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[OFFICIAL THREAD 1] Lee Jonghyun ♡ Gong Seungyeon [House Of Brownies]


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Feeling proud coz his acting improving a lot than last time ~~! Well done 

Cant wait to watch this drama . Just two days from now on . On his birthday :) Well i hope Seungyeon did wish something to him :wub:

​Am I petty saying, "I'm actually kinda sad to hear this fact....." ?????  lol......

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I have done this before for other couples but I was hesitant to doing with this couple.  I didn’t want to come across as giving a concrete statement about the BECouple.  I’m glad I waited to this moment because I feel now that Brownies could take this information with the “grain of salt” I provide with it and make this DISCLAIMER before posting:

An person who reads the stars and makes statements regarding a person’s “fate” is doing a disservice if they do not, beforehand, note that one’s life plays out based on a multitude of inter-related factors; 1 being genetics, then starting from where the universal alignment was at the moment of birth, family upbringing, all the worldly environmental and human contact from birth to your present time, all your life’s experiences, and the choices you made throughout based on all the previous things impact on you.  You are an accumulation of all of it.

With that said, many find it beneficial to understand the talents/flaw set at the moment you are born so that you can better understand how to focus on enhancing or overcoming them in your lifetime.  It’s with this “FEELING” that I would like to share what I have found about our couple as it relates to the stars.

I will post them in segments, noting that this is their REAL chart, and you can take them for what face value they provide to you:

Communication Style:

**Good communication, the ability to face challenges as a team, and a sound understanding of one another’s goals and ambitions are the gifts this aspect brings to your union. When problems arise they are likely to be resolved easily. Domestic harmony and the security of knowing you always have an ally close at hand make this a marvelous aspect to have in your chart. (X2)

**Strong communication and a genuine concern for the spiritual health of each other make this an ideal aspect for almost any kind of relationship.  Even when focused on the silliest of things your conversations are very engaging for both of you.  Sharing ideas, hopes, and dreams is likely to lead to moments of profound self-discovery and growth as individuals and as a couple.

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BECouple compatibility chart continued:

The Stars That May Have Brought Them Together:


**This aspect often indicates a relationship built upon the ambitions of either one or both the people involved.  You’re likely to share many of the same interests and goals, which can make this combination seem “charmed,” but the fact is there may not be any influences to actually foster friendship or romance.  For this aspect to indicate anything genuine it must be in a very favorable chart overall. 


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Guest b8l8

​Am I petty saying, "I'm actually kinda sad to hear this fact....." ?????  lol......

​lol! it's ok, took him several takes!!! 

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Guest rainmoon

​O... Thanks for sharing the articles. SY and her sister are so cute when they were young. :P Wish I have a sister that cute. LOL I have a brother. O_O"

SY and JY's sister bond must be really good. LOL

I don't have a sister either, but you can totally see the bond and love for each other ... ❤ ❤ ❤

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BECouple compatibility chart continued:

Work Relationship:

** This is a marvelous aspect for couples with a shared adventurous spirit, but it isn’t one that promotes stability.  Under this influence life can be one wild, exciting ride.  A lust for the unusual is likely to develop. While this influence can promote romance, it will be in a less traditional structure.  Traditional romances and relationships may be difficult to maintain under this aspect.

**As a couple you have a penchant for turning dreams and goals into realities.  You both enjoy friendly competition and intellectual challenges.  The mental stimulus this aspect suggests will ensure your relationship remains lively over the long term.

** With positively supporting aspects this combination will produce friendly competitiveness that can spur on personal accomplishments.  You’ll enjoy a steady stream of mental stimulation as well.  When placed with aspects that do not support this influence well, constant sparring, arguing, and an unhealthy desire to outdo the other can emerge.

**This aspect suggests a strong ability to work together towards common goals.  It especially favors couples whose work requires a substantial amount of creativity.  Although your individual talents may be prodigious, as a team you are a more powerful force.  This aspect gives you the ability to raise each other’s energy levels to new heights and create an atmosphere in which all things seem and may be possible.

