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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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One more thing, @MrsSoJiSub's comment about how we shouldn't be comparing Taek-Deoksun to his father and Sunwoo's mom's relationship is spot on. The latter's romantic progress is a slow burning one born out of a need for companionship, which is very nice and I appreciatd that depiction in the show, but for Deoksun???? Really??? You're trying to tell me, Show, that a young woman who all her life had been yearning to be someone's number one and who was disappointed by a romance novel that only had kissing, was actually yearning for a companionship kind of love??? :blink: No sexual tension, no passion, just comfortable familiarity? That's what Deoksun has been looking for? I... just... that's quite the reach, Show. Yeah yeah, Taek makes her his number one, but their relationship is so seriously lacking that youthful energy and chemistry of first-time lovers. 

(Side note: has anyone wondered at how someone who doesn't know how to tie shoelaces, use chopsticks, button his shirt, and use a Walkman can kiss the way Taek kissed Deoksun in ep 19???? And I agree with everyone who thinks the show inserted as many Taek-Deoksun kiss scenes as possible to somehow make us believe in them and ~feel the love~ but instead I just felt like I was in the twilight zone watching someone else pretending to be Deoksun. But whatever, we've already agreed that the last two episodes are just inconsistent with the rest of the show.)

THIS is so truee...this is perhaps the most unbelievable, MOST PARADOXICAL,  point from the whole freaking drama....


MOD EDIT for unrelated GIFS. 

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1 hour ago, naruto89 said:

One more thing, @MrsSoJiSub's comment about how we shouldn't be comparing Taek-Deoksun to his father and Sunwoo's mom's relationship is spot on. The latter's romantic progress is a slow burning one born out of a need for companionship, which is very nice and I appreciatd that depiction in the show, but for Deoksun???? Really??? You're trying to tell me, Show, that a young woman who all her life had been yearning to be someone's number one and who was disappointed by a romance novel that only had kissing, was actually yearning for a companionship kind of love??? :blink: No sexual tension, no passion, just comfortable familiarity? That's what Deoksun has been looking for? I... just... that's quite the reach, Show. Yeah yeah, Taek makes her his number one, but their relationship is so seriously lacking that youthful energy and chemistry of first-time lovers. 

(Side note: has anyone wondered at how someone who doesn't know how to tie shoelaces, use chopsticks, button his shirt, and use a Walkman can kiss the way Taek kissed Deoksun in ep 19???? And I agree with everyone who thinks the show inserted as many Taek-Deoksun kiss scenes as possible to somehow make us believe in them and ~feel the love~ but instead I just felt like I was in the twilight zone watching someone else pretending to be Deoksun. But whatever, we've already agreed that the last two episodes are just inconsistent with the rest of the show.)

THIS is so truee...this is perhaps the most unbelievable, MOST PARADOXICAL,  point from the whole freaking drama....

DS was , all like  

and then when she read those romance novels she wanted a love like this:



WHO LOOKED AT YOU LIKE THIS...  YALL were about to have an amazing love life... BUT instead....

SHE CHOOSES A MAN like this... 




What a completely disgusting and ableist comment.  Why do you think people who are unable to do certain things are also unable to kiss or have romantic feelings of love and passion?  If you can't tie your shoes you aren't able to have a love life? Taek and DS looked plenty passionate when they kissed or hugged, or when he held her and carried her.  What "passion" did JH/DS have? From her POV, please tell me what was so passionate about their "love".  Even from his POV it wasn't a passionate love from a romance novel, but love that was long lasting and built from childhood.  The only "passionate" thing was his boner she did not care about.  While she was actually moved and unable to sleep by Taek holding her close...

So fluffy marshmallow center JH who couldn't say what he felt EVER was this passionate lover that DS should have wanted?  Laughable to say the least.  Cliched kdrama tropes do not equal passion.  And JH was willing to give her the world?  LOL WHEN?  Before he didn't make a move on her even while nobody else was around, or maybe during the time she wanted a relationship with him and he didn't so he treated her like richard simmons, or maybe after he ignored her for years...  Sure, sure.  And to her knowledge, JH never looked at her in any way. While Taek... well I was just watching this, so maybe you should as well


And another thing I have to add, I know Jh fans like to insult Taek and call him a child... but this child who can't tie his shoe laces was able to treat a girl with respect.  This child who can't use chopsticks was able to tell a girl she's pretty without being ashamed. This child who can't use a walkman was able to proudly say he likes DS to his friends.  This child who can't button his shirt was able to cross the line and go for DS when the guy who could do all those normal things couldn't.  So, who really is the one who is lacking here?

