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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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It is almost 4 am in the morning where I live and the last episode + Ceci preview still keep me awake.

Seriously, if this is still acting they deserve an Oscar already! I even doubt that they could look any cuter together if they were to appear on a drama as a couple. Their reactions just seem to be so very natural on WGM.:wub:

Btw, I find it funny how JH surprised SY with the haunted closet (which he kind of already told her beforehand), but then she created the real surprise: dinner with daddy.

His face was priceless. I'm sure he didn't think he would meet her dad (at least not this early). However, I think what he expected even less was for her to pull off such a prank. He really looked like he had no clue at all until the very end.xD

Half of me was lying under the table when I watched this because I was laughung so hard (while not understanding more than a few words). Even my cat looked at me like I was some kind of a strange person. :ph34r:

I guess this playful side of SY is also what draws JH in. He always pays full attention to her to be able to read her mind. Still, she usually manages to somehow impress him with an unexpected reaction/new side to her.

I believe MH is right by saying "He found his match". I couldn't imagine somone more compatible to JH and I think it's the same for SY. They just shine whenever they are together.

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I think a li'l push and pull w/in a relationship isn't bad at all. heck it is childish but were all children at heart. So I think it's good for any relationship, specially a romantic one. Just my 2 cent though. 


I love all of JH's reaction And damn! @amastris all I read in your post 10 or so pages back were orgasm and foreplay. LOOOOOL. I bet JH is having a tough time. xD

​Oops.....  I was trying to say FOODgasm... hahahaha.....  I don't know how else to refer to what these two were doing on the bed.  To me it's classic couple foreplay.... and I'm surprised that JH opted to pin her up against the cable car instead of on the bed because, that kind of goofing around on a bed usually leads to that sort of thing, if you get my drift...

BTW-- I'm glad you reminded me of this because I wanted to put out a GENERAL question to ALL the CNBlue fans, Boice, or Burning Souls lurking around this site: 

--- From your experience and footage you've seen of Jong Hyun, was his reaction to Seung Yeon appa's food normal?  Is that how he usually react when he's enjoying his food or do you think it was exaggerated? I'm very curious about this. ----

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Guest gingerschnaps

regarding IG, here is my take.  I only followed JH every since WGM, and the guy doesnt go around liking pics often, actually mostly SY's pics.  Even with his band mate, I dont see him liking or commenting, it was SY who was an exception.  Actually when Yonghwa first started his IG, JH followed a wrong account lol

I dont think JH is much that into IG thinggy  unless posting pics and pretty much it.  On the opposite, SY seems to go around liking and commenting, so it isnt unsual of her to like JH;s pics

Whether they are doing a mildang or not, maybe but doing a mildang on SNS, it is kinda childish lol

let's see

@hihi_hehe , your post just made my day. No words needed, the message is clear. :) 

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Guest gingerschnaps

regarding IG, here is my take.  I only followed JH every since WGM, and the guy doesnt go around liking pics often, actually mostly SY's pics.  Even with his band mate, I dont see him liking or commenting, it was SY who was an exception.  Actually when Yonghwa first started his IG, JH followed a wrong account lol

I dont think JH is much that into IG thinggy  unless posting pics and pretty much it.  On the opposite, SY seems to go around liking and commenting, so it isnt unsual of her to like JH;s pics

Whether they are doing a mildang or not, maybe but doing a mildang on SNS, it is kinda childish lol

let's see

@hihi_hehe ; your post just made my day. No words needed, the message is clear. :)  

Sorry for double post, soompi is acting up on me.

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so,i want to ask you.....where, when did i say to you what to do or not in this thread  ?


you said dont refer to solim cp n i agree, but i never tell to stop talking


i m solim shipper n i enjoy wacthing jungyeon n hewon too, i read this thread frm the first page n posted abt SY


so i know exactly what had been talked here 


i do hope fellow brownies kindly let me posting here abt this kind of matter


bcos a misunderstanding could lead to unknown condition, i dont want it happen...





 If people had already said "let's not talk about it", then I wonder why you felt the need to say anything further after the topic had been moved on from 10 pages backs?  You're more than okay to post here.  You can tell us all: "...dont refer to solim means dont mention them anymore right ? i should say i LOVE ur idea."

I will also continue to point out that you are causing the misunderstanding.  You trying to point out [she gave him biker shoes too on his birthday ​hello...so eun did give couple perfume for jr on their honeymoonwasn't even a valid point to the conversation you say you've read from the FIRST PAGE.  


Let me ask you:  Was Jae Rim the FIRST person to give a Couple Item?  ...THAT WAS THE POINT...  It wasn't to make any more point than FIRST to BUY.  That's all.  It wasn't to say anything more or less than that.  


At the time this came up the Brownies, who were waiting for the last episode, were curious about the couple bracelet and who gave it, SY or JH.  The conversations direction that included bringing up another couple was merely to DEBATE on whether it was BETTER to have the GUY give it first OR the GIRL give it first. So whether any OTHER items were provided have nothing to lend to this DEBATE, because it isn't about the FIRST BOUGHT ITEM.  So, you making it about other things is causing the misunderstanding.