**This is a wonderful aspect for any type of relationship.  Harmony and the ability to work well as a team are cornerstones of this aspect.  Generosity, benevolence, optimism are fostered by this combination.  Romance aside, this aspect indicates the development of a great friendship.  You really enjoy each other’s company! Long term relationships are favored by this aspect.

**this aspect will bring the spirit of giving and general goodwill to your relationship.  You understand each other very well, and are confident that your trust in one another is justified.  While this aspect doesn’t provide a boost to the romance side of a relationship, it certainly helps create a solid foundation on which romance can bloom.

**this influence indicates couples whose lifestyle is very much like a dynamo.  You are truly action oriented and enjoy facing challenges together.  You should make excellent partners in any endeavor.  Your optimism is contagious and spurs each of you to go further than the goals you originally set.  Cooperation is excellent as well.  While competition between you may exist, it is lighthearted and good natured.  This is an excellent aspect for all types of relationships.

**This intellectually lively aspect indicates a very positive and rare melding of the ability to think both logically and creatively.  As a team you should be able to turn imaginative ideas into solid realities.  Because thinking is disciplined, you will rarely chase pipedreams when pursuing goals and dreams.  Responsibilities are likely to be distributed fairly and based on who is most adept at what.  There may be some competition between you two, but it will be lighthearted, unthreatening and likely to spark you to take things to heights beyond your expectations.  While this influence is not a romantic indicator, it is a very positive combination for relationships of all kinds, and especially favorable to very ambitious couples.

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​Thankyou :) Boice and Burning Soul should know him better , I'm maybe not Jonghyun's fanatic fan coz im more to Yonghwa , But CNBLUE is part of my life , I have no choice but to learn everything bout them including Jonghyun . Hahah 

​@Aereen95 I kinda like Minhyuk first, but then I realized that I love the four of them! haha.. They have their own individual qualities. If you happen to watch CNBlue interviews and reality shows, Jonghyun is really an honest person, what you see is what you get. In general, the boys are really kind and honest, that's why I realized that they are being paired up to nice and beautiful ladies too, Yonghwa and Seohyun, now Jonghyun and Seung Yeon. :D

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BECouple compatibility chart continued:

The Negative:

**Generally successful relationships are not fostered by this aspect.  Conflicts are likely to be numerous and stem from a core difference in beliefs.  Egos are easily bruised which may cause an endless string of fiery disputes.  Because each of you are always looking to be attacked by the other just being yourself can be a problem.  Your bond to one another may feel more like a yoke than a pleasure.

**This aspect doesn’t favor relationships of any kind.  Power struggles are likely to be a constant result of this influence and make cooperation impossible.  The willingness to compromise may be nonexistent.  This combination creates so much friction that marriages under this influence are often marked by an endless string of fights which end in divorce.

[Please note, that I'm providing the whole of their chart and there maybe various things that this couple do not agree on that are important to each of them and which compromising won't be possible.  We haven't come across those aspects... unless you consider haunted houses & oysters to be it. Whether it's "compromising" for the cameras or not, it's hard to say.  Remember that you have to read the chart as a whole. From what I see, on a "FRIENDSHIP" level, they have more positive aspects going for their relationship than negative.  Many times you'll find dueling aspects.  But isn't this what the "purpose" of life is all about? There will always be obstacles and challenges to overcome.  In actuality, whether they can do so is wholly up to each of them, and it honestly doesn't even matter what the chart says, the choice is their's and their's alone.] 

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BECouple compatibility chart continued:


**This combination can put the spark in almost any relationship! A zest for life, playfulness, and a shared desire to explore and grow as individuals as well as a couple make this aspect a true gem.  Since this aspect promotes creative thinking and the pursuit of new experiences your life together should rarely if ever suffer periods of stagnation.  This combination is a true blessing to those in a long term romantic relationship.

**While this influence does not suggest a strong sexual or romantic connection it does indicate very positive, effective communication.  You’re both very comfortable conversing about any topic with the other.  You two really love to talk to each other!

