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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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i was half expecting rain will pour since it always rain whenever they meet...:)

Eun dong ah ~~~finally his search end but this is just the beginning to get her back ..

frankly watching this drama ..my heart win over my mind ..

half the time my mind wonder how hard it is to find your Eun Dong if you hire the investigator .

but the my heart will be caught up by the romantic concept of the book as his search notice to look for Eun Dong , and it end up with her being the writer of his story .

so that is how destiny want them to meet again .. because he never forget ..therefore .she was returned to him ..

As for her I think because of his call of Eun Dong ... for the last ten years she haven't heard that name again . that is what will let her memories come back again

but seriously ...my mind was scolding him ..of how you don't even read your own book!! .and to know only after someone told you there is one small story that you have never reveal but was written in --;;

well then my heart will tremble with him..that yes ! ..that must be Eun Dong  ..it can''t be anyone else ...

( ya unless it is the goat that told the tale LOL_  no wonder milk seem like her favourite as Jung Eun  also . ..the body and heart do remember even when the brain doesn't remember ) ...

I guess it is good he knew that she has memory loss before recognising him .at least he will know it is not she didn't want to recognise her .but she cant

to Eun ho ..his heart wont change even when she is married with child ...because his love wont stop ..or cant .probably just he can only love her .

and yes ..let steal her back ..which I will rather call it as take her back  ..though I dun think that will be difficult 

just the marriage issue ..the husband wont let go .and I hope the son is Eun ho's ( this must be like the third drama which I see JJM has a hidden son lol from his knowledge if that is where the story going to go) 

that she has their child when they were separated .....ah .  thinking of it already make one heart feel torn for that missing ten years but it was never really lost .



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​The man is her secretary. He also shown up in Episode 4.

​Secretary = Hit Man then. Except for Soon Jung in Falling for innocence, aren't they all side kicks and hit men?  :-)

LOL... sometimes, their designation gets longer... Sec + Hit Man + Side Kick + Side Lover/Workout Partner,,,keke :lol:

(PS: No offence meant to any RL secretary out there... strictly in the context of kdramas)

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3. I have one nit-picking with Viki translation in Ep 5.  At 10:57 on Viki the sub reads like this:   


This was such a great dialogue but very difficult to translate.  Viki's subb here is one meaning but I understand it differently.  My apologies to the hard working subbers at Viki !

It should read more like 'What's the point in plans when you do it according to your heart (instead of will)?"  But I find this still not quite right.  

Because JEH literally says in Korean 'when it's the heart ('ma-eum') doing it, what meaning (ewe-mi) could a plan have?'

The key word here are 마음 (ma-eum) and 의미 (ewe-mi):

마음 Add to my vocabulary list

(본성, 품성) mindheart

마음이 따뜻하다

be warm-heartedExmaple play

View 5 more meanings : (본성, 품성) mindheart

The Naver dictionary translates 'ma-eum' as mind or heart.  Thank you Naver for complicating it even more !  But within the context, I would translate 'ma-eum' as 'heart'

This is why I would translate that line to mean 'When it's the heart (ma-eum) doing it, what meaning (ewe-mi) is a plan?  He is saying his heart will drive his actions going forward so nothing else matters.  Whether she has kids, married or whatever.  It doesn't matter.  It has no meaning ('ewe-mi').

The second key word here is 'ewe-mi' (의미):

의미 意味 Add to my vocabulary list

(뜻) [명사] meaning (낱말·어구 등의) sensesignification[동사] meansignify (상징하다) stand for 동의어 뜻하다

넓은 의미에서

in a broad[largesenseExmaple play

View 2 more meanings : (뜻) [명사] meaning (낱말·어구 등의) sensesignification[동사] meansignify (상징하다) stand for

 'When it's the heart (ma-eum) doing it, what meaning (ewe-mi) is a plan?" None.


​Yes famous lines of Ji Eun Ho


from MLE facebook

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@seungshinl just want to ask what OST was that from the pic you posted? thanks

@jadecloud thanks for mentioning what Eun Dong said that everything will work out. That's what I also thought. I really hope this will be the ending. That he will finally find Eun Dong.

