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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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uwaah~~~~ it's feels like yesterday DS's had her interview....

this is my final thoughts of dramas... or maybe i'd  post more if i've watch last episodes with sub. LOL.

sorry for being so noisy these days...


we are known for decades. we are lives on the same block, but i'm never imagine would marrying him.


DS's was interviewed about their romantic relationship. 


TK is always became hot topic when it's come romantic-lifes in media.

when lot of girls has blind dates with him but yet he was dumped not long after dates, people would probably curious, how they manage their relationship since then. so the interview's purpose is just want to know about their romantic lifes since TK is a famous (yet boring) Baduk's player.

there's not other purpose... it's normal as a celebrity, atlethe or even politicians to have kind of interviewed. as long as they are public figure.


we are all doesn't know who is the husband at first, but... when we looked back, future DS's husband has lot similiarities with JH. 

in other reply series, main girl always fighting over with his future husband. he always being salty to her and also never saying she is pretty.


that's why JH always potrayed as his future husband at first.

Yaaaaa, it's reply! they didn't gave easy task to solve! they SHOULD make this series different so it wouldn't become predictable.

so it'd make more senses if TK would ended up as husband.


tumblr_o12tosOgFf1qgwb3jo6_400.gif tumblr_o12tosOgFf1qgwb3jo5_400.gif 


about DS being stewardess and JH goes to air-forces academy , lot of viewers are asking the reason behind that...


but remember when Hyeri using PBG's sweater on episode 9?


PBG is also wear a pilot suit on Music Bank's. 


it's also makes sense why DS became a stewardess, coz the production teams like to mixed things from real life...


ah! i had fun doing those investigations when drama still airing. i'm still can't believe they trapped us for so long until we know who the husband is...

i will miss this drama and also soompi's teams..

annyeong my 1988's....



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Why did the families move out of the neighborhood? I thought it was a perfect place to live in, being close to awesome neighbors... Can anybody enlighten us the real situation in Ssangmundong - then and now? Is it a bad or poor neighborhood? Why leave a good house behind? Is it deserted in real life in 2016?

Also, where did everybody move to? Sorry for the many questions, I want some closure about the families lol :bawling:

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Deoksun: “I couldn’t return to my youth, and I couldn’t return to that street either. Time flows, everything passes by, and ages. The reason that youth is beautiful is because of that. Because at a brilliant moment, you shine so brightly that it’s blinding, but you can never go back.”

Deok-sun (voiceover): “The reason I miss that time and the reason I miss that street isn’t just because I miss my younger self. It’s because my dad’s youth, my mom’s youth, my friends’ youth—the youth of everything that I loved was in that place. I regret not having bid a final farewell to the surroundings of my youth that can never be brought back together again. To the things that are already gone, to the time I can’t return to… I say a belated farewell. Goodbye, my youth. Goodbye, Ssangmun-dong.” 

“A time so warm and innocent that I miss it painfully. Do you hear me? If you do, answer me, my ’88, my days of youth.”

I'm crying again :bawling:



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HMMM. I never got the impression that JH was the lead. I thought it was evenly distributed except for the last 2 episodes. The only lead, I would say, was DS since she was the narrator. 

DS and CT's love story was super cute, so yay for them. But I would have been happy too if she ended up with JH. He seemed really lonesome in the last few episodes. It was so heartbreaking that I wanted DS to just change her feelings and be with him instead and make him happy. The love story between DS and CT vs DS and JH were very different. I thought DS and JH's story was more the type that we're use to - falling in love - where there's nervousness of telling someone you like them, longing, doing the little things to make them happy, etc. - very swoon worthy. Maybe that's the reason why some people are unhappy with the ending? DS and CT's was different - they fell into love (though one faster than the other) - nothing dramatic, but very sweet. For those complaining about her inconsistencies with her feelings, remember it was only a crush not first love. I probably had 2-3 crushes each year in high school. That's just reality of teenage life. lol. It may have been first love on the boys' parts, but definitely not for DS.

I feel like we never really got to know DS. I didn't really care for her for most of the episodes. I only liked her because JH and CT liked her. There just wasn't much character development and HyeRi's acting just didn't do it for me until the last few episodes. She got much better. But even then, it didn't all connect for me - we were missing the piece where she grew up to be the person she was in the last few episodes. The characteristics were in there but there should have been some signs of development. This is probably a fail on the writer's part. 

I wonder if people would have been happy had they gone with the How I Met Your Mother route. Maybe not. I guess we will always be searching for the ending - it doesn't feel whole without knowing what happened to JH and DR and their families (I mean JH's parents were awesome). We need a special focused on JH. That would make me feel better. 

Regardless of what happened, this was a very enjoyable ride. I loved the stories, the relationships, the community, the families, etc. Reply 1988 ranks second on my list of the series. Reply 1997 is first, primarily due to the romance and the chemistry between Jung Eunji and Seo In Guk. 


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I admit to watching ep20 with a heavy heart yesterday. And I'm glad to write here that my love for the story remains the same.

I've always been a firm JH supporter right from ep 1. When they showed the scene of JH's smirking smile at DS on TV. I'll be honest and say that it has been difficult for me to let the story development sink in since ep 19 and it's largely because of attachment to the wonderfully written (and acted) character Kim Jung Hwan. 

Despite the ending couple not being the couple I wish for, despite JH not getting the closure we all wanted so much for, despite many loopholes we did not get answers for in the last ep, I'm writing this because I still want to thank the writer and the team for giving us a memorable Answer Me 1988.

