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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Can I just mention how lucky we are to come across someone as pure and benevolent as uri Seungyeon. She is not just externally beautiful...her inner beauty? It can't help but shine through. That time during her Japan trip when she had to fill that form on the airplane and she wrote "Student" instead of "Actress" just because she thought she still hasn't established herself as an artist. And this was when she was on Heard It Through The Grapevine. They won best drama! How extremely modest is she! I knew then, that Seungyeon is gonna be one of my favourite people in the industry. She personally received the gifts for their 100th day celebration. Personally! Has anyone else on We Got Married done it recently? And not just receiving the gifts, she acknowledged the fact and you could tell she was grateful for the support. Also, I love it how she takes her work seriously and does it with utmost sincerity. From writing a letter for her role in HITTG (she even enrolled in an institute for the role, right?) to visiting the royal tomb where Taejong Lee Bang Won and Queen Wongyeong are buried for her role in Six Flying Dragons, look how much hard work she puts in her projects.

Ah, Seungyeon is just gold!

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The thing is, if he does kiss her...they would have a huge discussion in the editing room on whether to leave it in or not. The thing is, is that both JH & SY MUST remain honest in whatever they do, because they will not...can not...lie. This is the challenge and the blessing of having a couple like this on the show. He definitely will not want to hide anything because he doesn't lie well (neither does she). 


That's a really, really good point!  It is a challenge.  I'm still wrestling with how to feel about it.  The reason I say this, is not only watching the end of 2 couples, but how BEC always delivers for us.  They take the progression they've made from their last meeting and have always done just a little bit more for us in the following meeting.  The natural progression has given so many Brownies the New Love Vibe and we are so enjoying it that we start anticipating the next thing to happen.  It's right for us to do that because, based on our current experience, they've given us every reason to think they'll continue progressing.  So now, Brownies are all excited about Busan and talking about a possible kiss, because doesn't that just seem like the next natural progression? All this got me thinking about the bigger picture... and I am starting to think, based on what everyone's commented, I'm not going to be an "advocate" for a kiss on camera... but I'm not going to be disappointed either if they do this either... and I make a promise to both of them, JH & SY as well, that because they've done so well to make me feel their true sincerity, I won't be disappointed if they don't become a couple either.

I don't know, really.  I just am starting to feel really, really protective of them.  I am praying that nothing goes awry and that they can continue to show us dimples and wide smiles and continue to enjoy their time with honesty and sincerity and that they never get tainted by people who tell them there is something wrong with being this open and true to themselves, either on the show or off the show.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

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@LauMac816, Thanks for the awesome gifs. The amusing thing is SY just calmly sits there, as though JH always does it in front of others!

LOL...so true! ​She is like "you can do whatever you want to do to me, I trust you to do the right thing." everytime she is with him! I think she has put a lot of trust in JH and he seems to take that responsibility very seriously. She believes he will look out for her best interest, so if he feels comfortable holding her hand and hugging...she will allow him to do it! Not just because he wants to do it, but because she also wants it! 

Titanic, Manwah, The Notebook .......SY has quite a few fantasies JH needs to fill as well... LOL!!!  

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Guest hihi_hehe

You know actually when JH is being touchy or cheesy with SY, she tends to hit him lightly or says "ahh stop" (in a cute way) but when they were with cnblue members, she just let him do whatever he wanted lol I think she did that because she didnt want to embarrass JH by telling him to stop

JH's cheesiness is cringe-worthy to cnblue members lol Minhyun wanted to hit him hard because he was all over SY.  But if SY told him to stop, it would show that she was embarrassed and she agreed that he was too cheesy.  However Sy in the ep was quietly letting JH did what he did, it's a way of alluding that she liked it too, she didnt have problems with it, it's like she was siding with her hubby 

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Is it anyone feel like me the way both of them hug are different. LOL :phew: I just feel like they're hug just so tied, and they don't clap their back for many time ( is it make sense? haha  xD ) , JH shake her head, smiling... aw, :w00t: :lol:

​For the second hug at the backstage of FNC kingdom concert, u can see SY's hand at JH's back... they hug tight and then hands flow down to his waist... kekeke ...

​ohhhhh... i guess i need to check that hug scenes  :):wub:

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You would have to admit that JS & MH knew something was going to happen.  They were mic'ed up and had a film crew in their practice room!   They probably didn't know what, because when SY came into the room you can momentarily see MH's surprised look to JH who was putting the pizza on the floor, but they had to know it was JH+SY related somehow. 

The whole "let's not talk about the 'other' sister-in-law thing was very weird and suspicious.  What was that all about?  JS mentions something about it "doesn't feel weird to welcome a sister-in-law" and JH got all up in his face.  You saw SY's death stare to JH and the next scene she's happily handing out coffee?  Geez, edit that out much WGM?!

