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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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@salijoo, I think that's it, they were considering all those scenes, but at the end they picked the Tian Mi Mi one. (he also gives the reasons why as far as I understand, for instance for The Great Gatsby scene, he said it's diffiuclt to execute, I wonder why, they don't have swans in SK?:D  For The Notebook he said that people won't think immediately of the movie, which I doubt but I'm happy they didn't pick The Notebook, for some irrational reasons I hate this movie to the bones... etc.)

I wonder why he doesn't mention the In the Mood for Love teaser though, maybe because it hasn't been released yet and he thinks this is a secret?:P

LOL, @lucy13880, the reporters are kinda slow.:P

About the ending, I second @jadecloud, both ITMFL and Tian Mi Mi aren't totally satisfactory to me, LOL I prefer an original and much better ending (not sure that'd happen though, but I'm trying to be optimistic).

@meelis Are you like one of the many who are pxssed at Lon for coming between Allie and Noah? :D 

I don't mind if the next teaser is of The Notebook concept...like this one :)..."If You're A Bird, I'm A Bird"



Or this one...On a Boat, In the Rain, Getting All Lovey Dovey ...



Can we hope? *gone day-dreaming for now* ....And Will we get to hear a similar quote as powerful as this from The Notebook, from Noah to Allie?

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul

and makes us reach for more,

that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds,

and that’s what you’ve given me.” ;)




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@jadecloud Yes I want more scenes of them together, as lovers.. but not to the extent of fanservice. I want this to be a classy, well written drama. I want this to be something to be remembered, and not ruined by fanservices and all that stuff. A drama that will forever touch your heart, a love story that we will never forget. And if the ending would be like this teaser, I am okay with it. It's more than enough for me.

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JEH and JED will not meet never , only at the end or what ????

i want many scene between the two when JEH will be a top star , pleassssssssssssssssssse and they don't recognize each other 9_9 hhhh ,my imagination .............

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Guest meelis

LOL, @jadecloud, about The Notebook, I just hate it for no particular reasons. But if JJM and KSR reenact one of those scenes, I can live with that.B|

@jadecloud Yes I want more scenes of them together, as lovers.. but not to the extent of fanservice. I want this to be a classy, well written drama. I want this to be something to be remembered, and not ruined by fanservices and all that stuff. A drama that will forever touch your heart, a love story that we will never forget. And if the ending would be like this teaser, I am okay with it. It's more than enough for me.

​I couldn't agree more with you, @jei_em!

@salijoo, thank you for the link and for the Naver search, also fro KSR's gif, can't wait for your PS to start to behave, because the other half is missing.:P

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Phew, finally managed to complete the translation of Exec Producer's first blog, despite some 'work' interruption. Here it is ... inside the spoilers due to its spoiler effect and its lengthiness.

Enjoy :)



MLE Exec Producer's Blog - First Journal Entry
(CR: Xref: (http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3749663597) Translation by Jadecloud)

Why did I choose MLE drama?
When I first received the MLE script, frankly, I wasn't really interested in it. For anyone who first heard of this title, it would not have grabbed your interest. "Eun Dong"  is not a common girl's name. For anyone who first heard of this title, perhaps may wonder ....is this "My Love My Running Shoes" ?(Eun Dong sounds like 'exercise/running'). Is it a sports'themed TV drama? And such kind of initial reaction.

But, after I've read the script, I began to doubt myself. I'm normally not someone who would watch "Autumn In My Heart"(2000), "Winter Sonata"(2002), and such genre of dramas because they have no meaningful references for real life. But this script makes one involuntarily and unconsciously fall deeper into it, making me wonder if I am abnormal? Hence, this script, this drama, becomes my first experience in being a TV drama's Executive Producer.

To put it in a simplistic summary, this drama 'My Love Eun Dong' is about  'a man who has it all, yet is unable to possess the love of a woman he is unable to forget, whom he has been loving for the past 20 years'.  On some levels, to some extent, we can say it is similar to 'The Great Gatsby'.

