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Introducing Our New Commenting System - Livefyre!

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Hello All!

It's me, Soomp. It's been a while since I said "Hi" to everyone. 

I wanted to personally apologize for all the crazy server problems we've been having over the past few weeks. I can't promise that they are over, but you can be assured that we are doing everything we can to bring you the best in Korean pop culture and entertainment.

That said, I hope you've noticed our shiny new commenting system. It's only been a few hours since we launched, so there may be a few snags here and there - please bear with us. If you are having trouble getting logged into it, just log out and log back in, and you should be all good. No need to create a separate account.

Here are some of the new features of Livefyre comments:

  • Post comments in real-time for everyone to see, and have a live discussion right on our site.
  • Easily format your post to express your opinions with rich text like bold, italic, lists and more.
  • Click or Type “@” in the comment box to tag users in the conversations and your friends from Facebook or Twitter. Personalize the message you share to their wall or send in an @reply to include them in the discussion.
  • Links containing “http” will automatically be hyperlinked; YouTube videos, Flickr images, and other media from across the web will automatically be embedded in the comment stream, playable inline and all.
  • Share your comment to Facebook and Twitter clicking the icons next to the “Post Comment As” button (need to work out some kinks).
  • If you hover over the time-stamp, you’ll reveal a few options: delete your comment, “flag” other’s comments as Offensive, Spam, Off-topic, or Disagree, and share any comment to Facebook and Twitter or get the permalink to the comment.
  • See that little notifier pop-up in the right hand corner? That is a live update of new comments on the page, displaying the user’s comment and avatar. Your view won’t move until you click on the bubble, which scroll and reveal the new comments.

Don't be alarmed that all the old comments are gone! We'll be importing them back into the new system later this week. You can also set your email notification preferences in your profile edit page (click on your username at the top corner of the page). Also, you have 59 minutes to come back and edit your comments in case you made a typo or anything.

Please let us know if you run into any weird problems, and we'll do our best to help you out. When in doubt, logout and log back in (heh).

Thanks so much for your patience, everyone!


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