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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Guest kimmmm1234

6/18 The Star (http://thestar.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2015/06/17/2015061702321.html?gallery)


(Interview) GSY “ I came out of nowhere? In reality, it was a opportunity after many tries”


It is unexpected for new actress GSY to be part of MBC’s WGM.  This was because up till then, GSY was a little known and even unfamiliar face. Having started her virtual marriage with Idol Group CN Blue’s LJH with worry, her appearance has now sparked the audiences’ curiosity, and earned their warm support. Just like that the many people shared their first impressions of GSY through WGM.


While being part of WGM, GSY was also part of Temptation’s Director Pan’s hyped piece “I heard it through the grapevine” (IHITTG) where she had the role of an aspiring announcer, while bringing to life her role she had also gained a lot more recognition. Being part of both well-talked about variety program and TV drama, inevitably misunderstandings arose. With regards to this, GSY says, “ people may possibly think that one day I just dropped from the sky, since I appear not only in IHITTG, but also in WGM. In reality, I had actually failed up to a hundred auditions, and prepared hard to be where I am now. Towards those misunderstandings, it’s upsetting”. She gave a smile while explaining.


If one just looks at the result and not the process, it is possible to come that conclusion. But GSY had auditioned for all the currently airing broadcasts, running around for the auditions. To have the opportunity to be part of HITTG, rather than saying it was unexpected, she had only wanted to present herself as she was and was unable to express all she wanted to say, she took out that letter she had prepared.


“HITTG is a piece that gave me a lot of opportunities. I heard that upcoming piece, Six Flying Dragon’s Director Shim liked to watch HITTG, so he said to Director Pan, ‘I want to meet that person’, and so I was able to audition for it. It was fascinating. Also, I heard my calligraphy (懲毖錄) is left untouched in the KBS office. I was thinking, although I did not make it through the audition, will he still remember me?” GSY was explaining while recalling events a while back.


For a newbie to be part of a variety program there were a lot of extreme resentments, even to be a fixed cast it can be said that it was a blessing. With regards to discovering GSY the WGM PD Sun explained, “she gave off very natural vibes just like a female college student and possessed a mysterious charm” and so she was selected. Director Ahn also said that, “because she is not like the 20-somethings nowadays but very easy going and kind so I chose her”. They both agree on her charms. The GSY that the editors interviewed was natural while possessing a unique charm, a rising star to look out for in the future. GSY’s star potential was first discovered as early as 10 years ago. 


10 years ago, when SY was in elementary school grade 6 she was approached by SM entertainment while on the road. Having been selected for the first place in “SM’s best competition” as “best visual”, she had spent 7 years in the trainee program where she learnt the basics of singing, dancing, performance, and also languages, broadcasting, rapping and modeling through various lessons, and pursued her dream. Her name had appeared repeatedly in the fan created list of girl group names expected to debut, this was also degree of expectations that people had for her.


There were also people who debuted in girl groups, and carried out their idol activities and (drama) performing simultaneously, when asked if she couldn't have done it that way, and if she regrets or has mixed feelings leaving a big entertainment company and their wide resources and connections are questions she hears often, but GSY responds with a “I no longer have any infatuations with being a singer” revealing her unwavering beliefs.


“ In the past I thought maybe I could debut with Red Velvet’s Seulgi and other friends whom I trained with, but now I think that it’s even better for my development that I did not join them. Personally I completely have no infatuations with being a singer. I am happy that my friends in Red Velvet are doing well.”


Another fact to note is that GSY’s youngest sister Jung Yeon are fast becoming a pair of sisters that draws attention in the entertainment industry. Jung Yeon is now part of JYP’s survival program to select the next girl group, “Sixteen”. Having a completely different charm from her sister, she is earning a lot of attention for being a girl crush. They both moved from their home in Suwon to live in Seoul, and GSY revealed, “This week we saw ‘Sixteen’ together, because her friend was eliminated my sister cried. I was also very upset”, expressing feelings of regret.


Even though it is such, she is relieved with Jung Yeon’s popularity, and says that she is “really thankful” despite the frequent movement between groups and starts to be proud about her sister. “Because Jung Yeon was really worried for me, she told me not to watch. But rather than being worried, because every one is really good to her I am really happy about it. Actually we did not expect that she would top the polls. Through the program I first came to see Jung Yeon’s leadership potential. At home she really is the maknae with a lot of aegyo”.


