korea. They are separated for a whole month. Taemin decides to use his company's assets, and forces EXO to carry out his romantic awkward event for Na Eun. He sends his gifts over and leaves it up to EXO to decide how to present it. EXO's managers decides on the most awkward and uncreative way to present the gift, but more on that later. 

Maybe Taemin watched this episode and thought, "I knew I should have asked f(x) instead..." 


Surprise! EXO brings Na Eun and her A Pink members to a room and forces them watch the worst performance of "Wolf" I've ever seen. This song was not made to be sung acapella. They tried to put in Na Eun's name once or twice, but it was such a blatant effort at promoting "Wolf" it was hard to enjoy. Wait a minute, they're not even promoting "Wolf" now. 

A Pink on their part politely acts enthused and entertained while EXO's Suho wonders to himself, "I trained seven years for this?" 


Luckily for everyone involved, EXO reveals that they had prepared expensive meat for A Pink, courtesy of Taemin. Taemin even told them to cook it medium, because that's how Na Eun likes it. A Pink acts surprised (and relieved) when the meat is brought out, but how surprised could they have been when they could smell the steak cooking while EXO was doing their dance? 

Na Eun really does love meat. She's lost in her own little delicious world as she devours down the meat that someone gave to her. Who gave it to her again? Husband...something...whatever this meat is good!


Meanwhile, in live time Taemin has been waiting by the phone. He even wrote a script to use when he calls Na Eun. She puts the call on speaker phone but regrets it when she comes to the end where she should say the words that start with I, L, Y. She stalls long enough for her A Pink members to grow impatient and Namjoo shouts out "I love you" for her. Taemin freaks out, not knowing who said it, and Na Eun is forced to say it herself. EXO helps her out by letting her sing the "saranghaeyo" part to their song. That's good enough for Taemin.


Taemin gifted Na Eun with a bracelet and told her to wear it for her performance. Even though he's in Japan, he tries to watch it on his cellphone, except his cellphone doesn't want to play her performance. Taemin panics, even jumps up on the table, until Minho brings his cell phone. The problem is it's super low quality and they can't see anything.

At one point, Jonghyun accidentally takes out the battery which results in Taemin freaking out. Luckily, Min Oh the manager brings out his cellphone to call everyone down. Jonghyun and Minho show their fondness for their youngest by cheering up Taemin when he feels down or cheering with Taemin when he feels up. 


Na Eun knew that Taemin would be watching so she even changed her choreography to be able to use her right hand. So far she has been nothing but sweet and considerate to her husband. The WGM producers bring in A Pink to watch an old episode of WGM, and not just any episode. A Pink has no idea they're going to watch Taemin at his lowest moment when he confesses that he's actually dated before in elementary school. Everyone is surprised ("He lied?!" "I knew it!") but Na Eun is notably upset. She's mentioned that she hates it when people lie, and yikes Taemin, you got caught. She is not pleased and she will be doing something about it.

Meanwhile Taemin is in Japan wistfully dreaming of the day he is reunited with his virtual wife. Maybe they will hug, maybe he will get to hold her hand, or maybe Taemin is in for an icy surprise. We'll see.

That's all for this recap! Talk to Noona! Follow her on Twitter (because she shares photos that don't make it to the cut) or send your questions/feedback via email.

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