JS had to be referring to Seohyun.  Are they forbidden to talk about her?  Is that why all the members were there but Yong Hwa?  And then, when SY asks about it again, (even cutely shutting JH's mouth) we never really get an answer from JS, he starts talking about sore hands and some kind of lotion to put on them.  Really, what is this all about?  Why the drama and secrecy?  If she knew about YongSeo, I don't think SY would think about Yongseo at all in this situation.  I think she thought JS was talking about another girlfriend of JH.  Why would she care about Yongseo?  That didn't affect her or JH and it was all in the past.  The whole thing was just weird and not like the CNBlue boys normal reaction at all.  JS talking about it was normal.   He is the one poking fun, being honest and stirring up trouble all the time.  But the way JH reacted and the way it was all edited out was really suspicious. 

JS and SY did seem to have a connection.  Just like the "other" one did.  JS is the one who will normally spill the beans and talk honestly about his BILs.  He doesn't seem to fear repercussions from his members for embarrassing them.  That's why the SIL(s) seem(ed) to connect to him.  That is, SY and the "other" one that will forever be nameless and not talked about...... 

The thing that got me the most was that JH+SY did not tone down the lovey-doveyness at all in front of the BILs.  JH seemed like he was  trying to prove a point to his juniors.  Like "You've seen us do this while filming episodes of WGM.   Even though we're still on camera here, I'm showing this to you face-to-face.  This is the way we are, it's real, and you need to understand it and deal with it."

All the whining and complaining from his juniors didn't change his actions.  He went ahead and showed his love for his lady anyway!

When they played "Love Light" (again, a song that has deep ties to the unmentionable "other" sister-in-law) you could see JH+SY slip into their little love bubble with the stares and the crinkling noses.  What made me warm inside was the BILs warm smiles while watching them!   The hitting the chimes to get them to 'crinkle' reminded me of the wedding reception tradition of clinking your champagne glass to get the bride and groom to kiss.  Cute.

The backstage hugs must have fulfilled a dream of JH's.  Meeting his lover before a concert and getting "love tea" and 2 hugs!  Who wouldn't be happy?  And the 2nd hug was even better than the first.  Full on double arm hug, w/o 'patting' and a lingering slide down JH's back and sides before she pulled away.  She was taking in every tactile moment of that 2nd hug and loving every second!

I'm hoping our BEC CSI group can enlarge that letter SY gave to him and get it translated?  I'll be it is awesomely lovey-dovey!

Fan girl SY was so cute!  (When isn't she cute and adorable?!)  I wish I could find a video of the CNBlue part of the FNC concert for that day to see how awesome JH was!  Her 'fish back into water' analogy was so right on.   She got to see him in his element - happily playing guitar and singing with his bros before an adoring audience.  What girl wouldn't be awed and impressed by him?

And then the BUSAN previews - on to level 5 lovey-dovey!  Can we take it?  You bet we can!

As far as the 'kiss' debate.  I think they are damned if they do kiss or damned if they don't. 

If they do it means they really have the forbidden 'love' feeling (especially for WGM couples who are supposed to endlessly act cute and in love - but never kiss) for each other and face the wrath and condemnation of CNBlue fans around the world.  Nothing moves a relationship from 'reel' to 'real' than a real lip smacking, lingering kiss.  I'm not talking a lip brush or a quick, dry peck on the lips.  If SY&JH kiss each other like they are kissing each other's hands - there will  be blood.   SY's reputation and acting future could be jeopardized.  I'm sure JH (in all his horniness to get a kiss) has weighed this in his head.  At least, if he is thinking with his head and not something else!  errrrmmmm, ahem!

If they don't - then what happened to all this realness and sincerity they are promoting?  They've gone so far, so fast.  JH has been hinting about kisses since Japan.  Won't the lovey-dovey level plateau out after awhile and become boring?  Would they look 'fake' like so many other WGM couples have in the past?

It is a real dilemma for which there is no easy answer.  I hope and pray they've thought about it and have decided what situation would warrant a kiss, when and how.  I have a feeling they already know when and how it's going to happen.  I just hope the rest of the world (outside of us Brownies) will understand and accept their decision!     



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Guest Hickk

Anyone have a translation of what Minhyuk was saying as SY handed him a coffee? Thx!

​a friend of mine who watched the c-subs last night said it's along the lines of "ah, different from the last time..." possibly referring to the time with the yongseo couple when they- as in jongminshin- were the ones preparing the food and drinks for their hyung and hyungsoonim, not the other way around. 

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Ah, thanks so Much! This confirms that they were all on the same page about what sister-in-law they were taking about, just that JH was all focused on SY that it didn't even enter his mind, lol. It's sweet that Minhyuk can remember it clearly though.

I'm guessing they avoided mentioning Seohyun's name directly to avoid giving haters any reason to hate.

Most probably they explained it to SY after filming was over.

