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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun - LTE Couple [WGM]: PART 2


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I like solim (my bias)  but I won't ship any stars in 100% because there are lots of uncertain factors in that entertainment industry.

For sure, every honeybees would like these two to become a real couple.

However,sometimes reality can be cruel.

Imagine everyone is putting their eyes on you,your company is giving pressure to you and someone is giving advice to you. And this kind of thing may become the obstacle of their relationship. (or maybe they will meet a better one in future ,who knows! )<--Honeybee dislike this assumption. Haha

The KR entertainment industry is fiercely competitive. Acting ability and popularity are essential.There are many new faces with good potential coming out recently.SE and JL are not the top actress/actor right now and probably they still have a long way to go. I really really really hope that they can receive good projects in the near future especially for JL. 

If they receive more popularity and reputation,probably they have more power to fight for what they want. (e.g.Priority for choosing good script,achieve their goals,love,money,freedom...) Example: Suzy and LMH

Sorry for sharing this heavy topic but  I still want to comment  this because I think SE is worrying about JL acting career.Remember how she kept nagging (teasing) to JL to focus on acting only .It seemed that she really care about him.

Why does she need to  care about his career or his image............etc.  The answer: _________________________  (delulu mind...)

Again ,I like solim and I want them to be happy no matter what they choose, I will always support them.Cheers!


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I like solim (my bias)  but I won't ship any stars in 100% because there are lots of uncertain factors in that entertainment industry.

For sure, every honeybees would like these two to become a real couple.

However,sometimes reality can be cruel.

Imagine everyone is putting their eyes on you,your company is giving pressure to you and someone is giving advice to you. And this kind of thing may become the obstacle of their relationship. (or maybe they will meet a better one in future ,who knows! )<--Honeybee dislike this assumption. Haha

The KR entertainment industry is fiercely competitive. Acting ability and popularity are essential.There are many new faces with good potential coming out recently.SE and JL are not the top actress/actor right now and probably they still have a long way to go. I really really really hope that they can receive good projects in a near future especially for JL. 

If they receive more popularity and reputation,probably they have more power to fight for what they want. (e.g.Priority for choosing good script,achieve their goals,love,money,freedom...) Example: Suzy and LMH

Sorry for sharing this heavy topic but  I still want to comment  this because I think SE is worrying about JL acting career.Remember how she kept nagging (teasing) to JL to focus on acting only .It seemed that she really care about him.

Why does she need to  care about his career or his image............etc.  The answer: _________________________  (delulu mind...)

Again ,I like solim and I want them to be happy no matter what they choose, I will always support them.Cheers!


Yes, Korean entertainment business is very competitive, that is why we shouldn't complain a lot about their choices in dramas, maybe there is nothing else in offer, who knows. There are lots of idols becoming actors who have huge popularity...but as long as Soeun and Jaerim have projects I am happy. On a brighter side, I found this so cute:




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For me.. This is my favorite interview and photoshoot of him.. He's so awesomely hawtt with clothes on here.. LOL:wub: evn though it's an old interview. Bfore ep 8 of WGM, I think. cr: kathykel from SJR thread

CR to Song Jae Rim Chinese FC weibo (http://www.weibo.com/songjaelimCHN)


“The image in ‘We Got Married’, that is actually the real/original me.” After saying that, he removed one of the rings from his finger and showed us the engraving of a bunch of numbers on the ring. “ This is something I had prepared for the next episode, you all get to see it first. I went to the jewelry shop myself and engraved the date of our first meeting, it is a gift to her.”

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"Solim First Time Ever" series

49. Food truck

When they were having breakfast, Soeun said "Thank you!" to Jaerim.


It was because a few days ago, Jaerim promised to send a food truck to "Liar Game" filming set.


And he really did that quickly.  See how Soeun's face was glowing with delight when she saw the food truck.


Jaerim had designed the banner himself.


And of course, there were some cheesy lines in this blackboard from nampyeon...


He also designed cup holder wraps with their selca, and also the slogan "Liar Game, fighting!"


Soeun picked up a video camera to shoot some footage to show Jaerim.


Other casts in Liar Game enjoyed the food and drinks.


In the BRI, Soeun said she got power from Jaerim's gift food truck, feeling proud and satisfied for nampyeon.



This was the story of the first food truck sent by Jaerim to Soeun's filming set.  In later interviews after WGM stint, it was revealed they both had promised to send food truck to each other's filming set.  However, when Soeun tried to send a food truck to Unkind Ladies filming it was unsuccessful due to filming schedule restrictions.  And more recently, when Soeun was filming TSWWTN, Jaerim also tried to send a food truck to the filming set but was also unsuccessful due to similar reasons.  Why are the KBS and MBC production teams so cruel to our lovely Solim couple??