In the current time of 2015.  3 decades later...Top star Ji Eun Ho, this drama's male lead, announces one day that he wants to write his autobiography. When he is asked about a woman question,Eun Ho says he wants to find a woman, his real love, whom he has not been able to forget for the past 20 years.

20 years ago (1995), before the use of the artistic name 'Eun Ho', Park Hyun Soo(Ji Eun Ho's real name) has lived an energetic and fiery adolescence. first met a 13 years old young girl who has no parents to take care of her, but was still full of life, joyful and without worries, with a pair of bright and crystal clear eyes - Eun Dong. When Hyun Soo looks at Eun Dong, he feels his heart pounding like 'a mouse is jumping out of his chest'. Unfortunately, before both of them can get to know each other better, they separated.

10 years later (2005), Hyun Soo aspires to be an actor but hears comments like 'Although with good-looks, he has no talent in acting'. One day, he unexpectedly meets Eun Dong on the street. Having been apart for the past 10 years,  without any sense of foreboding, the two of them fell deeply, ardently in love with each other. But once again,, without giving Hyun Soo any reason or warning, Eun Dong disappears without a trace.

Another 10 years pass by, in the current time of 2015, Hyun Soo has become Korea's elite actor (Ji Eun Ho), with fortune and fame, and is a man who is envied by many. But, he is also a man who has a vacant and unfulfilled corner in his heart. He keeps thinking, if Eun Dong is living in Korea, there is no way that she has not heard of me, that she would not come and look for me. Perhaps she is already dead. Perhaps she thinks I am not looking for her. Hence, Hyun Soo who has now become Eun Ho, wants to write an autobiography, which will contain the memories of his short and limited time together with Eun Dong. But Eun Ho has never written a book, and never did try or want to write a book. Hence he has been asking the people around him for assistance, and a ghost-writer Jung Eun is found. Eun Ho dictates his audio recollection and passes it on to Jung Eun.  Jung Eun organizes Eun Ho's  recordings and begins to write his autobiography.  Through Eun Ho's recordings, Jung Eun gets to hear the love story of Hyun Soo and Eun Dong, and feels as if she is listening to her own story, writing her own story.

One of the main reasons why I chose this script is because of its 'freshness' i.e. originality. There will be people who will say 'what are you saying? a pure and innocent love story from young to adulthood is not fresh'. But this drama, while having the norms of a traditional romance, is much more suitable for a new era TV drama. To begin with, the visualization of the main leads are different. Classical romance dramas often have main leads who are overly blind and naive in their love, causing hurt to oneself, and inflicting pain to the partner. But this drama's main leads have a certain level of selfishness, just like real life, real humans are. Compared to the dramas of recent days, this script is perhaps somewhat rough and sketchy. But love and romance that's quite unclear and  fuzzy is one of the charms of this drama.  Although the scriptwriter Baek is a rookie, her style of writing is seasoned. In future, when I have the opportunity, I will talk more about this screen writer. (YES! Please do talk about this writernim and give us viewers a wider and deeper look into her talent. Thank You PDnim.)

The main theme this drama will present is about a man's unchanging, undying love. Just like the Gatsby I have mentioned in the beginning, it's about an unchanging 'great love',  or perhaps an obsessive love like that which is featured in 'Absolutely Ruthless World'. A man who has money, fame, reputation, the people's love, and so on, which is what every man would love to have...how can he treat all these as trifles, willing to forego all of these, because of love? Is a love like this really possible? This drama will present itself in a 'similar to recent dramas but with very different rhythm and pacing'. 'My Love Eun Dong' is a genre of a drama like this.

------On JJM presscon segment in first teaser----
A few days ago, while filming a segment in the trailer for MLE where there's a presscon. It's where Eun Ho is determined to write his autobiography, and where viewers are introduced for  the first time to the existence of Eun Dong. It's also the first filming of this drama's main male lead, Joo Jin Mo.

I can still remember clearly the neat jawline of Joo Jin Mo who has lost 5kg for this drama project.

The reporters at the presscon, although they are not real reporters, are able to occasionally come up with sharp questions, making Joo Jin Mo quite surprised with questions on abdominal care, facial measurement, ideal (girl) type, etc. Filming went well amidst some sudden bursts of laughter. 

