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[Drama 2015] Answer Me 1988 응답하라 1988


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That's amazing.  If that's really the planned synopsis ...WOW.  I'm assuming it will DS who travels since DS is writing it in her plan chart.  JH confesses but she has to leave so her answer is on hold.  I think all of the red/blue/yellow/etc objects are purposely thrown everywhere in each scene just to mess with people.  Those colors are just everywhere!!!

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where can i find this kind of friendship now days ??

i love them so much

I agree. I love their friendship. It's so beautiful. They've been sleeping under the same blanket since they were babies, and it's adorable that even though one blanket barely covers them now, they still share the blanket. They have outgrown the blanket, but they still are the same kids who find simple happiness just by being together. When Sun Woo extended his share of blanket to Duk Seon... It's just....  that was so beautiful sigh. I seriously blame and am mad at Duk Seon's friends for tainting her mind and gave different meanings of Sun Woo's actions towards her. That's just his personality and nothing more. His treatment of Duk Seon is as special as his treatment to Jung Hwan, Dong Ryung, and Taek. Duk Seon didn't find anything special in Sun Woo's treatment of her before her friends commented about all that, because she knew Sun Woo had always been this way. I just hope there won't be that much angst between Duk Seon and Sun Woo and that she`ll get over it fast. They can't waste this beautiful platonic love of nothing but endless sharing and caring for each other.

And that scene where they all were guarding the phone, waiting for Taek's call that he has come home. Seriously. Even with Jung Hwan's sour mood, he was still waiting for Taek's call and was on his feet as soon as he heard he was back. Every time Taek comes home, it's like he has gone away for years and their excitement to see him back is just so priceless and genuine. Don't grow up too fast, babies T____T I hate to see you all go separate ways and start making adult decisions.


Reply 1997 has one of the best childhood friendship stories I have seen, but Reply 1988 is now topping it.


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I wouldn't be surprised if they don't really get together until after college.  Not that the triangle will linger for years or their feelings will be unknown, but they are only 18 years old.  They could date a little when they are still in high school, but then go study in different places and maybe drift apart a bit, but still eventually get married after they finished university.  I doubt the two got married right out of high school anyway. It'll be interesting to see how the families and relationships with everyone grows and changes.  People move, the kids go to school, things change...  everyone isn't going to be together forever.   Though I think the families and kids all remain friends even 30 year later even if they obviously don't live in the same neighborhood.

That has me thinking, I do hope all the parents (and everyone else) are alive in the future. 

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After finding out that Taek possibly likes DS, I went back and took another look at all of Taeks scenes and it's very subtle but it seems like he's always been looking at DS in many of those scenes.

And remember how Taek seemed disappointed that he couldn't go the school trip? He also asked if DS was also going on the school trip.

And him asking her out on a movie when he saw the first snow - Taek must have heard when DS said to SW to confess on the first snow.

Gah Taek youre such a wooden character most of the times but you're really killing me... My brain says JH is the husband because of the present day husband mannerisms and the fact that he has had too many important scenes for JH to be a second lead. But my heart can't help but ship Taek! Ahhhh my second lead ship!

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The color /analysis/group thesis paper. Duk Seon's table top is green (while unnie Bora's is left wooden) and the straps and color of her bag are also green. Make of it what you will. From the pic that @Love1403 posted this is how I see things (this is starting to feel like the blue and gold or white and gold dress internet fiasco all over again, team white and gold always) I see first purple at a distance, followed by purple, red, yellow side by side, then you got green and yellow close but distanced. We have a distance then you see red close to blue but not touching, then you got blue and yellow side by side and then I think pink at a distance watching everything. 

Junghwan, Junghwan, Junghwan *sigh* You and a young Yoonjae could really benefit by taking lessons from Bubblegum's RiHwan on how to properly show and confess feelings to your life long best friend who is no longer a friend but a woman to you. Just as YoonJae thought it was safe because Joonhee wasn't a factor and he got rid of handsome ROTC potential first love stealing Siwon , BAM came in hyung to destory d-day. Now my little pit bull Junghwan is all smiles cause Sunwoo is not a factor but WHOOP, Taek is..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...*sobers up* ha, I love it! I have this image of a grow Junghwan and Yoonjae sitting at t able reminiscing over beers. Yoonjae sighs, "I ain't lying bruh, I had to stay away for years because of my hyung, yes my hyung. Yo, were there no other girls in Seoul..." Junghwan sighs, shakes his head and gives him an understanding 'i feel you, i been there' pat on the shoulder. Both men cheers and take a gulp from their beers. Oppa-yah tries to get in a word, "let me tell it. For like 10 billion years he-" Both Yoonjae and Junghwan give him death glares "She was always shooting heart eyes at you! You brought that mess onto yourself. Standing all conflicted acting like you shooting some sort of Nora Ephorn movie." Oppa-yah just goes back to his drinking. Now I want a R94 or R97 crossover. Maybe they all live in the same apartment building. I want it. Make it happen writers.

Okay show when are you going to let me learn more about Dong Ryeong? When are we going to go into his home and see his family? I like the character and want to learn more about him/see more than the counselor role. I think DR has an interesting home life that is such a contrast from his other friends. Both his parents work. His mom doesn't make him lovely (and for some bad tasting) mommy lunches (he regularly has instant noodles or quick and easy kimichi fried rice) or see him off to school like the other moms do. I really want to meet Dong Ryeong's mom. There is so much story that can be told from that. I am dying for a scene where she comes home from work and has to pass by the mom squad like the dads do. Will they call her over and talk with her? What would they talk and joke with her about? What are the mom's opinions of her working (a working woman in 80's Korea, I expect varying points of view on it). I am curious as to who cooks and feeds Dong Ryeong dinner and just a glimpse of what it is like to have your school dean also be your father (especially since he is a low scoring student with a knack for trouble). I especially need one more scenes of the dad hilarious running after Dong Ryeong and threatening to kill him like in episode 3. 

