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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Once this drama ended, I really need to re-watch it from the beginning. I am still lost at some details, like, how come the rich lady (Seo Ryeong) knew Eun-dong's identity. And the agency boss (Lee Hyun Bal), what he did in the past that he knew it as well...what secret that he had kept so far?....

Really interesting, this drama. I have been watching so much drama that was easy on the eyes, u  know, a drama that is good  but not good enough to make u taking a further look seriously. by re-watching  it for the sake of the story-line or its superb acting. But somehow this little drama (only a cable not a-national- tv-drama) has made me this giddy.:wub:


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Oh, and one more details....

I really love the little dark plot about Seo Ryeong's affair with her secretary. I really don't  think the young guy needs her money at all, he just loves her.... Yeah, something a woman like her doesn't deserve at all.... That is kinda ironic, right?  And also really interesting if that's true, I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next with this 'couple". Would she have her karma from this?....


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@seungshinl,                                                      June 14 --- most of Sun. evening!     B)

Thank you for pictures of the accident scene!   Looks like footage from a CCTV camera!  The Writer is really making us  work hard to understand this story and the characters!  

Just as in REAL LIFE  --- Things are not always as simple as they appear and we rarely have all the facts  when we are the outsiders  seeing events unfold! 

COMMENT:... So many insightful comments, theories, etc. here!   I think I am not always giving credit to each person who prompts a new idea I may have about this drama.   The flow of alternate opinions and possibilities is just so darn fast!   Please remind me if I mix up a name or overlook an important source.  The forum has become very exciting and an interesting place to enjoy the drama.   :)

"EXTRA CREDIT" --- OK to SKIP ---  R/T finding the literary piece the class reads  (per @seungshinl on p.117, Epi.1, from 27:16 to 27:41 min.)       ^_^


Thanks to @seungshinl, I went back to Epi.1 and copied the entire selection the teacher read aloud to the class. 

"The husband I thought of wasn't Japanese or American. And boasting that he is an officer of the Jin Joo region, Asaco and I bowed many times and went separate ways, without a hand shake.

Despite longing, not seeing each other, but once. Not being able to forget for a lifetime, but still go on living. Asaco and I met three times, but the third time, it would have been better if we did not have met

I plan to go to Chuncheon this weekend. The autumn scenery would be beautiful around the Soyang River."

So this time online I was luckier, but still no definite source or any clue to use in the drama.  At https://www.hancinema.net/chuncheon-beckons-for-recreation-in-spring/   (but may not work as a "link"), I learned a lot. In the 1980's & 1990's, Chuncheon was a popular hot-spot for dates and for rowdy "Member Training"  gatherings for college kids, when the trains still ran there. Still popular with tourists and for family holiday outings, hiking and canoeing are enjoyed by all ages.  

Chuncheon is a lakeside city. Uiam Lake, which flows out of the Soyang River, wraps around the city.  The KIM YU JEONG HOUSE OF LITERATURE is a major attraction.  Guides are available to show you all the related places of interest, such as "the place where Kim Yu Jeong ate fish stew", where he stopped for a drink when he was heartbroken over a girl.   He was very handsome. Died at age 29 (1908-1937).   See www.kimyoujeong.org/   in Korean only.  No manuscripts or possessions in the museum, since his "friend and writer Ahn Hoe Nam took them all and defected to North Korea just before KYJ died" !    :(

  Kim was one of "The Society of Nine" (group of writers/poets), per Wikipedia.  But his writing is described as dreary, sexually explicit, about poverty and farmers, etc.  So not as good a candidate as I first thought.

NOTE:... Got to take a break!  Glad I put this under a "Spoiler".  Taking lots longer than I expected. Maybe it'll be easier to contact the Writer!   It must be a classic paragraph easily available in English.  But where?

(TO BE CONTINUED....maybe)  


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to be honest .lol I think I am getting abit stressed out by mutli quote thing ..pardon me if I should mess up the post --;; ....let me have some time more to get use to the new forum



To be honest I hoping ED son needs some kind of blood that only EH can give at this point it hasn't cross EH mind that the child could be his because he's to overwhelmed with his emotion and what really happen to her back then but at some point I hope they do show what happen on they trip together or if the two was ever intimate    

 ​lol I just need one strand of the kid hair to go test the DNA to get this agony out of the mind . ....I cant take it if it is not his . because then this story will become even crazier .....