(Actually, although Joo Jin Mo is seated that day, he probably perspired about a litre of sweat. First, because of the noise from nearby, the door was closed. Then, because of sound management, the air-conditioning ventilation was not allowed to be turned on.  As a result, that seating area was very hot. Those who were not seated beneath bight lights probably would not have felt the heat.)

The above scene has already been shown in MLE's first teaser.

From hereon, I plan to write journals on 'My Love Eun Dong'. Perhaps may be a little different from the actual daily production, but it will be a journal about my own production account.  It will also enable more people who do not know much about a TV drama's real time and location filming, to have a better understanding of the process. (YES! Thank you PDnim. We await impatiently :) )



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@meelis, Thought I was the only one in this world not liking this movie, well seems like we're movie soulmates. (But I don't mind at all some teasers with this movie as a concept) Hah! and @QuercusL, it's not the final one and not with my previous PSD but there for you folks:

@jadecloud, WOW, thank you so much, I greatly appreciate your efforts!

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乐家小乐子 in 朱镇模百度贴吧 has translated the most related part to MLE of the producer's second blog


@jadecloud would you mind also translating this article to our soompi friends? xD

​Oh, a second journal is out already? Thanks for the link @lucy13880. I will gladly translate this later. 

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I'm falling in love with Lee Tae-gon PD, he seems so passionate about this project, makes me want to watch it even more. So refreshing. Can't wait for your translation @jadecloud (will link your translations on MLE front page when Soompi will back and the thread will be mine again).

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LOL, @jadecloud, about The Notebook, I just hate it for no particular reasons. But if JJM and KSR reenact one of those scenes, I can live with that.B|

@jadecloud Yes I want more scenes of them together, as lovers.. but not to the extent of fanservice. I want this to be a classy, well written drama. I want this to be something to be remembered, and not ruined by fanservices and all that stuff. A drama that will forever touch your heart, a love story that we will never forget. And if the ending would be like this teaser, I am okay with it. It's more than enough for me.

​I couldn't agree more with you, @jei_em!

@salijoo, thank you for the link and for the Naver search, also fro KSR's gif, can't wait for your PS to start to behave, because the other half is missing.:P

@meelis I see. LOL...I can understand that 'hate with no particular reason' feeling. I sometimes get that too. 

@meelis @jei_em Hmm....fanservice? I don't know if I'd mind it under EVEN such circumstances :$ but my faith and fandom in this scriptwriter and this PDnim and Exec Pdnim are growing stronger and stronger that I almost have utter trust in their artistic creation to be of quality and good taste. Only time will tell :)

@salijoo Good thinking and thanks for linking to the first page. More people should get this awesome glimpse into MLE and PDnim's inner world.  

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Thank you for taking time to translate for us, @jadecloud! This was an interesting read. I like how he says they aren't the typical pure-hearted leads, and that we'll be able to see characters that are human and can be selfish. I have really high expectations for this drama, especially after reading this.

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@joojanah & @jadecloud, Same! After reading this, my expectations are getting higher even more that @QuercusL (maybe?) said that he co-produced Yoona's Street and Secret Love Affair, two critically acclaimed dramas, so I doubt he's lying nor overly praising it. (For the sake of promoting it).

I don't mind fanservices, the moment they're not weirdly included in it but like @jadecloud said after reading this, it seems like this drama doesn't have the same caracteristics that we see often in dramas, with an unoriginal title and premise, Baek Min-kyung managed to bring something new with it. 

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Guest meelis

So no noble idiocy in this drama, as far as I understand? Cool!B| 

Thank you very much for translating the producer's post, @jadecloud! It's much appreciated. I reread it for three times already, he immediately won me over with what he said about the regular Korean tearjerkers and also I love his insights about MLE, I'll really be curious to know how someone sees the whole filming experience from the inside. 

I agree with all of you that he raised my expectations even higher. 

@salijoo, thank you so much for JJM's gif, now I can go to sleep happy.:) 

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