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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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It's a hard life being Jongyeon... Everywhere they go, they're in enemy territory

First reprimanded and excommunicated by JH's closest comrades

Only to discover there's no solace to be found at home...

And now, enduring abuse even at their own wedding...

Fortunately, they'll always have a sanctuary -- in each other's arms...


Thanks to @moca_hanzel, @jly31 and Gong-E subs!


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Guest maystart

It's a hard life being Jongyeon... Everywhere they go, they're in enemy territory



First reprimanded and excommunicated by JH's closest comrades


Only to discover there's no solace to be found at home...



And now, enduring abuse even at their own wedding...


Fortunately, they'll always have a sanctuary -- in each other's arms...



Thanks to @moca_hanzel, @jly31 and Gong-E subs!

This is too funny!:lol:

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Thanks for the memories......

Well I hope all of you who reported @amastris are happy now that she got banned and not only can't  she post here she can't post anywhere without being approved first forever!  So much for no Brownie left behind that is unless you agree with everyone elses thoughts.  You know what I just don't understand is how some of you could have reported her when some of you have done the very same thing. Take a good look at the 1023 pages for yourselves and see when other newbies etc.. were attacked but no one pressed report!!  They just left!   In fact I have taken up for more than a few of them.  You know I thought Cancer was cruel!!!!  When I left school to come home and help a family business because my Dad has cancer who I more than adore!  I thought that was unfair why him???  I came here because I believed this thread was about Romance & Love of two amazing young people.  I believed we were family I am not angry I am way past that I am broken and hurt that this could have even happened.  Forgive me for being young!!!!  But my Dad says if your live in a glass house you don't throw stones!  Look in the mirror if your perfect than go ahead throw but take a close look. And be honest with yourself.....   Amastris & I may not have always agreed  but heck I don't agree with every thought someone has and when that happens I just don't  press like on something!  I just choose to move on but it still makes me think!! I was brought up to love the person even when their thoughts & ideas are different isn't that the point of a like button!    But I enjoyed that she was different and I have seen many of you like her posts more than once because she is a talented writer no one can deny that.  To take away her right to ever freely write again on Soompi that is heart breaking!  I was a lurker before I was a poster and boy was I full of it thinking it was better on this side.  Don't waste your time reporting me I am more than willing to leave on my own.  Thanks so much for teaching me that trying to show love for everyone means losing everyone in the end and that watching a show about love every week doesn't teach you tolerance or mercy. Also Amastris didn't ask me to write this in fact in alot of ways I to let her down.  But to be honest she wouldn't have wanted me to she was kind that way.  One day when looking back maybe  a few of you will remember that hurting a human heart who needed love too wasn't as important as a show.  Thanks to @gummypassenger & The Best Team for allowing me to escape and enjoy the best couple to ever grace WGM!  To my Ninjas we may not have always agreed but so thankful for traveling this road with you!  Soul you and I didn't agree but I love ya anyway and you & gong get yourselves back here!  Those of you who handle the newbies and ask them to take out pictures etc please remember what it was like when you were new!  It's not what you say but how you say it!  Because they get hurt.  @luvtokki for being an amazing person and allowing me to be your adopted daughter heartfelt thanks!!  Last but not at all least Newbies remember it's ok to make mistakes and have courage and follow this amazing couple and always follow your heart!  Love to all Brownies everywhere may God bless you where ever you are and your families too!  Continue to believe because if there ever was a couple who will make it past this show you have found it!  Enjoy your fairy moments because that's what dreams are made of........ I will always be a Bee :wub:

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Guest Idemandacookie

Thanks for the memories......