You can continue to post whatever you want about this and say whatever you want about this.... and I will continue to point out that in reality, the conversation started in a favorable light towards Solim Couple....  at least for those Brownies who believe that the GUY should be the 1st to BUY the COUPLE ITEM.  For those who think it should be the GIRL, well that's their difference of opinion and I'm more than FINE with them having it and expressing it here.


Now we have all pretty much moved on since, AFTER THE EPISODE, we learned **TO ALL OUR DELIGHT** that she wasn't the FIRST, they BOTH WERE THE FIRST.  He gave SY a COUPLE GUITAR.... and she gave JH a COUPLE BRACELET...  ....so the point behind this conversation doesn't even have any further meaning.....


but.... again....  I'm going to continue to point out what the REAL reason for the conversation is about.... and if I want to mention another couple in similar context... Unless it doesn't meet with SOOMPI's "rules", I will continue to say the things I think are relevant to this BECouple Forum site


​oh my god, how come it turns like this

i reply it not bcos i feel offended,but i feel i m being misunderstood. 

i asked my hubby whether my post is telling anyone what to do, he n i share the same answer : i am never telling anyone what to do, but if u dont refer to solim means dont mention it, i apreciate it. it s a different thing.

if u feel that i m telling what anyone to do here,i firmly say I DONT ! 

this looooong post happened bcos we have different way reading my post.

sincerily from my heart,i just stated my preference, i have no intention TO TELL u to do this or that. what for ? 

one thing, i wanna make it clear :

i said what se have gave to jr bcos , a brownis (sorry i forgot ur name) said se didnt give jr for return. i just tell the fact that she gave it. just that.it JUST ABOUT the thing that she gave him. not about who gave the first.

my post have no corelation wth ur discussion about the giver. i simply answer a brownis post.

if u think its abt the giver. i dont. i conclude once again. its misunderstanding.

if someone says wrong FACT abt ur couple, dont u want u to clear it? 

but if someone says their opinion abt my couple, thats everybodys right,

the example is : on wgm thread, whatever they said about solim, i never reply it.

i m trying my best explaining what i mean in my earlier post.


thank u







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Translation ( from chinese subs)

Unseen massage scene

SY brought some pain relief patches and wanted to put them on for JH after his hard work painting the house. 

JH: where do you want to put in on?
SY: where are you aching?
JH: everywhere

(JH showing her where he wants the patch placed)

SY: can you loosen your shirt abit?
(JH unbuttons his shirt a little)
JH: since the last time, it seems like I have to remove my shirt frequently (dont really know what he is referring to...)

SY: it (the patch) seems a bit big
(JH flinched since it probably stings abit)
JH: Thank you (After SY finished applying the patch)

SY: do you want a massage?
(when receiving the massage)
JH: I really married a good wife

SY: Oppa, why do you only wear shirt when you come over?
JH: why? why?
SY: oh... no, it's nothing
JH: what are you trying to say?
SY: no it's nothing..
JH: why does it seem like I know what you are trying to say?

JH: I can tell that she probably like seeing me wearing shirts. Looks like I have to wear shirts more often.

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After watching the raw clips many times, I can see why SY is attracted to JH. Her dad seems relatively tall and have wide shoulders, and presents himself in a calm manner. All characteristics that JH has too. 

I was a bit unsure about the haunted room in the house. I think I would have continued to beat up JH if I was SY! I guess JH had scored enough brownie points so far to have that looked over. I am so looking forward to the subs. Understanding what they say makes such a huge difference.


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Guest missklutz

Anyone knows where to watch Chinese subbed version of our couple? Can't wait for the English one! Monday seems too far away right now! I probably can translate cuz I can translate Chinese to eng way better than Korean to English. 

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Anyone knows where to watch Chinese subbed version of our couple? Can't wait for the English one! Monday seems too far away right now! I probably can translate cuz I can translate Chinese to eng way better than Korean to English. 



unseen footage: ​http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pmtyt_百度宣言夫妇吧-150509-ep09-未公开影像中字_fun



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Translation ( from chinese subs)

Unseen massage scene

SY brought some pain relief patches and wanted to put them on for JH after his hard work painting the house. 

JH: where do you want to put in on?
SY: where are you aching?
JH: everywhere

(JH showing her where he wants the patch placed)

SY: can you loosen your shirt abit?
(JH unbuttons his shirt a little)
JH: since the last time, it seems like I have to remove my shirt frequently (dont really know what he is referring to...)

SY: it (the patch) seems a bit big
(JH flinched since it probably stings abit)
JH: Thank you (After SY finished applying the patch)

SY: do you want a massage?
(when receiving the massage)
JH: I really married a good wife

SY: Oppa, why do you only wear shirt when you come over?
JH: why? why?
SY: oh... no, it's nothing
JH: what are you trying to say?
SY: no it's nothing..
JH: why does it seem like I know what you are trying to say?