Rather judging too soon, GSY is a newbie that can be excited for and expected. When “Seo Neori/GSY” nameplate for her position appeared at the first script reading for HITTG, I had the thought “I finally found this drama” and found it fascinating. When transiting to become an actor, she had changed her surname from her real name Yoo Seung Yeon to Gong Seung Yeon, for her stage name. This was because she wanted to put aside her past experiences and its tendency to temporarily stir up a topic, and her belief to focus on her ability and give it a shot. 


She will stand under camera lights once again through the upcoming drama expected for first broadcast in October, Six Flying Dragons as Lee Bang Won’s wife, to play the character of Empress Yuan, and this is a recognition of her real ability. “ Because I am playing a character that actually existed before, so I am currently studying history. The tone for a saeguk is hard to grasp so I am worrying about that. I will also present a side that I have not presented so far, so please be expectant for that”.


Even though HITTG has come to an end, and although she had a small role but continually showed her potential, when is the next time we can be excited for her? She wants to be “an actor with rich inner character, an actor with good acting as someone who is able to share her unique fragrance”. We hope that GSY will be able to realize her wish soon. 


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Guest Hickk


I dont think i can wait that long. Haha. My hormones are raging on their behalf. 

lol.... I also want to see they kiss..... just see if Jh brave enough... :D if on next 2 episodes they kissed, I am sure he would get tease on his FM at Japan August 1+2....

I saw a twitter that the audience at the FM booed JH by him just mentioning a variety show... it will be wise for him not to bring it up during the FM...

I just hope might be Japanese fans will be different with Korean fans :D when they were shooting, JH directly said 'she is my wife' to the fans....

I read on his IG post by a fan @rosevalcuse that they read the full transcript of  his Seoul FM, and JH is "in tune with us about that rotten show... good".. anyone knows how to get that transcript ? Poor guy.. he got "bash" ? Or had to obliged his fans by siding their view ...

Doesn't seem like it? From reading you guys' posts, it seems JH said 'please don't talk about WGM, I don't want to get teased', then haters think he said that because he hates WGM? Let's not even talk about the warped logic in that.

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Guest parvasrlee04

It's been a while tho...

I havent update IG SAGA!!!!! OMG!!!!! I FORGOT!!!!!!!!

How's everyone doing anyway........

I heard that so many new member here..welcome welcome...

I watched latest sub-279 and I cant wait for B.E.S.T too!! ---

Anyway ---uri SeungYeon-ie is ready to have a kiss rite...lets hope we can see it next week

I'll be back to updating IG SAGA soon enuf...

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I believe we'll see a kiss soon in a more appropriate setting... and when it happenes I guess we'll be happy he did it just the way he did. He prepared well for the proposal... Why should he fail the kiss he always dreamed of? I have faith that this is not going to happen:)


i agreed. even though im soo desperately waiting every episode when "the kiss' will happen, now i patiently wait the right moment for their 1st kiss. i bet JH will prepare the 'precious' 1st kiss moment romantically. something that they will never forget. and we (brownies) never forget! 

im glad they don't kiss or get kiss cam during the baseball game.. bcoz the 1st kiss should be meaningful for them. not just lips touching in between confusion (like on ceci magz). 

so brownies, let's wait the right moment.. "a kiss he always dreamt of from his childhood?" maybe... hihihi 

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Guest happybrownie


I dont think i can wait that long. Haha. My hormones are raging on their behalf. 

lol.... I also want to see they kiss..... just see if Jh brave enough... :D if on next 2 episodes they kissed, I am sure he would get tease on his FM at Japan August 1+2....

I saw a twitter that the audience at the FM booed JH by him just mentioning a variety show... it will be wise for him not to bring it up during the FM...

Lol, I did not attend the fan meeting but I like to know if all his fans were unhappy with his WGM participation or was it just a few fans during this fan meeting? We have no idea what is the percentage of his fans from this meeting is from the total of his fan base. Ok, I'll let FNC worry about this. 


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just remember his 10 quotes which he posted on June 1st, IG.... :D it was good quotes... I hope I can find the translation but tired scrolling :D  

no.10 :  If the purpose of life is happiness, laughter is the key that opens the door of happiness.