After rewatching ep 19 and 20, and reading many comments on Naver, TVN board, DC Gall and the recent recap on Dramabeans site, I finally came to an end about this overwhelming sense of bittersweet sadness I've been feeling after watching the ending epilogue.

If we go back to the family theme of this series, I believe the writer has fulfilled what she promised. 

She has created a neighborhood full of loving characters whom we love. Families we all feel like our own. Mums who never fail to stop worrying over their kids just like our own. Dads who made us cry over their silent suffering like our own. Siblings who fight and love just as strongly as our own. Husbands and wives who prove screaming and nagging are just another form of love like ours in marriages. First loves who's heartbreak aches just as much as our past loves. Characters whom we felt like old friends. Friendship forming and fading, so we know how precious relationships are. 

And the youth we know we can never go back again.

In the ending scene when DS was asking the gang why are they here, and JH simply answered "What do you mean why are we here? Where would we have gone?”, i really teared up at the meaning of this simple conversation. That our youth, those days we remember fondly. Those times that felt so faraway and those things that we can no longer find in reality, are simply more beautiful because they are remembered as part of our memory, that we have lived and loved once.

Looking at the current landscape of Korean dramas, when would we ever have such a poignant story written again? A story about times when things were simpler. A story that talks deeply about the love and ties of family, friends, siblings, husbands and wives. When i wonder that, I begin to believe that Answer Me 1988 is and will always be a gem in Kdrama history. A story that dares to move the central love to the backseat and spend time telling stories honoring our fabulous mums and dads.

That's not to say this drama is without its flaws. Plenty it has, but I think the flaws do not take away the meaningful messages this series has tried hard to relay. Like many frustrations I've seen, the husband hunt story and choosing not to focus on DS's inner thoughts was what I felt a key barrier from keeping the story flowing. Nearing the end, I was contented to see DS happy and enjoying a cute romance with Taek but at the same time sad that I stopped feeling invested enough to feel the happiness her character was feeling. 

Of course we could say the writer could have done much more in the last 2 eps. They could have given us a perfect happy ending with the whole gang turning up and hanging out like old times in 2016. They could have given us a proper closure for JH and clear up the disjointed hints scattered in the past eps. But in my opinion, it was probably an intentional buildup the writer wanted.

Like the broken, abandoned Ssangmun-dong we see, things don't stay the same forever no matter how much we wish for forever. Like the friendship we yearn to protect forever, things often don't work out the same way and relationships fade.

So i finally figured out the why behind my bittersweet sadness. Maybe the ending was just a little too true to reality that my heart was refusing to accept the sad truth. That I was not ready to answer their call for my 1988, my days of youth.

This series will stay on the list as one of my favs. Because no matter its flaws, it has given me a good nostalgic dose of heartwarming happiness, bad sobbing, heartbreaks, frustrations and many more ups and downs in emotions through Ssangmun-dong and its 5 families. And just for that, I really thank the writer, PD and the whole cast and production team for coming together to make 1988 memorable for us.

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Lesson from this drama: As I think about it, in real life whoever makes your heart flutter does not really mean they end up being the person you marry in the end. (Still single at 30...)

I think DS's might have fluttered in that bus scene or was shocked when Jung Hwan was nice to her on those rare occasions. But it totally flustered her when Taek picked her up.

Boys make your heart flutter... yup~

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17 hours ago, saturn. said:

I read it at DC Bogum gallery.

Today (Jan.16) there was Park Bo Gum's fan meeting. He told a lot of interesting things, but since it's a drama thread, I post something related to R1988.

Bogum didn't apply audition, he was picked up. He got a phone call from the PD Shin. The day at the behind story video, when he was asked if he drinks, smokes, curse, that was the first meeting. The script wasn't made perfectly, the director Shin let him read various characters. And the director said Taek suited him the most, but real Bogum is quiet and upright person. The scriptwriter modified Taek's character to more innocent, quiet, upright person. That's how Taek was created. On the second meeting, he was requested to study baduk.

(It's not from today, it's from other interviews: So he applied baduk class at this (2nd half of 2015) semester at his university. Since he's majoring musical acting at university, he is taking ballet class in this semester. He said this is the reason why he should eat a lot.)

He said he would go to Phuket on Monday(Jan.18) with R1988 staffs.

Today, he hugged a fan with his jacket, like Taek did in ep19.

Common things and different things between Taek and Bogum: Common thing is to focus on one thing. Different thing is, "Taek is good at skinship, but I'm not. (LOL) And Taek eats a little, but I'm not." And he said he likes cooking and sewing (LOL). The MC said, "I saw yesterday's episode, you pushed the chair very vigorously!" Bogum was very embarrassed, couldn't raise his head.

If he is in situation like Taek & Junghwan, two old friends love one girl, Bogum couldn't answer quickly. One fan from the audience shouted at him, "Live your own life!" then Bogum burst into laughter.

His manager filmed him at the drama location without his awareness, and 95% of times, he was eating something. He is a real heavy eater. He opened his bag on the stage, there were many snacks. LOL (really different from Taek)

Go Kyung Pyo came as a guest, he said, "Bogum is not good for a boyfriend, he is good for a husband."

