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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest ShinSangHwa

Sorry this post is long than ever. 

The r***** getting bad right now. I don't know why there no news about that. Something make me wondering, why it come out nearing Jong MVP and Girl's Day comeback. The hater is no joke. As shipper, i support both of them. Personally i'm not Jong bias, but seeing him on WGM, interview and also his friends description, i would told you that Jong would't do something like that. I watch all the episode countless time so i he is true with himself.

Regardless that, i don't think Jong will do something to hurt his image that he carried for this year. I wonder why he become more positive, comfortable and like to smile nowdays. I know that he already playful back than but my his co-star said he is iron-wall or ice-prince. I don't want to judge people by hearing all the talks by the fan. I just need to have faith on his surrounding people. I never bias korean actor and idol to this extent. So i think we all need to think positively and don't believe something based on reading the baseless r**** until we see it for ourself. But if that is true, Jong will deal with me first. Because i really hate people who lie and pretend to be good in front of other people.

From what i see, We have been with them for year already. We know their personalities so well so i understand that there were a few people may hurt or stop ship them. Seeing the cheerful Ah Young will make us more hurt if the r**** is true. I think she more strong than we thought she are. Ah Young is my bias so i don't want her hurt with this kind of thing. I think we shouldn't have to believe something that don't have proof yet. 

Please be cheerful to all the shipper. Both Jong and Ah Young deserve better in their life. They were human too. I will support them both. Please send them as much love more than before. The future still long to go and we never knew what will happen. Let's have a group hug and release ourself from this tension. We just pray for them and lead them a way. After that, they must think for themselves. 

(P.S: i hope there picture for that r****. So that i can do what i should do after that. I'm sorry but i already unfollow Jong IG. It's not that i hate him but when it over, i will follow him back. So Sorry to Jong fan but I'm more Yura now because she my happy virus.)






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Guest Nitzzy0111

I chat wit thai fans,she said some fans will wait for jong at the airport tmrw n will try to take his pict( i still hope its not true) :(

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poor jong..feel sorry to him. what if..i said if Yura the one who don't want to continue the relationship as couple..because she is an idol? you know the idol schedule is really no joke right?(have one idol couple broke up bcs of busy schedule this month) i know Nana also an idol but sorry to say after school / orange caramel not so busy as gSd in my opinion..and ya sometimes close friend can be a really close because some insiden babe..hmmm don't want to make this thing come worse just pray for the best.. but i know that won't happen, i still believe in jjongah. until they announce they have some one else or married with some one else huhu :D



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I chat wit thai fans,she said some fans will wait for jong at the airport tmrw n will try to take his pict( i still hope its not true) :(

if its true why u want be sad? isn't airport is for public kekekeke..don't be like that. if you see jong pic together with nana that time we think what we will do together hehehe..relax, and welcome here newbie.. :)

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Guest Aprilrose04

:mellow:Hi, guys!! I'm a jongah Thai fan, always a silent lurker and first time posting here cause I feel really frustrated so I decided to say goodbye for this couple.

From the situation I followed on Thai's Twitter, first 2 days ago, the rumor come from one account stated that she see Hong Jonghyun name  in the list of flight going to Samui. She said that this is very surprising cause Nana also film her movie at Samui at that time. Then she tweet another message stated that HJH will go back to Korea on 19, while Nana will be back on 20, she also state the detail of Nana flight exactly. (I'm not sure why she know this info, but from what I observed her account, it seems like she is a flight attendant so she know the information of the passenger. Yeah, and I think reveal some information of the passenger break the rule right?).  At that time, no one believe her and ignore this rumor. Some Thai's fan asked her for the detail and called her a liar, then to prove herself, she reveal the flight number of HJH. Some Jonghah Thai fan checked it and yeah we were shocking cause there's really Hong Jonghyun names on the list of passenger coming to Samui on that day but we still stay optimistic cause in Korea there are many people that name Hong Jonghyun, right? 

Then, a day later another account stated that her friend saw HJH at Chaweng Beach in Samui but don't have a chance to take his picture (if you follow Nana's ig, she also upload the pic of pancake banana and check in that she is in Chaweng beach!! sighhh). This time I begin to suspicious that may be this rumor is true cause from what I observe her account, she's a Kpop fan but neither a fan of HJH, Yura or Nana nor any shippers of these couple so why she need to lie about this? But I still believe in HJH and from what I see, againb continue to keep faith in our couple.

The last evidence is when Korea's fan comments on Nana' ig account that he also met HJH at Samui. This guys just married and going to Samui for their honeymoon, some international asked him that did he see Nana and Jong together? He replied that he only saw HJH at the airport. From different people, different time and even from Korea's fan, this time I must admit that I believe 90% that HJH going to Samui for sure (just my opinion though). Even though maybe he going to Samui to take some vacation alone, but why this period? the same time when Nana also in Samui. To be honest, I feel really disappointed and decided to stop being shippers (is really hurt, isn't it?). Anyway, I will continue to support them as individual's activities. Uri Yura will comeback soon so I will keep support her no matter what. For Jong, although it's hard to admit his decision but come to think of it, I realize that this is his private matter so I'm as a fan cannot control his life. I will support him as a fan and stay focus only his activities only. 

Hope you guys continue to support both of them as a shippers or as a fan who support both of them. Actually I want to express my feeling right now but I can't really explain it in English: confuse, disappoint, frustrated, many things come to my mind and I can't sleep last night because of this. For me, I don't want to hurt anymore so this is a way to resolve my own problem. At least, both of them makes we feel happy for a long period of time, hope them has a bright future and really find someone that they truly love. Bye for now, Shinguu!!

Dear Friends,

I would like to request you. Can you tell your friends to take photos when he come back to Korea at the airport??