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cr: Burning Soul tumblr


[Trans] Lee JongHyun @cnbluegt shares wisdom saying that gives him strength to live with happiness: https://instagram.com/p/3WUvhDFnza/@cnbluegt:1. 후회하기 싫으면 그렇게 살지 말고,그렇게 살것이면 후회하지 마라. 2. 내 안에 빛이있으면 스스로 빛나는 법이다. 3. 네가 모든 사람들을 사랑할수 없듯이, 모든 사람들이 너를 사랑할 수도 없다. 4. 사랑을 하는 것은 용기지만, 사랑을 받는 것은 능력이다. 5. 역경을 피하여 도망친 곳에 낙원이란 없다. 6. 너는 죽고 싶은 것이 아니라, 그렇게 살기 싫은 것이다.7. 내가 세상에 태어났을 때에 나만 울고 세상의 모든 사람들이 미소를 짓고, 내가 세상과 이별할 때 나만 미소를 짓고 세상의 모든 사람들이 슬퍼하는 삶을 살아라. 8. 상상할수가 없는 꿈을 꾸고 있다면 상상할수가 없는 노력을 해라. 9. 자신을 미워하는 것은 불행의 시작이고, 자신을 사랑하는 것은 평생의 행복을 시작하는 것이다. 10.인생의 목적이 행복이라면,웃음은 행복의 문을 열어주는 열쇠이다. 하루에 한번만 봐도 큰힘이 될거에요^^Trans:If you hate regrets then don’t live that way, if you live that way then don’t regret.If I have light (ability)inside me,I can shine brightly on my own. (Literally “if I have light/ray inside myself,light will shine itself) If you can’t love everyone, then don’t expect everyone to love youYou need courage to love something, and you need ability to receive love.If you runaway from hard times and avoid it, there will be no happiness in your life.You didn’t really want to die, you just didn’t want to live this wayWhen I was born, I  was crying and everyone else was smiling. Live my life so at the end, I am  the one who is smiling and everyone else is cryingIf you have dreams that you can’t imagine achieve it, then achieve it with your unbelievable ability.If you hate yourself then that’s the beginning of your suffering life. If you love yourself then that’s the beginning of your happy life.If your ultimate life goal is to be happy, smiling is the key to open the door of happiness. Reading this once a day gives me strength^^Translated by @keroroshenyi

[Trans] Lee JongHyun @cnbluegt shares wisdom saying that gives him strength to live with happiness: https://instagram.com/p/3WUvhDFnza/


1. 후회하기 싫으면 그렇게 살지 말고,그렇게 살것이면 후회하지 마라. 
2. 내 안에 빛이있으면 스스로 빛나는 법이다. 
3. 네가 모든 사람들을 사랑할수 없듯이, 모든 사람들이 너를 사랑할 수도 없다. 
4. 사랑을 하는 것은 용기지만, 사랑을 받는 것은 능력이다. 
5. 역경을 피하여 도망친 곳에 낙원이란 없다. 
6. 너는 죽고 싶은 것이 아니라, 그렇게 살기 싫은 것이다.
7. 내가 세상에 태어났을 때에 나만 울고 세상의 모든 사람들이 미소를 짓고, 내가 세상과 이별할 때 나만 미소를 짓고 세상의 모든 사람들이 슬퍼하는 삶을 살아라. 
8. 상상할수가 없는 꿈을 꾸고 있다면 상상할수가 없는 노력을 해라. 
9. 자신을 미워하는 것은 불행의 시작이고, 자신을 사랑하는 것은 평생의 행복을 시작하는 것이다. 
10.인생의 목적이 행복이라면,웃음은 행복의 문을 열어주는 열쇠이다. 하루에 한번만 봐도 큰힘이 될거에요^^


  1. If you hate regrets then don’t live that way, if you live that way then don’t regret.
  2. If I have light (ability)inside me,I can shine brightly on my own. (Literally “if I have light/ray inside myself,light will shine itself) 
  3. If you can’t love everyone, then don’t expect everyone to love you
  4. You need courage to love something, and you need ability to receive love.
  5. If you runaway from hard times and avoid it, there will be no happiness in your life.
  6. You didn’t really want to die, you just didn’t want to live this way
  7. When I was born, I  was crying and everyone else was smiling. Live my life so at the end, I am  the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying
  8. If you have dreams that you can’t imagine achieve it, then achieve it with your unbelievable ability.
  9. If you hate yourself then that’s the beginning of your suffering life. If you love yourself then that’s the beginning of your happy life.
  10. If your ultimate life goal is to be happy, smiling is the key to open the door of happiness. 

