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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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i am sure there are other things that they do behind our backs/off cam. it's so obvious that they have their own little secrets that they two only know. notice how JY started to speak softly or whisper from time to time and he either wisphered something to SY during the baseball game that the mics were not able to catch. SY also closed in and you can see that it is a gesture that they are already used to doing, not just because the sorrounding/crowd is loud. or is it my delulu byeontae mind again? :crazy:

That bit when she told him the game was more fun because she was with him? And then he whispered something to her that we never heard. And her entire face crinkled up with a happy smile. :wub: I loved that! We don't know what he said but whatever it was SY loved it. Aww, these two. I love the idea of secret signals and inside jokes between them...

My guess when JH whispered to her was 'na do' means me too! SY was saying she had fun coz she went to the game with him. 

Yep, I guess that too (by seeing how JH's mouth move). And if you louder the volume, actually, you can hear his whisper.

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he did say na do "me too" guys i found i don't know if it's just a person or group who translates the vids i'll just the post the link of this facebook acct coz i know i'm not allowed to post the trans here. they also translated the comments of the panels.. so while we're waiting for the sub vids by our beloved B.E.S.T enjoy!!!



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Guest diechan

couldnt sleep. its 5:22am in Turkiye. thinking about my last comment and read your comments. lots of people in the world can think differently, everyone doesnt have to be same. but in here I am the only one that thinks differently. so I will be more silent from now on. I like reading comments, seeing photos of them. I want here to be peaceful. keep my thoughts to myself. If I make upset anyone, sorry for that.

I don't understand why people can't life in peace and happy. Come on Brownie, we all are sibling. We can't argue, disagree, agree or anything, but still we must respect for each other opinion. I love read all the comment even if sometimes it's different from what I think, It's never mind. This is the function of chat in forum. We change our each other mind, no matter what if it's same or different mind.

So I hope everybody can post their comment freely, and respect each other comment. If you like, just give likes quote. And if you dislike, respect it and move.

As a shipper we can feel happy, disappointed, sad or anything. But we must allied, why? because we must protect our King and Queen Bee right? :wub:. Remember Bee is a creature that always united, so please be united and show the love for each other.

Brownies keep hug :wub:

P.S : @n_s_23_23 please post your comment freely, don't be a silent Brownie. I'm waiting for your next post. Fighting :wub:

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Guest Angela66

I missed this forum for few days.. Not sure if sub eng of the latest EP from B.E.S.T team already released or not yet.

If released, can you guys send me that link? Thank you!!

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This was meant to be posted a few pages back.

So, about the fact that he hasn't said "I love you".. I mean ..The weight of those words are not something anyone can handle.

Kim Jong Kook from RM once said that He never tells the woman he dates I love you until he is completely sure he can take responsibility over it for the rest of his life. I believe most Alpha male lives by this code too. I grew up surrounded by men who never once spoke of these words..but instead they show them through actions. That is how I learn the true meaning behind those words. The way I see it, those words aren't something you should anticipate..Just trust his actions.. Maybe I'm wrong about this but that's just how I was raised up. My mom never complains because she feel loved even without being told those words.. 

Isn't that how men usually are? 

But in JH's case.. He kept relaying those words through his eyes most of the time.

And now, about the wedding.. 

I personally understand why JH behaved that way. Here, I just want to point out that this is the typical mindset of a conservative Asian. He grew up in the countryside. I'm not saying that's how they usually are, but most of them are really conservative, just look at how his family dresses up. 

Just because he's friends with AOA and that cheerleader doesn't mean he likes the way they dresses. And he also stared at them to tease SY. You can clearly see his intention.

SY is as possessive as JH.  

 The "ang " in OM. That was clearly his job, so I don't see why that was a problem. But hey, they're both entitled to it.

JH not wanting to show the world her belly button. Let's say, he didn't say a word about it, and it bugs him through out the entire game. That's what we call a failure of communication. These are preferences. Most westerners won't care about this but that's not the case with Asians(again.majority). I personally am possessive myself but I don't think JH went anywhere near too much.

If this was scripted , then JH wouldn't have been that clueless. That's his personality. It's not something you can change easily. He showed the world his imperfection, and I find that admirable . Instead of faking HIS personality, he just don't give a Damn.