Well I hope all of you who reported @amastris are happy now that she got banned and not only can't  she post here she can't post anywhere without being approved first forever!  So much for no Brownie left behind that is unless you agree with everyone elses thoughts.  You know what I just don't understand is how some of you could have reported her when some of you have done the very same thing. Take a good look at the 1023 pages for yourselves and see when other newbies etc.. were attacked but no one pressed report!!  They just left!   In fact I have taken up for more than a few of them.  You know I thought Cancer was cruel!!!!  When I left school to come home and help a family business because my Dad has cancer who I more than adore!  I thought that was unfair why him???  I came here because I believed this thread was about Romance & Love of two amazing young people.  I believed we were family I am not angry I am way past that I am broken and hurt that this could have even happened.  Forgive me for being young!!!!  But my Dad says if your live in a glass house you don't throw stones!  Look in the mirror if your perfect than go ahead throw but take a close look. And be honest with yourself.....   Amastris & I may not have always agreed  but heck I don't agree with every thought someone has and when that happens I just don't  press like on something!  I just choose to move on but it still makes me think!! I was brought up to love the person even when their thoughts & ideas are different isn't that the point of a like button!    But I enjoyed that she was different and I have seen many of you like her posts more than once because she is a talented writer no one can deny that.  To take away her right to ever freely write again on Soompi that is heart breaking!  I was a lurker before I was a poster and boy was I full of it thinking it was better on this side.  Don't waste your time reporting me I am more than willing to leave on my own.  Thanks so much for teaching me that trying to show love for everyone means losing everyone in the end and that watching a show about love every week doesn't teach you tolerance or mercy. Also Amastris didn't ask me to write this in fact in alot of ways I to let her down.  But to be honest she wouldn't have wanted me to she was kind that way.  One day when looking back maybe  a few of you will remember that hurting a human heart who needed love too wasn't as important as a show.  Thanks to @gummypassenger & The Best Team for allowing me to escape and enjoy the best couple to ever grace WGM!  To my Ninjas we may not have always agreed but so thankful for traveling this road with you!  Soul you and I didn't agree but I love ya anyway and you & gong get yourselves back here!  Those of you who handle the newbies and ask them to take out pictures etc please remember what it was like when you were new!  It's not what you say but how you say it!  Because they get hurt.  @luvtokki for being an amazing person and allowing me to be your adopted daughter heartfelt thanks!!  Last but not at all least Newbies remember it's ok to make mistakes and have courage and follow this amazing couple and always follow your heart!  Love to all Brownies everywhere may God bless you where ever you are and your families too!  Continue to believe because if there ever was a couple who will make it past this show you have found it!  Enjoy your fairy moments because that's what dreams are made of........ I will always be a Bee :wub:

I'm one of those new users who came and left, I rarely post and I don't do it for two reasons. First of all, people like @happy2bhere post the things I want to say and write it much better than me so I don't feel the need to post myself, and secondly I really hate the negativity that has been on this thread for the last month.
While I don't agree on reporting and banning someone completely before a warning first,
@amastris attitude alone led to this so you can't blame anyone else for it. You can't blame people wanting to have a positive thread. There is a difference and big one, between having an opinion and having an opinion with a passive aggressive attitude which is what this person had. Every time someone disagreed with her she would reply with a bad attitude. Many times I liked her post but that was overshadowed by her negativity towards other users.
I'm disagreeing with you right now, but I don't have a passive aggressive attitude. I'm being respectful as everyone else should be.
Sure, people can have different opinions but is the way you explain those opinions what makes them acceptable or not, that's the difference.

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Bottomline: I come here STRICTLY to be happy :wub: :P :D... I can go on and live my everyday real life (of course with 50+ windows open on my laptop to check all my interests while I work...I'm an incredible multi-tasker ha, ha, ha)...but it's better to be light-hearted about life in a shipper thread....IMHO.  This is not even a delulu criteria either, it's common courtesy.

I don't come here to for any other reason than to escape through someone elses happiness and to chit chat about what we think we see :D. If you are not happy, I'll ignore you...period. Anger and bitterness has not place here because personally we are all bystanders and SY & JH are not us, we all have our own lives to lead :D 

Good actions get good consequences, bad actions get bad consequences. (Even taking it to JH & SY they have to watch what they do ALL the time because sometimes there is no going back). If something is unfair, I'd be upset... About the incident...I don't even know how to report someone, but as someone watching daily, I'm not surprised it happened. I'll miss the wise posts, but not the anger filled bitter rants that went on for pages (I'm just being honest here :D ) All done! :D 


About MS: What a surrogate mother-in-law LOL!!! She even hit JH, but he still had to confess afterwards that "She's pretty"!!! MS couldn't contain herself. I love how she gave them advice. If you think about it, this is the only time she can seriously tell them something like this and she used the opportunity because she may sense something real. I know she gave this advice to Taemin & Naeun in the very last episode because they both had major crush going on by the end. I like Misun so much! Glad this level headed lady is on the show!  