**Strong romantic connection can be triggered by this combination.  Your emotions are very much in sync and act as a spark to ignite each other’s passion.  The influence of this aspect springs from your affective selves.  Logic has very little to do with your bond.  The arts are likely to provide you with many areas of shared interests.

**While there may be a potent sexual attraction under this influence, an emotional connection may be slight or entirely missing.  Generally this aspect is about sex and little else.  When this combination appears in a very romantically favorable chart it can be a boon, but for most long term relationships it causes problems.  Jealousy, possessiveness, and a struggle for dominance may expend much of your relationship’s energies.  The sexual attraction caused by this influence is likely to fade rather quickly as well.

**Sexual and romantic attraction is likely to be strong under this influence.  You have the ability to keep each other well balanced and away from extremes in behavior that may prove detrimental.  This is an energy packed aspect that should help keep things interesting over the long term.

**While this aspect does suggest a strong, immediate attraction it doesn’t signify a relationship that will be long lasting.  Generally this combination indicates a powerful initial magnetism based upon the more unusual aspects of your personalities, but it is likely this attraction will fade quickly because you do not share enough core values to maintain a strong bond over time.

**It is likely there is a strong sexual attraction in your relationship.  Your relationship should be lively and full of excitement and adventure.  This influence allows you to be all you can be as individuals as well.  You love to see one another do well as an individual, and you both love to succeed as a couple as well.  Competition between you two may exist, but it is friendly, fun, and unthreatening.  Socially you are likely to have a large set of mutual friends who add fun to your relationship, too.


[Last point:  aspects that show up in different areas multiple times have more influence on the couple's compatibility than others.  ....and again, what the couple actually chooses to do is the end result...  So, take it all with a grain of salt.... as for me....  I see many aspects of their chart in their interactions. I think that's very cool.]

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Guest b8l8

@amatris i am agree with you, something is happened on fnc meeting  or at the concert, last pic that he liked was that "i am a fan of..." and she tagged him....

That day was their date in everland theme park. ....them the silent from jh on her ig....

What' s happened? 

Its not necessary a bad thing....but i think we all agree that the fact he doesn't like her pic anymore is weird seen tjat he is the one who started fir first this ig interaction. ...

Hope we can understand this situation better with the pass of days. ...

Sorry for my sucks english 

​Something might've happened but it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's all speculation and i too have a lot of scenarios running through my mind. But here's how i put my worries to rest. What was the motivation for the likes? throughout the time i followed them on ig, i have not seen him like other posts until recently [somebody confirm this pls].  If you remember way back in Japan, he asked for the travel book to help him get through the time they are apart. He has a pic of her in his wallet, you seldom see them apart on any of the episodes. Even when  SY was putting on lipstick and told him to stay in bed he stood up and went closer to her . We've heard that JH is not the type to care about his IG, so the likes are not fan service.  i think [my personal assumption] he's been liking SY's posts before because he was wooing her. It was a way to let her know that he's genuinely interested in what's going on in her life outside of wgm. So why did it stop?  if they're not dating for real by this time or since that time they were spotted holding hands off filming, then they would've at least established other forms of communication. texts? FaceTime? line chats? hehehehe If you think about it, there are other posters here who used to post a lot but you don't see them as much here anymore or they've been posting less but then when you go somewhere else, you see them chatting up a storm!!! kekeke right?

just because JH has stopped liking doesn't necessarily mean something bad has happened. the only bad thing is that we're not privy to it and can't spazz about it anymore!!!


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I'm curious if we seen any pictures of SY or JH wearing their couple bracelet outside of WGM? Not to stir anything up, but this thread is moving so fast, I don't know if I might have just missed it! :)

MAg5mfi.jpg 7CCc6yz.jpg kAqy3hZ.jpg

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I'm curious if we seen any pictures of SY or JH wearing their couple bracelet outside of WGM? Not to stir anything up, but this thread is moving so fast, I don't know if I might have just missed it! :)

​If I recall correctly the only other time was SY on one of her insta pics.

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