@shirley,  LMAO  I know what you mean when need just a strand or simple mouth swipe but just think if all our theory is correct can you imagine just how much more angry and nuts we will be at EH until he discover the kid is his..   

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@tiamama: ..... Interesting idea!  

The secretary who actually DOES likes SR? When we assumed he only wanted  "MONEY!... GIVE ME MONEY!"   Could actually be a possibility here.  He likes that cold, sarcastic woman and tends to be just as sarcastic --- might be unable or unwilling to admit this to her or even to himself!  

I think this Writer could bring in a twist like that, for sure.  And I did feel that his snappish response "Money, just give me money!" was kind of weird.

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​ I think that passage  is from a poem or short essay .I only have the Chinese reference to it http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6253293701016l77.html^^.. in esp 1 actually the teacher did say which book was it from ..the title was Destiny ( or Fate ) 因 緣 ..Asako is the name of the girl

but in fact their story is similar to EH and ED ...he first met her when she was a young elementary school student and she will show him her white sport shoes and the next they meet she has bloosm into a beautiful young lady

..the third time they saw each other again was in 1954 after the korea war  .and he worry about if she is survive the war ..is she married .is her family safe ..and then she was married to a soldier ..

that about all ^^~~



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tiamama: ..... Interesting idea!  

The secretary who actually DOES likes SR? When we assumed he only wanted  "MONEY!... GIVE ME MONEY!"   Could actually be a possibility here.  He likes that cold, sarcastic woman and tends to be just as sarcastic --- might be unable or unwilling to admit this to her or even to himself!  

I think this Writer could bring in a twist like that, for sure.  And I did feel that his snappish response "Money, just give me money!" was kind of weird.

​@mdj101,  I think the sexatary ask for money it was because she treated him like a male prostitute he didn't mind servicing her for free it was a stress release for the both of them she changed the game so yes I can't blame him she likes to throw her money around may as well charge her for it.. 


Well that's it for me calling it a night See you in about 5 hours.. Good Night 

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I was not on this thread from the beginning so if this was covered already please forgive me.  I just found so many golden nuggets of information in the character description right at the beginning of this thread.

In the interest of space and my sanity I am going to translate only parts I feel are relevant to our current discussion post EP 5 & 6.  When you get to the bottom you may find the description of the secondary characters more revealing.  I feel they give us insight as to what may transpire in upcoming episodes.  

1. Park Hyun Soon/Ji Eun Ho (Joo Jin Mo):  

EtahinE.pngYes we love him to death but nothing new in the profile from what we already know. He's referred to as the King (to end all Kings) of genuine* man.  It says his love is greater than that of Great Gatsby's.  His life changes 180 degrees after meeting Eun Dong it says.

* Actually no English word exists, as of yet, that fully describes the Korean word 'soon jung nam'

2. Seo Jung Eun/Ji Eun Dong (Kim Sa Rang):


It says on line three 'age at 33, 10 years ago thanks to her current husband who 'turned the handle' she survived'

Lines six & seven: She suffered a loss of memory of everything prior to the accident due to 'complex post-traumatic syndrome caused by damage to the frontal lobe.'

This is mention in Episode 5, when Dong Gyu tells Eun Ho she'd suffered 'frontal lobe injury' from the accident and that she'd lost her memory.

Here I need to point out a problem with translation of Eun Dong's memory situation.   In Episode 5 where this is discussed between Eun Dong's adopted parents, it says 'we erased' Jung Eun's memory.  I feel the Viki translation should be revisited here (I have not seen other subbs from other sites).  

[Sorry @​jadecloud as you know Korean language does not always specify subject so this type of mistakes happens often].  


What Eun Dong's mother actually says in Korean is 'Eun Dong lost all her memory prior memory due to the accident'.  There is no mention of anyone erasing her memory in this conversation.  Actually there is no mention of any he, she, we or they.  Just the fact that Eun Dong lost her memory from the accident.  The character description speaks to what the medical condition of her memory loss is.  

