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9 hours ago, lalalala1234 said:


I know SFD is fiction, In the past, I have uploaded to translate the writers interview on soompi forum.
But this is a simple issue.
they were treated to a event in badly a way.

I do not know if you know, they was a retreat from Wihwa Island in summer.
but, SFD .. snow ??

4 bulgaron of Lee Seong-Gye (4 Reasons impossible of Yodong conquest(遼東征伐).)

1)It is impossible to beat a big country as a small country.
2)We should not cause the military in the summer.
3)If Our military attack the Yodong, Japan has the potential invasion.
4)The rainy season because the bow is useless, there is concern that the military suffer from infectious diseases.

Korea sageuk fans was worst sageuk the 'The Great Seer'.
but, 'The Great Seer' even Wihwa Island scene ended is pre recorded.
and They're using the wrong production costs.
Their battle scene was bad. and, OST .. oh plz .. stop.

and Boon-Yi has received tremendous blame in Korea internet community.
She has invaded the area of the other main character.
The historical probable will become shattered.

My goodness, you said yourself out of your mouth that you know this is fiction but you insist on judging it on the basis of seeing the drama as non fiction history. You then talk about Boon Yi being blamed for invasion without seeing the meaning that the character represents and her relation to the story of the other characters. like I said you see according to your perceptions according to your beliefs which does not have to be how others see it. I am sorry that the Korean internet community have different perception but this is fiction and we who enjoy the drama see it as such. What is there in a fictional character in a fictional story that you are so afraid of? Historical probable is shattered by a fictional character? You also used the the word probable which means is a probability and probabilities are by itself unsure just like "maybe". I don't get it but hey, I love the drama.

One other thing I still love the entry of LSG in Gaegyong by SFD for it's pageantry for the sentiment that it represents and the fight scenes were for me more realistic. The actors were wielding real like swords you can here the clang of meeting of the swords. The one of JDJ, the actors were rolling around and performing acrobatics. And why are you worried about production costs? It is as if you are just looking for a reason to not like SFD.

Also these are films that are done in space as the energy in space are transformed into films which then becomes a drama that we can watch and all these also come from the imagination. So what is invading what here again?

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11 minutes ago, lalalala1234 said:


@homuraLike you say, This is the SFD forum. I can freely post comments.(criticism of SFD or praise of SFD.)
and I have not visited for praise JDJ. Just an example is presented.

Plus, I had visited several times in this forum in quite early.

If you didn't satisfied with this drama, you could stop it and watch your favourite drama again.

Comparing this drama with another dramas is wrong. Can u stop to bash BY??? She decribed one of MAIN CASTS firstly, you acpt you watch this drama. You feel that it's unreasonable, you ignore it, ok


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10 hours ago, zenya22 said:

That was a surprise, for me anyway that the legendary warrior GSM and JR head of Biguk Temple and information seller were monks and were members of the Royal Guard? And JR mentioned their last meeting in 1366 internal strife. /so I went to Wiki to see what happened in that year. It was the death of Queen Noguk the wife of King Gongminso  then Wiki'd King Gongmin of Goryeo. An able ruler and talented artisan. He was a great King who started the land reform and also reconquered the lands that once belonged to Goryeo from the Mongols. The generals that were supporting his reforms were the same generals whom JDJ referred to as his teachers in episode 24 when he was talking to Jung Mong Jo (Po Yeon) and the ones who got killed which followed the killing of the children hiding in his cave. General Choi was a faithful General of one of the greatest reformist king. Now reading this makes me dislike Ha Ryun. What did HR read on JDJ's face and Boon Yi's face. Also both JDJ and GSM when they first meet BY seem to think that BY's eyes looks like her mother's eyes.

It is interesting what someone, sorry I can’t remember who, posted in the earlier episodes that the events in this drama were what followed after the dramas of Empress Ki and Faith. Also reminds me of the movie " A Frozen Flower"

The spoiler is from Wiki and it gives some "possible hints" but still does not answer who the owner of the red seal is? GSM and JR keeps referring to “that person” but who is he?I love these writers. 

