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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest buddies

hi chingu ......just thing that"that is between the to of us " line is as part of aprilfools so you dont get hurt   =((

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dramaluv3r101 said: 6) Running Man-Yura jumping on the water blimp w/ Yoo Jaesuk to see who could reach the highest height and in Style Log Jong Hyun did the same w/ his model friends (ep 4)
9) Running Man ep w/ Jong Hyun included fans from a drawing class at an Art College/Department (not business, science, etc) and the theme was basically about liking someone and "some" relationships

Yes, I know I'm prob being super delulu and seeing similarities that aren't really there, but I see these pre-WGM and during WGM incidences as good fate/destiny for our OTP as they continue to be linked together post-WGM.
Also, this video is super random and for the wrong occasion but just wanted to share (hopefully it hasn't been shared before) cuz Yura, like I haven't said this enough times, is just tooooooo toooooooo cute for words in this vid!!

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Guest professornim

first posting in new home
ok i want to add few points to the discussion going on while everyone wanted jong to come out of his shell one girl accepted him the way he was.How come i don't see his trademark pink ears when he is with others but which do not seem turn off when he is with this one girl even if it is as simple action as looking at her.His career needs a big boost from his upcoming movies and film marketing is done on large scale, lot of money is invested,it is not one man show everybody needs to put up the act for everyone to get more projects,lets think from that perpective,people even create scandals,every detail is planned ahead,every picture that gets released is dicussed for days they have to create the hype.I think the wedding pictures were released ahead because they had to check the pulse of the audience for the couple.
the way all ladies are reacting to this man's body,he is also a hot blooded man who reacts to certain lady.i wonder who is she?any guesses

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Hi all! I see after Jjongah ended their fake marriage, they comeback to their own activity. I really happy to see that us as Jjongah shipper still support them whatever their actvities. But please lemme confess something to you guys, since this forum is the only place I could talk and share about Jjongah. I dont even know Girl's Day before I see Yura on WGM (and the rest of member that appeared). And I became her fans because her personality that captivated me (even me as a girl). While Jjong, omg I dont know why I just knew his existency of WGM! But after WGM I see his activities increase A LOT! Movies, CF, fashion show, magazine, drama, MV, music chart, you named it. While Jjong is everywhere, I hard to see what's Ahyoungie doing today. I support both of them. Really. But is there anyone make a research or anything that compare their project when and after WGM? And also their famous? (And I hope regardless their career, they really continue their romance behind our back)

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@komanechi ...yeah..Jong is everywhere, n where is uri Ahyoungee?? I miss her so much. We just can see her this Sunday in (maybe the last eps of ) Kpop Star, n then April 7th for some music show in Jeju with GDs, n some eps for her JTBC goes to school eps. Maybe she is busy with her GDs to prepare their comeback, so we cant hear or see her for a while. (Wonder where is our selca con artis?????? she seem never touch her acc) . Im a woman but i miss her the most. Her cuteness n pureness make me fall in love deeply. She is such a happy virus that make everyone happy with just stay beside her N watch her every single act. :(

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Guest mmj_leong

What Jjong confess 'eung' one simple word in his Japan fan meeting in that question is more than enough to explain how he feel. I'm like shock when he sincerely admitted it in front of his fans. That's enough for me :x and it's clear ♡♡

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Maybe ahyoungie is been told to off the 'spotlight' a little bit so people (their fans) can focus on minah single???? #maybe just cross my mind suddenly. Ahyoungie gain more attention after wgm,even her present in cable award make big news everywhere,steal the attention. Maybe just maybe.... PS: im girls day fans too (after watching ahyoung,i start to search and watch their news,even download their song) ;):D

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dee_230208 said: @komanechi ...yeah..Jong is everywhere, n where is uri Ahyoungee?? I miss her so much. We just can see her this Sunday in (maybe the last eps of ) Kpop Star, n then April 7th for some music show in Jeju with GDs, n some eps for her JTBC goes to school eps. Maybe she is busy with her GDs to prepare their comeback, so we cant hear or see her for a while. (Wonder where is our selca con artis?????? she seem never touch her acc) . Im a woman but i miss her the most. Her cuteness n pureness make me fall in love deeply. She is such a happy virus that make everyone happy with just stay beside her N watch her every single act. :(

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whether Jjong said "It's between the two of us" or not, it is somehow his polite way of answering the sudden comment about dating each other. He could not of course say NO in front of all those people because it would look like JSY was being rejected. He is a man, and a gentleman at that, so there really is no big deal about that answer if it was really given by Jjong or not. I don't think any man in his position if asked about dating a co star would likely refuse outright or be tactless about answering such comment or query.  ;)
let us be calm ok? :D too much reading between the lines can make others agitated when in fact there really is nothing to fear or doubt about. ;) what matters is that no news/rumor is good. as I said this is only the start of a long wait as we ship JjongAh. A shipper can't be always anxious of small things. Stay positive.

