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[OFFICIAL] Song Jae Rim ❤ Kim So Eun - LTE Couple [WGM]: PART 2


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Dear Honeybees, 

If you are craving for Solim's fanfic, you may read these stories. It is so fun that i giggled and couldn't stop smiling. I can't imagine Director of Fantagio is honeybee...hilarious:D

Thank you madznis, ronniejinx, Alex84 & anonlove00 for the stories. Keep on writing ya..fighting!~ :wub:

And i hope other writers including omgirly, lilac & ollakuni will write more Solim's fics. I'm bored to death that i keep reading the old stories. :(


Our Story by madznis

Hidden Content


Fate? Serendipity? or Fortuitous Event? by ronniejinx


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After by Alex84

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To Love Again by anonlove00 (one shot)

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It was wonderful to have all the honeybees who knows how to write short or long story about Solim. I have also story in mind but I was not good in English grammar. Sometimes I also want to write story about then but I have no time and I don't know on how to start. Maybe it is not my line of job. All I can do is to support those who wrote fan fictions. Stay healthy honeybees coz we need you all. 

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For my opinion...

They always claimed they dislike or hate someone but why they keep talking about that person...


They keep talking about us coz they never try to hate us but unintentionally they just proved that how deep their love to us..They never realize it coz their egoistic thicker than their lips...


'You say you hate me but you love me'




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@peace79 How could you mention Gwi/HR ship? I can't believe that there other ship want to separate my loved Solim. Shame on on them for suggest that other oppa for Soeun. Now to everyone please listen carefully...there is no one as perfect for Soeun beside Jaerim..


Sorry Unnie....dont get me wrong..huhuhu..Only SOLIM in my heart..That ship only for sake of KSE drama SWWTN so when drama ending no more gwihyeryeong ship although I noticed that LSHKSE shipper couple existed.Dont worry unnie I dont want & NEVER change my heart.Just SOLIM forever...You know SOLIM so close to my life..i will always get attach with their fate..hehehe.. 

SOLIMER become stronger...

@ crazyasian73 & peace79
    You know I was crying while I am writing this quote coz my mind tells me somethings going wrong. It is bothering me coz I sense Jaerim was jealous about the pictures of male celebrities w/ Soeun. I hope I was mistaken coz those male celebrity was the cast of TSWWTN and the pictures was only a remembrance that she will keep. Jaerim also mentioning his past lover makes me feel sad. I thought maybe his heart was tired of pursuing Soeun's heart. I hope my sixth sense was not right to have a peaceful mind.

Soeun put the hashtag #가을남자 under Cuni's photo yesterday.

If you google 가을남자 and 송재림, you will find this news:


Though the news was issued on 26 August 2015 but it mentioned Jaerim's photo shoot for Geek magazine September issue.  I noted that @usnthem_official just posted Jaerim's Geek photo shoot pictures in Instagram 3 hours before Soeun posted Cuni's picture!!

My Honeybee delulu mind tells me that Cuni omma was missing her 가을남자 (Autumn/Fall guy) when she saw usnthem photos.... So she took that Cuni photo and put down the hashtag #가을남자 there.  :P

Thanks @ lovelyalain for another info. about them. Makes my heart at ease a little bit.

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@peace79 How could you mention Gwi/HR ship? I can't believe that there other ship want to separate my loved Solim. Shame on on them for suggest that other oppa for Soeun. Now to everyone please listen carefully...there is no one as perfect for Soeun beside Jaerim..


Sorry Unnie....dont get me wrong..huhuhu..Only SOLIM in my heart..That ship only for sake of KSE drama SWWTN so when drama ending no more gwihyeryeong ship although I noticed that LSHKSE shipper couple existed.Dont worry unnie I dont want & NEVER change my heart.Just SOLIM forever...You know SOLIM so close to my life..i will always get attach with their fate..hehehe.. 

SOLIMER become stronger...

Sorry I should be more clear on my post to you. I was talking to Solimer haters who always try to pair Soeun with someone else. I was sensitive to see that hurt my heart little. That was all. I never question you as loyal Solimer. You have always come here and show how much you adorable them. I just want the haters to always find way to say that Jaerim is not right for Soeun. I just hope one day they will silent the haters for good. I know it will be awhile when I see this couple be as one.


cr. owner

Are we cool now? So no hard feeling ......I just happy you are always here to share your thoughts. :wub:

Unnie..it's ok..Give your hand & I will hug you tightly coz...