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Although the relationship between Queen Noguk and the king was very close, they failed to conceive an heir for many years. Despite suggestions of taking a second wife, King Gongmin ignored these requests. Queen Noguk became pregnant but died from complications with childbirth in 1365. Her death led to Gongmin's depression and mental instability. King Gongmin became indifferent to politics and entrusted the great tasks of state to Pyeonjo, a Buddhist monk who was born as the son of a princess and a slave. Judging him as clever, Gongmin renamed Pyeonjo as Shin Don. Having the full confidence of King Gongmin, Shin Don tried to reform the society of Goryeo. In 1365, Gongmin gave Pyeonjo the nickname "Cheonghan Geosa", and the noble title of Jinpyeonghu (Chinpyŏng Marquess). After six years, Shin Don lost his position and King Gongmin had him executed in 1371.

Goryeo's entrenched bureaucracy never forgave King Gongmin for his reform efforts. They interpreted his policy of cutting all ties with the Yuan and establishing relations with Ming China as a direct threat to their status and feared that further attempts at reform might yet be made. Kaesong's deposed pro-Mongol faction battled to protect its position and hoped to renew ties with the Mongols who had helped them gain and hold their wealth in the first place.


In 1374, he was killed by Choe Man-saeng (최만생) and others. One of the young men, Hong Ryun (홍륜) had relations with one of Gongmin's concubines, which led to Gongmin's anger. So before Gongmin could kill him, Hong Ryun and Choe Man-saeng killed Gongmin in his sleep.After his death, a high official Yi In-im assumed the helm of the government and enthroned eleven-year-old, King U



I'm not sure whether Jeok-Ryong and Gil Seon-Mi were the royal guards (Jajewi) or not. I just thought they were the members of the secret organization called "Nameless". In ep. 24, both men were talking about their new leader who unified their divided organization in 1378. (戊午年) In my memory, it was 3 years after Jung Do-Jeon's Jangpyeong gate uprising. Maybe little Bang-Won killed 3 Sungkyunkwan students around the same time. Tang-Sae met Gil Seon-Mi. So, I guess GSM became the member of the "Nameless" after meeting Tang-Sae, or he lied about it.

And, it's me who posed that SFD's timeline is following after TV drama Faith (SBS, 2012) and Empress Ki (MBC, 2013). I also said Korean movie A Frozen Flower (2008) is "loosely" based on the story of King Gongmin's assassination. In the history, Hong Ryun ("Hong Rim" in the movie) was forced to sleep with King Gongmin's queen Lady Han. (She was not a Mongolian princess but a Goryeo noble woman)
As you know,



the king was extremely depressed after his beloved Princess Noguk died during her childbirth, and almost went mad. In his latter years, the king forced his other queens and concubines to sleep with his royal guards. The queen dowager Lady Ahn who appeared in Ep 23~24 was the only queen who resisted the king's order by threatening to kill herself.

When the king learned from Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng that Lady Han was pregnant with Hong Ryun, he decided to kill Hong Ryun as well as those who knew the truth. He wanted to make the baby his own child, so he talked about his plan under the influence of alcohol and fell asleep. Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng was afraid of being killed, so he let the royal guards know about it. As a result, Hong Ryun and Choi Man-Saeng killed the sleeping king in the bedroom.  



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1 hour ago, lalalala1234 said:


@homuraLike you say, This is the SFD forum. I can freely post comments.(criticism of SFD or praise of SFD.)
and I have not visited for praise JDJ. Just an example is presented.

Plus, I had visited several times in this forum in quite early.


Look, you can freely comment about SFD. However, what you are saying here is like comparing orange with apple. "Look! Orange is superior to apple! Even if orange is cheaper than apple, it looks more beautiful! The apple is ugly! " blah blah. And after being criticized, you are saying "I didn't visit here for praising orange. It's just an example. I had visited here several times from the early stage, so I have a right to bash apple. Apple is too bad because it damaged the value of orange." OK. Stop eating apple, and enjoy eating your delicious orange again and agin. period.

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1 hour ago, lalalala1234 said:

@zenya22The problem is that this drama will found country. I also have a degree of respect and understanding fiction.
But this is too much. I think they are big events should be maintained.
Retreat from Wihwa Island  have historical value. This is not a creative compromise.