I still believe in happy endings. They both deserve it. Their separation is so much longer than the times they were together. They had wonderful moments together but everything is so short lived. Eun Ho has been longing for her all his life. He and Eun Dong should be happy. People who love each other deserve to be together.

All these people stopping them, they have their own selfish reasons which shouldn't succeed. Se Ryeong, she wants Eun Ho all for herself, she never thinks about Eun Ho. She just cares about her own happiness and that is not true love. The person who truly loves is the one who thinks about that person's happiness. She doesn't know it but she is so selfish and so full of herself, that she doesn't realize why Eun Ho can never love her. She is so pathetic..

Choi Jae Ho is all the more pathetic. He lives his life everyday with a wife that doesn't love him. Or, a wife that doesn't know about her past, a wife that is living a lie. He and Eun Dong are both living a lie. And it's cruel, that they let Eun Dong spend her entire life serving her "husband" that in truth she never loved. His parents, her foster parents, they all fooled Eun Dong. They all manipulated her. And it's so sad for Eun Dong when she deserves to know about the truth. More so, she deserves to be happy with the man she truly loved.

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Guest adikkeluangman

Well, Kim Taehoon can only play bad characters, so I was not surprised that Choi Jaeho turned out to be bad.

​Well, he only played bad character in dramas. In a movie, it's opposite. Someone need to be a bad guy anywhere. I think his character will be less after this since his next drama already start to promo.

Happy watching to everyone for tonight episode.


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@seungshinl Awesome insight. Thanks too for that bit of k-lesson, and your amazing memory from SLA. Love it! 



I was not aware you were involved with Viki now I know. I guess everyone else did. Oh dear.

I sub for TeamEngGuk now and used to for Piano Conversations myself so I know what difficult a job it is to subb.  An on-going challenge not to mention the intensity of the labour involved.  I thank God for every subber in K-Drama universe.

So if I find some interesting word play in the drama that could add to the drama viewing I will post them on the thread but if I notice something even more interesting I will PM you now that you are the direct link. :)



@seungshinl hehe...i try when I can :)  I checked out TEG fansite. Pretty neat and good going there. As for PC blog for SLA, I've been awed by it ever since it started. You peeps are awesome :) Me too, every subber is a Godsend.



Look forward to your interesting insights, dialogue word play and PMs. Thanks chingu. 


Now on to catch ep 6...my heart is thumping hard :) 

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Guest vvpal

I just watched it live!  I think I got the jist of it even though I don't know Korean.  Joo Jin Mo was incredible. I was also hoping dinner wouldn't end for them.

What did Eun Dong say at the end of the Episode 7 preview?

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I just watched it live!  I think I got the jist of it even though I don't know Korean.  Joo Jin Mo was incredible. I was also hoping dinner wouldn't end for them.

What did Eun Dong say at the end of the Episode 7 preview?

​It seems she said The man I loved is waiting for me while crying.

This Episode is too amazing!!!!


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​The man is her secretary. He also shown up in Episode 4.

​Secretary = Hit Man then. Except for Soon Jung in Falling for innocence, aren't they all side kicks and hit men?  :-)

LOL... sometimes, their designation gets longer... Sec + Hit Man + Side Kick + Side Lover/Workout Partner,,,keke :lol:

(PS: No offence meant to any RL secretary out there... strictly in the context of kdramas)




I like those sidekick who are so adorable in their admiration for their man ..lol ...now he is the one pulling the red thread .so sweet of him to do what he did to let them meet

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From preview, Eun Dong will finally regain more of her memories.  This is great news for Eun Ho's sake since his yearning is so intense. Sincerely hope there's a possibility Ra II might be Eun Ho's son given that they went away somewhere together 10 years ago. 

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omG this scene ! <3



^^ the lift scene ...ya I thought maybe the building should be at least 100 storey so it wont end so soon ~^^....I didn't get very HQ of this .so ....




the other scene ..so sad when they are tearing because of each other and didn't know .

..she listening to his voice of their story and he watching her not knowing


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i agree with you @luci888 that Eun Dong regain her memory... the best scene i like is in the elevator.. my favorite... and also when Eun Dong laugh ...while they are eating.... she's very pretty... and also EH's interview i like when he says he will steal Eun Dong.... :wub:

and then he laugh.... "sarcastically...." :lol:

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