#all picture credit to the owner



Whether it's real or reel...

THIS my favorite SoLim couple for "Couple clothes" Simple white shirts, bumblebee pants...  yoyo13


Question: Was Jae Rim doing in purpose to show off his panty too by pose like that way??? yoyo47


*Slap-myself* Sawwrryyyy I should behave like a decent gurl, hahahahahaha...



Yeahhhhh... We miss the naughty-pervy, classic bad-boy, bare face Song husband...

Even he didn't wash, hahahahahahaha... yoyo121



About over-protecting toward their bias... I have to say... "too much love will kill you." hahahahahahahahaha...

They should learn from Honeybees... Learn how to forgive, forget and let it go...



@ Capt. inna salvatore really to much love can kill us.I think so because my heart was aching right now. But thanks to you and to those honeybees who quotes and post good news about them.

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@innasalvatore do you know you are so pervy in so funny way. I know that the bubblebee short is very open as he lift his leg and I wonder did Soeun saw something that she shouldn't have seen. I can't help remembering honeybees talk about him not wearing underwear in samari house. I think to myself when I want to be comfortable do I wear it or not. May he is too comfortable with her so he is asking the same question. How far should he go if she is ok? I keep thinking of his thing rubbing her head. I know she must felt it. How can you not? I miss this byuntae couple....I love you are so similar to my taste that I glad you are not too shy to share with us....Besides this is us so why not be comfortable to be little crazy with our byuntae minds. We got to exercise them if not we will lose it.  I don't know about you but me I do exercise it whenever it needs to be ready...if you know what I mean...if not then you and your side kick should find out from your byuntae Jaerim to share his thought.


Don't forget that I learn from the Master of Byuntaeness, Song Jae Rim-ssi, hahahahahaha...

They spent such 11-12 hours together in filming WGM so I truly believe when Jae Rim said they're getting closed. I was so confused how to explain to LULU at the time I read article of Song Jae Rim's "NOT staged" between him and Kim So Eun.

Ottohke...? It means when he kissed her... He's really want to kiss her, not because PD-nim asked by saying "Jae Rim-ssi, kissu-kissu juseyooooo bbuing-bbuing," HAHAHAHAHAHA

Ottohke...? It means his extreme lovey-dovey... He just follow his natural-called, not because PD-nim asked him to byuntae her, hahahahahahaha

Talking about whether he wore panty or not during filming... I don't know... I don't know, hahahahahaha... Because only Kim So Eun can prove it. And, learning So Eun's attitudes, I don't think she will share this info, hahahahahaahha...



But no one can compare to him [ Jaerim ] on how he showed his love to her. He once said in the black room interview that no one like him as a husband. But I fear now. How about the heart get tired on showing his love because of jealous. I don't know myself I am imagining Jaerim got jealous to those male celebrity w/ Soeun. I got the feeling and it is bothering me. I don't know how many percentage is Jaerim to her heart.
I also feel sad because Jaerim always mention his past lover in his interview. Oh! what will I do someone comfort me please and give me advice coz now I was crying and my heart ache for them.


Jae Rim and So Eun have same level of jealousy, hahahahahahaha... Jae Rim got easily jealous on her co-worker and So Eun got fierce jealous on his fanboying female idols, hahahahaahaha... So I think it's fair play between two, hahahahahaha.. Well, sound to me... They're reactions just like a real couple in life, hahahahaha..

So Eun has cool personality and a little bit tomboy despite her cute looks. She has a lot of male friends instead female friends. You can see that she has a lot of "Oppa" in Industry. But when it comes to weird Oppa, she has only one, "Jae Rim Oppa," which is she publicity entitle him as HER MAN..

Same goes to Jae Rim... I think he always generously talk about his co-worker during interview but once again, he spoke "MORE" when it comes to Kim So Eun. Feel like he talked about his beloved one. He talked in proudly tones. And no one can stop him from talking Kim So Eun in public, hahahahaha..

About a lot of good looking guys surrounded Kim So Eun... I have no worry... Jae Rim has no worry too... Maybe just a little bit jealous when Lee Jun Ki kissed her, hahahahahaha but it's drama, it's working anyway. I also have no worry about her drama scenes with Lee So HOT or Changmin, even both of them are gorgeous but only Jae Rim dare to spitted on her, hahahahaha...