Maintained like what? I still don't get it. I am so sorry that you are stuck on your perceptions and are not willing to appreciate the drama for what it is a fictional story. It must be so painful for you. So my question is what do you get from saying that you don't like the drama and what is your goal? Is it for someone to agree with you?. Because we who love the drama appreciate the nuances of the drama and what the writers are trying to express. We will always say we love the drama. Did you read the comments and the discussions of the drama in this forum? They are deep, profound and very intelligent discussions of the drama, the characters, the subject of the drama which is largely political which is the basis of the changing of a dynasty leaving the old one and founding another. It is not about Boon Yi invading some character, whatever that means. That has nothing to do with founding of a country. Boon Yi is a fictional character used as a plot device to enhance or introduce the story of the character including that of Lady Min. She is very important to the story of Lady Min.If you like the story that maintain what you believe should be maintained then stick to watching those dramas rather than watch something that you can't agree with and gives you pain for the sake of your health. There is nothing you can do about it. Sure you can say what you want to say but don't expect that the response will be the response you like. I don't watch stories that I can't agree with.

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39 minutes ago, homura said:


I'm not sure whether Jeok-Ryong and Gil Seon-Mi were the royal guards (Jajewi) or not. I just thought they were the members of the secret organization called "Nameless". In ep. 24, both men were talking about their new leader who unified their divided organization in 1378. (戊午年) In my memory, it was 3 years after Jung Do-Jeon's Jangpyeong gate uprising. Maybe little Bang-Won killed 3 Sungkyunkwan students around the same time. Tang-Sae met Gil Seon-Mi. So, I guess GSM became the member of the "Nameless" after meeting Tang-Sae, or he lied about it.

And, it's me who posed that SFD's timeline is following after TV drama Faith (SBS, 2012) and Empress Ki (MBC, 2013). I also said Korean movie A Frozen Flower (2008) is "loosely" based on the story of King Gongmin's assassination. In the history, Hong Ryun ("Hong Rim" in the movie) was forced to sleep with King Gongmin's queen Lady Han. (She was not a Mongolian princess but a Goryeo noble woman)
As you know,

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the king was extremely depressed after his beloved Princess Noguk died during her childbirth, and almost went mad. In his latter years, the king forced his other queens and concubines to sleep with his royal guards. The queen dowager Lady Ahn who appeared in Ep 23~24 was the only queen who resisted the king's order by threatening to kill herself.

When the king learned from Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng that Lady Han was pregnant with Hong Ryun, he decided to kill Hong Ryun as well as those who knew the truth. He wanted to make the baby his own child, so he talked about his plan under the influence of alcohol and fell asleep. Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng was afraid of being killed, so he let the royal guards know about it. As a result, Hong Ryun and Choi Man-Saeng killed the sleeping king in the bedroom.  



Thank you @homura. I should have known it was you who posted about Empress Ki, Faith and Frozen Flower. LOL. Anyway I thought I remember that a character was saying that GSM was always seen with the Queen and NY who was the palace maid who was a constant companion of the queen. So I just assumed that GSM was a palace guard guarding the queen. Those are just my speculations about GSM and JR. The writer could just smack down my specs lol

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11 hours ago, zenya22 said:

I am not really liking Ha Ryun. He is waking the dormant worm in someone's consciousness. What he said to BW about being in command instead of being a follower is the same as the question that HIB asked BW do you want to do good for the country or do you want to rule that country? BW's face says it all. What he also said of BW not feeling any guilt is also quite true of Bw who is end justifies the means guy. He is really hittting all the buttons of BW.

On the other hand, JDJ hit the truth of his assessment of HR without resulting to face reading but JDJ was to complacent or underestimated HR who is not YIG. Unlike YIG who was already at the top of the food chain, HR is only picking leftovers from the table and he is very hungry. That makes him a desperate man to do anything to get to the top. JDJ also told him that in all the years the played Baduk that HR never once won. that must also have pricked his pride. He was also shamed that JDJ told him that he was a man who did not have a cause but himself. JDJ needs to pay attention because enemies including GSM and the man with the red seal want him to fail.