At the video greeting from Ryu Junyeol and Lee Dong Hwi, "If Lightsaber is in Star Wars, we have Park Bo Gum(=sword) in R1988"

He doesn't drive, has no plan of buying a car. Everyday he takes school bus to the school, and takes subway on the way home. Because he has to sleep at school bus. When he was asked what is in the wall paper of his phone, it was school class timetable of this semester. (good student!) He said, to him, a dating is 'to fulfill something lack to each other' (It reminds Taek & Deoksun relationship)

Thank you very much @saturn. for this post. i want to know more about bogummy :)

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Cr: http://goonggeumhani.tumblr.com/post/137462155372/am1988-episodes-19-20

AM1988 Episodes 19+20

(Minus the main loveline and sadness about Junghwan)

Daughters Are The Best! No Reason For Lee Ilhwa To Feel Down Thanks To Deoksun X

  • [+1475, -11] I’m learning watching Deoksun - I have to be like that too ㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+1243, -8] The scene made me cry the most because I thought of my mom. My mom went through that as well, and is getting up there in age. At the time, I was young and immature, so I didn’t know at all and let it pass.. Why is life full of regrets and remorse.. When I realized everything, it already passed and I couldn’t go back.. Hoo~ Even if it’s not until now, I want to be a good daughter like Deoksun ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+1241, -13] Deoksun-ah, can I take what you did? My mom says it’s no joke right now…
  • [+1013, -18] Hyeri is so kind ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I have to learn……. The family stories are really warming
  • [+734, -11] I have to become a daughter like that too
  • [+456, -9] I want a daughter like that

Kim Sungkyun ♥ Ra Miran’s Wedding Prepared By ‘Daughter’ Junghwan X

  • [+3081, -24] Today, Junghwan was really cool
  • [+1805, -50] I like these kinds of stories better that lovelines
  • [+1460, -16] Junghwan looks cool in his shirt
  • [+1304, -15] Our Junghwan is kind
  • [+1192, -11] I thought that this wasn’t a scene where I’d cry…. But I cried so much ㅠㅠ
  • [+473, -6] This is the best scene today~

Sunwoo ♥ Ryu Hyeyoung, Reunion With A KissX

  • [+3012, -157] I like you guys the most. You’re just the best
  • [+2274, -78] When Sunwoo grabbed Bora’s hand……………..
  • [+2132, -57] Whenever we see this couple, they’re always going so fast ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But that’s why I like them…ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1653, -47] As expected, SunBora! I love you!
  • [+1615, -58] Watching SunBora today, it felt like I was watching the progression of a couple… So touching ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+1421, -48] Their start, progression and ending were perfect… SunBora, I love you
  • [+1190, -47] Sunwoo, Bora - Get married too!
  • [+989, -42] This couple is so pretty..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ How can I let you go
  • [+555, -27] As expecting, this couple is best at kissing..
  • [+422, -24] SunBora, who I trust to watch, you’re my perfect couple.
  • [+375, -17] SunBora is the couple of my life ㅠㅠㅠ

The Gang Of 5 Find Out About Sunwoo’s 6 Year Love X

  • [+2690, -10] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The part was so fun
  • [+2426, -7] “Sunwoo Noona and Bora Noona”ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+2115, -11] Dongryong is freaking funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+2047, -13] Dongryong ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ “How am I the only one who didn’t know” ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1685, -21] “Is that Jungpal? Where are you” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1088, -15] I bursted into laughter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌ

Dongryong, Vivid From Being ‘Betrayed’ X

  • [+4502, -11] Dongryoung-ah, you’re the funniest ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+2385, -5] Lee Donghwi’s really good at acting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+2265, -13] I like Dongryong the most. Dongryong-ah, where are you
  • [+1868, -30] Because of Dongryong, I was able to bear through the frustration ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Dongryong-ah, you’re the best!
  • [+1672, -9] Dongryong ㅋㅋㅋ He’s s scene stealer till the very end ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1351, -9] Dongryong, you’re the best

Bora Asks For Time To Think At Sunwoo’s Marriage Sugestion X

  • [+757, -8] You’re the best, Sunwoo-ya
  • [+348, -4] Sunwoo ♥ Bora - I like them because they’re not frustrating ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+328, -5] Sunwoo is straight-to-the-point~ He makes Bora speechless ㅎㅎ
  • [+317, -7] Sunwoo’s the best.. He’s a doctor too..
  • [+174, -7] You’re dating anyways, speak in banmal ㅎㅎ
  • [+45, -2] Bora ㅋㅋㅋㅋ “The most important thing is me!”

Sunwoo ♥ Bora, First Reunion Kiss in 6 Years X

  • [+2385, -26] She must have said that Sunwoo definitely won’t do because they’re Dongsungdongbon
  • [+1919, -46] They’re really good at kissing ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋ
  • [+1579, -31] They’re Dongsungdongbon. Sunwoo’s last name is Sung
  • [+1027, -53] SunBora is freaking refreshing!!!
  • [+661, -13] Do Dongryong is freaking funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㄲㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+212, -2] The reason why Sunwoo’s last name never came up is because they’re Dongsungdongbon
  • [+131, -2] Did the director purposefully make them kiss deeply because he knew they’re best friends ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Ra Miran ♥ Kim Sungkyun’s Remind Wedding… Happy Tears X

  • [+3101, -52] Junghwan-ah ㅜㅜㅜㅜ You’re so admirable
  • [+1752, -24] Who said Junghwan isn’t a responsible son? He’s really cool ㅋㅋ
  • [+470, -15] Junghwan has deep thoughts and is kind. Who said he’s a dog ㅠㅠ
  • [+411, -13] Junghwan cares for the people around him till the very end. A guy like Junghwan is the best… I’ll take Junghwan with me
  • [+316, -8] Junghwan is such a kind daughter ㅠㅠ
  • [+247, -7] Junghwan is cool till the very end
  • [+222, -1] Ra Miran is so good at acting.. I’m so touched..
  • [+194, -8] Ryu Joonyeol is freaking cool ㅎㅎ
  • [+227, -25] Both my mom and I were crying.