Earlier in this conversation the adopted mom says to her husband, we should reverse everything.  This may be what  caused the inaccurate interpretation/translation.  

Given that they did not erase her memory, by reverse, she must have meant reversing the things that they did that took advantage of her memory loss (pretense marriage, forced marriage? we don't know what they were because the drama has not revealed that to us), but it's definitely not something like 'un-erasing' the memory.  

Another interesting thing from Eun Dong's character description is toward the end.  It says:

  • It's not that she remembers the situations but that the fluttering of her heart doesn't seem unfamiliar.  A new world is beginning for her.  She is unable to control her burning heart toward Eun Ho...  

Yup, that's what it says !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[click 'reveal hidden contents' for 7 more character descriptions]

3. Kim Tae Hoon (Choi Jae Ho)


He was an elite baseball player with outstanding stats and first in line to be scouted by the Major League.  His promising future was dashed with the accident.  He has a gentle personality and his love toward Eun Dong is devoted (unchanging, unflinching). But his love for her is tormented and full of anxiety due to a sad secret.  When Jung Eun meets Eun Ho through the book writing, his anxiety deepens.  

4. Cho So Ryung (Kim Yoo Ri):


The only thing that concerns me is at the end where it says 'when Ji Eun Ho publishes an autobiography to find his first love Ji Eun Dong her need to have Ji Eun Ho unleashes her 'evil woman instinct.'

( How evil will she get?)

[I will cover the younger actors/characters of Park Hyun Soo and Ji Eun Dong on a separate post]

5. Park Hyun Ah (Kim Yoon Seo)


She is a sister and friend to Eun Ho and a single mom to her daughter Min Ah.  It says at the end, "as Jae Ho's doctor, she feels 'peculiar sympathy' toward him.  

6. Hyun Soo's mother (Lee Young Rahn):


She finds it very difficult to see Eun Ho in pain because of Eun Dong.

7. Coach Seo (Nam Gyung Eup)

7o3biDN.pngI find his description most revealing.  "When his most favourite student Cho Jae Ho becomes disabled from an accident, he turns the blame on his daughter Jung Eun.  He constantly holds Jung Eun to account for Jae Ho's misfortune (her being the 'mother of his misfortune') and he finds it justifiable to do so.  

(Wow !).

8. Jung Eun's adopted mother/Mrs. Park (Seo Gap Sook) 


She feels pain and sorrow for Eun Jung for suffering the memory loss from auto accident.  She's frustrated by the apparent instability of Jung Eun's marriage.  In order to help Jung Eun recover her memory lost she makes a difficult decision.

9.Ra il/Jung Min's son (Park Min Soo) 

Endh4du.pngHe finds schooling in Korea difficult having lived in the US.  He never complains about their difficult financial situation due to his father's medical bills.  He loves his father Jae Ho more than anyone and the close father and son relationship holds the family affection together.

10. Cho Jae Ho's mother/Mrs. Park (Mi Jung)

U0S7dAA.pngShe has all but given up on her life after her son's accident.  His was a star of all stars.  She is able to endure her life through the grandson who closely resembles her son.  While she appreciates her daughter in law's (Jung Eun) devotion she is unable to let go of her blame and hate toward her.


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 June 15,  approx. 1:00 AM

@shirley:.... I rushed to that link and found my  "Google Translate" button,  and started rapidly reading over the page... befor I came back to this post to say  "Thank You so much!"

But such a sad ending to Asako's story!    But the romantic, heartbreaking theme of that story of a fateful love does account for the dreamy, far away expression on the love-struck,, adolescent, 17 year old's face, doesn't it?     ^_^

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@seungshinl:...                                                                                             June 15, 1:30 AM

Thank you for those translations of the character descriptions!

You have given me the "loopholes" I need to reclaim my initial hopes for a decent character for "husband" Choi once more. So he may be "tormented and anxious because of a sad secret".  He is gentle and devoted to her and to the child.  He isn't bitter. He is cheerful and applies himself to work hard in therapy for 10 years!     Gee Whiz!  I'm ready to ask the Pope to officially make him a saint!    Hmmm....I now have a few more possibilities in mind!  