Boon Yi is getting very popular. JR now knows noble people, scholar and even the legendary GSM is interested in BY. Something so useful to JR.  HR also read BY's face and he must have read something in her face just like he did JDJ to give him alarm.

The reaction of the young dragons to seeing GSM for the first time is amusing because it irritates GSM. LOL. As usual though, MH reactions are the funniest.

thanx zenya22 do you think BY LBJ are the king descendant? doyou think JR knew BY name - i wasnt sure her name was ever mentioned to him 

he will probably find out soon - as he is the information guy - and BY will find herself in alot of  trouble all around

i read somewhere that it was funny how all the guys appointed themselves her protectors and in the end she mostly protect herself i hope they wont change that 

hopeshe will learn soem self defense and martial art  

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9 hours ago, lalalala1234 said:

and Boon-Yi has received tremendous blame in Korea internet community.
She has invaded the area of the other main character.
The historical probable will become shattered.

BY is a MAIN character BY represent the commoners there is NO areas that the commoners were not part of 

if that was the way it was depicted bf which i doubt then it is wrong - BY had bashing bc she is a WOMAN who invaded the other figures not bc she is a commoner 

and it does not say good things on those who bash her not BY

and SSK is the third billed meaning she is the most important character after KMM & YAI even if she is only the fifth dragon

in an interview she said she accepted the part bc it was a new kind of portrayal of women in those times and she even raised the question of would she herself, as she is today would have been that brave as BY

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46 minutes ago, nevill said:

thanx zenya22 do you think BY LBJ are the king descendant? doyou think JR knew BY name - i wasnt sure her name was ever mentioned to him 

he will probably find out soon - as he is the information guy - and BY will find herself in alot of  trouble all around

i read somewhere that it was funny how all the guys appointed themselves her protectors and in the end she mostly protect herself i hope they wont change that 

hopeshe will learn soem self defense and martial art  


Well in the beginning, I always thought they could be the king's descendants but reading about King Gong Min after the death of his wife and reading about the commander, I am now thinking that they could be the commanders that is why their mother is considered a traitor. She was thought to be dead long time ago but she probably did not die and  went into hiding  in the village or some other woman named Gangnam was also a palace maid who took the children and hid them in the village

As for JR, I am sure his curiosity about BY was inflamed when BW took offense and got angry because he insulted her and when he first met her long ago, she was looking for the same man he was looking for and 3 men came to rescue her including BW when he kidnapped her in the temple. So I am thinking that he already gathered information on her. Especially because she is a servant seen hanging out with BW the son of LSG. Also the last time he saw them at the temple when they were running away BW was holding BY's hands. Madame Choi of the Hwasadan will probably learn from her spies that there is a young man who took the package they were looking for and that he played them together with a young lady who they thought was a spy among them. She would also learn that a spy of hers was dead because she was shot with an arrow by the young man. Then the young man was rescued by BJ so they withdrew. Madame Hwasadan will be very curious.

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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 24

by HeadsNo2 (drama beans)
The show shines most when focused on the personal relationships between our dragons, which are growing more layered and complex by the episode. Not that I don’t love all the political intrigue, but sometimes it’s worth it to take a step back and re-evaluate where everyone stands with each other. Especially when doing so yields unexpected new friendships and revelations for other longstanding relationships. And when no one else is willing to say it, we can always count on Moo-hyul to have no sense of guile. It’s maybe one of the best (and funniest) qualities of anyone ever.
to read more:
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@  lalalala1234 , unlike Jeong Do Jeon, the main character here is Yi Bang Won with 50 episodes to cover probably until he becomes king, thus, there was special attention on his childhood while focus was probably be given to the 1st and 2nd Strife of the Princes as well. In contrast, Wihwa Island withdrawal mainly concerned Yi Seong Gye whom Jeong Do Jeon served, thus, in Jeong Do Jeon, it thus probably got more attention. Even so, I thought that despite the difference in details, the severity and emotions of the event was conveyed effectively and it marked the beginning of things. This shows also seeks to offer different perspectives such as that of the common people like Yeon Hee, Bang Ji, Boon Yi whoch has to be fictional as no history records will record commoners even though for dramatic effect, there has been some over-glorification of Boon Yi and her role in things. Thus, it is probably best to have the right expectations regarding the show as show watching experiences are ultimately shaped by our expectations.