Sunwoo ♥ Bora, Caught By The 3 Ahjummas! X

  • [+1979, -13] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They did a lot without being caught
  • [+1586, -72] ㅋㅋㅋ They were going back and forth, here and there… You guys look happy…
  • [+1541, =8] Ra Miran is freaking funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She was just staring
  • [+1177, -11] This was funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1167, -7] Them going back and forth was really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1115, -6] The ahjummas as cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+786, -35] They’re always kissing. Writer-nim, if you’re like this, then I’m thankful, of course
  • [+400, -18] SunBora ♡
  • [+178, -9] I enjoyed SunBora during this period - Be happy~~

Sunwoo’s Proposal to Bora X

  • [+1039, -13] Sunwoo parting his hair was the work of god…
  • [+915, -17] Bora, I’m still wiping my nose from when your dad was reading the letter at the church..
  • [+556, -10] This couple is the most refreshing..ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+543, -9] Does Sunwoo become Lee Jonghyuk when he becomes an adult? It sounded like Lee Jonghyuk on the phone?
  • [+442, -19] I was happy to have meet Sunwoo and Bora
  • [+304, -6] Sunwoo, Bora - Be happy. I enjoyed you guys..
  • [+266, -10] Sunwoo and Bora is the couple of my life ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m happy
  • [+153, -2] Seriously ㅜㅠㅠㅠ I liked that they got married ㅠㅠㅠㅡ Their present day scenes were so cute too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+112, -2] This is really a drama that makes you realize the importance of family. My family, I love you

‘Stalker’ Sung Sunwoo Still Loves Bora in 2016 X

  • [+1426, -9] The adult Sunwoo is Lee Jonghyuk ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+1028, -44] I thought the adult Junghwan was going to show up
  • [+629, -40] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew she was going to get angry the third time ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+543, -20] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ That’s the real Sung Bora
  • [+421, -13] I wanted to see Sunwoo’s face - what a shame
  • [+311, -11] As expected, our Sung Bora hasn’t changed!!!
  • [+195, -11] She good at acting.. I saw her as Bora
  • [+138, -0] Sun-talker ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  It’s better that it was only his voice. I know SunBora, so I’ll imagine it myself

Sung Dong Il’s Tearful Letter For His Beloved Daughter X

  • [+1354, -6] When Sung Dong Il was sitting at the wedding venue by himself and crying.. His acting is so good
  • [+1309, -17] This was the finale’s highlight ㅠㅠㅠㅠ At first it was soundless, but then it was a wail later on ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I can’t see sweet scenes or scenes like these anymore……. I’ll miss you AM1988….
  • [+1050, -7] Bora couldn’t bear to say it to him so she wrote a letter… As the eldest daughter myself, I cried along with her… There must be a lot of oldest gaeddals like me
  • [+765, -5] I forgot all about the husband hunt and cried watching this scene..
  • [+699, -11] Dad, I’m sorry
  • [+673, -8] I kept on crying while watching this scene ㅠㅜ
  • [+467, -3] Ah…. I think I’m going to be like that if I get married too. Behind the happiness of being with the person that I love is having to leave my parents that raised me..
  • [+193, -1] I cried so much thinking of my own wedding. I’m the eldest daughter who’s rough-around-the-edges, just like Sung Bora. And my dad is like that too
  • [+154, -6] AM1988′s main character is Sung Bora

Sunwoo Makes Choi Moosung Cry! Touching ‘Real’ Invitation X

  • [+1039, -21] I was hoping that Sunwoo would call him ‘dad’..
  • [+585, -5] This made me really emotional ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Seeing how his name was where the father’s should be, I got touched too and cried ㅠㅠ
  • [+356, -11] I slowly got choked up starting from here ㅜㅜㅜ Sunwoo and Bora are the best
  • [+310, -4] I kept on crying while watching today…ㅠㅠㅠ I want to live in a neighbourhood like that
  • [+275, -3] Sunwoo is cool ㅠㅠㅠ Ahjusshi must be touched
  • [+96, -1] I was so touched and choked up… I have to become a daughter that’s like Sunwoo… Sunwoo-ya - thank you!!!
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‘Reply 1988’ ends with record viewership


TV drama “Reply 1988” aired its grand finale Saturday, breaking all records to go down as the most popular cable broadcast of all time.

On Saturday, 19.6 percent of viewers tuned in to watch the 20th and final episode of the retro-drama that debuted in November, broadcaster tvN said.

With the record viewership, the drama became the most popular cable broadcast and TV drama here, proving it’s possible for cable channels to create big hits. 

From left: Lee Hye-ri, Go Kyung-pyo, Ryu Jun-yeol and Lee Dong-hui in drama "Reply 1988" (tvN)

The previous record for a cable broadcast was held by music audition program “Super Star K2,” which attracted 18.1 percent of viewers in 2010.