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Guyz chill lets not overanalyzing everything sometimes we can come up with this weird thinkings because we analyze too much!!!Yes we maybe have no news but the good thing is everytime they ask about each other they always gave us an honest answer.isn't enough that we know that they cared for each other and how they still monitored each other's activities???

i'm not worried about them being ship they can spazzed also just like us.and like what Capt.said Drama is different with Reality because in Drama their is a script while Variety/Reality it has 50/50.

just enjoy!!!til 50 years!!!:)

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[ps: Interviewer definitely will ask those questions regarding your personality and a lot more but it help to increase popularity.Figure 1, MC revealed the meaning of "BaoBao" is Baby. Figure 2, MC asked him to show his aego.]


JR: Hi everyone, Im SJR, nice to meet u all. [caption: WGM “Love liner King” SJR show off his aego, mandarin and talk about love affair.

[Question: Recently, what are you doing after finished the project?
JR: Recently I had a new hobby which is going to the beach for surfing. Upcoming project is regarding volleyball theme TVdrama. Therefore I’m working hard to train volleyball, and also preparation for the Drama.

{Question: What is your role in the new drama?}
JR: I starred as a volleyball player and also a student. I’m the captain;
JR: Characters? Several of characters, got brightly side, and also a furious/irritable side; beneath of wildness there is a details/caring. There is a new challenge, acting characters almost alike with my personal characters. Express inner emotions, therefore not much burden. Searching the inner feelings is very interesting matters/things.

[Question: What is the status of your volleyball training now?]
JR: Volleyball basically is a dig; unskillful dig will lose the game. Practice dig, spike and jumping. Skin becomes a bit darkness bcuz of practicing volleyball at seaside.
JRim showing his skills of a dig, a set and a spike posture in the Interview.

[Question: Did u create your own cheesy love words in WGM?]
JR: I think of this ways, all those words are what I’d learned/study from a book or I’d listened from others unintentionally.
JR: I think those cheesy/love words should be appeared in the Movies or heard it from TVDrama. I modify those romantic words into my styles and convey to her.

[Question: In reality were you a romantic guy?]
JR: If I were focusing on a conversation with a person in front of me, unintentionally I would think of such words. Every time I’m in a relationship I would do my best. But afterward I realized that it was not what she wanted/needed. However at that moment I had done my best, but it was regretful when time had passed.
JR: I had done a lot of romantic things before, eg. When it was raining i sent her an umbrella by walking to her in 1 hr plus and coming back together. Romantically doesn’t mean that you have to open champagne in a luxury hotel; all those things also can be happened in those small matters. Therefore have to put a bit effort into those small matters.
JR: If that time I drove a car to fetch her instead of brought an umbrella to her, maybe now she is still beside me.

[Question: Is it bcuz u are not romantic enough that why she break up with u?]
JR: No… Everyone have their own predestine/fate and timing.

[Question: Do you make a lot of surprise to your gf?]
JR:  That too long ago, I can’t remember…… I use paper to make rose flowers. It was a very difficult matter, u need half an hour to complete a flower. I made it as a present for 100 days but in the end we broke up before 100 days.

[Question: How u walk through that heart breaking moment?]
JR: After broke up with gf, time is the cure to heal. I will spend a long time staying alone; breakup is another type of learning process. In the relationship we keep quarreling bcuz of what I lack of. After breakup I would reflect my shortcomings so that I won’t repeat the same mistakes in the next relationship. I will stay alone to think of it.
JR: Let metaphor/describe LOVE as sea, it has high tide and low tide moment. Lover beside you as high tide, Lover leaves you as low tide. Low tide you can observe the underneath, you can see all those bump places at the bottom. For the sake to flatten all the bumps, you need a lonely time.

[Question: Currently what is your ideal types gf?]
JR: Now my ideal type is who has the same flow with me, there are no any clear ideal types. Ideal types only exist inside ideal. Ideal type is Love at first sight?
JR: I believe in fate, I think there would be someone could impress your feeling at the first sight.

[Question: Do you believe love at first sight?]
JR: I believe in the relationship like a drama types; Story between people, friendship can be a couple. Fate can be happened in many ways and fate is not only happened in love at first sight. Fates is not discovered but to realize it.