SY for me has always been hard to read. One moment , she gives off this mature vibe and the next she's like a little girl. I don't know what's going through her head..She always carefully manage her thoughts and I respect that a lot..

WGM will always be a love-hate relationship for me, because  I love that I get to see how people fall for each other, but I hate that they record two people at their most vulnerable moments. You can't control everything that happens around you. Why are we judging every detail of someone 's life when our own life isn't perfect either . 

My reminder for all the Brownies.

Imperfection is Perfection. 

We just need to enjoy the moment.

It will never come back.










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Hi Brownies,

I'm new on this thread! It was so much fun reading your posts and comments on Jongyeon :)  

Would just like to share gifs of Jongyeon and more can be found here on my blog

Some of my favourite moments of this week's esp 



Love how they naturally held hands as well~ 

tumblr_nrf1w8bZwP1suaw8oo5_400.gif tumblr_nrf1w8bZwP1suaw8oo6_400.gif

@beezee Sorry to disturb but the gif that you have just posted belongs to me, Could you please credit the next time if you were to use it again? Some fan accounts have been using it from the forum and they didn't credit it, so i would appreciate if you could credit it properly. Thank you!! 

It's alright to use the gifs, but please credit if you're using it! Thank you very much!! 

Can't wait for more of the wedding scenes this week ^^ 


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WGM will always be a love-hate relationship for me, because  I love that I get to see how people fall for each other, but I hate that they record two people at their most vulnerable moments. You can't control everything that happens around you. Why are we judging every detail of someone 's life when our own life isn't perfect either . 


Precisely. And this is why even though my shipper heart wishes it could see and swoon over their first confessions and kisses, its technically terribly unfair to them. Anything on camera is going to be a lot more hesitant and thought out than if the cameras weren't there. Its like in Busan where it was clear as day that JH wanted to kiss her on multiple occasions but held back because the of the cameras in the faces and because all of this being on tv was like having countless prying eyes during a very intimate moment. While my heart sank each time he held back I understood why he did it. You'd want those moments to be private, right?

I know there will be things that happen that make me wish one of them had said or done things differently. But the flaws do make them who they are. And what I'm thinking about right now is that all these little issues and hiccups only prove all the more that JH's feelings for SY are pretty darn real...and strong. If this were an act he wouldn't be reacting this way. It would just be acting in a scripted show with yet another girl and not feeling he has to comment on her or her attire because she isn't dear to his heart...but this girl is. Very very dear. And so, the honey bee husband comments. Bless. The more I think of it the more I feel for him and how awkward this must be for both of them on camera. They are still outdoing the other pairs by light years though...

@syafovereem its always great when you and the other gents in the thread contribute your views coz we girls are actually given JH's pov on things. :) 

@Lyricalstars I love your tumblr and am always squeeing over your new posts after episodes air. So great to see you here. :)

@LynnNash I love the thought of him having said "me too" in her ear.:wub: I was in a rush to go to a meeting earlier and couldn't even respond to your comment. 

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Guest lexx94_stv

Hi guys! Here's part 14 of my Jongyeon FMV series!:)

This time it's uploaded on Vimeo since both YT and DM blocked it because of the lengthy dialogues again I suppose. They're getting really good at blocking vids nowadays but still I want to share my work with all of you so here^_^ (Just follow the link in the description box) 

And also part 15 is coming up. It's the sweetest FMV I've ever done so far so stay tuned! Thanks for the support! BEC Fighting!:wub::wub::wub:

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Guest exbizzit

OK, I've watched the raw and the English trans on KSHOWONLINE and read some of your comments here.

My feeling is .... SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!                   

SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!                   

OK, I've watched the raw and the English trans on KSHOWONLINE and read some of your comments here.

My feeling is .... SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!                   

OK, I've watched the raw and the English trans on KSHOWONLINE and read some of your comments here.

My feeling is .... SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!                   

OK, I've watched the raw and the English trans on KSHOWONLINE and read some of your comments here.

My feeling is .... SY was awesome....JH was clueless, again and again.