If you knew anything about DS' character you should know what she wanted was exactly what Taek provided, and what JH never could in all the years he knew her. And he admits this as well.  

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@naruto89 Im too tired to start arguing with you right now ( but im sure others will soon point out the massive holes in your arguments, seriously if you are going to join a thread atleast read all the analysis and evidences everyone else has found FIRST, before writing a comment like that and force people to explain again...)

So lets just agree we watched 2 different drama.

And for every one else who like to be updated about our cast, you can follow this account on twitter they have all the infos


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1 hour ago, naruto89 said:

but instead I just felt like I was in the twilight zone watching someone else pretending to be Deoksun. But whatever, we've already agreed that the last two episodes are just inconsistent with the rest of the show.)

Please. If JH and DS are kissing then that is the twilight zone :lol:. DS kissing JH? Can you just imagine? This is the girl who did not know what he like the best, the girl who slept like a baby after the alley scene, the girl who did not give a richard simmons about his heartfelt confession, the girl who only noticed him after her friends told her he likes her, & this is the girl that made no moves whatsoever to try to resolve their misunderstanding. DS kissing JH is a laughable concept. 

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@__jesse love love loveeeeeeeeeeee your insight … sometimes I didn’t notice the little ‘clue’ and your writing made me realize that I missed a lot of things …

I was not here before because I avoided the thread … I want to watch 1988 ‘in peace’ ..  The sub is a bit slow so I have to avoid this thread because I hate spoiler .. when the show ended, I feel that I need to celebrate (since I lobeeeee Taeki and he is the end game)… I appreciate every analysis .. I don’t mind if it is being repeated over and over again.. Different ppl has different view, I love reading ppl interpretation of every scene ..

Yes the show ended… so what? Reply 1988 does not end for me ….. DS and Taeki does not ‘end’ when the show ended .. They live forever in my heart .. Bora, SW, DR.. and JH .. the 3 crazy ajumma .. the husbands … lazy JB … OK .. Miranda .. they are a part of me now .. :D

I love it so much – I think it is the best drama for me .. it real… every scene is real..’ ..  Reply 1988 give me this feeling … OMG-I-Done-That .. Yesyesyes-Been-There ….’ I have been there and done that’


I don’t get it when some say they change the husband during the break? .. Why during the break? What prompted the writer to ‘change’ the husband? Wasn’t it like too last minute? … Why did the writer decided to ‘change’ from JH to TK??? ..Was it because there are more DS-TK shippers?? Was there any kind of special demand that PBG must be the husband?

When we sign up for the ride prepare to be trolled…  :D

Writer is eeeeeeeeeeeevil .. hehehhehe… she broke so many hearts ..

I love when Taek said – When DS smile, I feel like dying.. (I wonder was it some mistake in the translation).. I couldn’t quite remember in which episode but He was with SW laying on the futon. I tot that was the best ‘confession’ ever … the way Taek smiled . awwwwww …


Yeah .. my Taek kinda slow … but when it come to the matter of the heart .. he is fast … wahahaha… and one thing set him apart from JH .. He truly love DS

He stepped back and gave way to JH, but JH never seize the opportunity … He knew DS like him … but I guess his love for Taek is more … compare to his love for DS …

When Taek went to the camp to see JH– He was confirming – “Do you want DS or not?”

JH answer was NO …

So yeah … fair and square .. you don’t want the girl (to hell with the reasons) …

I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you writer nim … The best twist ever … I never thought TK really will end up DS ..

I think what the writer wants to tell us is this – Don’t ever waste your chance … if you love someone fight for him/her … He/She should be no 1 in your life, not your friend or anyone else .. don’t hesitate …

So yeah , JH wasted his chances … (please excuse my English :D)

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17 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

Please. If JH and DS are kissing then that is the twilight zone :lol:. DS kissing JH? Can you just imagine? This is the girl who did not know what he like the best, the girl who slept like a baby after the alley scene, the girl who did not give a richard simmons about his heartfelt confession, the girl who only noticed him after her friends told her he likes her, & this is the girl that made no moves whatsoever to try to resolve their misunderstanding. DS kissing JH is a laughable concept. 

I'm sure she'd laugh and be horrified at the thought of kissing him seriously.  I can't even imagine it now after all is said and done. I did ship DS/JH for quite a while, but now I seriously can not think of one moment when she felt physical or sexual attraction to him.   What people see is when THEY were attracted to his veiny arms or umbrella giving self, so they think she was too, but yeah, not really lol.   So much for passion.  