I am sure they won't be too frustrated about this and they would find suitable ways to compensate each other in private (delulu mind in action).  Maybe Soeun found some way to get Jaerim drunk and agree to try skydiving together... :P

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Feel that I have to share my thoughts.
But before that, I didn't realize that so many of you welcome me and only few that I mentioned and thanked them, so for @everyone

So here it goes, I have mentioned before about how everything is coming back again (the feeling of being a shipper). I even mentioned about that I have another ship and I still ship them until now, for 3 years! Yes, 3 years. :sweatingbullets:
The thing is, I feel so much at ease with our couple since they still have communication with each other, I saw someone said about the "small progress"(No pun intended, here) while I appreciate it so much. The thing is, I have create this habit to compare my two ships: and they are so much alike and different at the same time: the other was from a drama while our OTP was in a variety show. My other ship are Ninjas cause we only hear about them once they got a new project :lol::sweatingbullets: while these two are the opposite. 

I really can't blame people who pair KSE with the other guy cause probably they saw "chemistry" about them, that's their opinion though I'm not so sure if that is because of the characters they played or off-cam/BTS. (I ship my other ship because of their chemistry off-cam and the way they interact based on BTS), given that of course there are other people who only ship the characters they played. It is funny though how immature some antis and bashers that they think they did something good for the celebrity and expect them to move as what pleases them. KEntertainment is strict, the fans, the media..etc. that's how their industry evolve but I do think there a little progress now compare before, at least now they learned to appreciate such "relationship announcements" ex. Suzy and LMH couple, whereas it was considered as "scandal" before (though it still happen nowadays). But, of course.. a good acceptance from the audience means that they have good image, that is one of the factors (remember Yoona of SNSD + LSG?). 
SJR is a mature person, I can tell that by how he perceive things in life, his dedication and his words of wisdom, that's why I learned to like him. The way he respect KSE is such a big plus on his side as a man. 
KSE is a fierce woman, frank and honest, very competitive, such type of personality has a strong will. She knows how to handle certain situations and get along with it, that's why she managed to go with SJR's playfulness, and yes that is plus for our girl because SJR ideal woman is someone who can go along with him.
These two might not be together now (we don't know, maybe I'm wrong :rolleyes:),as they have their priorities and that's their focus for now-- SJR is still rising as a star, and so as KSE. With their personalities, I bet these two will never miss the opportunities that they have today. Our worries, will they be concerned about it? Of course if they saw us complaining and whining about little things, SJR and KSE checks and read articles and comments, remember? And we don't want to burden them, so let's stay positive and keep on cheering for them. 
for now, Let's wait for more goodies and wait until 50 years (of marriage in RL). 


P.S I have to insert this image, It's just so hard to resist. haha


cr to the owner

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@ariadna90 hoho.. The word too much doesn't exist, dear.. Just post what you feel like it.. Now I'm feelng like posting their Allure photoshoot interview instead.. Maybe for our new unlurker @mktb keke.. I underline those Jaerim statement cause we're still discussing about WGM is 50/50 real/scripted but based on Jaerim's statement here, I conclude it's 0 acting/100 his real self, according to the previous old Chinese interview too.. LOL.. Mianhe for my quick & kinda pushed conclusion.. Justsayin for fun.. Also mianhe for trashing this page.. You can throw potatoes at me.. They're cyber potatoes anyway. Xixi *runnin:P

[December 2014 – Allure] Song Jae Lim and Kim So Eun – Only You – Interview

Song Jae Rim et Kim So Eun - Allure (1)

Are you aware of the So-Lim’s couple popularity?

Kim So Eun: I couldn’t imagine the answer would be so hot. I was worried but hearing people say we’re doing good and it’s fun makes me happy. Feedback definitely comes faster than when I film a drama. People who see me for the first time say they enjoy watching us and they even watch the drama I’m in because of “We Got Married. I feel how doing variety programs definitely makes people more familiar with me.

Song Jae Lim: I was in real-time top rankings. However, my name rose and disappeared just as fast. Haha. I have nothing to do outside my home, so I can’t really feel this popularity. However, the lady working at the super market where I live asked me suddenly if I wasn’t the bachelor from “We Got Married”. I realized the power of variety programs.

Being a regular member of a variety program, this was probably not an easy decision to make. What do you think?

KSE: It’s the first time of my life that I got such a big headache about worrying over something. I look shy and I wanted to break the gentle daughter-in-law image I have. I thought that if I showed who I am in real life, I’d be able to change this image. However, they really didn’t tell me until the end who my husband would be. So that made me worry even more. It didn’t matter if I hate him or like him, we’d have to live together for a few months, so I couldn’t imagine how the situation would turn out because I didn’t know who my husband would be.