JH: I can tell that she probably like seeing me wearing shirts. Looks like I have to wear shirts more often.

​I think she means dress shirts and without a t-shirt underneath.  Most guys will wear a t-shirt underneath because it's see through.  That was her problem with it.  She can see his body through the shirt while she's massage him and it's turning her on. hahahaha.....

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I think a li'l push and pull w/in a relationship isn't bad at all. heck it is childish but were all children at heart. So I think it's good for any relationship, specially a romantic one. Just my 2 cent though. 


I love all of JH's reaction And damn! @amastris all I read in your post 10 or so pages back were orgasm and foreplay. LOOOOOL. I bet JH is having a tough time. xD

​Oops.....  I was trying to say FOODgasm... hahahaha.....  I don't know how else to refer to what these two were doing on the bed.  To me it's classic couple foreplay.... and I'm surprised that JH opted to pin her up against the cable car instead of on the bed because, that kind of goofing around on a bed usually leads to that sort of thing, if you get my drift...

BTW-- I'm glad you reminded me of this because I wanted to put out a GENERAL question to ALL the CNBlue fans, Boice, or Burning Souls lurking around this site: 

--- From your experience and footage you've seen of Jong Hyun, was his reaction to Seung Yeon appa's food normal?  Is that how he usually react when he's enjoying his food or do you think it was exaggerated? I'm very curious about this. ----

​I am not an expert but I noticed two things about JH and food.
Firstly: When he likes it he tends to eat it very quickly and a lot, at least that's what I have seen so far. And I think I've seen him make a "I feel like I am in heaven" - face before. It could be because he knows how it feels like to only have rice every week back from his trainee days.

Secondly: Since JH did a lot of judo and I grew up with the sport as well I want to add something that stood out to me:
I started the sport when I was six (even though it's not really a girls sport; my dad introduced me and my brother followed as well) and because of it I grew up with a lot of guy friends.
They all eat very quickly! When we went on training camps they would finish their food asap before anyone could steal something from their plates. I didn't notice I took on this habit until someone asked me at uni (I am 25 now) why I always eat this fast. I later went home thinking about it and when my fiancé and I sat down to have dinner (he is a Judoka himself) I finally realised where I got it from. Since I kind of spend my whole childhood with friends and family from my judo club and later even picked a boyfriend out of this crowd I subcontiously started finishing food quickly too. It is not really healthy though that's why I am trying to eat slowly now.

However, watching JH gives me a funny feeling. I wonder why he is always eating so quickly. Is it also his upbringing or could it really even be a Judoka thingy? o.O

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@mellynarifqi. Thanks for sharing and correcting me. I have stopped watching Solim after a few episodes so I did not know SE gave him presents later on. You are right, if someone wrote someone incorrect about our couple, I would want to provide the right information. 

It is good to hear everyone's point of view. However, because we are unable to hear the intonation it is easy to misinterpret the message. 

Anyway, we brownies are nice and reasonable. So please if you wish to, continue to join us spazzing over this couple. We are all here to celebrate the brown eye couple's relationship and not to argue over other things.

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After watching the raw clips many times, I can see why SY is attracted to JH. Her dad seems relatively tall and have wide shoulders, and presents himself in a calm manner. All characteristics that JH has too. 

I was a bit unsure about the haunted room in the house. I think I would have continued to beat up JH if I was SY! I guess JH had scored enough brownie points so far to have that looked over. I am so looking forward to the subs. Understanding what they say makes such a huge difference.


​Well, to be fair, she did know he doesn't like oysters and she still made him eat them.  So....  They've both had to deal with particular things they aren't fond of around them.

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Guest ayvah

For those who are asking, this is the last ig saga by jh.


sy did not post anything for 4 days after this. Something happened in everland date. They held hands even offcam. Haha hope it's really offcam. :D

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Guest hihi_hehe

anyone remembers when JH posted of that pic when he said he was sick? I think he said norris virus (?) it may be due to the oysters he ate that is why he was so worried about the chicken feet 

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Guest ayvah

About the haunted room, in a way it was too much. My gosh, it would be difficult getting used to having it in the house. But I think jh loves to be beaten up by sy. Thus, the haunted room.

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@IAmSoulReader, that is an interesting point you brought up. It probably is the case. I wonder if he even notices that.


​Well he said he was a picky eater due to growing up alone at some point. That's why I wondered if the quick eating was caused by his preference for judo. However, it's all just guessing. ¬¬:)

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Guest HopeyPlanter

Hello! One more time 'cause I didn't see this May preview posted here yet.  Dailymotion

​Sorry chinggu.. you are sooo late.. we already knew and post it on old soompi forum thread.... hehehee.. no offense my friend..

the preview already aired last week even before ep 8 of our couple aired..

​hahahahaha!  Oops! I thought I'd seen everything and I was shocked! Blerg! :/ 


Hello! One more time 'cause I didn't see this May preview posted here yet. 


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