[Question: Do you think that you are a gentle’s warmest guy?]
JR: Me? I will treat my gf very well. I’m a hard working too. Bcuz of strong responsibility, sometimes I ignore my gf feeling. I had the shortcoming like all man, isn’t all guy are like that?

[Question: Recently, What you had prepared for Shanghai’s FM?]
JR: Shanghai FM.. There would be new ideas in every FM, therefore I had discussed with all the staff. Practice new song. It was sad bcuz Shanghai FM was postponed. However it’s give me more time to prepare, I will play saxophone, and it will be different type of saxophone. I would play a higher pitch/octave saxophone.

[Question: “SongMi” will appear in the FM?]
JR: We always perform every event that we had prepared for the fans. “SongMi”? This time we would try to adapt the event that fans wish for it. If a lot of fans like this event then we will do it.

[Question: Except Shanghai any others cities you would like to travel?]
JR: I frequent travel to China bcuz I’m a spokeperson. Previously, I always went to Qingdao’s SeaGod temple. I heard that pray Guanggong will bring you good luck. I hope travel to big cities like Guangzhou, Beijing and some frontier city. China is too big and there are a lot of place I wish to visit.

[Question: The most favor food in China?]
JR: Steamboat. I like the residual smell remain in the room. I like China style’s Steamboat.

[Question: Do you plan of filming at China?]
JR: There are many Korean actors active in China and most of them stay at China long time ago. But I’m just the beginning………. It would be good if there were any cooperation opportunities. But for current status I’m not expectancy.

[Question: Do u feel any difficulty learning Chinese?]
JR: Now I’m studying beginner level book 2. There are categorizes into beginner, intermediate and advance level. I’d finished beginner level book 1. I’m learning “don’t be sad”, “I’m your pang*2 da ming*2 da”; “do you falling in love with me”; “do you want to have a baby”
MC Translator: “BaoBoa = baby” Do you mean that you want to have a baby?
[ps: JRim bust out laughing when he know the real meaning from interviewer (refer to figure 1).]

[Question: Try to imitate 1 part “aego show”]
JRim’s aego was really funny and cute; he felt shy & embarrassment with those aego. JRim used mic to cover his face.

[Question: Can you share the secret to maintain your fitness?]
On his weight management, he shared that he lost 5kg in 3 weeks. He only had a meal per day and he cut down on his salt intake. He also mentioned exercising in the day and night helps too. He concludes with having e meal per day, playing volleyball in the morning and surfing in the afternoon. He did lose 5 kg but he became tanned as well.

[Question: Do you really a “Housekeeper and well in cooking”?]
JR: I like decorate things, even though it may look scattered but the way scattered is in my style/way. Occasionally I will cook at home like cook beef rice, toufu, eggs and etc.

[Question: How many mark you evaluate cooking skill?]
JR: My own assessment KPI is when I’m hungry it is 100%, it is only 40% if I’m not hungry.

[Question: Anything you want to speak to your China’s fans…]
JR: on the way to hotel it was very happening, I want to thanks to everyone’s welcoming me. However I’m not yet perform a lot, but I will frequently come to visit everyone afterward.



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@innasalvatore do you know you are so pervy in so funny way. I know that the bubblebee short is very open as he lift his leg and I wonder did Soeun saw something that she shouldn't have seen. I can't help remembering honeybees talk about him not wearing underwear in samari house. I think to myself when I want to be comfortable do I wear it or not. May he is too comfortable with her so he is asking the same question. How far should he go if she is ok? I keep thinking of his thing rubbing her head. I know she must felt it. How can you not? I miss this byuntae couple....I love you are so similar to my taste that I glad you are not too shy to share with us....Besides this is us so why not be comfortable to be little crazy with our byuntae minds. We got to exercise them if not we will lose it.  I don't know about you but me I do exercise it whenever it needs to be ready...if you know what I mean...if not then you and your side kick should find out from your byuntae Jaerim to share his thought.


Don't forget that I learn from the Master of Byuntaeness, Song Jae Rim-ssi, hahahahahaha...

They spent such 11-12 hours together in filming WGM so I truly believe when Jae Rim said they're getting closed. I was so confused how to explain to LULU at the time I read article of Song Jae Rim's "NOT staged" between him and Kim So Eun.