SJL: To be honest, I never watched “We Got Married”. There was just something about the fact that it felt like a set-up reality. You need to have this sense of awareness at some extent in order to act with honesty. I thought that doing a variety program would be something good for me, that it would be an opportunity for me to show myself completly in a different environment that had nothing to do with acting.

And it’s especially true for you, Jae Lim. We feel like you completly let go.

SJL: It’s true. I really wanted to do this with sincerity. That’s why I decided to let go of everything. I wanted to get rid of this taciturn Woon’s image. I felt that I needed a change. To be honest, doing “We Got Married” was like gambling. I was able to do it because I thought that I didn’t have that much to lose. People said that I was strange, they were like “what’s wrong with him?”. And it seems that what made it funny to them because I look taciturn, but I’m actually not like this.

Is there no pressure to show something new every time?

SJL: It’s not like that. It’s not a program where we must make people laugh like gagmen must do. I just try to do it with sincerity. There’s no way to know what viewers will like or which moment will make them laugh, so I want to go with the flow. If you prepare something, you must create the right timing to say those things. If you act this way, viewers will feel uncomfortable.

So Eun, it feels like you’re discovering your own sense of variety programs that you didn’t even know you had.

KSE: “So is this how we can see who you are?” This is something people I’m close with often say to me. Viewers never got the chance to see who I am. My words and my actions just come out like this, so I think people have this new fresh vision about me.

SJL: No matter what comment I make, So Eun always gives me a good reaction. She knows how to follow when I pull and how to reject me when I push. We’re on the same wave lengths.

You didn’t look awkward even at the beginning and it feels like you two are very comfortable with each other. Can we say that any tension is gone now?

KSE: Yes, we really became comfortable around each other. To be honest, I’m not the type to play push and pull when I’m in a relationship with someone. If I like something, I say it, I express everything I feel. However, I do play a bit of push and pull with Jae Lim-oppa. When we both go crazy, there’s no tension. Oppa is usually the one doing the pulling, so I do the pushing sometimes.

SJL: I feel like we do exactly the same thing. Of couse, when two people date in real life, they fight sometimes, but this program is about showing the good aspect of being in a relationship, we can’t help the fact that they highlight the moments showing things are good between us. Of course, we’re still in the newlyweds phase, so we have nothing to fight about anyway. Haha.

We get to discover a new side of you when you’re in a relationship. What do you think, So Eun?

KSE: I thought I didn’t have aegyo, but I realized that I actually do. I’m the eldest daughter. I’ve always heard that I’ve been my family’s pillar since I was a kid, that I was a breadwinner, so I was a little bit blunt. However, it seems that aegyo naturally comes to me. When I watched myself in “We Got Married”, I also discovered this new side of me. It’s the kind of aegyo that isn’t aegyo but feels like aegyo at the same time?

Do you remember the last time you dedicated yourself to do something for your girlfriend?

SJL: I learned how to make paper roses. 100 days had passed, so I started it because I wanted to give the roses to her on our first year anniversary. However, we broke up before. Every day, I would spend 15 minutes to finish this project in time. There was a couple of them left to do because we broke up before our first year anniversary. Still, I’m pretty sure I made more than 100 paper roses.

Are you enjoying this newlyweds life according to what you had imagined?

KSE: I thought it would be great to have a husband who is like a wife, a husband who is like a friend. I’m the type to speak a lot when I’m outside, but I almost never speak when I’m at home. So I’m talking about a husband who’d be like a wife who would talk a lot, who’d be funny, who’d cook for me. From this perspective, Jae Lim-oppa is definitely a match. He tries his best to make me laugh, he’s passionate and meticulous.

Jae Lim, you finally get to do this couple photo shoot you wanted to do!

SJL: I wanted to do a photo shoot that gives off this warm vibe. I feel like it matches the atmosphere of today’s set. I wanted a photo shoot with two people who gives this warm but not racy feeling through a little bit of contact. Can I say that this photo shoot definitely has this concept?

What would you like to do in the span of time you have left as newlyweds?

SJL: I want to go camping. I want to go camping and look at the stars and the moon. I saw this movie in which there’s a couple that goes on a ride, then they sit on the top of the car and look at the stars while drinking some wine. I was so jealous. It’d be great if So Eun and I could do something like this.

Did you make Christmas plans?

KSE: I think we’ll be in our honeymoon around that time.
SJL: We will probably be in the middle of a “WGM” shooting. Last year, I drank until dawn with a friend, so this year will be a Christmas that will be about going on my honeymoon with So Eun and that will remain in my memories.

