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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@mywebfoot You and me both :D 

Naysayers on Weibo and IG, in particular the shippers-turn-haters are crowing, seeing this as proof that she is there purely for work. Tsk. Whatever rocks their boat... I know what I see ;) Now mun+won is pointing out the apparent coincidence... '16 Lunar New Year featuring the 16 couple. :phew:

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Sigh, it's just unfortunate that nothing we've seen so far has been unequivocal enough that even the haters and the deluded would have to shut up. They're still being given an out...well, I guess those of us with common sense would know better, and we'd just have to be content with that.

My 'doubting' posts will have to end from now on - I know it's silly to think we can glean so much from just that one short promo, but based on everything we've seen so far (including on the show) and what we know of them, we now have a pretty good idea of the dynamics of their relationship, and they're not going to be dating anyone else two years from now.

You can take that to the bank.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv nope you are wrong they are business partners ;) purely professional relationship :)

I heard this once on a TV show: "Whatever helps you sleep at night, peaches!". :P

Oh, and we'll be getting our happy ending...it's just like Liu Wen says, "Too soon, too soon!". Well, be patient and we'll get there soon enough. ;)

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Oh well H&M is a pretty good deal.. we can see that it is valuable as the MFW.. however this pairing with Siwon comes with another consequences which is being lìnked  over and over again with siwon. If she doesnt have anything going on with mr choi most likely she will decline the offer since , it will create more chaos later on , and LW is a personality who wants to be known  for her work. Not because  of gossip.. as well as Siwon. I guess they take the jobe merely to find an excuse to meet :wub:

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Poor guy...he looks a bit subdued in that selfie pic and in the other shots, even in the promo. Like maybe he's dealing with something internally...I'm sure not only is he burnt out from filming his serial, but the impending enlistment and his management, maybe even Liu Wen telling him how he should handle the relationship publicly is probably taking its toll. And then on top of that he's got to deal with the enormous hate he's generated online due to that "single" remark. I'm thinking he probably made that statement out of exasperation more than anything else.

Don't worry, dear boy...Liu Wen's not the type who'll be going anywhere even in two years' time! One-man woman who'll be true to you as long as you're the same with her, I'm sure of that.

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I love that photo of them with the selfie stick... so natural, so together. Thank you for sharing it @teamwonwen!

Also love how COSMO advertised the H&M 2016 campaign on their Weibo 时尚COSMO :

还记得去年周迅和高圣远夫妻档代言H&M新春系列~今年的代言人是表姐@刘雯 和表姐夫@崔始源 !石榴夫妇的死忠请举手!1月28日开卖[嘘][嘘]
"Do you still remember last year Zhou Xun and Archie Kao's husband and wife endorsement of H&M's Lunar New Year series~This year's spokespersons are Cousin Liu Wen and Cousin-in-law Choi Siwon! Raise your hands, diehard ShiLiu couple fans! Sales begin 28th Jan."

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Guest mywebfoot

Eeep Liuwen why did you interrupt him?

He was saying, "I am happy, but I am a little nervous/worried..."

And she replied (mumbling) "Why are you..." 

Me: Aw Liuwen, you always baby him...

SW: "Because we...." gestures between them... 

Me: (sits up and pays attention) WHAT, WHAT! WE.... WHAT!!!

LW: (interrupts) "We should introduce ourselves, then it won't be nervous..."

Me: (flips tables) LIUWEN SHADDAP! He was going to say something about that the two of you!! ARGH *hair pulling*


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as a casual fan of suju, for me siwon is someone who look like from a royal family. he is nice, has a good personality,humble, he ll treat u good bcos he is truly a nice person, but when you wanna come closer to him, he ll just smile n not reject it but u can feel that u "cant touch him". he is very good at controling his emotion which make me feel like he has a subtle wall, not let anyone knows what is inside his heart.he is hard to read, contrary to my bias , leetuek who is easy to read, thats why i say he has walls.but there are times when i feel he doesnt hold back his feeling n frm what i saw lately, some of it show when he is wth LW. esp from skydiving ep till now.

the latest photoshot is a legit evidence, even people who doesnt ship them, they can feel his feeling to her, eyes cant lie. it s written on his eyes abt his feeling to her, unleast he is acting. and if he is in acting, he should receive an award for that real eyes emotion


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