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3 hours ago, naruto89 said:

One more thing, @MrsSoJiSub's comment about how we shouldn't be comparing Taek-Deoksun to his father and Sunwoo's mom's relationship is spot on. The latter's romantic progress is a slow burning one born out of a need for companionship, which is very nice and I appreciatd that depiction in the show, but for Deoksun???? Really??? You're trying to tell me, Show, that a young woman who all her life had been yearning to be someone's number one and who was disappointed by a romance novel that only had kissing, was actually yearning for a companionship kind of love??? :blink: No sexual tension, no passion, just comfortable familiarity? That's what Deoksun has been looking for? I... just... that's quite the reach, Show. Yeah yeah, Taek makes her his number one, but their relationship is so seriously lacking that youthful energy and chemistry of first-time lovers. 

(Side note: has anyone wondered at how someone who doesn't know how to tie shoelaces, use chopsticks, (watch Taek eat with his Dad to get a handle on his chopstick prowess)  button his shirt (watch Taek dress himself in China to see if he can do it when he wants to ), and use a Walkman (have you used a walkman? lol) can kiss the way Taek kissed Deoksun in ep 19???? (BTW all those thing you mentioned are finger dexterity issues--if they are issues.  Taek was using his lip and maybe tongue to kiss. That's the way they seem to do it in Korea. Different motor skills as far as I can tell. No finger dexterity needed. Even babies who can't hold a crayons securely can suckle by using their lips and tongue proficiently.  Your reasoning does not hold up.  NO mic drop-for you. Re-work your argument with better evidence. Not that it will change the ending. Taekie for the win.  And I agree with everyone who thinks the show inserted as many Taek-Deoksun kiss scenes as possible to somehow make us believe in them and ~feel the love~ And it those scene weren't there it would be--not there because there is nothing there. But either way there is more there than there will ever be for JH and (DS not for you) but instead I just felt like I was in the twilight zone watching someone else pretending to be Deoksun. But whatever, we've (Who is this we--other folks hanging out in the twilight zone with you?) already agreed that the last two episodes are just inconsistent with the rest of the show.)

THIS is so true...this is perhaps the most unbelievable, MOST PARADOXICAL,  point from the whole freaking drama....

DS was , all like "no one loves me" 

and then when she read those romance novels she wanted a love like this: gif of romantic frolicking

AND SOMEONE WAS WILLING TO DO THAT FOR HER. and she found someone who disturbed her sleep, who thought she was pretty no matter what she was wearing and said so, who touched her continuously, who went out of his way to secure her exotic gifts like BANANAS and didn't complain if she shared what he gave her, .... AND MORE AND even FREAKING GIVE YOU THE WORLD.....and a BIG golden turtle, and his love, and his attention, and compliments, and love and passion. And despite wanting to be with you listened to your concerns and be swayed by them  especially when you offer the gift of "I love you" in return.

Instead of someone WHO LOOKED AT YOU LIKE THIS. . . AND DID NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL....  DS avoided having an amazing unsatisfying imaginary love life...   

Instead....DS chose a man who would actually made a move to get what he wanted, when what he wanted was her.

Let's do it again? I saw them do it in Taek's room, in a hotel in China, in the underground garage. Yeah, they did it, again, and again. Thanks for reminding me. 

SHE CHOOSES A MAN like this for her son...  Sorry I had to delete the picture of JH and Cheeta Omma (not allowed to quote pictures)




IN THE WORLD - they bounce and hit the premature dropper.

Bummer, the mod removed the unrelated gif from the original post so it's hard to know what I'm responding to.

C'est la vie.

 Full Snark ahead. 

When anger clouds reason the angry takes to typing.


To clarify, "mic drops" happens when you say something definitive that cannot be refuted.

I suggest you pick up your mic and scurry off stage before the man with the hook come and get you.

- It is a deficit of imagination to think that hot passion must manifest in one and only one, trite, cliched, way that is shown repeatedly as the default on most lesser dramas. You may not think that Taek is hot with passion but the passion with which he kisses DS every chance he get is convincing to me that she will always have a reason to jump with joy in bed. [for reference check the China reunion scene when DS returns to her room] And for all we know JH is still practicing kissing on his hand and hanging out with Mommie--just saying]

- Don't confuse your taste with quality.  Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't good.  It just means you don't like it. A disinterested person educated in the genre can well find a excellent peice of work not to their liking, since they have the training to differentiate between personal preference and quality. Right now you seems to be reacting to not getting your way. Well no one gets their way all the time. That's life.

-In R1988 creative universe the writer is god. God of R1988 has decide who to join together and what god has joined together no disgruntled viewer can put asunder. If you are displeased with itperhaps a re-watch of 1997 or 1994 to salve your soul. 