The latest episode of “Reply 1988” also became the most successful among the “Reply” series that includes “Reply 1994” (2013) and “Reply 1997” (2012).

On the final episode, female protagonist Deok-sun (Lee Hye-ri)’s husband was finally revealed as Taek (Park Bo-gum), answering the central question of the series. Also, Deok-sun’s sister Bo-ra (Ryu Hye-young) and Sun-woo (Go Kyung-pyo) tied the knot, while all the Ssangmun-dong families left the neighborhood due to the city’s redevelopment projects.

The nostalgia-packed “Reply 1988” centered on family and everyday life against the backdrop of small Seoul neighborhood Ssangmun-dong in 1988, taking viewers back to relive the “good old days.” 

By Ahn Sung-mi (sahn@heraldcorp.com)



seems pretty good rating




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wow i havent login to soompi for years.

this drama actually made me come back. why? it made me think back to my youth. okok im not that old, but i spent most of those college and uni years watching kdramas and variety shows and lurking around soompi reading and spazzing over every posts. i think i stopped coming around Answer Me 1994 time (?) when the thread started getting really messy and scary and it was ruining my drama watching. i was on team oppa and started questioning why it feels like we are watching a different drama. i left and didnt come back at all as i was entering working adulthood anyway and i have no more time. im still continuing my kdramas and am happy with just the way it is, enjoying and interpreting it the way i want and just having occasional chats with friends. perhaps this is why i came into Answer Me 1988 with no expectations.

i didnt follow any analysis, any spoilers, any comments. i know not to read so much into the clues and i just followed the story. i was a bit disappointed that there is going to be husband hunting again, but as the episodes progressed, i was glad. the focus is on the friendship, the families, the bonding, rather than the loveline. every character has their stories and to me, everyone is the lead. i was so immersed in each story that i didnt even think of the loveline until my friend texted me after ep18.

she said she was heartbroken after JH's confession and sooo wants JH to be the husband. it was only then that i realise i havent cared much about who is the husband. i only wished i had my own Ssangmundong and as a middle child myself, i wished i had friends like them to grow up with. and so, back to my friend's text, i replied that i hope Taek is the husband. why? it is obvious from DS's expression when she is with them. she likes Taekie more than she knows. DS is a very simple girl, she is happy with just a compliment that she is pretty, even if it is a lie (it's not! she IS pretty). she is happy with just simple stuff, like a new brandless shoe or a date around the neighborhood. Taek is the only one able to say them honestly. also, i told my friend that they developed Taek's character more, evident as he gets more and more screentime and the screentime involves him doing stuff WITH DS. JH had his chance, right up to the pink birthday shirt. i was getting frustrated with all his hesitation and coupled with lesser screentime, i just cannot root for him anymore. he is like he said, too late.

to me, this drama was never just about the loveline. do not blame the writer or pd and please respect that this is the story that they want to tell. try approaching the drama from a different perspective and i am sure you will have a different experience. the 'trolling around of clues' is not something that we dont know, im sure the writers had fun coming up with all the possible scenarios that they know the audience will fall for. they will be the ones with the last laugh. i am glad i did not over analyse, braincells saved :)

the story arc i love most is sunwoo omma and taek appa! i just liked how they each supported their children and now finally found someone to support on. how Sunwoo and Taek came to accept them is also written beautifully. i cried so much when Sunwoo gave Taek appa the special wedding card and asked him to sit next to his mum during the wedding. sobs.

i will not go into how great the last ending sequence scene is. but do i wish for more? yes, i want just a little bit more, for JH, but i figured i shouldnt be too greedy. and the funny thing is, im probably most similar to JH's character in real life. i hesitate a lot, i keep a lot of things to myself, i am one who doesnt like to be in attention. so if i am JH, it is enough to know that i will be remembered by many. but dang that confession took a lot of courage, i wouldnt be able to do it.

this drama is a gem for me. it will always have a special place in my heart.

Note: so adult Taek had that hairstyle in earlier episodes to hide that forehead scar huh lol, you can never win the writers
Another note: the stylists did a fantastic job with the wardrobe. i still remember laughing so hard at sung appa wearing the same jacket during the flashforward through the years sequence in ep17

P.S: is there any Line group chat for kdrama fans in singapore?


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I remember reading this sometime ago. Stumbled upon it today. 



The writer wrote this:

excerpt: I believe Taek shall always be Deok Sun’s husband to me. 

So, did the writer release a spoiler but nobody believed it at that time? :sweatingbullets:



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Hi. This is my first time posting in this thread actually.


I just wanted to say lovelines aside I think I fell in love with the three ahjummas and their relationship with their families. As someone who is living far away from my family, everytime I miss my mom, when I watch the ahjummas taking care of their family, I can feel their warmth and love...and be reminded of a mother's warmth again. Especially, cheetah ahjumma, mrs ra miran. when she cried, the moment JH step out of the hous in  ep 20 I  was immediately reminded of my parents ;__; I'm really thankful for the family aspects of this drama, it's really a gem and I would remember it for a very long time. :)

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Hello everyone. It's my first time (and maybe the last time?) posting on MT. The last 4 episodes were hard for me, but life goes on anyway, right.

Firstly, allow me to mention Junghwan, because the main reason for my heartache is his closure in the last episode. There were only glimpses of him. And he is still the kind one until the end, accompanying SW for a drink and cancelling the plan to drive his car to army base. Oh well. He is what he is. 