Ottohke...? It means when he kissed her... He's really want to kiss her, not because PD-nim asked by saying "Jae Rim-ssi, kissu-kissu juseyooooo bbuing-bbuing," HAHAHAHAHAHA

Ottohke...? It means his extreme lovey-dovey... He just follow his natural-called, not because PD-nim asked him to byuntae her, hahahahahahaha

Talking about whether he wore panty or not during filming... I don't know... I don't know, hahahahahaha... Because only Kim So Eun can prove it. And, learning So Eun's attitudes, I don't think she will share this info, hahahahahaahha...



But no one can compare to him [ Jaerim ] on how he showed his love to her. He once said in the black room interview that no one like him as a husband. But I fear now. How about the heart get tired on showing his love because of jealous. I don't know myself I am imagining Jaerim got jealous to those male celebrity w/ Soeun. I got the feeling and it is bothering me. I don't know how many percentage is Jaerim to her heart.
I also feel sad because Jaerim always mention his past lover in his interview. Oh! what will I do someone comfort me please and give me advice coz now I was crying and my heart ache for them.


Jae Rim and So Eun have same level of jealousy, hahahahahahaha... Jae Rim got easily jealous on her co-worker and So Eun got fierce jealous on his fanboying female idols, hahahahaahaha... So I think it's fair play between two, hahahahahaha.. Well, sound to me... They're reactions just like a real couple in life, hahahahaha..

So Eun has cool personality and a little bit tomboy despite her cute looks. She has a lot of male friends instead female friends. You can see that she has a lot of "Oppa" in Industry. But when it comes to weird Oppa, she has only one, "Jae Rim Oppa," which is she publicity entitle him as HER MAN..

Same goes to Jae Rim... I think he always generously talk about his co-worker during interview but once again, he spoke "MORE" when it comes to Kim So Eun. Feel like he talked about his beloved one. He talked in proudly tones. And no one can stop him from talking Kim So Eun in public, hahahahaha..

About a lot of good looking guys surrounded Kim So Eun... I have no worry... Jae Rim has no worry too... Maybe just a little bit jealous when Lee Jun Ki kissed her, hahahahahaha but it's drama, it's working anyway. I also have no worry about her drama scenes with Lee So HOT or Changmin, even both of them are gorgeous but only Jae Rim dare to spitted on her, hahahahaha...

Thank you my dear capt. inna salvatore for giving me advice. I doubted them because of my sixth sense. I hope I was mistaken.
 Maybe I will focus to their WGM performance that they love each other. But sometimes my mind tell me that someday we were become happy.

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Guyz chill lets not overanalyzing everything sometimes we can come up with this weird thinkings because we analyze too much!!!Yes we maybe have no news but the good thing is everytime they ask about each other they always gave us an honest answer.isn't enough that we know that they cared for each other and how they still monitored each other's activities???

i'm not worried about them being ship they can spazzed also just like us.and like what Capt.said Drama is different with Reality because in Drama their is a script while Variety/Reality it has 50/50.

just enjoy!!!til 50 years!!!:)

That's rite! Drama is 100% scripted. There's no such thing of impromptu, hahahahaha... Meanwhile WGM variety show carried a mission. And off course follow your heart to bring the chemistry. But chemistry won't come out if you don't have such of "FEEL" toward your partner because how ever you're human being not a robot, hahahahaha...



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Guyz chill lets not overanalyzing everything sometimes we can come up with this weird thinkings because we analyze too much!!!Yes we maybe have no news but the good thing is everytime they ask about each other they always gave us an honest answer.isn'tugh that we know that they cared for each other and how they still monitored each other's activities???

i'm not worried about them being ship they can spazzed also just like us.and like what Capt.said Drama is different with Reality because in Drama their is a script while Variety/Reality it has 50/50.

just enjoy!!!til 50 years!!!:)

That's rite! Drama is 100% scripted. There's no such thing of impromptu, hahahahaha... Meanwhile WGM variety show carried a mission. And off course follow your heart to bring the chemistry. But chemistry won't come out if you don't have such of "FEEL" toward your partner because how ever you're human being not a robot, hahahahaha...



TRUE!!!and how can you manipulate a feelings who has no script???i mean a big applaused to those 2 for being a good actor!!!hahahahahaha


I will just leave what Jae Rim said:

Fate can be happened in many ways and fate is not only happened in love at first sight. Fates is not discovered but to realize it.