First, we need to put this all into context.   The baseball game was about a week after Busan, and the wedding was an entire month after Busan.   But for us, it seems like Busan happened last week.  So I think we are expecting their closeness and being comfortable with each other to continue in a steady rise.   Actually, it starts and stops.  They see each other for filming and maybe spend the entire day together.  Then other than IG and maybe texting or phone calls they probably have no face-to-face time for weeks.  Unless, of course, they are seeing each other outside of filming WGM (which is a no-no but I think it happens anyways!).

For the baseball game SY actually practiced  throwing the ball.  This is another reason I love her.  She is not athletic.  I doubt she has ever played baseball in her life, but here she is on her own time throwing a baseball until she gets it right.  This is why she will go far in life, because she realizes practice and hard work create a good outcome.  I've seen SNSD girls and other girl idols do this first pitch thing and they couldn't even get it halfway to the plate.  Our Seungyeon got it all the way to the catcher behind the plate.  Yes, JH practiced swinging a bat, but the amount of effort doing that compared to throwing the first pitch is pretty small, and a lot less stressful.

JH did a good job trying to calm her down before the pitch, and you can see that she considers him her rock.  He also did a good job protecting her and holding her during the whole ceremony and telling her she did a good job afterward.   But.....

In the ride to the stadium, why would he tell her he knew one of the cheerleaders and she was a good friend?  Clueless.

Even after she asked him to only look at her at the game, he still ogles the cheerleaders.  Clueless.

He offers her food once, then gobbles up the rest.  he could have had some cute times feeding her, but no.  Clueless.

Promises her a kiss after she awesomely wins the beer drinking contest, then backs out of it.  It didn't have to be on the lips, he could have done it on the cheek to at least reciprocate her cheek kiss from Busan, but instead asks her when she wants it.  He had so many chances!   When she fell into his arms coming up the steps would have been PERFECT.   Clueless.

Makes a big deal over a little tiny sliver of her belly showing under her shirt for a few seconds.  I know a lot of women think this is chivalrous and gallant, but I find it too controlling.  Really, he's spent under 10 days with her in total, he thinks he can control how she dresses?   This may work when they are together for WGM, but what about the other 28 days of the month?  She is a young, pretty, vivacious young woman who dresses her age.  She is not a nun.   She is going to be doing CFs, photo shoots, dramas where she will be expected to show some skin.   She is the one who is wearing the clothes, she is comfortable with it, he should just sit back and enjoy the scenery.  She is so cute and pretty and looks good in anything, no matter what she wears she is going to have men looking at her.  he is going to have to just get used to it and be happy that she is with him and there for him only.   If that's not enough, he is going to have a tough road ahead!  Clueless.

But, SY being the easy-going person she is doesn't let these things bother her and they both seemed to have a normal, enjoyable date at the ball park.  Watching them doing the cheers together was really cute.  they looked like a normal couple having a date. 

And again, with that sweet, sexy wedding dress.  She was hot!  But the first thing out of his mouth was a complaint?  No, "Whoa, you really look good in that dress!"?   Then he covers her up, like she should be ashamed of the way she looks?  I know the women will hate me, because y'all think this is sweet and chivalrous and protective, but to me it is him being too controlling and not appreciative of the sweet and sexy girl he has sitting next to him!   He finally does say she is pretty after he puts the wreath on her head, but she's heard that so many times.  He really needs to acknowledge the fact that she is a young, lively woman with a sexy body.  And there is really not much he can do about that! Clueless.

He does show her Jingoo's message, but was he burning up because she watched Jingoo's message so intently?   This guy is 18 years old.  Does JH really think SY has a 'thing' for him?  She probably saw him in "Moon Embracing the Sun" and thought he was cute and a good actor.  She just wants to meet him.   She's not going to run off with him.  You know, jealousy has 2 sides.  In one side it shows a person cares about the other person.  On the other side it shows the person being jealous is not confident in his/her ability to hold on to his/her partner.  In SY's case I can understand her lack of confidence.  In JH's case, I cannot.  He is cool and handsome and talented and pretty rich.  He should be overflowing in confidence that he can keep this girl interested in him.  This overbearing jealousy is getting tiresome. Clueless.

I don't know, maybe this is all played up by WGM to show conflict or to increase the variety in their relationship.  I hope that's the case.  But in this episode I score SY - 3 (good pitch, won beer drinking and rocked a sexy wedding dress) and JH - 0.