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@Blue_angel_1004 thank you for translating the post, it makes everything so much easier to understand especially the wordplay that's difficult for people who don't know Korean to catch.

The guys are older than in previous two Reply series. They're 44 years old, 45 in Korean age. Thus the guys probably went through and experienced a lot in life. It might be possible then that the producer will span their story on a broader timeline.

@tituyphing I wonder if it's might be a possibility that Taek listened to the radio and guessed it's Deoksun? In the beginning of ep6, Taek was fixated to get his Walkman player to work, and it can be used to listen to radio.

When the radio MC read Deoksun's message he says it's sent it from "Sunny, from Ssangmundong". I'm not sure if Deoksun ever had Sunny as nickname? But then the neighborhood isn't big either, not many people live in Ssangmundong. And Bora is definitely not the type to call herself sunny lol. 

So im just curious maybe Taek heard her confession on the radio, and he also witnessed when Sunwoo strangely visit Deoksun to borrow dictionary.

If not the PD could as well make the confession and rejection of Deoksun to not be a secret, we will find out later maybe. But the guys are all close friends, so I think news would travel fast between them. Actually Junghwan and Dongryong might love to mock Deoksun for it asap lol. 

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Thank you @lelee for your hard work to translating for us.. I also curious what the couple on 2015 bickering about, bec I can't catch what are they talking, I heard something about "went to college event," and "they were all watching tv show on 1988" but I can't understand the full sentences before adult DS starts dancing. Ahahahaha... 

EDIT : I'm also Crime Scene and Tge Genius fans ~~~^^ 

High five to a fellow Crime Scene and The Genius fan!

As for bickering in 2015, they were discussing what they did in 1998.


The husband asked, "In 1988, isn't it when we went to the College Campus Music Festival? Was it at the Gymnastics Stadium?"

DS asks, "Who did you go to the College Campus Music Festival with?"

Hubby: No, remember we went with the guys.

DS: I watched it on tv at home.

Hubby: No, we went to watch it. The first place winner was... Jeon Yuna's "Love is."

DS: That was 1989. In 1988, the winner was Muhan Gwedo's "To You."

Hubby: Hmm... No! It was Jeon Yuna!

DS: I'm telling you, it's Muhan Gwedo!


College Campus Music Festival was a singing contest for college students that aired on MBC from the 1970s to 1990s. It was extremely popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. (You may remember Baro's character auditioned for it on Answer Me 1994 as well.)

Back to the drama, this scene shows that the couple's memory of 1988 may not be very trustworthy.

DS was correct. The winner for 1988 was Muhan Gwedo's "To You" and the winner in 1989 was Jeon Yuna's "Love is." However, the husband was also right. In 1988, the contest took place at Olympic Gymnastics Stadium. In 1989, it took place at Jangchung Gymansium. So who is correct? DS or her husband?

As an aside, 1988 College Campus Music Festival was on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24), and the episode title for Episode 7 is "To You," the winning song from 1988. Muhan Gwedo ("Infinite Track") was the group that the late Shin Hae Chul made his debut in, and was composed of childhood friends, dating back to kindergarten.  Here's an actual clip from the 1988 show.




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@blue_angel_1004, I'm glad to see you here :wub:

Ahhh!! Leila, so glaaad to see you here! It's been so long!!!!

Yeah, I know. I had returned to being just a casual drama watcher because nothing was really grabbing me. But Shin PD's magic did me in once again, and I'm back to being the obsessed Blue, just reading and watching everything related to this drama. I hope you're liking AM1988 as much as I am! 

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Guest csw909203

Ahhh, I think all these posts on the colours is making me trip out a bit…just happened to be on a picture of Eunji from the 97 drama and I just noticed her hat has yellow and green on it too!!

With all the amazing investigation already done, I'm probably one of the last to realize this…but now the producers are making me overanalyze all 3 dramas at once :( Haha 


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Hi! guys 

What do you think about my theory if DS is a "Air Hostess"

i remember that in EP.4 at the tutor group she said "she good command in language English and Spanish"

And DS adult (Lee mi Yeon) she is so beautiful i just no wonder if she is Air Hostess

hahaha!! LOL about my theory and sorry for my poor English skill (How to insert Picture)



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Guest nchoerunnisa

Just wondering  what will be the future career of everyone. I am sure DS will go to college if she is going to invest time on her study as much as she had invested her time when practising to be a picket girl during the olympics. Unless she continue to just sleep in the study hall.:D

I am also wondering  why DS is doing an interview for the present time.

I'm wondering the same thing. But I have a guess that the interviewer is BR unnie? Since she suddenly no where to be seen once the interview was started. But I can't imagine how BR unnie can hold herself from interrupting the interview. I mean DS praised herself a lot. There's no way unnie just let it go.

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Guest beastrbae

Guys.. how come the radio DJ read Deoksun's postcard/letter during the first snow when it got bounced back to her address (which Junghwan saw and read it)?? Did Junghwan sent it back or maybe Deoksun sent a lot of postcards? If it's the former which is quite a stretch, my heart is gonna shatter into pieces because I didn't expect Junghwan to be so selfless. 

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