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Guest shahidatulain

Anyone have a translation of what Minhyuk was saying as SY handed him a coffee? Thx!

​a friend of mine who watched the c-subs last night said it's along the lines of "ah, different from the last time..." possibly referring to the time with the yongseo couple when they- as in jongminshin- were the ones preparing the food and drinks for their hyung and hyungsoonim, not the other way around. 

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Ah, thanks so Much! This confirms that they were all on the same page about what sister-in-law they were taking about, just that JH was all focused on SY that it didn't even enter his mind, lol. It's sweet that Minhyuk can remember it clearly though.

I'm guessing they avoided mentioning Seohyun's name directly to avoid giving haters any reason to hate.

Most probably they explained it to SY after filming was over.

​I don't think they were talking about Seohyun. I saw some of the translations at Twitter by some Boice fans, they said Minhyuk was just explaining that he always get's different types of coffee and his preference is not always the same everyday unlike Jungshin with the Hazelnut coffee :D

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After like over 20-25 times rewinding the episode..looking for every single clue and detail....phewww I'm dead!! There's so much dots we need to connect but they all come back to one single thing... LOVE

@luvtokki about the personal postcard/letter...yup we tried every possible way to get it visible, but I think this one time we have to let it slide since it is a very personal note not because she is the wife...but it goes way beyond it, that even WGM respect their privacy... and we should too... only the two of them know :wub:

I'm getting excited about Busan coz it holds so many unanswered questions. For the True Blue Brownies, keep on with your spazzing and continue to support them... to the haters, hope one day you will experience the love in your life, and this is what the feeling is all about... to JH's fans... let him be happy as person coz you have witnessed how positive and happier he is right now since it also reflects on his performance as an artist... it is his choice and SY's too to be together at the moment...like they said "Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person...to love somebody isn't just a strong feeling...it is a decision, a judgment and a promise" .... so as two consenting adults, they have chosen this path. :)

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Guest Hickk

​I don't think they were talking about Seohyun. I saw some of the translations at Twitter by some Boice fans, they said Minhyuk was just explaining that he always get's different types of coffee and his preference is not always the same everyday unlike Jungshin with the Hazelnut coffee :D

Hmm...interesting. I guess context can give you different translations and it's a matter of whose translation you want to trust then.

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​I don't think they were talking about Seohyun. I saw some of the translations at Twitter by some Boice fans, they said Minhyuk was just explaining that he always get's different types of coffee and his preference is not always the same everyday unlike Jungshin with the Hazelnut coffee :D

​it could also be like that since none of us really knows what went through their minds while filming, but i'd stick with what my friends translated for me. however, i'd chalk it up to experience and say that i wouldn't rely 100% on translations made by boice. not trying to demean anyone, but a lot is still sore about yonghwa's wgm even if there's also a lot who supports jonghyun and seungyeon. just better make sure to get a second opinion on the trans or get them from one of our translators. :)

anyway, i don't think it warrants a longer discussion in this thread as it is an issue of another ship. though, for me, it just reiterates the point of cnblue being very accommodating and friendly to their hyungsoonims.

btw, this post http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=married&no=1042589&page=6 has the largest screencap of the postcard, if there's anyone interested. but, i think it's quite personal so they didn't ask jonghyun to read it out loud anymore.  

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After like over 20-25 times rewinding the episode..looking for every single clue and detail....phewww I'm dead!! There's so much dots we need to connect but they all come back to one single thing... LOVE

@luvtokki about the personal postcard/letter...yup we tried every possible way to get it visible, but I think this one time we have to let it slide since it is a very personal note not because she is the wife...but it goes way beyond it, that even WGM respect their privacy... and we should too... only the two of them know :wub:

I'm getting excited about Busan coz it holds so many unanswered questions. For the True Blue Brownies, keep on with your spazzing and continue to support them... to the haters, hope one day you will experience the love in your life, and this is what the feeling is all about... to JH's fans... let him be happy as person coz you have witnessed how positive and happier he is right now since it also reflects on his performance as an artist... it is his choice and SY's too to be together at the moment...like they said "Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person...to love somebody isn't just a strong feeling...it is a decision, a judgment and a promise" .... so as two consenting adults, they have chosen this path. :)

​I completely agree with you! Especially how we should respect that they want to keep the personal postcard private. To know that they want to keep something to themselves is more exciting to me.

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Is it anyone feel like me the way both of them hug are different. LOL :phew: I just feel like they're hug just so tied, and they don't clap their back for many time ( is it make sense? haha  xD ) , JH shake her head, smiling... aw, :w00t: :lol:

​For the second hug at the backstage of FNC kingdom concert, u can see SY's hand at JH's back... they hug tight and then hands flow down to his waist... kekeke ...

​ohhhhh... i guess i need to check that hug scenes  :):wub:

​yeah ... the feeling is different now... i think they are kissing already.. that why the feeling is so deep... awawawawaw..full of love .

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