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{Question: What is your role in the new drama?}
JR: I starred as a volleyball player and also a student. I’m the captain;
JR: Characters? Several of characters, got brightly side, and also a furious/irritable side; beneath of wildness there is a details/caring. There is a new challenge, acting characters almost alike with my personal characters. Express inner emotions, therefore not much burden. Searching the inner feelings is very interesting matters/things.

Captain rimmie????



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Guyz chill lets not overanalyzing everything sometimes we can come up with this weird thinkings because we analyze too much!!!Yes we maybe have no news but the good thing is everytime they ask about each other they always gave us an honest answer.isn'tugh that we know that they cared for each other and how they still monitored each other's activities???

i'm not worried about them being ship they can spazzed also just like us.and like what Capt.said Drama is different with Reality because in Drama their is a script while Variety/Reality it has 50/50.

just enjoy!!!til 50 years!!!:)

That's rite! Drama is 100% scripted. There's no such thing of impromptu, hahahahaha... Meanwhile WGM variety show carried a mission. And off course follow your heart to bring the chemistry. But chemistry won't come out if you don't have such of "FEEL" toward your partner because how ever you're human being not a robot, hahahahaha...



TRUE!!!and how can you manipulate a feelings who has no script???i mean a big applaused to those 2 for being a good actor!!!hahahahahaha


I will just leave what Jae Rim said:

Fate can be happened in many ways and fate is not only happened in love at first sight. Fates is not discovered but to realize it.

FATE, even though you don't want to be together if your destiny will be together it will happen no matter what. And you cannot break it.

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    You know I was crying while I am writing this quote coz my mind tells me somethings going wrong. It is bothering me coz I sense Jaerim was jealous about the pictures of male celebrities w/ Soeun. I hope I was mistaken coz those male celebrity was the cast of TSWWTN and the pictures was only a remembrance that she will keep. Jaerim also mentioning his past lover makes me feel sad. I thought maybe his heart was tired of pursuing Soeun's heart. I hope my sixth sense was not right to have a peaceful mind.

Hi Rosa! You know sometimes I think that as well, that Jaerim is the jealous type, not overly jealous but he doesn't like his girl to be so friendly with other guys... That is why he said in an interview that he would rather have a girlfriend not having the same job as him.

And about him mentioning his past lover..they asked him about his relationships so it is normal that he talks about her but I read in another interview that he said she contacted him recently and he didn't feel the same because a lot of time passed already so don't  worry too much about that.

At this point I am having little hope of Solim as a couple because we have no evidence or even a little proof BUT we have lots of proof of them having good feelings for each other at least as friends, they always respond with smiles when talking about the other and that alone is enough for me for now, who knows what will happen in the future?

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[ps: Interviewer definitely will ask those questions regarding your personality and a lot more but it help to increase popularity.Figure 1, MC revealed the meaning of "BaoBao" is Baby. Figure 2, MC asked him to show his aego.

[Question: Do u feel any difficulty learning Chinese?]
JR: Now I’m studying beginner level book 2. There are categorizes into beginner, intermediate and advance level. I’d finished beginner level book 1. I’m learning “don’t be sad”, “I’m your pang*2 da ming*2 da”; “do you falling in love with me”; “do you want to have a baby”
MC Translator: “BaoBoa = baby” Do you mean that you want to have a baby?
[ps: JRim bust out laughing when he know the real meaning from interviewer (refer to figure 1).]



Sorry to cut your post. :sweatingbullets:
I just want to highlight the context. LOL
Reminds me of their honeymoon at Turkey, about the fortunecoffee (lol, sorry i just made that up) they had. The fortune teller said that HE wants a baby, and on the black room HE keeps on saying "Honeymoon baby? honeymoon baby..." :w00t:


Thank you for the warm welcome kababayan! I am assuming that you are a Filipina? well, the page you handle says PH. ahahaha
and hugs btw, don't worry too much about our couple. Every ships has experienced big and small waves to shake it. I say, I'll stay on this ship not unless they announced that they are already in a relationship with the other person (And I don't know until when? :P)

@dilathedoctor Thank you! 
Not yet, I'm still on page 8 from SOLIM forum part 1. hahahaha! my goodness!
Will this take me 50 years too, to finish it all? hahaha

Now I really feel it again, those worries, the feels.. these are exactly what I felt from my other ship. Analyzing things, cheering each other, defend our ship against the pirates :phew: and what else? Well, at the end of the day, we will always be calm after the waves. Have faith guys! Keep Calm and Have Faith with our Biases!

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