Maybe, just maybe, due to our freedom to limitless imagination, someone who is fated to be JH's other half would be someone who falls for him first. A woman who earnestly care for him, is not hesitant to say she has fallen for him, and explicitly fight for his heart, giving new colors in his life. Someone who would sincerely say "thank you for what you have done for me". Maybe then he will realize that such a precious person has opened his heart. He can give love as his kind heart always told him to, but he also gets the love he deserves. I'd love to see who loves JH the most, that kind of woman or JB oppa. Oyeaah :D

Finally, despite this heartbreak, I will cherish the story of ssangmundong's 5 families as they have made me laugh and cry watching their unconditional love.

Sung family. Sung appa for his ultimate dedication and being a big shady tree for his family. He also showed me the option to help others even when we can choose to be selfish because of our own poor condition. Sung omma for her patience and unparalleled love and care. I cried so hard when she shielded bora from the cops and told them every single good quality in her daughter. Sung siblings for their messy bickering but cherishing each other through thick and thin. For giving their dad a best father award when he retires (that scene had me bawling). Bora, the first born who cherishes her family the most, who feels sorry that she had to burden them by taking law test. Bora who can finally say she loves her dad and wants to be dad's daughter again even in another lifetime. I ship BoraXappa! Maknae Neoul, dad's beloved son with beautiful voice. Who always becomes victim of his noona's hitting but is so keen on who they might be dating. Deoksun the sensible, kind, and cheerful child, the apple to her parents' eyes. The only one who responds willingly to kim sajang's greeting and actually considers it fun. Also props to her for helping a classmate with epilepsy. Her relationship with friends man ok and ja hyun also reminds me of good old school days. Sung family is love.

Kim family. Kim sajangnim who keeps his smile and gigs throughout all hardships, who saw the gem that Cheetah omma is, who encourages JB to grow up to be a fine man even if he couldn't go to college. Kim omma, cheetah ra miran, the lady with strongest heart and yet no one can love Kim family members more than her. A mother who has complete trust in JH and hopes for JB to have a better future by going to college. This series will not be the same without cheetah omma. JH, I'm out of words. We all know how precious he is. The special event for his parents' wedding anniversary is the best. JB oppa, the gentleman who is always sincere and polite, a smart person in his own way. I'm so happy he found the love of his life. The famous scene parodies though, lol. I will always cherish how he called JH "uri dongsaeng" and "dongsaeng-ah". Kim family jjang!

Sunwoo's family. Sun Young omma, the dedicated mother that gives her everything for her children. I believe sunwoo and jinjoo grow up well because they feel her love. Sunwoo, who wouldn't be touched by this filial child and oppa. The scene where SW showed her mom that he got full scholarship for college had me sobbing. I also cried when he put Choi appa's name on the wedding invitation as "father" and ask him to stay by his mom's side (Ok I admit, I cried almost all the time throughout the finale). Jinjoo the doll, she brings joy to her family. Younger jinjoo is so adorable. How lucky of her to have two wonderful brothers!

Choi appa, the selfless father, best dad that taek can ever ask for. A dad who can't say "saranghae" to taek but when he does, it's enough to make taek cry. I clenched my fists when he broke taek's locker with his bare hand. He can become superman if it's for his child. So happy choi appa and sunyoung omma have each other. He also raised jinjoo well, having talks with her about practically everything including Minky Momo. Taek, who shed tears again and again for his appa. I will remember him as a child who genuinely wishes for his dad's happiness. "I want you to eat warm meal even when I'm not home", and how he told SW that he was thankful for SW's omma. It's enough to warm our hearts.

Ryu family. Dongryong's dad and his maknae son alike are my source of laughter. Appa's impromptu dance show is always fun to watch. We know he cares earnestly for his son's future even though he always scolds DR and is so busy at school (and patrolling to prevent students entering age-restricted places). DR's mom, a mother who can make DR smile from ear to ear just by making him seaweed soup. A mother who has to work, but finally DR realized that it's all for her children. DR, a child who holds his own ground. He was so cute when he said "I don't hate my mom" while grinning. dongryong-ah, where are you now? T.T

This is my closure to this series. It had me smiling, laughing, crying, and reflecting on my own life through the story. It has a great line of OST. I guess we can only wait for miracle (which doesnt happen everyday) if we want to know the whereabout of JH's ring, who jinjoo married, what is the profession of future DR, and other unanswered questions that are left in the dark. But these 5 families (eventually becomes 4 because choi apa and sunyoung omma married each other) have worked hard and lived with love. Their messages come across, and I don't regret watching this drama until the end despite the heartbreak. Let's live our live to the fullest, guys. Haengbokhaseyo (please be happy)! Thank you for this journey to 1988 :) 

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We reached 500 posts!! 

I want to make a rough calculation and if we adding up all the pages of 3 major shipping thread, we would have 500 (MT) + 304 (TK/DS) + 689 (JH/DS) + 57 (BR/SW) = 1550 pages!!!! 

On a different note, there's a wrap up party for reply 1988 and everyone arrive in their casual outfit. They all look pretty and sassy here.
Who else also looking forward to pictures of the casts from their vacation in Phuket? :D:D








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Guest wizengamot


(and i'm moving to the residence where the Kim's moved heh )

Okay, the day after the finale, and i finally gather my thoughts back and I think I'm clear-minded now to talk (rather than rant. though i cannot promise that this is rant-free)

Honestly, I'm still at lost where to put Reply 1988 in my kdrama corner. I've watched lots of kdramas but only few kdramas gave me the worst withdrawal in my history of kdrama viewing (R97, Healer, I Hear Your Voice, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, Hello Monster). It's not that i didn't like the others, it's like being a bookworm; you love all your books but if you only need to save like 4-5, these have to be it (trust me, if i could carry all of it i'd take Angry Mom, School 2013, School 2015, Moon Embracing the Sun, etc). 