JH admitted to being nervous: This may even explain in last episode why he was off...he obviously wasn't a fan of seeing SY showing so much of herself, but he said he was really nervous! I'm so glad to read that! Male Pre-Wedding PMS ;) 

More gifs please...you people are amazing and I LOVE to look at them..it slows everything down and makes the moments more meaningful :D

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AHAHAHAHA! :D Fantastic catch! These 2 goofs. Here's whats even more amusing. Isn't The Notebook one of SY's favourite movies? ;) And her honeybee husband happens to respond a lot like the leading man in that. Oh SY...girlie, you're leading a storybook life...only difference here is we want a fairytale ending. Happily-ever-after style. :D :wub:

@safwana17_stv my mind is still reeling from that preview. Remember how he hugged her at the concert? He cradled her head a bit and caressed her hair a little. But it was still a bit hesitant as he was gauging whether she'd be ok with that. Here for reference... 


His hands, while doing that caressing motion, don't completely relax and just rest against her scalp. Its like he's being extra gentle to see if she's ok with it...and because she's delicate (he's said that before too...awww). But in the clip you linked from the preview, there's no hesitation at all. Its a full on hug, he's cradling her head (actually all of her) in his arms and his hand is caressing her head like she's his and he knows it. Plus, her burying her face in his chest...that is going to drive the point home for him too. :wub:

Oh and at the concert he leaned forward and down a lot more...in the preview clip he's "pulling her towards him and his chest." He's gone from "can I be this close to you?/will you let me" to "c'mere...you're mine and I want to hold you so close". /faints/:wub:


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Guest miaumou

If you didnt like @amastris posts, you could've just ignored her, you didn't have to report her.

I've noticed this often happens with shipper threads. First you're allowed to talk more freely and have actual conversations until the delulus take over and only spazzing is allowed... and from a lurker's pov those kinda posts are quite boring lol

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i agree with @LauMac816 can they have like a cover for that song... I've come to love the song "meet him among them" and if someone can post a cut of their duet i would appreciate it.

I'm here to be happy too!! 

so please can someone post a gif when they we're doing the photoshoot the almost kissing part where they suddenly looked at each other? pretty please....

PS:i'm rewatching the duet part now, don't you guys just love how they have progress, I wanna cry they feel so real!!!

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Guest panda101sf

i agree with @LauMac816 can they have like a cover for that song... I've come to love the song "meet him among them" and if someone can post a cut of their duet i would appreciate it.


Sorry to cut your post but seriously, I want that as well!!! How do we petition for a cover of their own for that song?? waaaaahhhhh!! I want that as well.. please?!?! 

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i agree with @LauMac816 can they have like a cover for that song... I've come to love the song "meet him among them" and if someone can post a cut of their duet i would appreciate it.

I'm here to be happy too!! 

so please can someone post a gif when they we're doing the photoshoot the almost kissing part where they suddenly looked at each other? pretty please....

PS:i'm rewatching the duet part now, don't you guys just love how they have progress, I wanna cry they feel so real!!!

Someone said they changed the wording??? (gosh, forgot how long ago that was). The original song was sad, but the words they changed it to were more romantic. If anything I think JH will take the song he is writing to her and make it into one he sings as his concerts...especially if it's more vague (but she can pick out moments in their time together that correlate with each thing). I'm curious to hear how he finishes his song :) .

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I really love this couple. Love the way she takes care of jh by wiping his face. They really match in real life, jh is the youngest and I believe he is used to be taken care of. The bride is the eldest in her family and is good of taking care of her siblings. I don't think they are acting. What we are watching are their real interactions. I noticed jh was holding her in his arms passionately and occasionally rub his head against hers while waiting for the others to do the entrance dance. As I am uncertain, I went to view Yong hwa last episode of we got married, I sincerely don't see all the natural flirtation.