As per your friends 's words, tomorrow Jjong will come back to Korea . So Thai fan can take photos him. Hopefully this is not true that he is on vacation in Thailand at the same time with NaNa ..:sweatingbullets:

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Guest mmj_leong

Thanks for dropping by & post your very 1st comment also may your last as well to some of the new member here. I'm disappointed, sad & frustrated not because of Jjong going vacation in some place or whatever but the way you handle situation that way... chinggu... life out there is really scary if you believe whatever people say! Never believe anyone unless you see it yourself or the party tell you personally what happen.

Back to the case, if Jjong really is in Koh Samoi so? What's the problem he's there? What's the problem Nana is there for work? What if Chanyeol also there? Sorry to bring out other person. What if AhYong also there? What the story will come out? Triangle love? Double date? What will it be? So all of them can't be in the same place is it? Should they migrate to other place to prevent all those rumor to stay in Korea together?!

I'm sure both AhYong & Nana even other close friends tell him their story when they are overseas and he need time off himself for healing. Jjong said he want to go Europe, New Zealand and many more too. What's the problem he choose a place that may recommended by friend which he think suitable for him to visit?

So is time to stop all nonsense and move on. Uri JjongAh will be heading to a very busy time soon for their career so please give your fully support to them. Cheers!

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What i want to say, i believe that jong was honest during wgm and awards party. But it's a year after wgm, maybe his heart changed also nana. 

And we cann't control somebody's heart, just follow what will happen next. Our Ahyoung is such beautiful girl body and mind, lots of namja want to be her  boyfriend. So it's okay for her. The proof is she's always look happy and cute until now.

Let's wait our girls come back soon. And make everyone adore them. Gbu all.

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Guest Nitzzy0111

@miss_ara should i be happy?:)

why he always involve in rumor?goshhh me too i am unfollowed jong ig bcoz i like yura more.

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Hi everybody, I just want to put my pov regarding the lates “r***” I would say that this is their own private life now but somehow I would be disappointed with Jong if it is true and his honesty is questioned as he has goes around with interviews saying that they’re only friends but then again this is only rumor flying around right now.

As for Yura, please guys…. Don’t feel pity or sorry for her or saying that she is a strong girl, etc. We don’t know if she is into Jong. We only see her interest during the wgm time (and remember this is only a show that they get paid to) and after that I only see them as a friends and I am already very  happy with them for being friends and I support them individually on their projects. Yura is very busy now with her schedule and GsD come back and I don’t think that she would care for what happen with Jong right now. Maybe Yura is also dating someone else right now and we don’t know. So if this is true I don’t think it would effect Yura but more to the fans. Let’s look forward for GsD comeback.

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I found this article and this guy adore GsD! 

cr: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/new_yk/html/read.php?newsid=201506160536381119&ext=na


Okay, I better back to work! Welcome Newbies and Lurkers! Congrats to one of our awesome Jjongaholics @prism2103 for a new badge- Legend! Oh! I forgot to say thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! Blessed you all! Have a great day Jjongaholics! Stay happy and healthy heart! 


This is Abnormal Summit Show, The man is Guillame Patry a Canadian citizen who have staying in Korea for 15 years, he was considered one of the best Starcraft player in the world.  I followed his instagram since long time ago and he often to liking and commenting in GSD's posts. hehehe he is funny and really love GSD, Just for information latest episode of Abnormal Summit was having someone else sent their case "for liking Girl's Day as ahjussi fans" I was really surprised that the episode really dedicated for GSD and Guillame. kkkkkkkk~~~ 

And about the rumor, i'll keep my internet statement until i see the "light" :) hope we can see the "light"

Have a nice day~~^^

Edited by tituyphing
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Please i miss Jjongaholic delulu status!! be happy!!

We can support Jjongah, we are a family. We need be strong. Jjongaholic fighting!! Blessings

Good night!! México time 22:00 hrs

Edited by Yleen
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@miss_ara should i be happy?:)

why he always involve in rumor?goshhh me too i am unfollowed jong ig bcoz i like yura more.

its up to you dear,how you handle the rumor, i don't want force people to be like me but don't get hurt or make ur life stress bcs of something you don't know either its true or not. chill babe :D

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Guest ohhreallynow

I guess there is another round of rumors going around. Honestly, I wouldn't fault JH for dating Nana because his love life is private and he is under no obligation to stay single. However, there is really no proof at the moment. It can be a coincidence because there is only so many places you can go for a vacation when you have only a set amount of free time. JH has Inkigayo filming every Sunday so he can only vacation from Monday-Saturday. 6 days is not a lot of time when you factor in flight time and jet-lag so Thailand/SE Asia is a logical location and Koh Samui is beautiful.

For people that feel sorry for Yura, please don't. She doesn't need pity or be the so called victim. Yura probably has a bunch of men lined up wanting to date her, she has had multiple celebrities proclaim their love for her on television/interviews. GsD will be having a comeback soon so her career is going well too, so there is really nothing to pity. 

At this point, everything is speculation. I am sad seeing people calling JH a liar and other names when there is no proof. Even if he is dating Nana, it's his life. 

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"Why he always involve in rumor"????------------ Why with nan#  if other person maybe I still ok...whyyyyyy..

 Sometime i feel bad believe what jjong said he and nan# just friend ,

If not true why have rumor come...Jjong please whyyy...  Whatever jjong...


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"Why he always involve in rumor"????------------ Why with nan#  if other person maybe I still ok...whyyyyyy..

 Sometime i feel bad believe what jjong said he and nan# just friend ,

If not true why have rumor come...Jjong please whyyy...  Whatever jjong...


because not only us call our self a shipper. There is other side shipper also..i mean Nana n Jong shipper..so its normal dear. They will find out the coincidence like us..:rolleyes:

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