Anyway, R88 had left a sour taste in my mouth yesterday and it could have been reason enough for me to never look back, but I have to admit that this series manage to tug at my heart (at most of the episodes) and I'm really thankful for this series because I have known RJY. All my fellow shippers know that I started this series because of PBG. I was having my Hello Monster withdrawal when I found out that he's starring in one of my favorite kdramas, Reply series. I really hoped I was reminded of the old adage "be careful what you wish for" because at that time, after watching him in Naeil Cantabile and Hello Monster, i wished PBG would get the girl this time, and it did happen, unfortunately for me, JH/RJY creep up at my heart unknowingly.

I really had no idea of who he was at that time so basically when I realize that PBG didn't even appear for more then 30 minutes on R88 ep 1, I immediately dropped the series, not when ep 4 was already out did I decided to try it again because of the raving reviews. But when I gave this series another try, RJY/JH stole my heart.

It's not about the clues. Yeah, we could all fight over the clues but like what was already mentioned, the clues can both be applied if the writer would want to, that's why my biggest giveaway of the series was because the story was on JH pov. I cannot undone anything now, but still I'm wondering about why did the Reply team didn;t just put it on TK's pov. Like when SW was DS first love, why they didn't just focus on TK. I guess it would have been better if TK was the one who did all the things JH did, that way the endgame's relationship was more developed or was much more explored. But then again, I'm just glad that we have those many swoon-worthy JH (and JH-DS) moments to cherish. (most of their scenes was made into a parody, especially the bus scene. JH-DS moment became iconic).

It's not who deserves you more or who does more. Another reason why we're more inclined to JH is he basically done alot of things in the name of his love for DS. We've seen him in action since ep.1 but then again in real life, love cannot be quantified. 

DS did not reject JH. JH did not choose DS. So I was thinking about it and realize this thing. It's not that DS rejected JH, but JH chose not to pursue anything to DS. JH confession was indeed him cleaning up his feelings. When TK visited him, he seemed okay with it. Anyway, as for DS, she is a responder. When MO and Ja Hyun said about SW liking her she jump into it. When MO and Ja Hyun said about JH liking her, she also jumped into it, and i thought this time would be different. I thought that if JH stopped pursuing her, DS would change into someone who initiates instead of just responding. I thought DR advice of her liking someone freely would happen but no. Even with her case on TK, she was a responder. TK kissed her and that's when she only realized something. Few years passed, and if her stewardess friend did not chide her into the idea of dating her childhood friend (TK), she would have not responded. I thought after 1994, DS would turn into someone who would find out what she really likes without someone telling her.

Why am I disappointed?

- I guessed I could have used a much more developed endgame relationship. In a recent interview of RJY, RJY said that he also thought that he was the husband. He and the rest of the characters were only told that he is not the husband on ep 18. He and Hyeri had already been discussing their own kissing scenes on breaks. So if the actors themselves who are filming the series think that RJY's JH is the husband, what more are the viewers? 

- I could used an elaborate closure for JH. Yes, JH confession was his closure, but we only assumed that since we have already seen that he's not gonna be appearing much on ep 19 and 20. But before ep 19 & 20, anyone could still assume that it could be like R97 YJ's too late confession. I guessed, I could have used more scenes from him moving on, not necessarily finding a new love, but just seeing more of him being okay without DS, and not looking as if he just cameo for ep 19 & 20. 

Anyway, I'm still kind of thankful about this series. I know that R88 main couple was TK-DS, but admit it or not, from now on, whenever R88 would be mentioned, first thing that would come to mind would be JH and his first love. Seeing the out pour of love for RJY (his IG followers escalated quickly and so are the fans support both internationally and in Korea), his Jung Hwan character would stay in kdrama history more than anything else. 


And JH-DS story is definitely an unforgettable one. Not only because it was more explored, and it ended in an unexpected way, but also because even the memory of the adult couple (during the interview) circled/lingered more into JH. 

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Link: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2016/01/201_195625.html

By Kwon Ji-youn
Though producer Shin Won-ho thought "Reply 1988" would fall short of his very successful "Reply" series, viewers "replied" to the addition with a heightened enthusiasm that wrote history in cable television in Korea.

The curtain fell on tvN's "Reply 1988" Saturday after recording an all-time high viewership of 19.6 percent. The last episode saw Deok-seon (portrayed by Girls' Day member Hye-ri), a flight attendant, happily engaged to brilliant Go player Taek (Park Bo-gum) and law student Bo-ra (portrayed by Ryu Hye-young), Deok-seon's older sister, married to medical school student Seon-woo (Ko Kyung-pyo).

And the five families finally say goodbye to Ssangmun-dong, where Deok-seon and her four childhood friends ― Taek, Jung-hwan, Seon-woo and Dong-ryong ― were born, grew up and fell in love in the 1980s.


Family, friendship, love

If "Reply 1997" and "Reply 1994" focused on love as a theme, "Reply 1988" hit closer to home with a focus on families and their struggles.