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17 minutes ago, theonlyone88 said:

there has been some over-glorification of Boon Yi and her role in things

what about BJ he seemed to be glorified as hell all his fighting sequence 

BY was never credited with any historical event or change she just enables like BJ & YH forit to happen and shows the perspective of commoners

i dont understand why is it so hard to accept a glorification of a woman

i have to admit it is so weird for me to need to defend a glorification of a woman instead of the opposite this day and age i never thought it would happen anywhere 



55 minutes ago, zenya22 said:
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Well in the beginning, I always thought they could be the king's descendants but reading about King Gong Min after the death of his wife and reading about the commander, I am now thinking that they could be the commanders that is why their mother is considered a traitor. She was thought to be dead long time ago but she probably did not die and  went into hiding  in the village or some other woman named Gangnam was also a palace maid who took the children and hid them in the village

As for JR, I am sure his curiosity about BY was inflamed when BW took offense and got angry because he insulted her and when he first met her long ago, she was looking for the same man he was looking for and 3 men came to rescue her including BW when he kidnapped her in the temple. So I am thinking that he already gathered information on her. Especially because she is a servant seen hanging out with BW the son of LSG. Also the last time he saw them at the temple when they were running away BW was holding BY's hands. Madame Choi of the Hwasadan will probably learn from her spies that there is a young man who took the package they were looking for and that he played them together with a young lady who they thought was a spy among them. She would also learn that a spy of hers was dead because she was shot with an arrow by the young man. Then the young man was rescued by BJ so they withdrew. Madame Hwasadan will be very curious.

WOW you made me anticipate the coming events even more

really hope youre right 

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29 minutes ago, theonlyone88 said:

@  lalalala1234 , unlike Jeong Do Jeon, the main character here is Yi Bang Won with 50 episodes to cover probably until he becomes king, thus, there was special attention on his childhood while focus was probably be given to the 1st and 2nd Strife of the Princes as well. In contrast, Wihwa Island withdrawal mainly concerned Yi Seong Gye whom Jeong Do Jeon served, thus, in Jeong Do Jeon, it thus probably got more attention. Even so, I thought that despite the difference in details, the severity and emotions of the event was conveyed effectively and it marked the beginning of things. This shows also seeks to offer different perspectives such as that of the common people like Yeon Hee, Bang Ji, Boon Yi whoch has to be fictional as no history records will record commoners even though for dramatic effect, there has been some over-glorification of Boon Yi and her role in things. Thus, it is probably best to have the right expectations regarding the show as show watching experiences are ultimately shaped by our expectations.


Thank you well said!!!!

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hi guys, i really like both episodes 23 and 24, they are amazingly impressive. the feelings remind me of queen seondeok much

i hope yi ji ran wont be dead this early T_T really like his appearance....very hard to find any info regarding him....i love his sword (looks like silent graves of sailor saturn, lol) any idea what is yi jiran position after yi sung gye become king taejo?

any idea who are the actors/actress (the name) for minor cast such below? hardly found their name as credit on any site while they in fact should at least be given credit

1-the main hwasadan assasin girl (or maybe the leader?) that keep appeared in the episodes

2-kim nae pyeong (who gives yi in gyeom the secret letter from the secret organisation)

3-queen dowager lady ahn

havent watched tree with deep root yet just a silly question is it worth it to watch it? because i don't want to be sad as taejong is a bad person in the series right? T-T plus im not really a fan of song joongki....

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3 minutes ago, natokajun said:

havent watched tree with deep root yet just a silly question is it worth it to watch it? because i don't want to be sad as taejong is a bad person in the series right? T-T plus im not really a fan of song joongki....

sorry cant helpwith the other questions

Taejong and SJK are only in the first 4 eps although they did make quite an impact

it is not a Saga like SFD but more of a detective story in a specific time of creating Hangul - i found in fascinating although there are overlapping characters i find the stories very different - genre

it is a matter of taste  

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