-JH don't get together with DS in R1988 universe; in the real world JH and DS would not last long. Read the research. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/06/happily-ever-after/372573/  What makes relationships last is not about passion, full lips, great hair, or a square jawline but COMPASSION. The ability to recognize and respond to your your partner's bids positively. JH NEVER responded to ANY of DS bids.  If he hadn't have recognize them it would have been bad, but it wasn't bad. It was the WORST, because HE KNEW HER ENTREATIES and HE IGNORED them. He showed no respect for her feeling. He was awful to her.  If you think his behavior is romantic . . . 

-Ah but he did so much for her behind her back to protect her.  That's what God does--if you are a believer. It is not a good quality in a husband.  Husbands (wives)  are people you chose to build a life with because of love and mutual respect. Unless JH got some serious counselling JH would have been a partner who crushed DS's already shaky self-esteem as he spent his time pointing out her inadequacy to cover up his vulnerability. The fact that he is attractive doesn't make him a good partner.  It makes him a nice object d'art to put in the corner of your living room or in the center of a garden fountain, but not someone to BUILD A LIFE WITH. 

-Ah, but he loved her.  JH's love was mastabatory. It was about HIS FEELINGS alone. His proposal was all about him, how he felt. His crush on DS was never expressed to anyone but him. It served no purpose but to ennoble him through pain and suffering. He could easily have fallen in love with whatever major star was popular in 1988 and have an equally "real" relationship filled with equal suffering. And if the drama was true to life he would have as much impact on the unattainable star's life as he did on DS.  

- As a way of checking exactly how inert=noble, non interactive, and self referential JH's "love" was , re-watch R1988 and then list ALL the courtship scenes that involves JH AND DS. Only list the ones where he is kind to her so she knows that he likes her. The scenes where he is peeping through curtains or hiding behind gates or protecting her from the rough crowd but she is unaware of his intention does not count toward his courtship of DS (even if they count towards your understandable infatuation with JH) and see exactly how many you come up with.  I bet you'll have one hand free to type.  

- Check the criteria for a successful mic drop and comeback when you have something.



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@naruto89 Adult DS said it herself in a voiceover in episode 5. “True love doesn’t allow one to be concerned over one’s pride and causes one to cast it [pride] aside”. If JH had truly loved DS, he would have gotten past his pride to prove it to her. Instead he hesitated and lost his chance.

(Side Note: Whether or not JH actually had a chance with DS is a whole other can of worms)

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I am gald the writer chose Taek as the husband, it’s like she’s telling us – Hey guy don’t be like JH – you won’t get the girl that way :D
Why act all mean when you really love the girl? Why not admit your feeling? 
Was it EGO? … 
I wonder what was his reason for treating DS the way he treated her (during earlier episodes)?

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5 minutes ago, pixiemoondust said:

@naruto89 Give her the whole world and more? LOL.

The boy wouldn't even hand over his jacket to the freezing girl who practically begged for it. So much for passion and love.


Twice!  The writer was so nice to allow him to correct his mistake, and he still couldn't do it.  The whole world must be a jacketless world where the girl freezes and he won't admit he likes her and calls her ugly and stupid.  PASSION. 

And, fyi, she never asked for the world.  She wanted very simple things.  And all that she had always yearned for were given to her by Taek. 

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So I finally watched some episodes and it made me appreciate some storylines that I did not care before.

- Sunwoo's story about his family and his acceptance of Taek's dad. 

- Taek's almost downward spiral towards drug addiction.

- JB's obsessions. Bora's story as the eldest child of a poor family. 

24 minutes ago, melissala said:

I'm sure she'd laugh and be horrified at the thought of kissing him seriously.  I can't even imagine it now after all is said and done. I did ship DS/JH for quite a while, but now I seriously can not think of one moment when she felt physical or sexual attraction to him.   What people see is when THEY were attracted to his veiny arms or umbrella giving self, so they think she was too, but yeah, not really lol.   So much for passion.  

:lol: :D  I think maybe DS thought that JH is bipolar or crazy...lol. He was always so hot and cold to her that he left the poor girl confuse.

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Sometimes I get a little concerned at what people post as evidence of love.

It makes me wonder when are writers going to bury the trope, "he's only mean to you because he loves you."


A writer did try to bury that trope but people keep digging it up off the dung heap claiming it still has life in it.

These people and their rage scare me

then make me scare myself.

All kidding aside, it is dangerous tropes like the one above that convinces women that loving men that treat them badly well, will make selfish, abusive, or controlling men into prince charming.

Spoiler alert: That only happens in cliche ridden rom-com, not in life.