Song Jae Rim et Kim So Eun - Allure (2)

Original article: Allure
Translation: @onesunnylady –thesunnytown.com

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Soeun put the hashtag #가을남자 under Cuni's photo yesterday.

If you google 가을남자 and 송재림, you will find this news:


Though the news was issued on 26 August 2015 but it mentioned Jaerim's photo shoot for Geek magazine September issue.  I noted that @usnthem_official just posted Jaerim's Geek photo shoot pictures in Instagram 3 hours before Soeun posted Cuni's picture!!

My Honeybee delulu mind tells me that Cuni omma was missing her 가을남자 (Autumn/Fall guy) when she saw usnthem photos.... So she took that Cuni photo and put down the hashtag #가을남자 there.  :P

@lovely_alain Hehehe...this is a late respond as i'm doing my proper br right now. Can our lulu play together? :D

On her Ig, Soeun subtly addressed Cuni as her #가을남자 = Fall/autumn guy (gaeul namja :). Aaawwww....u sly, girl! Thanks, alain ahjussi for pointing that out. We gotcha, soeun! ;)

Looking back, on episode 7, while solim were on their way to the shooting range, jaerim once called soeun, "Gaeul ssi (Miss Autumn)" :wub: 


 Thanks, @suekasih, for mentioning this in our wp conversation yesterday :)






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Soeun put the hashtag #가을남자 under Cuni's photo yesterday.

If you google 가을남자 and 송재림, you will find this news:


Though the news was issued on 26 August 2015 but it mentioned Jaerim's photo shoot for Geek magazine September issue.  I noted that @usnthem_official just posted Jaerim's Geek photo shoot pictures in Instagram 3 hours before Soeun posted Cuni's picture!!

My Honeybee delulu mind tells me that Cuni omma was missing her 가을남자 (Autumn/Fall guy) when she saw usnthem photos.... So she took that Cuni photo and put down the hashtag #가을남자 there.  :P


@lovely_alain Hehehe...this is a late respond as i'm doing my proper br right now. Can our lulu play together? :D

On her Ig, Soeun subtly addressed Cuni as her #가을남자 = Fall/autumn guy (gaeul namja :). Aaawwww....u sly, girl! Thanks, alain ahjussi for pointing that out. We gotcha, soeun! ;)

Looking back, on episode 7, while solim were on their way to the shooting range, jaerim once called soeun, "Gaeul ssi (Miss Autumn)" :wub: 

Thanks, @suekasih, for mentioning this in our wp conversation yesterday :)






Ow, I thought he refers to So eun's character's name on BBF ;D

Actually the word autumn reminds me of their conversation at the hospital when they're browsing their name on the internet and an article showed up and Jaerim read it saying  "Kim So eun's virtual husband, Song Jae Rim, shows a manly look on an 'Autumn' Photoshoot".. Wasn't that about the old Geek Photoshoot?ahaa.. Bulla, bulla.. Please, delulu, behave. X_X XD X) :3

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Ow, I thought he refers to So eun's character's name on BBF ;D Actually the word autumn reminds me of their conversation at the hospital when they're browsing their name on the internet and an article showed up and Jaerim read it saying  "Kim So eun's virtual husband, Song Jae Rim, shows a manly look on an 'Autumn' Photoshoot".. Wasn't that about the old Geek Photoshoot?ahaa.. Bulla, bulla.. Please, delulu, behave. X_X XD X) :3

When soeun went through his bag and found the mosquito repellant, soeun asked why he brought it in his bag. Jaerim said, it's autumn (note: mosquitoes that tolerate dry and cooler autumn weather are normally the ones that transmit disease). Then he just blurted out, "Gaeul ssi..." and smiled. Yea,perhaps that must've reminded him of soeun's character in BoF. Sweet!

And that scene at the hospital, hhmm.... that could be one of the reason of that #가을남자 = Fall/autumn guy (gaeul namjahashtag too :D Well, well...did soeun do her routine rerun of Solim's episodes like us do? Hehehehe! No one knows the reason of her putting up that # except that sly girl herself :D 

Our shippers's hearts and conscience can interpret it anyway we want it to be. We enjoyed it, aren't we? Our lulus do not play in other peoples' backyard. They don't interfere others.They enjoy playing in their own backyard only ;)

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When soeun went through his bag and found the mosquito repellant, soeun asked why he brought it in his bag. Jaerim said, it's autumn (note: mosquitoes that tolerate dry and cooler autumn weather are normally the ones that transmit disease). Then he just blurted out, "Gaeul ssi..." and smiled. Yea,perhaps that must've reminded him of soeun's character in BoF. Sweet!