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i agree with @LauMac816 can they have like a cover for that song... I've come to love the song "meet him among them" and if someone can post a cut of their duet i would appreciate it.

I'm here to be happy too!! 

so please can someone post a gif when they we're doing the photoshoot the almost kissing part where they suddenly looked at each other? pretty please....

PS:i'm rewatching the duet part now, don't you guys just love how they have progress, I wanna cry they feel so real!!!

Someone said they changed the wording??? (gosh, forgot how long ago that was). The original song was sad, but the words they changed it to were more romantic. If anything I think JH will take the song he is writing to her and make it into one he sings as his concerts...especially if it's more vague (but she can pick out moments in their time together that correlate with each thing). I'm curious to hear how he finishes his song :) .

well the song is a bit sad something about losing someone and then meeting them again, i'm not sure with the trans when they sang it..yeah i remember someone saying that they change the lyrics a little bit.well I hope they can do that, hehehe!! me too, can we just go to korea and just stalk them send them letter... can we send them letters? or gifts? 

@panda101sf-can we start praying now? i love their version.. it makes me want to ask my husband for a romantic vacation hehehe!!!


guys i was thinking last night while i'm busy stalking gong-e's facebook lol, to create a forum for them, ? what do you guys think? just so we can more space and things to do..or is there a forum for them already?

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Guest panda101sf

I'm happy to be here as well. (Your name @happy2bhere is just so fitting, haha! I love it!) And to feel the love, and to like Jongyeon and to spazz and.. and.. and.. and to be a cute, adorable, funny, crazy, delusional panda. (*cough*excuse my craziness*cough*)

I think I mentioned once how we can just either skipping posts we don't like or simply agree to disagree. My other thought on this, and this is not something particular to anybody, just a general rule I try to live by since I became more active in social media. We will all have different opinions and we are free to express ourselves. But remember, how we express ourselves should always be in a respectful manner. This is something we owe, not only to ourselves but to our audience, whether we know them or not. 

Now, you all will probably not agree with me on this, so if you don't, feel free to call me out but please be gentle with this panda. Or if not, please skip my post. I won't even know if you did. 

Now, let me be off to my delusional world!


i agree with @LauMac816 can they have like a cover for that song... I've come to love the song "meet him among them" and if someone can post a cut of their duet i would appreciate it.

I'm here to be happy too!! 

so please can someone post a gif when they we're doing the photoshoot the almost kissing part where they suddenly looked at each other? pretty please....

PS:i'm rewatching the duet part now, don't you guys just love how they have progress, I wanna cry they feel so real!!!

Someone said they changed the wording??? (gosh, forgot how long ago that was). The original song was sad, but the words they changed it to were more romantic. If anything I think JH will take the song he is writing to her and make it into one he sings as his concerts...especially if it's more vague (but she can pick out moments in their time together that correlate with each thing). I'm curious to hear how he finishes his song :) .

They did??? they changed the wording?? seriously?? wow!!! I mean.. wow!!

And I can't wait for JH's finished song. It'll be like listening to him confess to her, all over again. And it'll be like travelling back in time from when they first met to when they probably finally get together. Okay, now that was just my delusional mind. Excuse me again.. hahahaha!!.. :crazy::blink:

well the song is a bit sad something about losing someone and then meeting them again, i'm not sure with the trans when they sang it..yeah i remember someone saying that they change the lyrics a little bit.well I hope they can do that, hehehe!! me too, can we just go to korea and just stalk them send them letter... can we send them letters? or gifts? 

@panda101sf-can we start praying now? i love their version.. it makes me want to ask my husband for a romantic vacation hehehe!!!


guys i was thinking last night while i'm busy stalking gong-e's facebook lol, to create a forum for them, ? what do you guys think? just so we can more space and things to do..or is there a forum for them already?

@moca_hanzel - hahaha.. my eyes are now closed and hands are clasped together.. praying sincerely.. please please please.. can we have a cover of their own version of that song.. pretty please, with cherry and icing on top???

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