 And Dr. Park Hyun Ah feels peculiarly sympathetic toward him?   :wub: Bring on the Roses, the violins, and light the candles!   I can visualise happy endings finally for all, including little Ra IL .   Did someone say this Writer is "new" to dramas ?   WOW, she is off to a great start!  

So all right, I may be too optimistic.  My story lacks the infinite dead-ends and confusing  paths of the Writer's maze-like story.  

How about these twists for the plot?   What funny business is going on there between SR and the Administrator-in-Charge of JEH's Career & Business Operations & Finances?  How solid is his career, fandom, popularity, reputation, and Income/finances?     And I've forgotten, but where does SR get her money?    StepDad-Coach will throw a wrench into the whole scene if he doesn't get things his way.

I'm tired now too.  Thank you again @tiamama, for ending my   impending attack of OCD --- a condition from which I never suffered as a student, a young mother and wife, nor ever during my work life.   For my retirement, maybe they have a vaccine available now?  I'll look online, of course!

Good Night Everyone.    ;)  ZZZZ.


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I think SR has an obsession for EH rather than love him since she has someone else to satisfy her sexual frustrations every time EH rejects her romantically.  She will never understand the pure love EH has for ED that stands the test of time as in decades. Tsk... tsk

​And she doesn't get their 'fate'


aka their eternal connection:

9XkAMKW.pngor this what-cha-ma-cal-it !


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Love your insights everyone. I just want to add that I love the background song in Eun Ho & Eun Dong's dinner date.


I don't know if there's a video clip available but I love that they used the classic song "Just When I Needed You Most" . They really thought about the background song. Some lines:

Now I love you more than I
Loved you before and now
Where I'll find comfort, God knows
'Cause you left me
Just when I needed you most

I think the song is perfect. Eun Dong left him when he needed her most.

They are so brilliant and creative with this drama, the only thing I ask is for the ending to be just as good.

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I just want to say that I love his crying scene when he saw Eun Dong walking on the street. The acting is just excellent. The way he says Eun Dong's name is like his life depended on it, like it was his reason for living.

I have so much respect for Joo Jin Mo the actor.

Here is a clip of his crying scene.



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Love your insights everyone. I just want to add that I love the background song in Eun Ho & Eun Dong's dinner date.


I don't know if there's a video clip available but I love that they used the classic song "Just When I Needed You Most" . They really thought about the background song. Some lines:

Now I love you more than I
Loved you before and now
Where I'll find comfort, God knows
'Cause you left me
Just when I needed you most

I think the song is perfect. Eun Dong left him when he needed her most.

They are so brilliant and creative with this drama, the only thing I ask is for the ending to be just as good.

​Wow, thank you for pointing this out.  I love this song and I know the words to the song too but you know I never noticed it at all.  Don't remember hearing it in that scene.  This speaks to how mesmerized I was with JJM and KSR !

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@seungshinl Here, just posted a video clip from that dinner date. Fast forward to 1:47, the song "Just When I Needed You Most" starts playing.


I was surprised when I heard that song. Because I love that song and it was perfect for what Eun Ho is feeling during that time. It reminds you of how he felt when Eun Dong left him. She left him when he needed her most.. how painful it was to wait for her for another ten years.. 


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Ep 6 - A TOP STAR Eun Ho Is Insecure.

:lol: Comic Relief. LOL. A Godsend Moment amidst the angst. Love it! The make-up artist actress did superbly here too. Jjang!

Hope there'll be additional interjection of comic reliefs along the way.

​Comi Relief yes:

This is one thing I noticed about this drama.  Usually K-drama have secondary characters almost soley for comic relief especially in suguks.  Lee Gwangso and his older side kick in Dong Yi comes to mind.  The two teams at the office in King of High School another example.

Here Joo Jin Mo as the main lead plays out the comic relief.  The character description says he is all serious, top star and all but that he has a lighter side.  So he's doing it but since he does it so well we may not notice how well he pulls them off.  