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26 minutes ago, hushhh said:

Unless JH got some serious counselling JH would have been a partner who crushed DS's already shaky self-esteem as he spent his time pointing out her inadequacy to cover up his vulnerability

I know a relationship like this in real life. It is ugly. It is dysfunctional and frustrating to watch. Probably also why I never jump ship to JH-DS. Once upon a time I accepted that the pairing would be the inevitable end game but I never like how their relationship develop. 

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8 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

I know a relationship like this in real life. It is ugly. It is dysfunctional and frustrating to watch. Probably also why I never jump ship to JH-DS. Once upon a time I accepted that the pairing would be the inevitable end game but I never like how their relationship develop. 


Research says those kinds of relationship don't last once the mind-blowing sex becmes routine.

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If Junghwan would have won her over in the end, then that trope would be alive and well, but he didn't.  DS didn't understand him.  He confused her. He didn't make her feel good about herself or feel loved.  He lost because he was mean to her, didn't work hard enough and was not honest with her, even if he didn't mean it. The writer didn't reward his behavior by having the girl bend and randomly understand him for no reason.  She was trying to tell us something here.  That is that his behavior wasn't acceptable and he suffered because of it.  Even he'll admit that... but some people fail to see this.  

The scene where she's in the hanbok and he's rude to her, but then looks at her behind the curtain isn't love.  It's showing that he hurts her to hide his own insecurities and just can't be honest with her.  There's also a reason Taek isn't present for that scene too.   He would have just said she was pretty, made her feel good about herself and won the whole husband race in record time.  No need for twenty episodes for Taek.   And now I understand why Taek was always away in China.  Not for the benefit of the love triangle, but for JH's benefit. 

I also want to add, that while JH IS at fault, DS also didn't do much to try to fix their issues either.  

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41 minutes ago, melissala said:

Twice!  The writer was so nice to allow him to correct his mistake, and he still couldn't do it.  The whole world must be a jacketless world where the girl freezes and he won't admit he likes her and calls her ugly and stupid.  PASSION. 

And, fyi, she never asked for the world.  She wanted very simple things.  And all that she had always yearned for were given to her by Taek. 



Just to be clear, JH can only do the writer's bidding.  So the writer really didn't give him a chance to correct the mistake, so much as she wanted to highlight the mistake for the audience.

UNless some Purple Rose of Cairo thing is going on. 

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Who would you choose?


A.     Someone that was always mean to you but sometime he acted like he cares. He gave you his umbrella the other day when it rained but the next day when you were freezing to death he didn’t offer you his jacket at all.  He never think you are pretty, in fact he told you, you are ugly and always imply that you are stupid (made you feel stupid), Oh yeah … and he chose his friend over you?




B.     Someone that thinks you are the prettiest and he dares admit it.. someone that is not afraid to show he needs you. Someone that always smile at you…. Someone that gave you the most expensive gifts… someone that always hold your hand in need … someone that forfeited an international competition just to make sure that you have someone to watch the concert with. Someone that always put you above anyone else …




This is not an analysis .. this is a very simple a and b questions ….




Thank you writer for trying to tell us to stop living in imaginary world … Thank you for letting us see that He who deserved should get the girl …. Stop that cliché plot ….


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you .. for breaking the norm .. thank you for going through with your original idea and getting all beat up … thank you for braving the curse storm …


Don’t worry .. they are ppl like us that know the value you are trying to tell …


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5 minutes ago, hushhh said:



Just to be clear, JH can only do the writer's bidding.  So the writer really didn't gice him a chance to correct the mistake, so much as she wanted to highlight the mistake for the audience.

UNless some Purple Rose of Cairo thing is going on. 

Yeah, of course. lol  Was she  being extra mean to him by making him screw up twice or was she trying to tell us something ...that this is an ongoing issue with him that he can't correct his behavior, so don't get your hopes up that he's going to change any time soon. 

Honestly, I've never seen someone with so many chances to make a move as JH and still not do it.  I can understand in some ways where JH fans are coming from...the frustration they feel,  but they should be mad at him, not DS for not picking him.

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8 minutes ago, melissala said:

Yeah, of course. lol  Was she  being extra mean to him by making him screw up twice or was she trying to tell us something ...that this is an ongoing issue with him that he can't correct his behavior, so don't get your hopes up that he's going to change any time soon. 

Honestly, I've never seen someone with so many chances to make a move as JH and still not do it.  I can understand in some ways where JH fans are coming from...the frustration they feel,  but they should be mad at him, not DS for not picking him.


I think she might have been trying to point out the stupidity of a ridiculous cliche.

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