Reading this once a day gives me strength^^

Translated by @keroroshenyi

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Guest lexx94_stv

So effortlessly natural. Love this gif! :wub:


Me too! JH looked like a little boy watching the game and eating while SY naturally takes care of him. They are so cute!:wub:

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Guest Rowina


G: hello! BNT worlds!  It's nice to meet you. I'm Gong Seungyeon! ^^

G: I just finished photo shooting with  BNT.

G:First of all, with  very nice staff and the background was so good...so I think that photo shots might be awesome!

of course, we can check when it comes out, though.

but I think that the result would be good ;)

and I haven't had this style so....does it fit on me? I feel little strange ^^


G:anyway...! Recently...I'm preparing  drama " six flying dragons" it's historical drama so I should be well prepared. the shooting for the drama will begin soon!

I will play a role" Min da gyoung" in Drama and I will meet you as "Min da gyoung"  next time.

I will try to do my best to be a good actress Gong seungyeon. Thank you.


translation from : http://blog.naver.com/gomseungyeon/220419022629


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So funny SY that she make it really hard to win in that beer contest so that she will received her kiss reward fr her pabo husband haha..but in end she got nothing..haha 

SY bri: hes so clueless.he shouldve done it w/out me knowing..

            Hes great at inpromptu!but why cant he do it at that time....

Better luck next tym Sungyeon nah...jonghyun is waiting for the ryt timming..be patient time will come!

En ur not alone, we brownies are craving for that moment to happen too:wub::P

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So funny SY that she make it really hard to win in that beer contest so that she will received her kiss reward fr her pabo husband haha..but in end she got nothing..haha 

SY bri: hes so clueless.he shouldve done it w/out me knowing..

            Hes great at inpromptu!but why cant he do it at that time....

Better luck next tym Sungyeon nah...jonghyun is waiting for the ryt timming..be patient time will come!

En ur not alone, we brownies are craving for that moment to happen.:wub::P


I have not watched the subbed video yet. In this case, is SY talking about getting a kiss on the cheeks from the hubby or lips? Popo or kiss? Cause even though SY can be bold she is still quite shy about certain things.

If JH is that clueless and he only knew she wanted a kiss in this BRI by watching it this week.... well we have to at least month to see anythint happpening. Unless.... it has already happpened. 

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I'm sorry I can't figure out how to quote anymore at soompi.

@happy2bhere you mentioned the baseball player scene and that scene was what really made me happy as a guy. The baseball player wasn't flirting at all in my view and was really impressed because SY throws a baseball really good. Then like a shipper after JH taps a hit the baseball player says quit dating you two. But before that comment he teased JH about his stance and bottom and JH's laughter and facial expressions seemed to me like he and the baseball player knew each other as friends. 

(LOL...took me a while to understand how to quote too! From a laptop just click the "quote" button and it puts it in the comment box. If you want to quote multiple posts click the plus sign and it "collects" them until you click the quote button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen :) 

I didn't think he was flirting...I think he was smitten / charmed by her skills and then he teased JH by being more blunt in how he talked to him. The MC was saying how it sounded so much different than the player was talking to SY :D Agree, they all seemed to know he was joking ...but wondered if it bothered JH...he seemed awfully sensitive this episode.

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Guest orchidbee02

Someone on Kshowonline's disqus mentioned this part about the way SY looks at JH. And I have to agree, this was one of my favourite scenes everrrrrrr in this ep. The way she looks at him simply spells the lyrics, you can really tell how she really feels that "All of this, is a miracle" indeed. :wub:original.jpg

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Guest callmejandoe

Someone on Kshowonline's disqus mentioned this part about the way SY looks at JH. And I have to agree, this was one of my favourite scenes everrrrrrr in this ep. The way she looks at him simply spells the lyrics, you can really tell how she really feels that "All of this, is a miracle" indeed. :wub:

Guhhhh girl, you said it. I totally noted that glance too and almost died from ache- that glance pretty much spelled EVERYTHING she feels about him. It's ironic that he's often said to be the honest one cos it's her who's actually like an open book - very transparent and this particular gaze, ooooof it's so sweet but also worrying (my rational/RL mind can't help but wonder and ask, is she gonna get her heart broken? *holds her hands tightly as moral support*)

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