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Hello MLE-addicts :)  so happy to see many of you jumping in and chiming in. Since I still am trying to figure out how to quote properly, I'll just not fool with naming...Welcome ALL! Some polish person once said 'Two heads are better than one' and I wholeheartedly agree. I'm seeing so much more from your insights than I could despite watching and re-watching MLE. TBH, I was not a JJM or a KSR fan (though I like their past works), let alone writernim Baek or PDnim Lee or CPnim Song. But with a project as awesome as this, and with each re-watch still giving me chills over and over, I am a convert. From MLE on, I'm on their tails, so to speak. :lol: This thread is moving pretty fast. Keep going MLE chingus :) 

@jei_em  Alas, your YT clips on those awesome moments have been blocked. But I got to see your vid on JJM, with that recent fave song of mine, how can I resist? Good job there chingu. Can I put in a request? If you can find time, and interest, please create an awesome one of KSR alone, or OTP together. Thanks :) (no worries if you can't) 


[Sorry @​jadecloud as you know Korean language does not always specify subject so this type of mistakes happens often].  


What Eun Dong's mother actually says in Korean is 'Eun Dong lost all her memory prior memory due to the accident'.  There is no mention of anyone erasing her memory in this conversation.  Actually there is no mention of any he, she, we or they.  Just the fact that Eun Dong lost her memory from the accident.  The character description speaks to what the medical condition of her memory loss is.  

Earlier in this conversation the adopted mom says to her husband, we should reverse everything.  This may be what  caused the inaccurate interpretation/translation.  

Given that they did not erase her memory, by reverse, she must have meant reversing the things that they did that took advantage of her memory loss (pretense marriage, forced marriage? we don't know what they were because the drama has not revealed that to us), but it's definitely not something like 'un-erasing' the memory.  



@seungshinl Hi chingu. Please don't apologize. I totally agree with your take. TBH, when I watched and re-watched ep 5, I too find that sentence a lil off. But since my k-lang knowledge is very minimal, I don't know any better. Grammatically, the sentence is fine. Anyway, I can now see why some MLEers in this thread are getting confused with 'what those evil adoptive parents did to erase her memories'. But yes, kor-eng translation really is no piece of cake. Thanks for the clarity :) 


Btw, since the subtitle editing function has been locked, I've already PM'd the CM to take a look at it and rectify the inaccuracy :) 



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@jadecloud thank you chingu. My video was blocked, so I just deleted it, :( Sure  will do if I have time haha.. By the way, what KSR clip? Anyone knows where to upload a video clip side from FB & Youtube? Tried to upload in Dailymotion but the video won't embed in here. thanks.

This is an MV from a friend with that song chingu..


Could it be you ?
My approaching heart is beating this quickly
Even if it's just walking distance

Why does it feel so far away ?
It must've followed me breathlessly
I finally get to walk
After such a long time
I want to let you know, I want to tell you everything
I'll get off right now, that I was watching you
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before
I hear your voice and breathing !
Why is love like this ?
The reason why it continues without you
Even as the night passes
And many years later ...
My footsteps follow you
No matter how much I try to hold back
I'm deeply in love with you
Without leaving a single one out
I cry out everything unto you
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before ...
I hear your voice and your breathing
Could I go to you now ?
I want to go to you
Can you take one step towards me ?
If you hear my voice
He wants to be with you more
Do you hear me ?
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before
I hear your voice and breathing ...
Could it be you ?
My approaching heart is beating this quickly
Even if it's just walking distance

Why does it feel so far away ?
It must've followed me breathlessly
I finally get to walk
After such a long time
I want to let you know, I want to tell you everything
I'll get off right now, that I was watching you
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before
I hear your voice and breathing !
Why is love like this ?
The reason why it continues without you
Even as the night passes
And many years later ...
My footsteps follow you
No matter how much I try to hold back
I'm deeply in love with you
Without leaving a single one out
I cry out everything unto you
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before ...
I hear your voice and your breathing
Could I go to you now ?
I want to go to you
Can you take one step towards me ?
If you hear my voice
He wants to be with you more
Do you hear me ?
I see you !
I see you !
Like this, in front of me
You and your neverchanging self
You are there, In front of me
I hear you !
I hear you !
In my dreams and wherever
What I couldn't hear before

I hear your voice and breathing ...

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