after 6years, one of the ships I have been riding suddenly sunk! and shippers who have been aboard were hurt because we believe we have gathered enough evidences through the years that the couple is real. the answer can be seen in the cafe' the girl owns which I read was sold before the ship sunk. coincidence? no.so it's gonna take a lot of patience for us JjongAholics

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Hiiiiii, just wanna share these video from Girls Day and sorry if a lil bit OT since this today is Jjong's Day (his new Police Movie) hahaha..

p/s: please focus in min 15:08, the pic of movie Cyrano:Dating Agency appear and even they quote the words from this movie which is "Believing is not love but believe in love" hahaha and suddenly i think about uri JjongAh in WGM when this couple must to facing the rumour and Ahyoung believe in Jjong..So Is this we call it LOVE?'' So mean is AY LOVE JJong? (sorry really random..hahaha..i think i'm gonna lose my mind because of them)

Wanna share this one too, because when i listen their cover this song really really Beautiful and Awesome. 

p/s: Even when AY didn't sing in this song, but she's really cute when she's only sat with Hyeri..hahahha..  


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Guest DerpxVIP

LeanzaE said: hi guys saw this in JJONG FB PAGE ahhhhh is thisJJONG'S???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wkjbdefkefbnlashainuetfrwe!!!!! OMMMERRRRGERRDD!! okay i'm fine now hahahahaha 

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Hi, long time lurker here... (Welcome me! >:D<)
Don't know why, but today i feel the urge to delurk...basically rambling, spazzing after watching uri Jjong's movie trailer...no, no the abs (well, i consider it belongs to his Ahyoung only XD)...but the performance of Jjong in this movie (even if it's trailer)...
It gets me whoaa...seeing Jjong in different level...he's really romantic & charming in his own way. Why? Well, considering the fact that he worked this hard for this movie in a cold cold days while still doing his best for his baby girl-Ahyoung. Allow me to make the list:
# preparing an event for Ahyoung's b'day (Ahyoung's fav kuki jhib, buying a fine warm jacket for his Ahyoungie who easily gets cold, cake that Ahyoung loves!, and commited himself to do anything for Ahyoung gongju nuna-meet MIL &FIL, confession-"saranghanda"!)
# spare his time between movie shooting schedule to go to Bali (the place that Ahyoung always wanted to go for vacation)
# met Ahyoung between movie shooting-ep 200 days anniv, Jjong had shooting the day before and after WGM filming...altough he was really sick at that time, he even couldn' make a time to get check up properly because of hectic shooting shedule (based on his bnt interview).
# did little surprise event by coming to Ahyoung's salon with coffee and hot choco only for Ahyoung while doing his own mission-digging Ahyoung's story from her make-up artist and not forgetting bought Churros, his Ahyoungie loves to eat. :P
# preparing fun exercise for his baby girl who only does 'breath excercise' all this while. :))

Those things that Jjong did (just a glimpse, right?), and the way he did, make me think that he really has the same traits with my grandpa.
*He is a silent type (well, actually because they tend to listen and observe) but really take a note on whatever said by and happened with people that he loves, detail and organized (my grandpa always had this journal about whatever happened with grandma n family, i found it lately after he passed away).
Same with Jjong who really take a note when Ahyong said 'cold' (huhu, his logic-she gets cold easily->needs to get a warmer when i'm not with her->buy a 'fine' jacket for her. What a thinker, what a doer Jjong! :)) or that Ahyong doesn't drink coffe, Ahyoung loves eating snack, lalalalala...
**He is smart&hardworker (he's the one who get his brother n some of his niece go to school, while people from his village at that time couldn't, and make himself a teacher and make a school) but he never forget taking care of his family-despite his busy schedule. He is the one who always remind grandma to eat her medicine, preparing for her lecture-even write it for her so it more organized, sometimes ironing her clothes and prepare all little details that grandma needs everytime she goes traveling for her projects.
Those kind of treatments remind me of when Jjong hairdrying, tying shoelaces, prepare an icepack when in Bali, prepare a warm can of coffee when ice skating, bring snack, couple gloves, and scarf when they went to Nami Island, telling Ahyoung not to picky about food, lalalala...the list goes on.
I really got the same vibe when i watch it...awww~ ottohke~ :\">
And to add, they loves to eat whatever cooked by their wife (even if it's just ramyun kkkk~). I still remember my grandpa prefer to eat simple omelette made by my grandma than restaurant food that his daughter want to buy for him.