And, and, did I see him flub the date when they first met again?  It's on the couple bracelet, keychain and embroidered on the shirt he's wearing.   It's the code to get in his couple house.  Really?   This is a bad pattern of behavior.   JH needs to step up his game.   He was not up to his sweet and attentive self in this episode. 

All my opinion, of course!   I could be dead wrong with all of this - but I call 'em as I see 'em!    


I am one of this couple fans, really enjoy them, and happendly really into them.

reading this forum, wake me that so many out there who also attached to their 'romance'.

These week have been dissapointed many shippers, mostly towards JH.

You pointed that out roughly and right from the side of SY, 

SY is really (extremely) different, compare to others female who was in WGM. ( I watch WGM since the first episode of season 1, containt 4 couple.

She is genuine and not really aware of his beauty, but mostly she is very open about his feeling, slowly but she developed her feeling very well, trough her cuteness, she is more like opened book to read easily and what we read through her act, her look, her react, is she is the one who adores JY, her husband, she is very into him, and its developed in every episode till now. And we feel sad compare to what we expect from JY. 

I've analysed (lol) in fact, what you've seen is what you've got! WGM full of editing, the unseen episodes was released due to some reason of course. They filming is about a day or more, but just ended up on screen 21mnt.

Jump to episode that seemed disappointed, but I'am a little disappointed to JY, since the busan trip, SY said her feeling, freely, not even hesitate, #husband, I love you# I already fell for you#kiss him#and even dare to win the contest openly said, she want her husband kiss her# compare to other female WGM, she is the one, who really like being touchy by her husband and enjoy it.

Off screen  interview she stated, ' I am married woman now, who married woman can date?. show us that she took it seriously, pointed her husband 10/10.

SY is totally whole package! the dressed that her husband seemed unacceptable, for me is the sign from her to her husband ( the baseball part, JY seems like to see cheersleader) that she had the package! But SY seemed not to confident that she can capture JY mind, and she did everything to gained his attention, despite all words to her, she seemed need to developed their romance. The others hand JY seemed really hesitate in term of developed their romance, he seemed much of consider so many things, and mostly he is the one that leading by SY. I would not use clueless, every man! wont clueless in term of love. I didn't see any clueless of JY! He really into her, he the one who captured by SY, after SY say I love U, you could see his expression, his eyes, his overwhelming by his feeling n don't want any cameramen capture it, he is unconfident toward himself , most of his words express his true feeling, but he is the type that hardly say I love u, you noticed he kept call SY honey, in very intimate, comfortable way, even when he talked about cheerleader friend, he seemed really want SY to know him. Men who fell will try to let their women know them, in a good and in a bad, its kinda test to see if this woman really can see him the way he is, n still fall, his expression during match, show it all, he is lack of confident toward SY and SY is lack of confident too, but we take SY side, since we are the woman, when he express, does SY really want to marry JG, it really came from his mind, SY dress, made him thinking, that SY dress that way, also to captured other male ( this really out of WGM) made him more uncomfortable since in real life, SY can do that. So he is man that lack of confident, due to how pretty SY is. And he is trying too keep it secretly, so the audience would probably buy that n think that he is just clueless and jealous. 

He see it clearly that SY fell for him, but he asked more since he himself can not tell it for show or for real, they are communicate, i believe they switch number, ( if they can grab other phone freely) IG is just the show. The problem is JY the type that doing it secretly ( he touched her during car scene) so he aware of the presence of the cameramen team and bunch of production team. 

He touch SY comfortably in front of the member, his family, he seemed holding everyting to not too obvious, but the proposed thing is when he cant holding a little second and kiss SY head, you can feel its really a kiss, for woman who capture his mind.  

I can see clearly in the stadium, in the pitch time, after SY win contest, or when SY get jealous, or when he asked are you cold, he fell for her but try to adjust it to camera. Not by his words but his expression. Men that falling in love will have lack of confident! 

The questions is, how long it going to last>>> love need big effort.  



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Guest Hellofanfics

Hi hi! I used to be a silent lurker and here I am shipping^^ :wub: I also think that romantic moments should be private :)

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