And that scene at the hospital, hhmm.... that could be one of the reason of that #가을남자 = Fall/autumn guy (gaeul namjahashtag too :D Well, well...did soeun do her routine rerun of Solim's episodes like us do? Hehehehe! No one knows the reason of her putting up that # except that sly girl herself :D 

Our shippers's hearts and conscience can interpret it anyway we wanna it to be. We enjoyed it, aren't we? Our lulus do not play in other peoples' backyard. They don't interfere others.They enjoy playing in their own backyard only ;)

Yes, exactly that was what I tried to point out. Soeun is now as good as Jaerim as far as word games is concerned and most people still remember her as Gaeul from BOF!  By Gaeul namja we all know what she means as Honeybees...

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Hello my Solimers:wub:

Mid-week and I want to shout all you guys awesome posts and why I love to do this reading everyday whenever I can. I love your input on this couple:D

There is not couple in this Kworld will ever replace them and they are really one of kind. I know there are some many Kcelebrities that I never follow so intensely or got the chance to know their personalities. But I don't know why I don't have the desire to get out there and go fishing for other fishes. I'm crazy to be here and wait for something going to happen with Solim. Yes, I need to go to get some help for Solim syndromes....Do I want a cure for it? No, this is my happy pill so why change something that make me happy.....:)

@dilathedoctor  I don't know if I'm happy you are insomniac. :sweatingbullets: I love to eat and sleep are my favorite things to do. Besides my love for Solim, I'm a b when I can't get enough sleep and I don't know how to say no to food. So I hope you are kidding....Love your continuing to shower us with your post I love to see them everyday.:tears: I think Jaerim is really good as being cool in photoshoot. For some reasons, I really think his real personality is more goofy and clumsy. From reading his interviews, he is just have a hard times finding true love. Now he found one in Soeun, FATE IS ON THEIR SIDE...SO GO AND CONQUER YOUR WOMAN....I sound the cave woman or warrior going to battle field to win the hand of a princess. Too many historical dramas in my brain.:D 

@innasalvatore your avatar looks so sad and you sound so blue in your posts. Miss the couple little too much. Or you are starting a staring contest to see who blink first. If there is competition, you know who is going to win. The winner get a kiss from the loser.....:w00t: Either way, they are satisfy with a kiss. I know you have been working hard to come here and share your Meme and topic on Solim..But your heart is not too far from your oppa Eric. Your life is tough. I don't know how you do it. I just get exhausted putting my energy in Solim sometimes...:sweatingbullets: Where is a nice sandy beach with palm trees to get away? I need a vacation..

@imLov As always, you are there to be our translation in Chinese. What are we going do without you? :phew: Relationship is always so confusing with two people. Jaerim is working hard to make it works, so I'm going to support this man go in the right direction....Soeun's heart. FATE WILL ALWAYS LEAD YOU BACK TO YOUR REST PLACE.....:wub:Don't worry about trying to hard to find a relationship when you already got one waiting when you are ready..:blink:

@bluffky12 What I overanalyzed too much on this couple? Got learn who to chill like capt n Niel....I told my right brain to relax and let goes with the Solim's flow but my left brain too stubborn to listen to right brain.  Only Solim's movie or drama will balance the law of logistic......Please excuse my unbalance brain...:vicx::lol:

@unnie Rosey so you are sad about what I say....I sorry to spoil your day...I know how you feel about this couple....They make your six sense going little unsure and uneasy sometimes. It is normal so don't worry too much...If you want to write fanfic about Solim, why not...Everything start with a word then more words then so on.....Before you long you got a story about whatever your imagination will lead you...Go ahead and try where you will go...

@‌ariadna90 You go head and spazz like crazy....If only I don't got my kids' school, I would be spazz all the time. To the point I got nothing to spazz about. I admit I'm little out there when it comes to this couple...They give me enjoyment to let go of my worry and free my stress. I can't ask for a better medication for my life.

So my little pervy panda decided to go missing. I don't know when she will be back. @mizcheesy you are going missing too long...I think I got to call the police and report missing person..But I don't know how to give them your description...I can't say Leader of Byuntae Solim...What if they ask who is Solim? I might get mini heart attack that the world does know who is Solim. I think I got to work harder to spread the Solim virus so everyone is contagious and don't know how to cure this virus. If only I'm a smart scientist that I can come up with ingredients in this virus. A little of cheesy, dorky, clumsy, and funny...Can't forget the secret ingredient:BYUNTAE TO THE EXTREME....:wub:













Cr. all the gif owners

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