What i'm trying to say is...
As a witness of my grandpa's life as a husband, father and grandpa in my family...i have to tell, this kind of man is the best in quality, loyal and rare to find. Jjong is still young, but I can see this kind of quality in him (actually kind of surprised that I found him in K-entertainment biz), and I'm sure he will develop, being a better person as time goes with a teamwork with someone who can balance, understand and complete him.
Haha...and I wonder...nhugu (who)??? :D
Yes, Jjong, all you need is her. Yes Ahyoung, kkuak jhaba~! as ur mom said. Mom knows the best, girl.

Ohme~ I'm rambling too much in my 1st post...sorry, but i'm afraid that my next post will be longer. >:)
But I think I gotta improve my English first. [-(  *going to hide*
To all sunbaes here... :-*

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Guest neshyu

now I know why Jjong saying "gumawo" to ahyoung many times (intvw on last ep and official statement trough widmay).. she really crack his wall telling the world who he really is, and im sure he knew it well. That's why, no worries chinggu-ya~ As long as they still have good relationships.. I wish ahyoungie come to his movie premiere and this movie will hit many viewers <:-P

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Guest mmj_leong

syasyifa09ismadi said: mmj_leong said: What Jjong confess 'eung' one simple word in his Japan fan meeting in that question is more than enough to explain how he feel. I'm like shock when he sincerely admitted it in front of his fans. That's enough for me :x and it's clear ♡♡

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casualclassycassava_stv said: Hi, long time lurker here... (Welcome me! >:D<)
Don't know why, but today i feel the urge to delurk...basically rambling, spazzing after watching uri Jjong's movie trailer...no, no the abs (well, i consider it belongs to his Ahyoung only XD)...but the performance of Jjong in this movie (even if it's trailer)...
It gets me whoaa...seeing Jjong in different level...he's really romantic & charming in his own way. Why? Well, considering the fact that he worked this hard for this movie in a cold cold days while still doing his best for his baby girl-Ahyoung. Allow me to make the list:
# preparing an event for Ahyoung's b'day (Ahyoung's fav kuki jhib, buying a fine warm jacket for his Ahyoungie who easily gets cold, cake that Ahyoung loves!, and commited himself to do anything for Ahyoung gongju nuna-meet MIL &FIL, confession-"saranghanda"!)
# spare his time between movie shooting schedule to go to Bali (the place that Ahyoung always wanted to go for vacation)
# met Ahyoung between movie shooting-ep 200 days anniv, Jjong had shooting the day before and after WGM filming...altough he was really sick at that time, he even couldn' make a time to get check up properly because of hectic shooting shedule (based on his bnt interview).
# did little surprise event by coming to Ahyoung's salon with coffee and hot choco only for Ahyoung while doing his own mission-digging Ahyoung's story from her make-up artist and not forgetting bought Churros, his Ahyoungie loves to eat. :P
# preparing fun exercise for his baby girl who only does 'breath excercise' all this while. :))

Those things that Jjong did (just a glimpse, right?), and the way he did, make me think that he really has the same traits with my grandpa.
*He is a silent type (well, actually because they tend to listen and observe) but really take a note on whatever said by and happened with people that he loves, detail and organized (my grandpa always had this journal about whatever happened with grandma n family, i found it lately after he passed away).
Same with Jjong who really take a note when Ahyong said 'cold' (huhu, his logic-she gets cold easily->needs to get a warmer when i'm not with her->buy a 'fine' jacket for her. What a thinker, what a doer Jjong! :)) or that Ahyong doesn't drink coffe, Ahyoung loves eating snack, lalalalala...
**He is smart&hardworker (he's the one who get his brother n some of his niece go to school, while people from his village at that time couldn't, and make himself a teacher and make a school) but he never forget taking care of his family-despite his busy schedule. He is the one who always remind grandma to eat her medicine, preparing for her lecture-even write it for her so it more organized, sometimes ironing her clothes and prepare all little details that grandma needs everytime she goes traveling for her projects.
Those kind of treatments remind me of when Jjong hairdrying, tying shoelaces, prepare an icepack when in Bali, prepare a warm can of coffee when ice skating, bring snack, couple gloves, and scarf when they went to Nami Island, telling Ahyoung not to picky about food, lalalala...the list goes on.
I really got the same vibe when i watch it...awww~ ottohke~ :\">
And to add, they loves to eat whatever cooked by their wife (even if it's just ramyun kkkk~). I still remember my grandpa prefer to eat simple omelette made by my grandma than restaurant food that his daughter want to buy for him.

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Guest krhallyustar

Reebok Classic Fashion 25th anniversary on April 2nd special guest GsD Yura, Apink, kimSoEun and more http://t.co/l6hLaqPWIr

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