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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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let them be..if they want to come to the show for second time it actually good for clear the stinky thing. ooo i am in Hari Raya mood because muslim should fasting for 30days and now still have 6days to go..we are having a big festival in 17th July..so right now nothing will spoil my mood. i will not allow it. and for kim ah young ssi just be strong,keep smile and happy juseyo. isn't they so popular because people keep put their attention to GsD? haters...oo maybe they cannot dyed their hair to red that y they angry hahaha....no fanwar here only the haters..because i know fan is matured enough because they will not wasted their time to make other group down,because they will use the precious time to support and vote for their idol..

Edited by miss_ara
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Do i have to sign up in Melon so i can vote?


@angelica_21_07 thanks 4 the tutorial, but i have to stop in 2nd step coz its said ^this item isn't available in your country^..:sweatingbullets:

So, its seem i will just support them with love in melon. Hope there is another contest that not limited 4 some countries..

dee oeeniii it works fine i can play the melon GsD from my lapi.,.and i dont make melon account,.,so my question how do i know that my vote count on melon chart.,.??

edit u need an account or u just get to hear half of the song wich is i guess it doesnt count as vote.,.

Edited by MaryH
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Guest TFS-Yeo

Im so pissed off with the netizen who tried to make our girls down. They never realized how hard the girls finally reached their popularity nowadays and just threw some disrespectful comments. They are also human right? Even look at hyeri who still give her best performance while got an injured that time and feel bad for her when I saw one post she is crying on ystd music show. I have no idea -anymore with that netizen mind or even heart about this prob. Please be strong uri Ahyoung and the girls.lets always support them and let them know we are always here :) 

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Guest haerimpark


Do i have to sign up in Melon so i can vote?


@angelica_21_07 thanks 4 the tutorial, but i have to stop in 2nd step coz its said ^this item isn't available in your country^..:sweatingbullets:

So, its seem i will just support them with love in melon. Hope there is another contest that not limited 4 some countries..

dee oeeniii it works fine i can play the melon GsD from my lapi.,.and i dont make melon account,.,so my question how do i know that my vote count on melon chart.,.??

Maybe it will help http://supportgirlsday.tumblr.com/post/74723048828/support-girls-day-voting-tutorial-show

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i've read the very degrading comments of netizens about GsD and i think they are being unfair to the girls..i may not know GsD well since i just started to like them when i was hooked to Ah young but a year is enough for me to say that GsD are quite the laidback,easy going type and love to tease kind of people..just like what siblings do..it was showed in every program or most of it that they were featured..people around them treats them like friends or younger sisters because they are comfortable to be with..no pretentions needed..so i don't get it when people/netizens say harsh words towards them and even comparing to the more established groups..why do people have some kind of crab mentality?can't they just support their bias group without hurting or detracting other groups?why can't they just have fun competition on whom among their group will gather the most number 1 in music shows or charts?i wish people will think more before they type because just like the hurtful words spoken,every single letter typed combined to form a destructive comment are just like tiny needles pricking to the heart of the people those messages were intended to..i wish netizens will be more humane..they are telling that the girls were rude and yet they are doing the same thing to the girls..nyways..enough of my rant..on a side note i really am hoping and praying hard that Jjong and Ah young will take a selca and post it in their ig and twitter and fb and weibo account(if they have)..if that happens i will be so so happy..i know you guys will be as happy as i am..hahaha..just thinking about it makes me wanna dance and jump..hihi

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Hmmm....i see same pattern here for uri couple. When jong doing his activities after wgm,he got haters too with all the rumor thing that blown up again even after it clarified. Remember what we say back then? That he got more famous that even haters now notice him,theres a rumor about him. Only Famous enough public figure who caught in a rumor,surpass them and at the end he gain more fans too. 

Back than uri ahyoungie doesnt have that much activities that can make her caught in a rumor. So just jong that hv the hard time back then.

Now,,jong is in his rest mode,,ahyoungie and her sisters comeback which is they hv a lot activities on frame. Then the haters start too make noise. Eventually they comeback at the same time with another famous Girl groups, we can guess that all this hate come from their fans but we cant be sure either. Lets not bring another fans here,if they happen to come here and read our post,it will create more chaos in this already breakhearting situation. 

Its the same situation as jong back then,but he work as individual so it feels is not bigger thing as him. Because uri ahyoung is in a girl group,it feels more. They not only bashing one person but four. 

Can we hv the same thinking as we face jong rumor? That ahyoung and sisters got more more more famous, so now they gain more haters too that notice them,every words they say,every act they do? Just remember, if u gain more it doesnt always more to positive,it also the negative that follow. As u got more love u also will got more hate. As u got more famous,,Many people will start to adore you,but many will start to hate u too (they nothing but jealous people who cannot press their jelousy and come out as haters). 

As jjongaholics, i hope this situation is benefit for uri couple, when jong hv hard time im sure ahyoungie give him courage in whatever form (text? Meet up? Or dinner? Hahahaha...let my delulu come up a little :w00t:). And now uri ahyoung and sisters who had the hard time and vice versa!! Jong will be there for ahyoung to support her xixixixixi.. It helps their relationship :wub:

Im sorry if i make a little positive come out from this situation. I just want to bring a cheerfull thing even if just a little. I love n follow GsD because of ahyoungie. My heart hurt too that they hv to face this,full support from me,,but im jjongaholics first. Cant stop for this delulu :wub:

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Guest phichul

im getting too annoyed in the articles about girls day specially ah young... -.- arggg.. why are they doing this its so irritating 



thats old news (judge from their outfit)! its 'female president era' i think. I hope you delete those link because it will just causing people to digging more scandal (and those article is not worth to read) and it will affect bad to the girls because its open forum (mean all people can read it.) :) 

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