The parents of each of the five friends were definitely scene-stealers. Audiences in their 40s and 50s identified with Seong Dong-il and his decision to retire from work early; Seon-woo's mother and Taek's father, both single parents; and Jung-hwan's mother La Mi-ran, who experiences early menopause.

Siblings identified with Deok-seon and Bo-ra, who fought all the time but turned to each other in the face of challenges, and with Jung-hwan's affection for his weak older brother, who once dreamt of joining the air force. Jung-hwan becomes a pilot to fulfill his brother's dream.

"Reply 1988" had the whole package ― it was emotional, identifiable and comedic all at once. It shed light on the economical and social affairs of the late 1980s, and breathed new life into the songs, films and trends of that time period, only to prove the retro fever in Korea has yet to lose steam.

Rookies also contributed to the success of "Reply 1988."

Girls' Day member Hye-ri, who made her lead role debut with "Reply 1988," received critical acclaim for her portrayal of Deok-seon, and the series discovered new talent in Ryu Jun-yeol, Ryu Hye-young, Lee Dong-hwi and Ahn Jae-hong, all of whom were more active in independent filmmaking before they were discovered by director Shin.

Where did Jung-hwan go?

But the ending wasn't all roses for many fans.

That two of the five friends disappeared without a trace nearing the show's conclusion was a disappointment to audiences who had grown fond of them. 

Kim Jung-hwan, portrayed by Ryu Jun-yeol, went from lead character to supporting role in a matter of episodes, trying the patience of viewers who complained the sudden change was nonsensical narrative-wise.

Jung-hwan had developed feelings for Deok-seon early in the plot, while they were high-school students. His feelings remained strong when the storyline entered 1994, and so the sudden romantic development between Deok-seon and Taek was unconvincing, according to several fans.

"I think the writers, because of spoilers that ran rampant online, abruptly changed the ending," said Kim Ji-hye, who works for a media company in Seoul. "Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so unpersuasive."

The writers, perhaps in the rush to make adjustments, forgot to give Jung-hwan a proper ending.

Ryu Dong-ryong (portrayed by Lee Dong-hwi), the last of the five friends, also went missing in action.

Dong-ryong, the class clown, ended up a restaurant owner, but considering a good portion of the plot was focused on friendship, the writers didn't do justice to Dong-ryong's role as counselor for the five friends, says online commentary. The Dong-ryong story was limited to just one episode.

‘Reply 1988' writes history

Even so, "Reply 1988" wrote history in cable television industry.

Though tvN has normally targeted audiences in their 20s and 30s, "Reply 1988," with a focus on the joys and sorrows of the average working-class family, appealed to viewers of all ages.

Its first episode, which aired on Nov. 6, began with a viewership of 6.1 percent, considerably higher than the first-episode performances of "Reply 1997" and "Reply 1994." The fifth episode broke 10 percent and the 19th episode hit 18.6 percent, shattering the tvN record set by the second season of "Superstar K" six years ago. The record was broken again the next day, by the final episode of "Reply 1988," which marked 19.6 percent.

The stars of "Reply 1988" benefited from such successes, winning over 70 advertisement contracts.

Girls' Day member Hye-ri, in particular, won more than 10 exclusive contracts with her appearance in "Reply 1988," and Ryu Jun-yeol and Park Bo-gum, both rookies, have also catapulted to stardom.

With Kim Hye-soo's "Signal" set to begin airing next week, tvN is posing a threat to the three major broadcasters with high-quality productions that prove drama series do not need adultery, amnesia or a Cinderella story to turn heads.

The ending may have been controversial, but the success of the series, which began amid concerns that the sequel would not meet expectations and that lead roles would not deliver, has ultimately raised the bar, and its actors, both rookie and veteran, have added a showpiece to their careers.


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Reply 1988 Fangirling journey
1. So many news and updates in soompi and other sites about reply 1988
"What's great about reply? I don't get it.. how do they relate with it?"

2. (a) Incredibly high tv ratings despite of being a cable channel
"Ok, I'm gonna give it a try, I'm going to watch ost or fan made videos first"

        (b) After watching some previews, trailer and fmv...
"Why is it Sung Dong Ill the only person I know in this drama?.. Alright, I will still give it shot and wait for Christmas break to watch it..." 
"What's interesting about this? How can I relate with 80's stuff?"

3. Watching the first episode.
The first scene - naming the lead characters
"Why are they so many? It's too fast, i have to rewind it to remember them all"
The mothers' hairstyle
"They resemble a lot, I tend to interchange them with each other." (Only because, I was not really familiar with them at that point. Lol.)

4. Finally, after  watching the first episode.
"My goodness! This drama is so good"
"Laugh hard, cry harder"
"I hate Bora, why she have to be like that?"

5. Then, I fell in love with this drama.
"Team SW" 
"I love the bickering more. I'll ship JH and DS"
"Ohh.. Why am I flustered with TK and DS?.. alright, taektanic is sailing"
"Team JH"
"Team TK"
"Team Scriptwriter"
"I'm sick and tired weighing who must be the husband and I love both of the characters, I am just going to stick with the story."
"I love Bora, I learned to love her character!" 
"Squad goals, family goals, relationship goals, career goals. Name it. This drama has everything."

6. Final Episode
"I bet the writer has her own Junghwan in her life or on the other hand he maybe JH himself"
"I realized that nothing's really permanent escpecially when families from the block started to leave one by one"
"Answer me, 1988" *cries* *separation anxiety*


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